Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of
Sarjana Sastra


Registration Number: 2121220008



Situmorang, Klara M. 2121220008. A study of Rhetorical Style in the

headline news of the daily Kompas. A Thesis. Faculty of Language and Arts,
State University of Medan, 2016.

This study deals with the types of rhetorical style in the headline news of the daily
kompas has two objectives. It was to find out the types of rhetorical style in the
headline news of the daily Kompas, and to describe the rhetorical style occurred
in the headline news. This research used descriptive qualitative research. The data
were taken from the sentences in the headline news of the daily Kompas which
published in February and March 2016. There were eight types of rhetorical style
in the Headline News of the daily kompas namely, Asyndenton (4%), Ellipsis
(7%), Euphemism (22%), Litotes (2%), Prolepsis or Anticipation (6%), Erostesis
or Rhetorical Question (6%), Hyperbole (16%), and Oxymoron (36%). It was find
that the oxymoron use contradictory terms to inform the readers and to show the
exaggeration of the truth on order to make something appear greater.

: rhetoric, style



First of all the writer would like thank to the Almighty God for the blessing
and praises. The writer has finally completed this thesis. This thesis was aimed to
fulfill one of the requirements for the degre of Sarjana Sastra of English
Department, Faculty of Language and Arts, State University of Medan.
During the process of writing, the writer realizes that she cannot accomplish
this thesis without God’s blessing and supporting many people, therefore the
writer would like to express her sincere gratitude to :

Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, MPd., the Rector of State University of Medan


Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Languages and Arts, State
University of Medan


Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English and Literature
Departement .


Syamsul Bahri, S.S., M.Hum., the Head of English Literature Program
and the examiner.


Immanuel P Ginting, S.S., M.Hum., her first Thesis Advisor for great
guidance, and advices during the process of accomplishing this thesis.


Nora Ronita Dewi, S.Pd., M.Hum., her second Thesis Advisor for great
care, guidance during the process of accomplishing this thesis.


Dra. Meisuri, M.A. as the Thesis Reviewer for great advices during the
process of accomplishing this thesis.


Eis Sri Wahyuni, M.Pd., the Admimistration Staff of English Department
for helping the writer in preparing the files for the purposes of this thesis.



Her beloved parents Hilmar Situmorang and Sabar Br Barus for always
supporting and care.


Her beloved brothers Marlundu Situmorang, Putra Situmorang and
Agus Prando Situmorang for always supporting.


Her beloved PKK and KTB in PETRA Small Group (Bg Radius, Bg
Hasian, Kak Feny, Wira Manalu, and Putri Sembiring)


Her beloved Friends from Pengurus UKMKP (Inra, Isrin, Hariaty,
Novia, Riando, Lasro), and her beloved friends Pengurus UKMKP UP
FBS 2014 and 2016 (kak Evi, kak Lea, Kak Ira, Kak Ria, Kak Vera,
Kak Lisbet, Maria Betty, Rika, Rita, Wantika, Janwar, Wemmy,
Giovani, Kak Lewi, kak Pesta) and all her beloved friends from


Her beloved AKK (Lydia, Irene, Sonya, Priscila, Metesha, Michael,
Intan and Leni)


Her friends, Angggen, Shindy, Gatot,Edo, Hendro.


All her beloved friends of English Literature A and B 2012.
Thank you for all their support in helping the writer and finishing her

September 2016

The Writer,

Maria Klara Situmorang
Reg No. 2121220008



ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................................................iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................................... iv
LIST OF TABLE ................................................................................................................... vii
LIST OF APPENDICES ......................................................................................................viii

CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................... 1
A. The Background of the Study ....................................................................... 1
B. The Problem of the Study.............................................................................. 5
C. The Object of the Study ................................................................................ 5
D. The Scope of the Study ................................................................................. 5
E. The Significance of the Study ....................................................................... 6

CHAPTER II : REVIEW OF LITERATURE ............................................................................ 7
A. Theoretical Framework ........................................................................................ 7
1. Rhetoric.............................................................................................................. 7
2. Style .................................................................................................................... 9
3. Rhetorical Style ............................................................................................. 11

a. Alliteration ....................................................................................... 11
b. Assonance ........................................................................................ 11
c. Anastrophe ....................................................................................... 12
d. Apophasis ......................................................................................... 12
e. Apostrophe ....................................................................................... 13


f. Asyndeton ......................................................................................... 13
g. Polysyndeton .................................................................................... 14
h. Chiasmus .......................................................................................... 14
i. Ellipsis .............................................................................................. 15
j. Euphemism ....................................................................................... 16
k. Litotes .............................................................................................. 16
l. Hysteron Proteron ............................................................................. 17
m. Pleonasm and Tautology................................................................. 17
n. Pheriphrasis ...................................................................................... 18
o. Prolepsis or Anticipation.................................................................. 18
p. Erotesis or Rhetorical Question ....................................................... 18
q. Syllepsis and Zeugma ...................................................................... 19

r. Correctio or Epanorthosis ................................................................. 19
s. Hyperbola ......................................................................................... 20
t. Paradoks ............................................................................................ 21
u. Oxymoron ........................................................................................ 21
4. News ................................................................................................................. 22
5. Mass Media ...................................................................................................... 23
6. The Ethic of Journalism .................................................................................. 23
7. Newspaper ........................................................................................................ 24
8. Headline ............................................................................................................ 26
B. Relevant Study..................................................................................................... 27
C. Conceptual Framework ...................................................................................... 30

CHAPTER III : RESEARCH METHOD............................................................................ 31
A. Research Design .......................................................................................... 31
B. The Source of Data ...................................................................................... 32

C. The Technique of Collecting Data ............................................................. 32
D. The Technique of Analyzing Data .............................................................. 32

CHAPTER IV : DATA AND DATA ANALYSIS............................................................... 33
A. Data ............................................................................................................. 33
B. Data Analysis .............................................................................................. 34
C.Discussion .................................................................................................... 48

CHAPTER V : CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION....................................................... 49
A. Conclusion ................................................................................................. 49
B. Suggestion ................................................................................................... 50
REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................... 51
APPENDIX A ......................................................................................................................... 52
APPENDIX B ......................................................................................................................... 60



Table 4.1 The Numbers of the Types of Rhetorical Strategy.................................................. 48



APPENDIX A ......................................................................................................................... 52
APPENDIX B ......................................................................................................................... 60



A. The Background of Study
Language has many meanings in everyday usage. Language is a media to
express the feeling, idea, knowledge, emotion. Society will not happen without
existence of language. Language as the connector of the interaction of human’s
activity. Human life is concerned with language in a practical way to show their
desire. Therefore, language has many functions; one of them is to giving
information, it can be by oral or written.
This function has role to share information to the audience or readers to
understand about all of the events in context. Communication is needed by the
human being to delivery all the information around the world. The language is just
a way to do it. There are a lot of device to giving information, such as mass
Mass media is a diversified collection of media technologies that reach a
large audience via mass communication. Print media transmit information via
physical objects, such as books, comics, magazines, newspapers, or pamphlets. In
the newspaper, it is as a media to giving information and persuade the readers by
giving a lot of information and by the choosing of the words and the style of the
language itself
Rhetorical Style promotes a renewed appreciation of the persuasive
potential by demonstrating how language choices argue. It combines advice about



effective style from the rhetorical tradition with insights from stylistics and
discourse analysis to provide a full spectrum of methods for text analysis. Using
examples from political speeches, nonfiction works, and newspaper reports, it
emphasizes the continuing relevance of rhetorical principles of stylistic analysis
and their usefulness in understanding effective arguments.
News are packaged information about current events which is happen
somewhere else; or, alternatively, it is one of the industry sells. Common topic for
news reports include war, politics and business, as well as athletic contest, quirky
or unusual events, and the doings of celebrities.
Rhetoric as the art of using language could be applied some aspects of
human life. Rhetoric is applicable in daily conversations, it is not only focus on
spoken language but also in written language or a text. Headline news in a
newspaper as a media of rhetorical to persuade and attract the intention of the
readers to read the news in the newspaper and understand the meaning of the
headline news itself and to establish a code of behavior between the writers and
audience, and keep the readers informed about the topics discussed or the themes
presented. One of the headline news which applied rhetoric is headline news on
Kompas is Indonesian national newspaper published by Kompas Gramedia,
it has been exsist since June 28, 1965. Kompas also manages an online portal
KOMPAS.com, which contains update news and the digital version of the paper.
However this study will analyze how does the Headline news on Kompas can


affect the readers persuasively by referred to the actual text itself, the content of a
word and sentences and how it was organized by using style of the sentences.
There were some research on rhetoric. For example, Munthe (2014)
analyzed the rhetorical logos strategy by using the style which consists of 21
rhetorical. Some of those kinds of rhetorical style have the similarity with the
writer research in this study. And the aimed of her study to analyze how Mario
teguh can persuade the readers well. The most dominant type here is Satire. The
purpose of utterances was to fix and critisize human corruption. By using satire
style was the one way of Mario Teguh to persuade the audience well and make
sure them about his sentences. While the writer aimed to show the kind of
rhetorical style in the research, and how it applied in the headline news in Kompas
by using the theory of the expert.
Moreover,Gen (2012) used 22 rhetorical style. The purpose of her study,
to contribute English proverbs being concise, and memorizable which keeps
among the folks from generation to generation. And as the non native speakers,
those rhetoric techniques in proverbs is surely to improve their oral and written
skills in English.
From the explanation above, rhetorical style is important to learn, speciall
in the newspaper how to produce news to attract the attention of the readers, and
the writer will analyze the Rhetorical style in the Headline News of the daily


The followings are examples of rhetorical style as the preliminary data to
the text after reading the newspaper base to the theory of some the expert.
1. Apakah Mereka Akan Terhenti Oleh Bergulirnya Zaman atau Bertahan
Hingga Seribu Tahun Lagi ?
This headline use Erotesis or Rhetorical Question style. The way applied
shows affirmative proposition stated in the form of a question to which the answer
in obvious. This sentence implies an answer but does not give or lead us to except
2. Hanya Bisa Bawa Pakaian…..
This Headline use Ellipsis style. The way the style applied shows indicates an
intentional omission of a sentence from a text without altering its original
meaning. This sentence have the omission sentence, but still have the original
3. Kota Tua di Nusantara Menatap Masa Depan Dengan Gagah.
This headline use Hyperbole style. The way applied shows a fitting
exaggeration of the truth on order to make something appear greater than it is.
Make the point that the writer found that city have bright dreams like a human.

4. Semangat dan Kerja Keras Saja Tidak Cukup….
This Headline use Ellipsis style. The way the style applied shows indicates
an intentional omission of a sentence from a text without altering its original
meaning. This sentence have the omission sentence, but still have the original


B. The Problem of the Study
In relation to the background of the study, the problems of the study were
stated as follows :
1. What kinds of rhetorical styles are applied in the Headline News of the daily
2. How rhetorical styles are applied in the headline news of the daily kompas?

C. The Objective of the Study
With reference to the problem, the objectives of the study were identified as
1. To find out the types of rhetorical style that used in the headline news of the
daily Kompas.
2. To describe the types of rhetorical style that used in the headline news of the
daily Kompas.

D. The Scope of the Study
This scope of this study was focused on the rhetorical representation
namely style by dealing with the theory of Keraf that used in the headline news.
The headline news are taken from Kompas and focus about Social headline news,
which is published in February and March 2016.


E. The Significance of the Study
The findings of this research were expected to be useful for:
1. Theoretically: the findings can be applied in order to improve readers ability
effectively. The findings are expected to be used as evidence that rhetorical
representation the specifically by the art of rhetoric which focus of the style in
writing effectively and also in public speaking.
2. Practically: the findings are relevant and useful or those readers especially the
students of English Department to those in term of having more information
and competence about rhetoric, and to be reference for further study who want
investigate rhetoric representation by using style.

A. Conclusion
After analyzing the types of rhetorical style in the Headline News of the
daily Kompas, conclusions can be drawn as follows:
1. There are eight types of rhetorical style in the Headline News of the
daily Kompas namely, Asyndenton, Ellipsis, Euphemism, Litotes, Prolepsis or
Anticipation, Erotesis or Rhetorical Question, Hyperbole and Oxymoron.
However there is one kind of rhetorical style that only have one data. It is Litotes.
2. This is to show Headline News in variety of context have contradictory
terms to take the attention of the readers, and some Headline News use
appropriate sentence with the good purpose refers to taboo topics in a polite way,
and some to show the exaggeration of the truth on order to make something
appear greater not only in the content of the Headline News but also in title, it
used to take the attention of the readers to reading the Headline News in
B. Suggestions
In relation the conclusion suggestions are staged as the following
1. The students who learned Speaking, Reading, and Writing subjects need to
comprehend this rhetorical, so that they can improve their ability in Speaking,
Reading, making poems and writing effectively and interesting.



2. For students who are going to join Speech contest or Debating contest could
apply this style, by applying this style their arguments will be more effective and



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