






Submitted to the English Department Faculty of Language and Arts UNIMED in partial fulfillment of the Requirement for

the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan



Registration Number. 2101121011








First and the foremost, the writer would like to express her deepest gratitude to Jesus Christ for His blessing, health and opportunity which has enabled her to complete this thesis. This thesis has been written in fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan of the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.

Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si., Rector of State University of Medan.

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Languages and Arts Faculty. Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English Department and

Dra. Meisuri, M.A., the Secretary of English department.

Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed., the Head of English Education Study Program.

Drs. Willem Saragih, Dipl. Appl., M.Pd., her Thesis Consultant

Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A.,Ph.D., Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed., who have taught her in this English Department.

The Headmaster of SMA Negeri 17 Medan, Soagahon Simanungkalit, SH., the English teacher, Mumpuni, SPd., and Omega, SPd.

J. Haloho and G. Gultom, SPd., her parent for their endless love, prays, motivation, mental and financial support; her lovely brother Alfred Chandra Haloho and her lovely sisters Endang Eka Mayanna Haloho, SP and Megawati Sinta Haloho for their support, love, and care.

Christin Hakim Pasaribu, SPd., for her help, support, craziness, truthfull, and Christine Helena Natalia, SPd, Aminah Ari Fadhila, SPd for their help, motivation, kindness and support; Reguler Dik C 2010 (Elnoviamy, Arinda, Deby, Ayu, Putri, Hanim, Didi, Riri, Diba) her great



class, for the love and togetherness throughout four years; her friends, PPLT SMA Swasta Santa Maria Kabanjahe 2013, (Devi, Desny, Elsa, Irma, Zita, Susi, Rein, Sahat, Kia, Chisky, Aloy, Nina, etc) for many experiencies and togetherness. Her PPWS community for being a good friends and always offer a help in finishing her thesis.

The writer realizes that the content of this thesis is not perfect, so she warmly welcomes any constructive suggestions that will improve the quality of this thesis. She hopes it would be useful for those who are interested in this field of study.

Medan, January 2015



Haloho, Dessy Sari. 2101121011. The Effect of Think – Pair – Share Strategy on theStudents’ Reading Comprehension. A Thesis. Faculty of Languages and Arts. State University of Medan. 2014.

This study was conducted to investigate the effect of Think – Pair – Share Strategy on thestudents’ reading comprehension. It was an experimental research. The subject was students of Grade X, Senior High School 17 (Sekolah Menengah Atas: SMA) 17, which consisted of 60 students. The research was divided into two groups: experimental and control groups. The instrument used to collect the data was reading comprehension test. To obtain the reliability of the test, the writer applied Kuder Richardson 21 formula. The result of the reliability was 0.43, and it was found that the test was reliable. The data were analyzed by using t-test formula. The analysis showed that the scores of the students in the experimental group were significantly higher than the scores of the students in the control group at the level of significant = 0.05 with the degree of freedom (df) 58, t-observed value 5,8> t-table value 2.00. The findings indicate that applying TPS Strategy significantly affected the students’ reading comprehension. So, English teachers are suggested to use TPS Strategy in order to improve students’ reading comprehension achievement.










A.The Background of the Study ... 1

B.The Problem of the Study ... 4

C. The Objective of the Study ... 4

D. The Scope of the Study ... 4

E. The Significance of the Study ... 5


A. Theoritical Framework... 6

1. Reading ... 6

2. The Purpose of Reading ... 7

3. Reading Comprehension ... 9

4. Levels of Reading Comprehension ... 11

5. Assessments of Reading Comprehension ... 14

6. Strategy ... 15

7. Think Pair Share Strategy ... 15

8. The Purpose of Think Pair Share Strategy ... 18

9. The Application of Think Pair Share Strategy ... 18

B. Conceptual Framework ... 19



A. Research Design ... 23

B. Population and Sample ... 23

C.The Instrument of Collecting Data... 24

D. The Procedure of The Study ... 25

1. Pre – Test ... 25

2. Treatment ... 25

3. Post – Test ... 28

E. Scoring the Test ... 28

F. Validity and Reliability of the Test ... 29

1. Validity of the Test ... 29

2. Reliability of the Test... 30

G. The Technique of Analyzing the Data ... 31


A.Data ... 32

B.Data Analysis ... 33

1. Testing Reliability of the Test ... 33

2. Testing Items Difficulty Index ... 33

3. Testing Homogeneity of Variance ... 34

4. Analyzing the Data using t-test ... 34

5. Testing Hypothesis ... 36

6. Research Finding ... 36


A.Conclusion ... 37

B.Suggestion ... 37




Table 2.1 The example of Report Text ... 20

Table 2.2 Conceptual Framework by using TPS Strategy ... 21

Table 3.1 Experimental Research design ... 23

Table 3.2 Number of Students... 24

Table 3.3 Treatment in Experimental Group ... 26

Table 3.4 Teaching procedures for Control Group ... 28

Table 3.5 Table of Specification ... 29

Table 4.1 The Result of Homogeneity of Variance ... 34




A.The Background of the Study

Reading as one of the four language skills is an essential skill for the students and taught formally from elementary school up to the university level. Triwari (2005) stated that reading is an interactive process that goes on between the reader and the text. Reading can be thought of as a way to draw information from a text and to form an interpretation of that information (Grabe and Stoller, 1998). In other words, by reading the readers draw meaning from the printed page and interpret the information appropriately, so they will get something to add their knowledge, information, instruction, to do something and also know what is happening and has happened.

It is very important to introduce reading well to the students and make it an interesting activity in a classroom. Reports of how the students understand and learn from text suggest that they coordinate a set of highly complex and well-developed skills and strategies before, during, and after reading that assist them in understanding and remembering what they read (Klingner, Vaughn, and Boardman, 2007). It is expected that the students must be able to read comprehensively thereby they can find out the main idea and character or plot development and interpretation on what they have already read in the texts to get the information.

The reading ability of Indonesian students is problematic in today’s


Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore. Some researches find that they still do not have good interest in reading yet. The result of research of IAEA (International Association for the Education) in few years ago, Indonesian Senior High School

students’ ability in reading was regarded low of thirty nations surveyed. Indonesia students are ranked 29 of 30 nations. This case indicates that Senior High School students generally have low ability in reading skill.

Reading is also comprehension process. The nation of comprehending in both obvious and subtle. It is obvious in that any person could say that understanding a text is the purpose for reading, it is less obvious with respect to the ways that such understanding might be carried out by the readers. Gillet and Temple (in Ngadiso, 1998, 2) say, “Comprehension is the understanding new

information in light of what we have already known”. This thing will make

students be more successful in applying and improving everything that had been learned and understood.

Most of students are unable to comprehend reading texts well. The writer found the case when she did the observation in Senior High School, the writer also found the real application of difficulties in learning reading. The students are easily to get a high level of boredom. They lack the sense in learning reading because their teacher applied the monotonous strategy that asked them to translate the whole reading material and answer the question which given by the teacher. In short, the teacher do not let their students to analyze and understanding the meaning of the text.


Actually some factors of this case are their understanding and learning subsequently the content of reading material, because there is no effective reading for the students. Baker and Brown (1984) have describe effective readers as those who: (a) clarify the purposes of reading (understanding both the explicit and implicit the text), (b) identify the important aspects of a message, (c) focus attention on the major content, (d) monitor ongoing activities to determine whether comprehension is occuring, (e) engage in self-questioning to determine whether goals are being achieved, and (f) take corrective action when failures in understanding are determined.

To make teaching and learning process interesting and effective, teachers need good strategies. The teacher should be able to apply the suitable strategies in teaching. The purpose of using the strategies is to make the subject easier for the students to learn and understand the text.

Strategies involve students more in learning process are suitable to

develop students’ reading comprehension. By applying those kinds of strategies, the students are able to find what they intend to know and connect it with their knowledge easily. Based on the problem above, the writer choose Think-Pair-Share Strategy (TPS). Furthermore Lyman, F. (1981) described that students will discuss ideas and problems that exist in their heads with a partner in the classroom. After a dialogue or discussion between a student with a partner, then the teacher will ask their opinion of the issue and solution to the class. It gives students time to think about an answer and activates prior knowledge. TPS enhances students' oral communication skills as they discuss their ideas with one


another. This strategy helps students become active participants in learning and can include writing as a way of organizing thoughts generated from discussions.

B.The Problem of the Study

Based on the background, the problem of the study can be formulated as follows:

“Does the application of Think-Pair-Share Strategy significantly affect the

students’ reading comprehension?”

C.The Objective of the Study

In line with this problem, the objective of the study is to investigate the effect of Think-Pair-Share Strategy on the students’ reading comprehension. The procedure of Think Pair Share Strategy will be applied in this study.

D.The Scope of the Study

This study is limited to the use of Think-Pair-Share in improving students’ reading comprehension by finding the effect of Think Pair Share Strategy on

students’ reading comprehension. The kinds of the text will be focused on recount

text. The students used in this study are those of SMA Negeri 17 Medan, which will be specify in Chapter III.


E.The Significance of the Study

The research finding are expected to offer contribution theoritically and practically.

Theoritically, the finding can enlarge horizons in thesis of language learning. In addition the finding can be references for further study

Practically, the finding can be usefull and relevant to :

1. For English teacher, it is useful to improve their ability in teaching reading by paying more attention to the strategy of teaching reading.

2. For students, gives students time to think about an answer and activates prior knowledge. Thus, enhances their oral communication skills as they discuss their ideas with one another.

3. For other researchers, it can useful as reference for those who want to conduct a research in English teaching learning process, especially in teaching recount text.





After analyzing the data, it is concluded that the using of Think – Pair – Share Strategy significantly affects the students’ achievement in reading comprehension, since the t-test > t-table (5,8 >2,00; df=58, α=0,05). The applying of Think – Pair – Share Strategy in teaching reading comprehension enables the students to explore their ideas with their own words by thinking and to remember the information of the text in long term memory. It means the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted because there is significant effect of applying Think – Pair – Share Strategy on students’ reading comprehension.


Based on the finding, it is suggested that:

a. English teacher should use Think – Pair – Share Strategy in teaching reading comprehension because it enables the students to remember the information of the text in long term memory.

b. English teachers should be able to make some variations in teaching reading comprehension which is appropriate with the ability of the students so that they can explore their ideas totally by thinking and have ability to pair and share also give and accept any comments or information from the whole class.


Students are advised to have more practice in reading and applying Think – Pair – Share Strategy.



Ariani. 2013. The effect of cooperative learning techniques (NHT & TPS) on

students’ reading comprehension viewed from different text types in SMA Negeri 2 Singaraja. Thesis summary. Postgraduate Program Ganesha University of Education Singaraja

Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2006. Prosedur Penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Praktik (edisi revisi VI). Jakarta: Rineka Cipta

Brown, H. Doughlas. 2001. Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. New York:Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.

Brown, H. Doughlas. 2004. Language Assessment. Principles and Classroom Practices.New York: Longman. Pearson education.

Burns, et al. 1984. Teaching in Today’s elementary school. New York.

Cain, K. And Oakhill, J.2006.Assessment Matters: Issues in the Measurement of Reading Comprehension.British Journal of Educational Psychology, 76, 697-708).( acsessed on May 2, 2013.

David. 2013. The Effect of Think Pair Share on the Students in Reading Comprehension Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 5 Medan. Thesis summary. Universitas Negeri Medan.

Grabe and Stoller.2002. Teaching and researching reading. England: Pearson Education Limited.

Heilman. 1981. Principles and practices of teaching reading. Colombus: Charles E. Merrill Pub. Longman

Klinger, J. 2007. Teaching Reading Comprehension To Students With Learning Difficulties. London: The Guilford Press

Lyman, F. 1981. The Responsive Classroom Discussion. MD: University of Maryland College of Education

Reading. ( (process) March 11, 2013 Wendy. 2007. The effects of using think-pair-share during guided reading


Actually some factors of this case are their understanding and learning subsequently the content of reading material, because there is no effective reading for the students. Baker and Brown (1984) have describe effective readers as those who: (a) clarify the purposes of reading (understanding both the explicit and implicit the text), (b) identify the important aspects of a message, (c) focus attention on the major content, (d) monitor ongoing activities to determine whether comprehension is occuring, (e) engage in self-questioning to determine whether goals are being achieved, and (f) take corrective action when failures in understanding are determined.

To make teaching and learning process interesting and effective, teachers need good strategies. The teacher should be able to apply the suitable strategies in teaching. The purpose of using the strategies is to make the subject easier for the students to learn and understand the text.

Strategies involve students more in learning process are suitable to develop students’ reading comprehension. By applying those kinds of strategies, the students are able to find what they intend to know and connect it with their knowledge easily. Based on the problem above, the writer choose Think-Pair-Share Strategy (TPS). Furthermore Lyman, F. (1981) described that students will discuss ideas and problems that exist in their heads with a partner in the classroom. After a dialogue or discussion between a student with a partner, then the teacher will ask their opinion of the issue and solution to the class. It gives students time to think about an answer and activates prior knowledge. TPS enhances students' oral communication skills as they discuss their ideas with one


another. This strategy helps students become active participants in learning and can include writing as a way of organizing thoughts generated from discussions.

B.The Problem of the Study

Based on the background, the problem of the study can be formulated as follows:

“Does the application of Think-Pair-Share Strategy significantly affect the students’ reading comprehension?”

C.The Objective of the Study

In line with this problem, the objective of the study is to investigate the effect of Think-Pair-Share Strategy on the students’ reading comprehension. The procedure of Think Pair Share Strategy will be applied in this study.

D.The Scope of the Study

This study is limited to the use of Think-Pair-Share in improving students’ reading comprehension by finding the effect of Think Pair Share Strategy on students’ reading comprehension. The kinds of the text will be focused on recount text. The students used in this study are those of SMA Negeri 17 Medan, which will be specify in Chapter III.


E.The Significance of the Study

The research finding are expected to offer contribution theoritically and practically.

Theoritically, the finding can enlarge horizons in thesis of language learning. In addition the finding can be references for further study

Practically, the finding can be usefull and relevant to :

1. For English teacher, it is useful to improve their ability in teaching reading by paying more attention to the strategy of teaching reading.

2. For students, gives students time to think about an answer and activates prior knowledge. Thus, enhances their oral communication skills as they discuss their ideas with one another.

3. For other researchers, it can useful as reference for those who want to conduct a research in English teaching learning process, especially in teaching recount text.





After analyzing the data, it is concluded that the using of Think – Pair – Share Strategy significantly affects the students’ achievement in reading comprehension, since the t-test > t-table (5,8 >2,00; df=58, α=0,05). The applying of Think – Pair – Share Strategy in teaching reading comprehension enables the students to explore their ideas with their own words by thinking and to remember the information of the text in long term memory. It means the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted because there is significant effect of applying Think – Pair – Share Strategy on students’ reading comprehension.


Based on the finding, it is suggested that:

a. English teacher should use Think – Pair – Share Strategy in teaching reading comprehension because it enables the students to remember the information of the text in long term memory.

b. English teachers should be able to make some variations in teaching reading comprehension which is appropriate with the ability of the students so that they can explore their ideas totally by thinking and have ability to pair and share also give and accept any comments or information from the whole class.


Students are advised to have more practice in reading and applying Think – Pair – Share Strategy.



Ariani. 2013. The effect of cooperative learning techniques (NHT & TPS) on students’ reading comprehension viewed from different text types in SMA Negeri 2 Singaraja. Thesis summary. Postgraduate Program Ganesha

University of Education Singaraja

Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2006. Prosedur Penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Praktik (edisi

revisi VI). Jakarta: Rineka Cipta

Brown, H. Doughlas. 2001. Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to

Language Pedagogy. New York:Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.

Brown, H. Doughlas. 2004. Language Assessment. Principles and Classroom

Practices.New York: Longman. Pearson education.

Burns, et al. 1984. Teaching in Today’s elementary school. New York.

Cain, K. And Oakhill, J.2006.Assessment Matters: Issues in the Measurement of

Reading Comprehension.British Journal of Educational Psychology, 76,

697-708).( acsessed on May 2, 2013.

David. 2013. The Effect of Think Pair Share on the Students in Reading

Comprehension Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 5 Medan. Thesis summary.

Universitas Negeri Medan.

Grabe and Stoller.2002. Teaching and researching reading. England: Pearson Education Limited.

Heilman. 1981. Principles and practices of teaching reading. Colombus: Charles E. Merrill Pub. Longman

Klinger, J. 2007. Teaching Reading Comprehension To Students With Learning

Difficulties. London: The Guilford Press

Lyman, F. 1981. The Responsive Classroom Discussion. MD: University of Maryland College of Education

Reading. ( (process) March 11, 2013 Wendy. 2007. The effects of using think-pair-share during guided reading