





The greatest gratitude is expressed to Allah SWT, the Almighty and Most Beneficial for His Grace, Guidance, Praise, Honor and Mercy that has been given to writer so that she finally accomplishes her thesis entitled “The Effect of Think Pair Share on Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement”.

This thesis is submitted to the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State university of Medan as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for taking the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan. During the completion of this thesis, the writer realized that she had received a lot of help, and suggestion. Therefore, the writer would like to express her sincerest gratitude to :

1. Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., the Rector of State University of Medan.

2. Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan and all her staffs.

3. Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English Department also as reviewer and examiner.

4. Dra. Meisuri, MA the secretary of English Department.

5. Nora Ronita Dewi, S.Pd., S.S. M.Hum., the Head of English Education Study Program.

6. Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed and Rafika Dewi Nasution , S.Pd. M.Hum., the Writer’s Thesis Advisor.

7. Dra. Sri Juriati Ownie, M.A., Academic Advisor.

8. Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan. M.Hum and Neni Afrida Sari Harahap S.Pd. M.Hum., Reviewer and examiner.

9. All the lecturers of English department who have taught, guided, and advised her throughout the academic years.

10.Arsyad Sophian, SH. as the Headmaster of SMP Budisatrya, for her permission and opportunities in allowing the writer to do observation and to collect data.


11.Euis Sriwahyuningsih, M.Pd., the administration staffs of English Department, for their attention, assistance, and information in completing this thesis.

12.Beloved parents, Syahruddin and Siti Rahma, who have patiently given moral, love, their prayer, advices and financial support. Writer’s lovely brothers, Ismail. Writer’s lovely M.Khotli Panjaitan.S.Hi., and all his families for their endless love, pray, inspiration, motivation, mental and everything that they have given to the writer.

13. Writer’s lovely friends Ayu, Khalida, Fira, Mila, Phupuh, and Rina, Widya, Yuni from Ex B and Nisa from Ex C also the other students in Extension A,B,C 2011 for always for always be there when she needed their support and motivation.

The writer realizes that this thesis still has the paucity, she conveniently welcomes any suggestions, comments critics, and advices that will improve the quality of this thesis. She hopes that this thesis would be useful for those who are read and interested in the field of this study.

Medan, September 2015 The Writer,

Khairuni Syafitri Reg. No. 2113321025



Syafitri, Khairuni. The Effect of Think Pair Share Strategy on Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement. A Thesis: English Department, Faculty of Language and Arts, State University of Medan. 2015.

This study was conducted as an attempt to find out the effect of Think Pair Share

Strategy on students’ reading comprehension achievement. This research used the experimental design. The population of this research was the students of SMP Budisatrya. The Sample of this research was the 2014/2015 seventh grade students of SMP Budisatrya with the total number 40 of students as sample taken by using random sampling technique. The research was divided into two groups: experimental and control groups. The instrument used to collect the data was multiple choice tests of pre-test and post-test. To obtain the result of the reliability of the test, the Kuder Richardson formula (KR21) was used. The result of the calculation showed that the reliability of the test was significant. The data were analyzed by using t-test formula. The result of the analysis showed that t- value was higher than t- table(2,46>2, 021) at the level of significance 0,05 with the degree of freedom (df) 38. Therefore, null hypothesis (H0) is rejected and hypothesis alternative (Ha) is accepted. It means that there is a significant effect of using Think Pair Share Strategy on students’ reading comprehension achievement. Keyword : Think Pair Share Strategy, Reading Comprehension.










A. The Background of the Study ... 1

B. The Problem of the Study ... 4

C. The Objective of the study Scope of the Study ... 4

D. The Scope of the Study ... 4

E. The Significance of the Study ... 5

1. Theoretical Significant... 5

2. Practical Significance ... 5


A. Theoretical Framework ... 6

1. Achievement ... 6

2. Reading Comprehension ... 6

a. Purpose of Reading ... 7

b. Reading Comprehension Process ... 8

c. Factor Affecting Reading ... 9

d. Level of Reading Comprehension ... 12

3. Genre... 14

a.Types of Genre 14 4. Descriptive Text... 15

a. Parts of Descriptive ... 16

5. Think-Pair-Share... 19

a. Definition of Think Pair Share Strategy ... 19

b. Strategy ... 19

c. Application of Think Pair Share Strategy ... 20

d. Advantages of Think Pair Share ... 20

e. Disadvantages of Think Pair Share ... 21

B. Relevant of Studies ... 21

C. Conceptual Framework ... 22


CHAPTER III. Research Method ... 24

A. Research Design ... 24

B. Population and Sample ... 25

1. Population 25 2. Sample ... 25

C. The Instrument of Collecting Data ... 26

D. The Procedure of the Study ... 26

1. Pre-Test ... 26

2. Treatment ... 26

3. Post-Test ... 29

E. Scoring of the Test ... 29

F. The Validity and Reliability of the Test ... 30

1. The Validity of the Test ... 30

2. Reliability of the Test ... 32

G. The Technique for Analyzing Data ... 34

H. Statistical Hypothesis ... 35


A. The Data ... 36

B. Data Analysis ... 37

C. Testing Hypothesis ... 37

D. Research Findings ... 38


A. Conclusion………39

B. Suggestion……… 39





Table 1.1 The Percentage of the Seven Grade students’ score in Reading………....2

Table 1.2 The Percentage of the Seven Grade students’ score in Reading………....2

Table 3.1 Research Design………..24

Table 3.2 Teaching Process in Experimental Group………...27

Table 3.3 Teaching Process in Control Group………28



Appendix A. The Scores of the Reliability of the Test ... 43

Appendix B. The Calculation of the T-Test of Experimental Group ... 44

Appendix C.The Calculation of the T-Test of Control Group ... 45

Appendix D.The Deviation Score of the Experimental Group and Control Group.. 46

Appendix E.The T-Test Formula ... 48

Appendix F. The T-Table ... 49

Appendix G. The Lesson Plan Experimental Group ... 50

Appendix H. The Lesson Plan Control Group ... 56

Appendix I. Pre-Test ... 61




A. The Background of the Study

Reading is one of the most important skills in language besides listening, speaking, and writing. In reading, the students are expect to be able to get the knowledge and familiar with what the teacher has explain about the context. It means that and reading comprehension, the students are expected to have more skill to understand the text. So, it is useless if we do not have reading competence because of reading competence involves the competence to fine information inreading text. The readers have the competence of reading comprehension if they know how to read or understand it well. Klingner (2007:2) states that reading comprehension is the process of constructing meaning by coordinating a number of complex processes that include word reading, word and world knowledge, and fluency.As one of the basic language skills,reading has a very complex process,because students think that is very difficulties to learn it.When the students are asked to get the main ideas from their reading text,most student fail to find them.Therefore,this subject makes them boring and always get score in reading comprehension.

Based on the preliminary observation of Grade VII-B of SMP Budiatrya and by interviewing the English teacher. The students faced some difficulties in reading and their achievement in reading comprehension. It can be concluded that there are 75% students of Junior high school that still


problem in reading especially in reading descriptive text. The minimum Criteria Mastery (KKM) which is applied by the school is 70.

Table 1.1 The percentage of the Seven Grade students’ score in Reading First


KKM >70 >70 <70

VII-B 70 9 students


2 students (5.0%)

29 students (72.5%) Sources : The Students’ accumulated score of the Seven Grade students at SMP Budisatrya academic year 2014/2015

Table 1.2 The percentage of the Seven Grade students’ score in Reading First


KKM >75 >75 <75

VII-C 70 11 students


2 students (5.0%)

27 students (67.5%) Sources : The Students’ accumulated score of the Seven Grade students at SMP Budisatrya academic year 2014/2015

From the previous data, it can be concluded that the students’ ability in reading comprehension is still low. It can be seen from the most of students’ score percentage was under the KKM.

In Educational unit Educated Curriculum (KTSP) and written in the standard competence in the syllabus of the first year of junior high school, students are expected to be able to comprehend the meaning of formal and informally text in the forms of , Procedure, and Descriptive, in daily life context. Therefore, an ability to comprehend the text is one should be mastered by the students in the first year of junior high school.

In fact, most of the students are not able to fulfill the expectation of the curriculum. Based on the writer’s experience in teaching practice program (PPL), the same case also at SMP Budisatrya. Most of the students are confused to read the text because according to them reading comprehension is difficult to do


because the students are lack of vocabulary and the students are difficult to get idea in comprehending the text.

Nowadays many teachers usually orients to the students’ textbook in teaching reading. Teachers just teach the students by asking them to read the textbook and answer some question provided in the textbook. These activities do not give any opportunities to develop students’ ability because it cannot give contribution to the students reading comprehension. Therefore, students cannot comprehend their reading text and be passive in the teaching learning process.Many students also find some difficulties in learning reading comprehension. They think that comprehending the text is a difficult task to do because they have to open dictionary, look for the pronunciation of words, choose the suitable meaning, and getting the main ide of the text.

Previous researcher by Afan (2013) Think Pair Share teaching can also be used for low achievement motivation students as a way out to develop those students’ motivation in English reading comprehension, but the teacher should control and manage the class well to avoid the dominancy of high achievement motivation students in the classroom.

Another researcher was conducted by Dino (2014) Think Pair Share gave benefits not only to the students, but also to the teacher. Students spent more time on task and listened to each other more when engaged in Think Pair Share activities. It made the duty of teacher only focused on facilitating and motivating the students, not explaining the whole materials to them.


In this paper, writer used Think Pair Share Strategy (TPS), it will be discovered by some researchers that is strategy has many advantages. This study chooses and uses TPS strategy to develop the students’ comprehension of reading comprehension and students’ active involvement in learning process.

Considering the condition above, the writers wants to try to carry out research in teaching reading. In order to make teaching and learning process interesting and effective, teachers need a good technique, method, or strategy in teaching reading. By using an appropriate technique, method, or strategy, it is hoped that the students’ comprehension in reading descriptive text will develop. The strategy that can be applied in develop students’ comprehension in reading descriptive is Think Pair Share Strategy.

B. The Problem of the study

Base on the background of the study explain above,therefore the research problem is formula as follows : “Is there any significant effect of TPS strategy on the students’ reading comprehension achievement”?

C. The Objective of the Study

The objective of this study is to find out the significant effect of applying Think Pair Share Strategy on students’ reading comprehension achievement.

D. The Scope of the Study

This study focuses on develop students’ reading comprehension achievement.The strategy that is to develop students’ reading comprehension achievement use Think Pair Share strategy.The limition of the study is only to


investigate whether the application of Think Pair Share strategy is effective to develop students’ reading comprehension and use the multiple choice use the level comprehension consist of literal and interpretive,especially on Junior High School seven grade at Budisatrya.

E. The Significance of the Study

It is espected that findings of the study will be useful and relevant theoretically and practically.

1.Theoretical Significant

a.This result of the research paper can be used as an input English teaching

learning process especially in reading comprehension.

b.This result of the research paper can be use as additional reference for

those who want to conduct a research English Teaching learning proses.

2. Practical Significance

a.This paper may give a broader knowledge about teaching learning

process to readers.

b.This paper may develop students’competence in their reading




A. Conclusion

Based on the result of the data analysis, it was concluded that using Think Pair Share Strategy significantly affect the student’s ability in reading comprehension descriptive text (t-calculated > t-table,0.05). The using Think Pair Share Strategy made the students reading comprehension descriptive text grammatically than by using without Think Pair share Strategy. The calculation of t-test is 2.46 >2.02 with df 38 and the level of significance 0.05. It means that the using Think Pair Share Strategy has significant effect on reading comprehension descriptive text.

From the result of the data, it can be seen that the highest score of experimental group was 85 and the lowest score was 60 in post-test. Meanwhile the highest score of control group was 75 and the lowest score was 45 in post-test.

B. Suggestion

The writer point out some suggestion as following:

1. It suggested to the English teacher, it is better to applying Think Pair Share Strategy because this strategy helps the students in understanding the reading comprehension descriptive text much better. 2. It is suggested to the students, with this strategy demands a cooperative


reading a text, so that by applying of Think Pair Share Strategy, the students can reading comprehension descriptive text.



Afan, M. Marhaeni, N.2013. The Effect of Think Pair Share Technique on The English Reading Achievement of The Students Differing in Achievement Motivation at Grade Eight of SMPN 13 Mataram. Mataram: Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. 1 (2)

Alderson, J. Charles.2000. Assesing Reading. Cmbridge: Uviversity Press.

Arikunto, Suharisimi.2006. Dasar – Dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.

Arikunto, Suharisimi.2003. Dasar-Dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan. Jakarta: Bina Aksara.

Brassell, Danny and Timothy Rasinski. 2008. Comprehension That Work:Taking Students Beyond Ordinary Understanding to Deep Comprehension. Huntington Beach:Shell Education.

Brown, D. H.2004. Language Assessment: Principle and Classroom Practices. New York: Pearson Education.

Cooper, M. James.2011. Classroom Teaching Skills. Wadsworth: Cengage Learning.

Dewi, R. Rita, S. Anggraini, T.2013. Reading. Medan: Unimed Press.

Dino, Sugiarto and Puji, Sumarsono. 2014. The implementation of Think Pair Share Model to Improve Students’ Ability in Reading Narrative Texts. Journal of English Education. Malang: State University of Muhammdiyah Malang. 3 (3)

Faisal, M. S. 2014. Improving Students’ Achievement in Reading Report Text by Using Think Pair Share Strategy. Journal of English Language Teaching of FBS. UNIMED. 2 (9)

Fenny, S. Friska.2014. Improving Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension Through Think Pair Share Technique. Journal of English Language Teaching of FBS. UNIMED. 1 (15)

Gail, M.2011. A primer on The Validity of Assesment Instrument. Journal of Graduate Medical Education.3 (2)

Grabe, W and F.LStoller,2002. Teaching and researching Reading. England: Pearson Education Ltd.

Kagan, Spencer. 1992. Cooperative Leraning. New York: The Hopkins University.


Klinger, K.J, et al.2007. Teaching Reading Comprehension to Students with Learning Difficulties. New York and London: The Guilford Press Pardiyono.2007. Teaching Genre-Based Writing: Penerbit Andi.

Sadoski, M.2004. Conceptual Education of Teaching Reading. New York London: The Guilford Press.

Snow, Catherine E.2002. Reading for Understanding: Toward a Research and Development program Reading Comprehension. New York:RAND’S.


In this paper, writer used Think Pair Share Strategy (TPS), it will be discovered by some researchers that is strategy has many advantages. This study chooses and uses TPS strategy to develop the students’ comprehension of reading comprehension and students’ active involvement in learning process.

Considering the condition above, the writers wants to try to carry out research in teaching reading. In order to make teaching and learning process interesting and effective, teachers need a good technique, method, or strategy in teaching reading. By using an appropriate technique, method, or strategy, it is hoped that the students’ comprehension in reading descriptive text will develop. The strategy that can be applied in develop students’ comprehension in reading descriptive is Think Pair Share Strategy.

B. The Problem of the study

Base on the background of the study explain above,therefore the research problem is formula as follows : “Is there any significant effect of TPS strategy on the students’ reading comprehension achievement”?

C. The Objective of the Study

The objective of this study is to find out the significant effect of applying Think Pair Share Strategy on students’ reading comprehension achievement.

D. The Scope of the Study

This study focuses on develop students’ reading comprehension achievement.The strategy that is to develop students’ reading comprehension achievement use Think Pair Share strategy.The limition of the study is only to


investigate whether the application of Think Pair Share strategy is effective to develop students’ reading comprehension and use the multiple choice use the level comprehension consist of literal and interpretive,especially on Junior High School seven grade at Budisatrya.

E. The Significance of the Study

It is espected that findings of the study will be useful and relevant theoretically and practically.

1.Theoretical Significant

a.This result of the research paper can be used as an input English teaching

learning process especially in reading comprehension.

b.This result of the research paper can be use as additional reference for

those who want to conduct a research English Teaching learning proses.

2. Practical Significance

a.This paper may give a broader knowledge about teaching learning

process to readers.

b.This paper may develop students’competence in their reading




A. Conclusion

Based on the result of the data analysis, it was concluded that using Think Pair Share Strategy significantly affect the student’s ability in reading comprehension descriptive text (t-calculated > t-table,0.05). The using Think Pair Share Strategy made the students reading comprehension descriptive text grammatically than by using without Think Pair share Strategy. The calculation of t-test is 2.46 >2.02 with df 38 and the level of significance 0.05. It means that the using Think Pair Share Strategy has significant effect on reading comprehension descriptive text.

From the result of the data, it can be seen that the highest score of experimental group was 85 and the lowest score was 60 in post-test. Meanwhile the highest score of control group was 75 and the lowest score was 45 in post-test.

B. Suggestion

The writer point out some suggestion as following:

1. It suggested to the English teacher, it is better to applying Think Pair Share Strategy because this strategy helps the students in understanding the reading comprehension descriptive text much better. 2. It is suggested to the students, with this strategy demands a cooperative


reading a text, so that by applying of Think Pair Share Strategy, the students can reading comprehension descriptive text.



Afan, M. Marhaeni, N.2013. The Effect of Think Pair Share Technique on The English Reading Achievement of The Students Differing in Achievement Motivation at Grade Eight of SMPN 13 Mataram. Mataram: Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. 1 (2)

Alderson, J. Charles.2000. Assesing Reading. Cmbridge: Uviversity Press.

Arikunto, Suharisimi.2006. Dasar – Dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.

Arikunto, Suharisimi.2003. Dasar-Dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan. Jakarta: Bina Aksara.

Brassell, Danny and Timothy Rasinski. 2008. Comprehension That Work:Taking Students Beyond Ordinary Understanding to Deep Comprehension. Huntington Beach:Shell Education.

Brown, D. H.2004. Language Assessment: Principle and Classroom Practices. New York: Pearson Education.

Cooper, M. James.2011. Classroom Teaching Skills. Wadsworth: Cengage Learning.

Dewi, R. Rita, S. Anggraini, T.2013. Reading. Medan: Unimed Press.

Dino, Sugiarto and Puji, Sumarsono. 2014. The implementation of Think Pair Share Model to Improve Students’ Ability in Reading Narrative Texts. Journal of English Education. Malang: State University of Muhammdiyah Malang. 3 (3)

Faisal, M. S. 2014. Improving Students’ Achievement in Reading Report Text by Using Think Pair Share Strategy. Journal of English Language Teaching of FBS. UNIMED. 2 (9)

Fenny, S. Friska.2014. Improving Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension Through Think Pair Share Technique. Journal of English Language Teaching of FBS. UNIMED. 1 (15)

Gail, M.2011. A primer on The Validity of Assesment Instrument. Journal of Graduate Medical Education.3 (2)

Grabe, W and F.LStoller,2002. Teaching and researching Reading. England: Pearson Education Ltd.

Kagan, Spencer. 1992. Cooperative Leraning. New York: The Hopkins University.


Klinger, K.J, et al.2007. Teaching Reading Comprehension to Students with Learning Difficulties. New York and London: The Guilford Press Pardiyono.2007. Teaching Genre-Based Writing: Penerbit Andi.

Sadoski, M.2004. Conceptual Education of Teaching Reading. New York London: The Guilford Press.

Snow, Catherine E.2002. Reading for Understanding: Toward a Research and