The Definition of Descriptive Text

e. Revise. Rework your draft to improve accuracy, readability, and development. Revision can take place whenever you want it to, but the most efficient time for it to occur is after you have completed a preliminary draft. 21

B. Descriptive Text

1. The Definition of Descriptive Text

Descriptive text is a text which describes person, place, mood, situation, and etc. in words. Similar to Diane A. Wilbur 1966 said that descriptive writing is to create a clear picture or impression of person, place or object. 22 Fred D. White 1986 also said that descriptive text is drawing in words. 23 Descriptive text is also a text which describes something that appeal directly to the sense like John E. Warriner 1982 said that descriptive paragraph is giving a picture in words that appeal directly to the sense sight, sound, smell, touch, taste. He said a descriptive paragraph is normally full of vivid verbs and precise adjectives. It depends on details, not action, to hold the readers interest. 24 Meanwhile, According to Barnet and Stubbs‟s 1983, “Description represents in words our sensory impressions caught in a moment of time. In much descriptive writing visual imagery dominates.” 25 21 Fred D. White, The Writer’s Art…, p.32-33. 22 Diane A. Wilbur, Composition: Models and Exercises, New York: Harcourt, Brace World, Inc., 1966, P. 41. 23 Fred D. White, The Writer’s Art…, p.61. 24 John E. Warriner, English Grammar and Composition, New York: Harcourt, Brace Jovanovich, Publishers, 1982, P. 327 25 Barnet and Stubbs‟s, Practical Guide to Writing, Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1983 P.160 From the opinion about descriptive above, so the writer concludes that the descriptive text is a text which is describes person, place, mood, situation, and etc., it also describes an object that appeal to the sense. Besides that, descriptive text has several elements like Lila Fink, Phyllis Levy, Charlotte Miller, and Gwen Brewer 1983 said that there are some elements of description. They are: a. Concrete details. A concrete detail is a specific description that supports, reflects, or expands a writer‟s attitude or purpose. Example: The modern math student, using a calculator instead of a slide rule, makes speedy and accurate calculations. b. Images. An image is a concrete, literal real, actual description of person, physical object, or sensory experience that can be known through one of the five senses sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell. Example: Lightning crackled and sizzled across the darkened sky. Sound and sight. The orange calico kitten‟s bristled tongue scratched its way across my cheek. sight and touch; concrete details c. Similes. A simile is a comparison, using like or as, between two objects. The comparison is between two things essentially different yet similar in one aspect. Example: Anger heated up in me like water about to boil. The lecturer was as exciting and informative as stale beer. 26

2. Guides in Writing Descriptive Text