Politeness Principles Politeness Based On Illocution In Twilight Movie

Adinda Srikandi BR. Ginting : Politeness Based On Illocution In Twilight Movie, 2010. effect, which is what it brings about. A request, for example, has as its illocutionary point to direct someone to do something. 3. Perlucutionary Act, its perlocutionary effect may be the doing of the thing by the person directed. Sentences in different grammatical moods, the declarative, imperative, and interrogative, tend to perform speech acts of specific sorts. But in particular contexts one may perform a different speech act using them than that for which they are typically put to use. Thus, as noted above, one may use a sentence such as its cold in here not only to make an assertion but also to request that ones auditor turn up the heat. Speech acts include performative utterances, in which one performs the speech act by using a first person present tense sentence which says that one is performing the speech act. Examples are: I promise to be there, I warn you not to do it, I advise you to turn yourself in, etc. Some specialized devices for performing speech acts are exclamatives and phatics, such as Ouch and Hello, respectively. The former is used to perform an expressive speech act, and the latter for greeting someone.

2.3 Politeness Principles

In doing conversation or make it conversation, both speaker and also listener needs politeness. According to Leech, politeness more then civilized but politeness as one of the missing link between cooperative principle and the problems how to connecting force and sense. Politeness in an interaction can be defined as the mean employed awareness of another person’s face. According to Leech 1983:119 politeness principle can be divided into six maxims, there are: 1. Tact maxim: Minimize cost to other. Maximize benefit to other. Adinda Srikandi BR. Ginting : Politeness Based On Illocution In Twilight Movie, 2010. 2. Generosity maxim: Minimize benefit to self. Maximize cost to self. 3. Approbation maxim: Minimize dispraise. Maximize praise of other. 4. Modesty maxim: Minimize praise of self. Maximize dispraise of self. 5. Agreement maxim: Minimize disagreement between self and other. Maximize agreement between self and other. 6. Sympathy maxim: Minimize antipathy between self and other. Maximize antipathy between self and other. In my case, I just choose tact maxim because it is the most important of politeness principle.

2.2.1 Tact maxims

The differences situations are claiming the types and the degree of politeness. Generally, illocution functions has classified into four functions. There are: a. Competitive The purpose of illocution competitive is competed with social purposes, i.e. commanding, requesting, claiming, cadging, and advising. Competitive function has purpose to reducing competition between addressee’s purpose and what the politeness claimed. Example: Bella May I? Anaphase. Edward Like I said. The addressee asks the addresser to look at the microscope. So, May I? includes to requesting. Adinda Srikandi BR. Ginting : Politeness Based On Illocution In Twilight Movie, 2010. b. Convivial The purpose of illocution convivial is parallel with social purpose, i.e. offering, inviting, addressing, thanking, congratulating, promising, apologizing, greeting, forgiving, praising. Convivial function has purpose to find out affable. Example: Rene Ill figure it out. You gotta be able to reach me and Phil on the road-I love saying that - on the road. Bella Very romantic. The utterance very romantic is belong to convivial function. The addresser tries to praising the addressee that Rene and Phil idea are great. c. Collaborative The purpose of illocution is paying no regard to social purpose, i.e. stating, reporting, announcing, teaching, and advising. Collaborative functions actually not relevant to the politeness and almost speech including to this category. Example: Charlie Ill be late for dinner. Im heading down to Mason County. A security guard at the Grisham Mill got killed by some kind of animal... Bella An animal? The addressee tries to affirming the addresser that he will be late for Adinda Srikandi BR. Ginting : Politeness Based On Illocution In Twilight Movie, 2010. the dinner because a security guard at Grisham Mill got killed by some kind of animal. The utterance Ill be late for dinner. Im heading down to Mason County. A security guard at the Grisham Mill got killed by some kind of animal... including to collaborative because the addressee just want to affirming the addresser. d. Conflictive The purpose of illocution conflictive is conflicts with social purpose, i.e. menacing, alleging, cursing, angering. It means that conflictive as an opposite of politeness. Actually conflictive make someone angry. Example: Rosalie Yes, lets keep pretending this isnt dangerous for all of us. Bella I would never, ever tell anyone. The addressee utterance Yes, lets keep pretending this isnt dangerous for all of us means that she actually angry with the addresser. So, it is including to conflictive functions. The analysis of this thesis emphasizes to find out politeness which is presented by tact maxim viewed from illocution functions. So, I just find out competitive and convivial functions in the Twilight movie script because both of them relates to politeness principle especially tact maxim. Adinda Srikandi BR. Ginting : Politeness Based On Illocution In Twilight Movie, 2010. CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY

3. 1. Research Method

The analysis in this thesis uses library research which is applied the descriptive method. The result of this thesis will describe the use politeness especially tact maxim viewed from illocution functions. Nawawi states, “Metode deskriptif dapat diartikan sebagai prosedur pemecahan masalah yang diselidiki dengan menggambarkan melukiskan keadaan subyekobyek penelitian seseorang, lembaga, masyarakat dan lain-lain pada saat sekarang berdasarkan fakta-fakta yang tampak atau sebagaimana adanya.” It means that the descriptive methods is a procedure that can be solve a problem by describing the research subject or object based on the facts that is found.

3.2 Data Collecting Method