The Figurative Language In Twilight Movie Script.














My first gratitude goes to the Almighty God, Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa for blessing and leading me in accomplishing this paper from the beginning until it already finish in this time. My special gratitude also goes to both of my supervisors, Drs. I Gede Putu Sudana, M.A and Sang Ayu Isnu Maharani, S.S., M.Hum for patiently guiding me in completing this paper. Another gratitude also given to all of

the English Departement‟s staff especially the staff in non-regular program, you guys are the best.

My special gratefulness goes to my beloved family, my father I Gusti Agung Made Budiana, my mother Nengah Ayu Mitayani and my little brother I Gusti Agung Surya Diva Yoga who already provide great support for me physically and mentally.

Finally, my very special thank goes to my precious girl Luh Wulan Astarini for espouse me during this time. I hope, henceforward, we can be espousing each other in every single day on our daily life. I also thank to my friend in HIMAPESI,

my college‟s organization and my 2012 classmates, to the compactness that has built during the semesters.

Denpasar, April 2016



The present study entitled The Figurative Language in “Twilight” movie

script is concerned with the analysis of the figurative language that this movie script contains and the meaning contained therein. The topic about figurative language is interesting because it gives people a nice sense of imagination when they are reading the source or something which contains figurative language. The aims of this study

are to identify and analyze the types of figurative language used in “Twilight” movie

script and the meaning conveyed.

The data used in this study were collected through documentary method. The method consists of three steps. The first step was downloading the movie script from the internet. Then the movie script was read repeatedly and intensively. The last step was noting down the figurative language.

This study used two theories; they are the theory of figurative language and theory of meaning. Thetheory of figurative language is adopted the theory of K. L. Knickerbocker and H. Willard Reninger (1963). The second theory is adopted the Theory of Meaning by Geoffrey Leech (1974) to support the analysis.

The result of this study shows that there are eight types of figurative language found, they are simile, personification, metonymy, hyperbole, irony, paradox, dead metaphor and allusion. There are four types of meaning found; they are connotative meaning, affective meaning, reflective meaning and collocative meaning.




TITLE ... i







1.1 Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 Problems of the Study ... 2

1.3 Aims of the Study ... 3

14 Scope of Discussion ... 3

1.5 Research Method ... 4

1.5.1 Data Source ... 4

1.5.2 Method and Technique of Collecting Data ... 5

1.5.3 Method and Technique of Analyzing Data ... 5


2.1 Literature Review ... 6

2.2 Concepts ... 9



2.2.2 Meaning of a Word ... 10

2.2.3 Movie Script ... 11

2.3 Theoretical Framework ... 11

2.3.1 Types of Figurative Language ... 11

2.3.2 Seven Types of Meaning... 15


3.1 Introduction ... 19

3.2 The Synopsis of the Twilight Movie Script ... 19

3.2 Figurative Language in Twilight Movie Script ... 23

3.3. The Analysis of Meaning ... 36










1.1Background of the Study

Figurative language is part of semantic study in order to understand what the meaning or sense of words, phrases or sentences. The figurative language uses words that have unusual constructions or sounds, so good comprehension is needed in this study. There are many types of figurative language; they are simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole and symbolism.

The use of figurative language is by giving a word with a specific meaning, by comparing two things in such a way that you find comparison interesting or by using words that have unusual constructions or sounds as well as using figurative language when writing. Figurative language goes beyond the actual meanings of words, so the readers gain new insights into objects or subjects.

This study is very important because it gives clear understanding of

the use of figurative language itself especially in the “Twilight” movie script.



theory of figurative language proposed by K. L. Knickerbocker and H. Willard Reninger (1963). Besides, the theory proposed by Geoffrey Leech (1974) is also used to support the analysis.

This topic is interesting because it gives people a nice sense of imagination when they are reading the source or something which consists of figurative languag. This study also analyzes the meaning of the figurative found in the movie script to get the clear meaning of it. By watching the movie it looks more accurately than in a literal situation which subsequently helps readers find out more about what someone means. The figurative

language occurs when people‟s words have deeper meaning than the literal


1.2Problems of the Study

The problems that are discussed in this writing are as follows:

1) What types of figurative language are used in the “Twilight” movie script?

2) What is the meaning of the figurative language used in the


3 1.3Aims of the Study

Based on the problems above, the aims of the study are formulated as follows:

1) To identify and analyze the types of figurative language used in the

“Twilight” movie script.

2) To analyze how the meaning of the figurative language used in the

“Twilight” movie script is conveyed.

1.4Scope of Discussion

Related to the aims of study, the scope of discussion focuses on the figurative language used in the “Twilight” movie script. In order to limit the discussion, there are several points formulated, they are:

1) Identification of the figurative language used in the “Twilight” movie script.

2) Analysis on how the meaning of the figurative language is used in

the “Twilight” movie script in order to get the deeper meaning of

what the script tells about.

The theory of figurative language proposed by K. L. Knickerbocker and H. Willard Reninger (1963) are used in the present study; in addition, the theory proposed by Geoffrey Leech (1974) is also used to support the analysis.


4 1.5Research Method

The research method in this study is divided into three; they are data source, method and technique of collecting data and method and technique of analyzing data.

1.5.1 Data Source

The data source was taken from a movie script entitled “Twilight”. The movie script was written by Melissa Rosenberg on February 11, 2008. This American movie script based on novels who written by the American author Stephenie Mayer and it becomes a film which was directed by Catherine Hardwicke. This movie script tells about the beginning of the relationship between a human named Bella Swan and a vampire named Edward Cullen. This movie script was chosen as the data source because it contains a lot of figurative language in phrases and sentences. There are a few persons who use movie scripts as the data sources; mostly they use song lyrics to discuss the figurative language.



1.5.2 Method and Technique of Collecting Data

The data were collected through documentary method. The technique of collecting data involves the following steos:

1) Downloading the movie script that used as the data source from the internet.

2) Read the movie script repeatedly and intensively.

3) Doing the note taking and coding to collect the data which consist of figurative language.

1.5.3 Method and Technique of Analyzing Data

The method used in analyzing the data is the qualitative one. The technique of analyzing data involves the following steps:

1) Analyzing each type of figurative language found in the movie script based on the theory used in this study.

2) Analyzing the meaning conveyed by the figurative language used in





2.1Literature Review

Literature review is required to know what has been done by the other researchers who have explored this topic. There are three undergraduate theses and one journal article which are reviewed and related to the topic of this study.

The undergraduate thesis is written by Narimawan (2008) entitled Analysis of Figurative Language in Song Lyric of Story of The Year Band. This thesis analyzes the kinds and functions of figurative language in song lyric of Story of the Year Band. In analyzing the song lyric, the writer uses the main theory proposed by

Katheen Morner and Ralph Rauch in their book entitled “NTC‟s Dictionary of Literary Terms”. There are six kinds of figurative speech which are found from the

song lyrics in this thesis as the result. Narimawan‟s thesis already explains the

theories used and is relevant with the topic of study. The writer does not only use one, but two song lyrics as the data source so it gives him a comparison when analyzing the song lyric. In his background, the writer does not give more explanation about his study, why the study is interesting and why the study is relevant to be discussed. The theories of figurative language proposed by Katheen Morner and Ralph Rauch are



used in Narimawan‟s, while K. L. Knickerbocker and H. Willard Reninger‟s theory is used in this study to support the analysis.

The other undergraduate study is written by Novianti (2012) with her thesis entitled Figurative Language Used in the Song’s “Just The Way You Are” and

“Remember When”. This thesis analyzes the figurative used in those two song

lyrics. Her study is identifying what kinds and meaning of figurative language found in the song lyrics in order to fulfill these aims of study, the writer uses the theory of figurative language proposed by Knickerbocker and Renigner (1963: 367) and the other theory proposed by Myers (1994: 64) about meaning. She concludes that there are five kinds of figurative language in the first song lyrics and eight kinds in the second song lyrics. This thesis uses two different song lyrics as the data source which makes the analysis more interesting because it compares those two song lyrics. In this thesis, the writer gives too much explanation in the introduction. This study and Novianti‟s have the same topic but different data sources; this study uses a movie script and Novianti‟s uses song lyrics. Both, her song and the movie have the same genre, it is about romance.

The other undergraduate study is entitled The Analysis of Figurative Language

Used in the Song Lyrics of Lady Gaga’s Album “The Fame” which is written by

Darmayasa (2014). His thesis is identifying the kinds of figurative language used in the song lyrics in this album and analyzing the meaning of those lyrics. In analyzing the song lyric, the writer uses two theories. The main theory is adopted from a book



entitled Interpreting Literature by Knickerbocker and Reninger (1963) and the supporting theory is proposed by Leech (1981). As the result, the lyrics consist of all of the types of figurative language except paradox and euphemism. This thesis is interesting because the writer already describes the topic, subject and the theory clearly, so there are no questions arising in reading this thesis. In explaining the data source, the writer focuses more on the singer rather than the songs or the album used

as the data source. Darmayasa‟s has the same topic as this study, which is about figurative language but it uses more than one song lyrics in a album as the data source and in this study a movie script is used . The singer of this album brought a pop and rock genre which has powerful beat. On the other hand, the movie is about romance which softens.

In conducting research of figurative language, a review from a journal about figurative study is also needed to give more overview about it. The only journal

reviewed here is the one with the following detail. The article is entitled “Learners‟

Representation of their Affective Domain through Figurative Language in a

Web-Based Learning Environment” from journal Stefaniamanca (Distance Education) (Melbourne: May 2007). This journal explains the study that investigates how the participants of an online learning course employ figurative language to express their emotions and feelings during the learning experience. It aims to analyze the distribution of figurative language across the course to understand if the figurative language elicits the creation of new figurative language, and to classify recurring



types of conceptual categories. The result shows that figurative language use increases in coincidence with crucial, social event; it does not necessarily encourage the production of further figurative language; and it allows participants to represent their affective domain and to conceptualize the learning environment in an original manner. Stefaniamanca‟s journal analyzes the affective domain of figurative in a website, while in the present study onlythe meaning of figurative language is analyzed.


The title of this study is The Figurative Language in a “Twilight” Movie Script. From this title, there are some concepts to be understood with regard to this study. They are the concepts of figurative language and meaning of words.

2.2.1 Figurative Language

There are some definitions about the figurative language, as described as follows.

Knickerbocker and Reninger (1963:367) state that figurative language is sometimes called metaphorical language or simply metaphor (meaning literally to transfer). They also state that the word metaphor comes from the Greek ancestor metaphere which means carrying meaning beyond its lateral meaning (meta= beyond + pherein= to bring-i.e., to bring beyond).



Based on Halliday (1985:319), the general term for the figure of speech or figurative language is metaphor. He also claims that the term metaphor is also used in a more specific sense to refer to just one kind or use of a word or phrase for the purpose of suggesting certain likeness between the two, in contrast to metonymy, and synecdoche.

Figurative language is a language using figures of speech (way of speaking one thing; in other words, language that cannot be taken literally). Simile, metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, personification, apostrophe, are all forms figurative language.

2.2.2 Meaning of a Word

The words are used to express something and convey feelings about what we are describing. People can be intentionally or unintentionally ambiguous, although when a potentially ambiguous sentence is uttered by the speaker, usually only one meaning is intended. That means that words can have denotation, apparent of surface meanings, and connotations, implied or hidden meanings.

Leech (1974:64) stated that the meanings of words are complex, in which they have such components as an idea, a quality, a relationship, personal feelings, and association. He also proposes that there are seven types of meaning, they are: conceptual meaning, connotative meaning, associated meaning, social meaning, affective meaning, collocative meaning, and thematic meaning.



2.2.3 Movie Script

Movie script or known as screenplay is the text of a manuscript, document or a written work for a film even a television program which is written by a screenwriter. The screenwriting of movie script consists of dialogue, monologue or narrative. The movie script also contains a very complete instruction about how to act, the character and the setting where the location filming is taking place (Tomkins, 1978).

2.3Theoretical Framework

Theoretical framework is related to the theories needed to support the analysis of this study. Theories which are used in this study are the theory of figurative language proposed by Knickerbocker & Reninger (1963) and the theory of meaning proposed by Geoffrey Leech (1974).

2.3.1 Types of Figurative Language

The types of figurative language include smile, metaphor, personification, synecdoche, metonymy, hyperbole, irony, dead metaphor, allusion, and paradox (Knickerbocker and Reninger, 1963:367)



1) Simile

Simile is figure of speech involving comparison; it draws resemblance with

the help of the words “like” or “as”. For example, “My loves is like a red rose”. In

the sentence, there are two words which are expressed; loves and rose. Absolutely those words are not connected since loves is the feeling of our heart and rose is kind of flower. The symbol of rose is the flower that has an aromatic smell, beautiful, and good looking. In this sentence, the writer wants to describe his beautiful loves like a red rose; therefore, it becomes an icon of love.

2) Metaphor

Metaphor is an implied comparison, with like or as omitted. For example, “ life‟s but a walking shadow” instead of saying life is like a walking shadow. This

sentence contains a metaphor. There are two comparison words to express something; they are life and shadow; both have different meaning in which life is a

willing of God to its creating and shadow is a body‟s reflection when shone by a

light and its color is black. So the writer wants to describe his life through this sentence if his life is surrounded by darkness; in his life he feels disappointed since the shadow in the sentence is the expression of the darkness, when we are thinking of analogical darkness as a symbol of sadness.

3) Personification

Personification is giving human characteristic to an object, animal, or an abstract idea. Personification is a metaphor, of course, in the sense that there is an



implied comparison between a non-human thing and a human being. For example,

“if the moon can speak, perhaps it can entertain me”. This example means that the writer compares an object as human is able to speak. As we know that the moon is not a human being; it just has one capability, it is soul; it is different from human being who has three capabilities from God. The three capabilities consist of sound, energy, and soul.

4) Synecdoche

Synecdoche is a figure of speech using a part for the whole or using the whole

for the part. For example, “fifty winters passed him by”. In the sentence, fifty

winters describe about years. 5) Metonymy

Metonymy is the figure of speech which describes one thing by using the term for another thing which is closely associated with it. For example, “the crown”

is used for “the king” because the crown is the symbol of the king since crown is

not used for everybody, just used for a special person who leads an empire. 6) Hyperbole

Hyperbole is an exaggeration used for special effect. For example, “Go and catch the falling star”. This sentence is hyperbole because in the poem it describes

the illogical thing since no one is able to catch the falling star as we know star is a planet in the sky which has the bigger size than our size. Besides, in the illogical sentence there is any positive meaning inside the sentence; in the meaning of “go



and catch the falling star”, the writer does not command to catch the real falling star. Falling star in this case is a dream and wish. So, in that sentence the writer is giving a message in order that we can go and catch our dream and wish in this life.

7) Irony

Irony is a statement whose real meaning is completely opposed to its

professed or surface meaning. For example, “the czar is the voice of God and shall live forever”. The sentence means that the czar has the same place or position as a

God because the czar is the voice of God which is chosen to lead the society. 8) Paradox

Paradox is a statement whose surface, obvious meaning seems to be illogical, even absurd, but which makes good sense upon closer examination. For example,

“light is the darkest thing in physics”. 9) Dead metaphor

Dead metaphor is a metaphor which has lost its figurative meaning through

endless use, for example, “the face of clock”.

10) Allusion

Allusion is a reference to some well-known place, event or person. Not a comparison in the exact sense, but the figure in the sense that it implies more than

its narrow meaning. For example, “No! I am not prince Halmet, nor was meant to be”.



2.3.2 Seven Types of Meaning

According to Leech (1974: 10), the meaning of words is complex, in which they have such components such as an idea, a quality, a relationship, personal feeling, and association. There meanings of words are classified into seven types such as conceptual meaning, connotative meaning, stylistic meaning, affective meaning, reflective meaning, collocate meaning, and thematic meaning.

1) Conceptual meaning

Conceptual meaning is sometimes called „denotative meaning‟ or „cognitive meaning‟. It is widely assumed to be the central factor in verbal communication

and it can be shown to be integral to the essential functioning of language in a way that other types of meaning are not.

The denotation of word is its agreed-upon sense what it refers to, stands for, or designates, apart from feelings it may call up. And this again can for a good deal



on the context of the word that appears in. Leech (1974: 13) states that the aim of the denotative meaning is to provide, for any given interpretation of sentence, a configuration of abstract symbol which shows exactly what we need to know if we are to distinguish that meaning from all other possible sentence meanings in the language.

2) Connotative meaning

According to Leech (1974: 14) connotative meaning is the communicative value an expression has by virtue of what it refers to, over and above its purely conceptual content. Talking about connotation is in fact talking about the real world experience one associates with an expression when one uses or hears it. Besides, that connotative meaning is compared with conceptual meaning as it is relatively unstable, which varies considerably with culture, historical period, and the experience of the individuals themselves. Although all the speakers of particular language speak the language exactly on the basis of the same conceptual framework, actually each of them has individual perception of words.

Connotative meaning is indeterminate and open in the same way as our knowledge and belief about the universe are open ended. Connotative plays a major role in the language of literature, especially in a poem.

3) Stylistic meaning

Stylistic meaning is that which a piece of language conveys about the social circumstances or its use. In part, we decode the social meaning of the text through



our recognition of different dimensions and levels of style within the same language. A recent account of English has recognized some main dimensions of stylistic variation.

For example:

a. They chucked a stone at the cops, and then did a bunk with the loot b. After casting a stone at the police, they absconded with the money.

Sentence (a) could be said by two criminals, talking casually about the crime afterwards; sentence (b) might be said by the chief inspector in making his official report. Both could describe the same happenings.

4) Affective meaning

Affective meaning is a sort of meaning which can reflect the personal feelings of the speakers, including his attitude to the listener, or his attitude to something he is talking about.

In order to get people to be quiet, we might say either (a) “I am terribly sorry to interrupt, but I wonder little”, or (b) “will you belt up”. Factors such as

intonation and voice timbre are also important here. The impression of politeness in sentence (a) can be reserved by tone of biting sarcasm; sentence (b) can be turned into a playful remark between intimates if delivered with the intonation of a mild request. Affected meaning is often explicitly conveyed through the conceptual or connotative content of the word used.



5) Reflected meaning

Reflected meaning involves an interconnection on the lexical level of the language. It is the meaning which arises in cases of multiple conceptual meaning, when one sense of a word forms part of our response to another sense. For instance, on hearing in church service, the synonymous expressions The Comforter and The Holy Ghost both refer to the third person of the trinity, but the comforter sound warm and comforting, while The Holy Ghost sound awesome.

6) Collocative meaning

Collocative meaning consists of the association a word acquires on account of the meaning of word, which tends to occur in its environment. For example, the

word handsome shares common ground in the meaning of „good looking‟, so a handsome man is interpreted as „a man who is good looking‟. The ranger may well match although they suggest a different kind of attractiveness because of the collocative associations of the two adjectives.

7) Thematic meaning

The final category of meaning is thematic meaning, what is communicated by the way in which a speaker or writer organizes the message, in terms of ordering, and emphasis.

According to Leech (1974: 19) it is often felt, for example, that an active sentence such as (a) below has a different meaning from its passive equivalent (b) although in conceptual content they seem to be the same.



a. Mrs. Bessie Smith donated the first prize.

b. The first prize was donated by Mrs. Bessie Smith.

The active sentence answers an implicit question “What did Mrs. Bessie Smith donate?”. While the passive sentence answers the implicit question “Who donated the first prize?”. In other words, (a) in contrast to (b) suggest that we know who Mrs. Bessie Smith. The meaning found in the sentences above can be organized in two different ways.



and catch the falling star”, the writer does not command to catch the real falling star. Falling star in this case is a dream and wish. So, in that sentence the writer is giving a message in order that we can go and catch our dream and wish in this life.

7) Irony

Irony is a statement whose real meaning is completely opposed to its professed or surface meaning. For example, “the czar is the voice of God and shall live forever”. The sentence means that the czar has the same place or position as a God because the czar is the voice of God which is chosen to lead the society. 8) Paradox

Paradox is a statement whose surface, obvious meaning seems to be illogical, even absurd, but which makes good sense upon closer examination. For example, “light is the darkest thing in physics”.

9) Dead metaphor

Dead metaphor is a metaphor which has lost its figurative meaning through endless use, for example, “the face of clock”.

10) Allusion

Allusion is a reference to some well-known place, event or person. Not a comparison in the exact sense, but the figure in the sense that it implies more than its narrow meaning. For example, “No! I am not prince Halmet, nor was meant to be”.


15 2.3.2 Seven Types of Meaning

According to Leech (1974: 10), the meaning of words is complex, in which they have such components such as an idea, a quality, a relationship, personal feeling, and association. There meanings of words are classified into seven types such as conceptual meaning, connotative meaning, stylistic meaning, affective meaning, reflective meaning, collocate meaning, and thematic meaning.

1) Conceptual meaning

Conceptual meaning is sometimes called „denotative meaning‟ or „cognitive meaning‟. It is widely assumed to be the central factor in verbal communication and it can be shown to be integral to the essential functioning of language in a way that other types of meaning are not.

The denotation of word is its agreed-upon sense what it refers to, stands for, or designates, apart from feelings it may call up. And this again can for a good deal



on the context of the word that appears in. Leech (1974: 13) states that the aim of the denotative meaning is to provide, for any given interpretation of sentence, a configuration of abstract symbol which shows exactly what we need to know if we are to distinguish that meaning from all other possible sentence meanings in the language.

2) Connotative meaning

According to Leech (1974: 14) connotative meaning is the communicative value an expression has by virtue of what it refers to, over and above its purely conceptual content. Talking about connotation is in fact talking about the real world experience one associates with an expression when one uses or hears it. Besides, that connotative meaning is compared with conceptual meaning as it is relatively unstable, which varies considerably with culture, historical period, and the experience of the individuals themselves. Although all the speakers of particular language speak the language exactly on the basis of the same conceptual framework, actually each of them has individual perception of words.

Connotative meaning is indeterminate and open in the same way as our knowledge and belief about the universe are open ended. Connotative plays a major role in the language of literature, especially in a poem.

3) Stylistic meaning

Stylistic meaning is that which a piece of language conveys about the social circumstances or its use. In part, we decode the social meaning of the text through



our recognition of different dimensions and levels of style within the same language. A recent account of English has recognized some main dimensions of stylistic variation.

For example:

a. They chucked a stone at the cops, and then did a bunk with the loot b. After casting a stone at the police, they absconded with the money.

Sentence (a) could be said by two criminals, talking casually about the crime afterwards; sentence (b) might be said by the chief inspector in making his official report. Both could describe the same happenings.

4) Affective meaning

Affective meaning is a sort of meaning which can reflect the personal feelings of the speakers, including his attitude to the listener, or his attitude to something he is talking about.

In order to get people to be quiet, we might say either (a) “I am terribly sorry to interrupt, but I wonder little”, or (b) “will you belt up”. Factors such as intonation and voice timbre are also important here. The impression of politeness in sentence (a) can be reserved by tone of biting sarcasm; sentence (b) can be turned into a playful remark between intimates if delivered with the intonation of a mild request. Affected meaning is often explicitly conveyed through the conceptual or connotative content of the word used.


18 5) Reflected meaning

Reflected meaning involves an interconnection on the lexical level of the language. It is the meaning which arises in cases of multiple conceptual meaning, when one sense of a word forms part of our response to another sense. For instance, on hearing in church service, the synonymous expressions The Comforter and The Holy Ghost both refer to the third person of the trinity, but the comforter sound warm and comforting, while The Holy Ghost sound awesome.

6) Collocative meaning

Collocative meaning consists of the association a word acquires on account of the meaning of word, which tends to occur in its environment. For example, the word handsome shares common ground in the meaning of „good looking‟, so a handsome man is interpreted as „a man who is good looking‟. The ranger may well match although they suggest a different kind of attractiveness because of the collocative associations of the two adjectives.

7) Thematic meaning

The final category of meaning is thematic meaning, what is communicated by the way in which a speaker or writer organizes the message, in terms of ordering, and emphasis.

According to Leech (1974: 19) it is often felt, for example, that an active sentence such as (a) below has a different meaning from its passive equivalent (b) although in conceptual content they seem to be the same.



a. Mrs. Bessie Smith donated the first prize.

b. The first prize was donated by Mrs. Bessie Smith.

The active sentence answers an implicit question “What did Mrs. Bessie Smith donate?”. While the passive sentence answers the implicit question “Who donated the first prize?”. In other words, (a) in contrast to (b) suggest that we know who Mrs. Bessie Smith. The meaning found in the sentences above can be organized in two different ways.