Operational Definition of Key Terms Organization of the Writing


F. Operational Definition of Key Terms

The definitions of the terms in this study are: 1. The term „adapting‟ is chosen instead of „designing‟ because the newly designed syllabus is actually an adaptation from the previous syllabus taken from one chosen textbook based on needs analysis. 2. Learning-centered approach is an approach in the field of English for Specific Purpose ESP that focuses on language learning. This approach is actually a response to the previous approaches in ESP that focuses more on language use Hutchinson and Waters, 1987:14. 3. The term „TTT‟ stands for „Student Talking Time‟. It is amount of time of teachers spent to talk in a class. In this study, TTT is divided into two kinds . The first is „in- class TTT‟ which is amount of time of teachers spent to talk inside the class, and the second is „off-class TTT‟ which is amount of time of teachers spent to talk outside the class. 4. The term „STT‟ stands for „Student Talking Time‟. It is amount of time of students spent to talk in a class. In this study, STT is divided into two kinds. The first is „in- class STT‟ which is amount of time of students spent to talk inside the class, and the second is „off-class STT‟ which is amount of time of students spent to talk outside the class. 5. „off-class conversation‟ means a conversation between the teacher and the students that takes place after the conversation class has finished. www.eprints.undip.ac.id © Master Program in Linguistics, Diponegoro University 8

G. Organization of the Writing

This study comprises five chapters. They are „Introduction‟, „Review of the Literature‟, „Research Method‟, „Findings and Discussions‟ and „Conclusion‟. Chapter one presents background of study, scope of the study, statements of the problem, objectives of the study, significance of the study, and organization of the study. Generally, this chapter presents the framework of this study that overview of the following chapters. The next chapter, chapter two presents the reviews of the related literature. This chapter gives description of the theories used in the study like the review of syllabus, conversation class, learning-centered approach, higher education students, and all related areas. All of these reviews serve as the base in conducting this study . Chapter three, on the other hand, presents the research method. This chapter, provided with flowcharts, describes research design and research procedures for collecting data and technique of analyzing data. Chapter four, which is the core of this study, presents all the findings taken from needs analysis and situation analysis. Needs analysis findings which are collected from questionnaires, focus group discussion in academic affairs, and available information, are presented first; while the situation analysis findings, collected from focus group discussion in general affairs, are presented next. This chapter, furthermore, describes how learning- centered approach is applied to adapt the conversation syllabus based on all findings, and its implication for students in their talking time and post-class responses. Chapter five, the last chapter, contains conclusion of this study in the form of a restatement of objectives achievements previously written in chapter IV and suggestion for next researchers who wants to conduct study using same approach. www.eprints.undip.ac.id © Master Program in Linguistics, Diponegoro University 9