A Conflicts Pictured In Antoine De Saint’s Novel The Little Prince







REG. NO. 102202061







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Submitted to Faculty of Culture Studies, University of North Sumatera in partial fulfillment of the requirements for DIPLOMA (D-III) in English

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Faculty of Culture Studies, University of North Sumatera


Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the D-III Examination of the Diploma III English Study Program, Faculty of Culture Studies,

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The examination is held on May 2013

Faculty of Culture Studies, University of North Sumatera


NIP. 19511013197603 1 001 Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A.

Board of Examiners Signature 1. Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A. (Head of ESP) ……….

2. Dra. Syahyar Hanum, DPFE (Supervisor) ……….



I, ABUN FAUJI SARAGIH, declare that I am the sole author of this paper. Except where the reference is made in the text of this paper, this paper contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole or in part from a paper by which I have qualified for or awarded another degree.

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Title of Paper : A Conflict Pictured in Antoine De Saint’s Novel The Little Prince

Qualification : D-III / Ahli Madya

Study Program : English

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The paper entitled “ A Conflict pictured in Antoine De Saint’s Novel The Little Prince” is about Little prince’s and all about the conflicts tell about his favorite picture when he was a six-year-old boy. The picture was of a boa constrictor eating a large animal. When he showed his picture to the elders he was surprised to see that they couldn't make out what it was and were not frightened of it either as he had hoped they would be. This continued until six years earlier when his plane had crashed in the Sahara desert. He was thousand miles from home and faced with a life or death situation. The narrator and the little prince become friends and he tries to Find out where the little prince comes from. The narrator insists that these details are not a concession to his up readers. He says that grown-ups can only understand facts and figures, without ever wondering about other essential qualities, such as beauty and love. This paper uses the methods of library research. By this method, the writer collecting and read books that relevant by the topic of this paper.



Kertas karya yang berjudul “ A Conflicts Pictured in Antoine De Saint’s Novel The Little

Prince” ini membahas tentang Little prince dan seluruh perselisihan, bercerita tentang

gambar favorit nya ketika dia berumur 6 tahun. Dan gambar nya tentang babi jantan tiada batas dalam memakan hewan besar. Ketika ia melihatkan hasil gambar kepada yang lebih tua, ia sangat terkejut melihat nya bahwa mereka tidak mampu membuat apa yang ia buat dan tidak menakut-nakuti seperti apa yang ia harapkan. Hal ini berlanjut lebih cepat dalam 6 tahun ketika kapal udara nya pecah di padang pasir Sahara. Dia berada beribu mil dari rumah dan wajah nya dalam situasi hidup atau mati. Saya dan little prince menjadi teman dan ia mencari tahu dari mana little prince datang. Saya mendesak bahwa tidak ada izin untuk pembaca sifat orang dewasa. Dia mengatakan bahwa orang dewasa hanya dapat memahami kenyataan dan bentuk, tanpa pernah ragu tentang kualitas lainnya, seperti keindahan dan cinta. Kertas karya ini menggunakan metode Library research (penelitian pustaka). Melalui metode ini, penulis mengumpulkan dan membaca buku-buku yang relevan dengan topic kertas karya.




First of all, I would like to thank and praise to the Almighty God, Allah SWT for blessing and giving me health, strength and ease to accomplish this paper as one of the requirements to get Diploma III certificate from English Department Faculty of Culture Study, University of North Sumatera.

Then, I would like to express a deep gratitude, love, and appreciation to:

1) My beloved parents, Ridwan S and Fatimah Sinaga for their loves, patience, prays, and finance in completing this paper. They know how much I love them.

2) My extended family, my sisters and brother, Mardiah S, Haditsah S, Sa’diyah S, Rahimah S and Hamdani S. i thank for them, all their motivations, cares, and advices.

3) Dr.Matius C.A. Sembiring, MA as the Head of English Diploma Study Program, who gives me a lot of knowledge.

4) Dra. Syahyar Hanum, DPFE as my supervisor, who has given directions, advice, critics, and precious time in reading and correcting for it’s completeness.

5) Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A., as the Dean of Faculty of Letters, University of North Sumatera.


Finally, I do realize that this paper is still far from being perfect. Therefore, I welcome any constructive critics and suggestions towards this paper.

Medan, 2013 The Writer

Reg. No. 102202061 Abun Fauji Saragih





ABSTRACT ……… iii

ABSTRAK ……… iv



I. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study ….……….. 1

1.2 Scope of the Study ………... 2

1.3 Purpose of the Study ……… 2

1.4Significance of the Study ……… 3

1.5 The Methods of Research ………... 3


2.2 Conflict ……… 5

2.3 Setting ……… 9

2.4 Point of View ………... 13




4.2 Suggestions ……… 25

REFERENCES ………... 23



The paper entitled “ A Conflict pictured in Antoine De Saint’s Novel The Little Prince” is about Little prince’s and all about the conflicts tell about his favorite picture when he was a six-year-old boy. The picture was of a boa constrictor eating a large animal. When he showed his picture to the elders he was surprised to see that they couldn't make out what it was and were not frightened of it either as he had hoped they would be. This continued until six years earlier when his plane had crashed in the Sahara desert. He was thousand miles from home and faced with a life or death situation. The narrator and the little prince become friends and he tries to Find out where the little prince comes from. The narrator insists that these details are not a concession to his up readers. He says that grown-ups can only understand facts and figures, without ever wondering about other essential qualities, such as beauty and love. This paper uses the methods of library research. By this method, the writer collecting and read books that relevant by the topic of this paper.



Kertas karya yang berjudul “ A Conflicts Pictured in Antoine De Saint’s Novel The Little

Prince” ini membahas tentang Little prince dan seluruh perselisihan, bercerita tentang

gambar favorit nya ketika dia berumur 6 tahun. Dan gambar nya tentang babi jantan tiada batas dalam memakan hewan besar. Ketika ia melihatkan hasil gambar kepada yang lebih tua, ia sangat terkejut melihat nya bahwa mereka tidak mampu membuat apa yang ia buat dan tidak menakut-nakuti seperti apa yang ia harapkan. Hal ini berlanjut lebih cepat dalam 6 tahun ketika kapal udara nya pecah di padang pasir Sahara. Dia berada beribu mil dari rumah dan wajah nya dalam situasi hidup atau mati. Saya dan little prince menjadi teman dan ia mencari tahu dari mana little prince datang. Saya mendesak bahwa tidak ada izin untuk pembaca sifat orang dewasa. Dia mengatakan bahwa orang dewasa hanya dapat memahami kenyataan dan bentuk, tanpa pernah ragu tentang kualitas lainnya, seperti keindahan dan cinta. Kertas karya ini menggunakan metode Library research (penelitian pustaka). Melalui metode ini, penulis mengumpulkan dan membaca buku-buku yang relevan dengan topic kertas karya.


1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background of the Study

Art and literature have the strong relation, those are two great things. Literature is the art of telling story to someone, either orally or written. By reading literary works, you can read the art of language it’s the beautiful thing if you can recognize such things when you read the works.

Novel reflects the transformation of the relationship between literature and art. Novel is an invented prose narrative of considerable a length and a certain complexity that deals imaginatively with human experience, usually through a connected sequence of events involving a group of persons in a spesific setting.

The writer is more interested in literature, and has chosen Santo Antoine De Saint’s novel The Little Prince as the subject matter of this paper. The little prince is a fiction novel and classic tale of equal appeal to adults and children, written by an author Antoine De Saint first published in 1943. The novel was translated into more than 250 languages and dialects including braille, selling over a million copies in year with sales on totaling more than 140 million copies worldwide, it has become one of the best-selling books ever published.

The good qualities of this novel are a relatable plot and cool pictures, the readers can actually see the picture forming from the description and the pictures. The storyline is mostly about I who is an airplane pilot, recollecting his favorite pictures when he was a six year old boy. This continued until six years earlier when his plane had crashed in the Sahara desert. He was thousand miles from home and faced with a life or death situation. I as a narrator was shocked to hear an odd little voice asking him to draw a sheep. He turns to see


the little prince, who is examining the narrator, looking nothing like a child lost in the middle of the dessert. The narrator insists that these details are not a concession to his grown-ups can only understand facts and figures, without ever wondering about other essential qualities, such as beauty and love.

1.2. Scope of the Study

The writer sure that there are many important aspected of the novel can be discussed. The writer only limit the topic. In writing the paper the writer only focuses about one of the intrinsic element of novel that is conflict. In the novel The Little Prince I would like to split the conflict into two parts:

1) Major Conflict, consists of Narrator “I” and Little Prince

2) Minor Conflict, consists of King, Businessman, Astronomer and Geographer.

1.3. Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the study are:

a) By writing this paper the writer wants to explore and find out some conflicts in the novel The Little Prince specifically to I who is trying to know about livelihood in the atmosphere

specially planet and Little Prince always to help him

b) He also hopes that this paper can increase our knowledge about the conflict in a novel


1.4. Significance of the Study

After reading a series of The Little Prince the writer decides to choose the second sequel it because he thought that Prince series have more complicated plot and conflict then other series then this series presented with funny perspective.

1.5. The Method of the Study

In writing this paper the writer uses a library research. Beside that the writer also try to understand the plot in the novel for many times in order to be able to identify the conflict in the novel itself. The writer also searches the information and data from internet about the literature especially the theory of analyzing conflict as his references.



2.1 Theme

The theme is the basic element that dominates the subject matter of a literary work. The theme is the starting point in compiling the work of literary authors. This theme is to be conveyed and solved by the author through his story. The theme becomes the basis of development of the whole story, the theme was nature animates all parts of the story from beginning to end. Theme or themes refer to the result of general and abstract thinking of a writing. In this part, idea becomes the general thinking of the novel. In literary study the consideration of themes relates to meaning, interpretation, explanation, and significance. Though themes are usually extensive and complex, separate ideas may be named by a single word.

The theme of the story is an interview of the novel. The theme of the novel usually derived from the human conflicts of everyday life, including romance, heroism, war, and friendship. The theme of a novel is more than its subject matter, because an author’s technique can play as strong a role in developing a theme as the actions of the characters do. Fiction embody the ideas and issues. Even the story is written to entertain any ideas or be in a position. With this, the author of comic masterpiece is committed to the ideas that became the difficulty of humor into a serious man who may be forced to the make moral choice the character to difficult, in thinking that in a situation of losing the only option is to maintain the honor and dignity.


main idea, which is formed to bind the work together. The author often makes the obvious theme.

Themes distilled from the motifs contained in the relevant work that determines the presence of events, conflicts, and situations. The theme became the basis of the development of the whole story, so he is animating the whole story. A common theme has a generalization, wider, and abstract. Principal themes as the meaning of a work of fiction is not deliberately hidden because precisely this that is offered to the reader. However, the overall theme is the meaning of which supported his story by itself would be hidden behind a story that supports it.

Roberts (1993:361) states that although a single word may name an idea, it does not operate as an idea until it is put into a sentence or assertion. In other words, an idea needs a subject and predicate before we can use it as a basis of understanding. It is important to recognize than an assertion of an idea is not the same as an ordinary sentence.

We can say that a single word as an idea after we build it into a sentence which needed a subject, predicate and the other supporting parts like in an ordinary sentence. But we need to know deeper that even though both build on subject and predicate, an idea is not the same as an ordinary sentence. We need to recognize the both parts by analyzing the meaning of the sentence or the idea.

Without no consideration to analyze the sentence, it could be difficult to recognize which one of both. Ideas are presented along with the expression of implication that certain conditions and standards should be highly valued.


complex. A theme is a controlling idea or set off ideas that states or summarizes the dominant content of a passage, poem, novel or drama. While stating a texts theme as a single statement could be far too reductive, running the risk of totalizing a texts complexity into one presenting idea a number of interrelated themes could illustrate that complexity in a fair way.

Theme as the developer part in a novel, must be related with the other elements to build a good story. As a necessary part in a novel, it is important to know clearly what is the theme. Because it just has a little different with an ordinary sentence. The theme of the novel is more than its subject matter, because an authors technique can play as strong a rule in developing a theme as the action of characters do. Sometimes because of the length of novels and the various characters, conflict, and scenes, found within them, reader can look at different aspects of the work to uncover different interpretations the meaning of the tale.

The novel is work of prose fiction written in the narrative, usually in story form. The novelist known novelist. The word comes from the Italian novel novella which means “a story or piece of news”. The novel is a literary form of the most popular in the world. This form of literature the most outstanding, because the vast power of communication in society. As literature, the novel can be divided into two groups, namely the work seriously and works of entertainment, but not all are able to provide entertainment could be called serious literature. A serious novel that he demanded not only a work of beautiful, attractive, and thus also provide entertainment for us. But he also demanded more than that. The novel is a novel primary requirement is taken it must attract, entertain and bring people out of complacency


Novella, new things) is an extended work of prose fiction, longer than a short story or a medium, length fiction, called a novelette or novella.

Rees (1973:106) says that novel is a fictitious prose narrative of considerable length in which character and action representative of real live are portrayed in a plot of more or less complexity. In the Indonesian language novel is distinguished from romance. A novel is more complex plot and the number or character too much. Second opinion on the understanding of the novel is almost the same, except that the words to express a different opinion. The novel has five elements, namely setting, theme, character, plot style and point of view.

2.2. Conflict

Rich characterization can be effectively and quite consciously achieved by producing a conflict between methods of presentation. A character can be directly revealed to us through appearance, speech, action, and thought. If you set one of these methods at odds with the others, then dramatic tension will be produced. Imagine, for example, a character who is impeccable and expensively dressed, who speaks eloquently, who acts decisively, and whose mind is revealed to us as full of order and determination. He is inevitably a flat character. But suppose that he is impeccable, eloquent, decisive, and that his mind is a mess of wounds and panic. He is at once interesting.

The controlling impulse in a connected pattern of causes and effects is conflict, which refers generally to people or circumstances that a character often the protagonist must face and try to overcome often the antagonist. Conflict brings out the extremes of human energy, causing character to engage in the decisions, actions, responses, and interactions that make up most stories.


In its most elemental form, a conflict is the opposition of two people. Their conflict may take the shape of envy, hatred, anger, argument, avoidance, gossip, lies, fighting, and many other forms and actions. Conflicts may also exist between groups, although conflicts between individuals are more identifiable and therefore more suitable for stories. Conflicts may also be abstract, such as when an individual opposes larger forces like natural objects, ideas, modes of behavior, public opinion, and the like. A difficult or even impossible choice a dilemma is a natural conflict for an individual person. A conflict may also be brought out in ideas and opinions that may clash. In short, conflict shows itself in many ways.

Conflict, doubt, tensi, and interest. Conflict is the major element of plot because opposing forces arouse curiosity, cause doubt, create tension, and produce interest. The same responses are the lifeblood of athletic competition. Consider which kind of game is more interesting : (1) One team gets so far ahead that the winner is no longer in doubt. (2) Both teams are so evenly matched that the winner is in doubt even in the final seconds. Obviously, every game should be a tense contest between teams of comparable strength. The same applies to conflicts in stories. There should be uncertainty about a protagonist’s success, for unless there is doubt there is no tension, and without tension there is no interest.

Conflict in literature is a struggle between or among character or forces in a story that creates the action of a plot.

There are five main types of conflict in literature. Conflict is drama between two opposing forces in a piece of literature. If you have sufficient conflict, you will be able to


2. Character struggling internally with self, sometimes conflict is internal. When character struggles with moral dilemmas, emotional challenges or desires he or she deems unsovary, the conflict is with the characters own soul or conscience.

3. Character struggling against forces of nature, sometimes all the character in the book are the good guys and the conflict in the book is between all the people and forces of nature that are out the characters control.

4. Character struggling against society, when the character is repressed by society and not by a specific character, the conflict take place between that character and society.

5. Character struggling against fantasy, this type of conflict is usually found in specific genres of literary style, such as fantasy, science fiction, horror and supernatural books.

In generally, conflict should not be regarded as an isolated event that can be resolved or managed, but as an integral part of society on going evolution and development. On the other hand, conflict should not be understand solely as an inherently negative and destructive occurance, but rather as a potentially positive and productive force for change if harnessed constructively. Conflict transformation goes beyond merely seeking to contain and manage conflict, instead seeking to transform the root causes themselves or the perceptions of the root causes of a particular conflict.

2.3. Setting

Roberts (1987:230) says “The setting of the story can mean many things besides the obvious where it takes place including the location, the background, and the regional aspect. it can designate a particular time, and historical era, a political situation. from the setting of the story we know the beginning of the story set and setting also affects what the characters


including everything that characters know and own.” From the study of the setting would be known the extent of conformity and correlation between behavior and temperament with the community leaders, social situation, and opinion of society. Besides the condition of the area, geography, social structure also determines the characteristics or character of certain figures.

When the reader read a fiction, truthfully, they are facing a world in a possibility, a world that had been completed by the character and the problem. But of course, those things are less completed because the character need space, place, and time, like human life in real world. In other words, fiction as a world not only need character, story, and plots but also need setting. The story must always include descriptions of places, objects, and the background is the setting. The author uses the setting to create meaning, such as painters, including background and objects to create ideas. Setting can have an effect on the characters, the actions, and the mood of the story. Sometimes a story unfolds in more than one place within the general setting, such as into two different houses or at home and at school.

Rene and Austin (1982:131) says that setting refers to geographical location of the story, time period, daily lifestyle of the characters and climate of the story and Robert and Jacobs (1987:230) says that the setting is the natural, manufactured, political, and temporal environment, including everything that character know and own. Setting is divided into three types: natural and outdoors, the subject of human manufactured and construction, and cultural condition and assumptions.


author includes details about the building and the objects and construction of home, both interior and exterior, in general, also as property sticks like running, fencing, benches parks, toys, car notes, necklaces, hair ribbons, cash register, and so on, and last culture conditions and assumptions, the effect of setting it up just a physical character, as well as cultural conditions and assumptions.

Setting in literary work is important because it may stir the reader imagination as well as reveal the significance of the action. The element of setting can be differential into three principle elements: setting of place, setting of time, and setting of society. Although each of these elements offer situations but actually they are close and influence each other.

a. Setting of Place

Setting of place directs to the location of the event that happen in fiction, setting use for place with a certain names, certain initial and probably in a certain location do not have the exact name and the function of this setting with a certain name should reflect geographical condition of the place. Each place must have its own characteristics which differentiate with others. The description of place is important to give impression to the readers, so the readers can consider which one that really happen or made up event imagination from the place in the story. The setting of place to another places, because there is a development of plot and character. Setting of place is decided by the accuracy of description, function of the unity with another setting element.

b. Setting of Time

Setting of time means when the time of the story happened. The problem of when usually connected with factual time for example day, month, year, weather, or a historical


story, which is based on the setting of time. It makes the story brings the readers to the certain time. The knowledge and the perception of the readers will be used to get involved in the story which is based on the setting of the time. It makes the reader try to competence and enjoy the story. The existence of similarity development and accordance of the time can be profitable to give an impression to the readers and make the readers believe that the story really happened at the time.

c. Setting of Society

Setting of society is very close to the behavior of social life in certain place and certain time in novel. Social setting has connection with the system of social life that contains many problems in complex scope. It can be habits, custom, tradition, religion, ideology, faith, and the way of thinking. Apart from it setting of society relates to the social status of the characters.

2.4. Point of View

Roberts (1995:55) says “Point of view is the voice of the story, the speaker who does the narrating. It is the way the reality of a story is made to seem authentic. It may be regarded as the story’s focus, the angle of vision from which things are not only seen and reported but also judge. A story may be told by a fictitious “observer” who tell us about what he or she saw, heard, concluded, and thought.” Roberts (1995:55) says that the other important point of view is the third person. The third person point of view may be (1) limited, with the focus


revelation of the thought of any of the characters unless the characters themselves make this revelations dramatically.

Understanding point of view often requires subtlety indeed, it may be one of the most difficult of all concepts in study of fiction. In fuller perspective, therefore we may think of it as the total position from which things are viewed, understood, and communicated. The position might be simply physical: where was the speaker located when the events occurred, or does the speaker give us a close or distant view of the events. In the various works we can read we will encounter a wide variety of points of view, generally it can be divided into: first person, third person, and mixed point of view.

Point of view refers to the positions and stance of the voice, or speaker, that author adopt for their works. It supposes a living narrator or personal, who tell stories, present arguments, or expresses attitudes such as love, anger, or excitement. Practically, point of view involves the actual physical location of this speaker and his or her positions to see and record the main action and idea. More abstractly and psychologically, point of view may be considered as the centralizing or guiding intelligence in a work the mind that filters the fictional experience and present only most important details to create the maximum possible impact. It may also be considered as a way of seeing, the perspective into which the work of art is cast.

a. First person point of view

First person point of view is the use of first person as a narrator of a story. He/she takes a part in action. Robert (1995:183) says that if the voice of the work is an “I”, the author is using the first person point of view the impersonation of a fictional narrator or speaker.


Of all the points of view, the first person is potentially the most independent of the author, for such a speaker is often given unique identity, with name, job, and economic and social positions.

b. Second-Person Point of View

The second point of view, the least common of the point of view, offers the writer two major possibilities. In the first, a narrator tells a present and involved listener what he or she done said at a past time. The second possibility is more complex. Some narrators seem to be addressing a “you” but are instead reffering mainly to themselves, and to listeners only tangentially, in preference to an “I” the third person point of view can be divided into two :


The narrator relates what he wishes about the thought as well as the deeds of his character. When he choose the omniscient, narrator enters the main of any or all his character.

Selected or Limited omniscient

In this point of view the narrator limits omniscient to the mind of only a few of his characters or even to one of his character. Selective omniscient narrator enters the main of any or all of his characters.


person with technique “He” as omniscient person “He” as observer or first person with technique “I” as main character and “I” as a peripheral character, or maybe a mixture or first person and third person at all one.



The Little Prince has some conflicts. In this part the writer analyze the internal conflict and the external conflict.

3.1Internal Conflict

A. Character vs Self

There is one internal conflict appear in this novel because the novel about history. He is I “narrator” is the main protagonist of the Little Prince. One day, he gave up a magnificent career as a painter at the age of six. he had been disappointed by the lack of success of my drawing no. 1 and my drawing no. 2. Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves and it is rather tedious for children to have to explain things to them time and again. he had to choose another job and he learnt to pilot aeroplanes. He flew more or less all over the world. And indeed geography has been extremely useful to me. He is able to distinguish between China and Arizona at glance. It is extremely helpful if one gets lost in the night. As a result of which he have been in touch, throughout his life, with all kinds of serious people, as quoted:

“….i have spent a lot of time with grown-ups. I have seen them at very Close quarters which I’m afraid has not greatly enhanced my opinion.”

(The Little Prince p. 11)

Whenever he met one who seemed reasonably clearsighted to me, he showed them my drawing No 1, which he had kept, as an experiment. he wanted to find out whether he or she was truly understanding. But the answer was always: ‘it is a hat’. So he gave up mentioning


Thus he lived alone, with no one he could really talk to, until he had an accident in the Sahara Desert six years ago. He felt, something broke down in his engine. And since there was neither a mechanic nor a passenger with him, and he prepared his self for a difficult but what he hoped would be a succesfull repair. It was a matter of life or death for him. He had scarcely enough drinking water for a week. Than he imagine, as quoted below:

“….. I fell asleep on the sand, a thousand miles from any human habitation. I was far more isolated than a shipwrecked sailor on a raft in the middle of the ocean.” (The Little Prince p.12)

And one day Little Prince advised him to try and make a beautiful drawing so as to impress all this upon the children where he live. Little Prince said to him: ‘if they travel one day, it might be of use to them. It may be convenient sometimes to put off one’s work until another day. But in the case of baobabs, it is always catastrophic to do so. He knew of a planet inhabited by a lazy man. He had neglected three little bushes. So, basing his work upon the descriptions of little prince, as quoted below:

“I made drawing you have just seen. I don’t like to sound like a moralist. But the danger of baobabs is so little known and the risks are so considerable to whomever might get lost on an asteroid that, for once, I make an exception to my reserve.” (The Little Prince p. 28).

He say: ‘Children. Beware of baobabs!’ it is in order to warn my friends of a danger of which they, like me, have been unaware for so long.’’ That he had worked so hard over this drawing. And his lesson was worth it. You may ask yourselves: why are there no other drawings in this book as impressive as the drawing of baobabs? The answer is quite simple, as quoted below:

“I have tried but with the others have not had the slightest success. When I drew the baobabs, I was driven by a feeling of urgency.” (The Little Prince p.28).


problem, little prince asked to him: a sheep, if it eats bushes, does it eat flowers too? Even flowers with thorns? Then the thorns- what use are they? He answered clearly, as quoted below:

“I did not know. I was very busy trying to unscrew a bolt which had got stuck in my engine. I was deeply worried as the breakdown of my plane was beginning to look

extremely serious to me, my drinking water was running out fast and I could only fear the worst.’’

(The Little Prince p. 31).

Little prince blushed and continued: ‘if someone loves a flower of which there is only one on the millions and millions of stars, it is enough to make him happy when he looks at them for he can say to himself: “my flower is somewhere out there…” but if the sheep eats the flower, it is for him as if, all of a sudden, all the stars went dark! And you think that is not important! He could say no more because he was overcome with tears. Night had fallen. He answered, as quoted below:

“I had dropped my tools. I couldn’t have cared less about my hammer, my bolt, thirst or death. There was on a star, a planet, mine, the earth. I felt very awkward. I did not how to reach him, how to catch up with him… the land of tears is so mysterious. (The Little Prince p.34).

He had experienced so much grief in setting down these memories. Six years have already elapsed since his little friend left him, with his sheep. For him, it’s sad to forget a friend. Not everyone has had a friend. So that, he could become like grown-ups who are only concerned with the figures. That is why he has bought a box of paints and some pencils. Then, he shall certainly endeavour to make his portraits as true to life as possible. But he was


forgiven for that. My friend never explained anything to me,

perhaps me thought I was like him. But unfortunately, I cannot see sheep through boxes. Perhaps I am a little like Grown-ups. I am getting old.” (The Little Prince p.23) Each day, he learnt something about the planet, about the little prince’s departure from it, about his journey. The information would come very slowly, following the course of the little prince’s thoughts. Thus it was that on the third day, he heard about the catastrophe of the baobabs. Once again, it was thanks to the sheep, for suddenly the little prince questioned him as if seized by a gravedoubt: ‘it is true, is it not, that sheep eat little shrubs?’ but he confused to answer the question, as quoted below:

“I did not understand why the fact that sheep eat shrubs was so important. I pointed out the little prince that baobabs are not little bushes but trees as tall as churches, and that even if he were to take a whole herd of elephants with him, the herd would not be able to eat up one single baobab.

(The Little Prince p.24)

When the little prince arrived on the earth, he was very surprised not to see any people. He was beginning to fear he had come to the wrong planet when a coil, pale gold as the moon, moved in the sand. He met with the snake and he ask the snake about the people on the earth. Then the little prince sat down on a stone and looked up at the sky. He wonder and say, as quoted below:

“I wonder, if the stars are lit up so that ach one of us can find his own star again. Look at my planet. It is right above us….but how far away it is!” (The Little Prince p.68)

However, the little prince, having walked for a long time through the desert, the rocks and the snow, at last came upon a road. And all roads lead to men. He meet with the Roses, the little prince gazed at them. They all resembled his flower.

And he was suddenly overcome with sadness. His flower had told him that she was the only one of her kind in the universe. And here were five thousand of them, all alike, in one


single garden! And he would have to pretend to nurse her, for otherwise she would really let herself die….in order to humiliate me.’ And he said to himself once again, as quoted below: “I thought I was rich, with a flower unique in the world, whereas in fact all I had was a common rose. That, and my three volcanoes which came up to my knees, of knees, of which one is perhaps extinct forever…. That doesn’t make me a very great prince, and lying in the grass. (The Little Prince p.74)

That night he did not see businessman set out. He had left without a sound. When he imagined to catch up with him, he was walking along with a quick and resolute step. A man merely said to him: ‘oh! You are here..’ after that, he took him by the hand. But he was still worrying. ‘you should not have come. You will be unhappy. I shall look as if I were dead and it will not be true. You must understand. It is too far. I cannot carry this body with me. It is too heavy. It will look like an old abandoned shell, not anything to be sad about.’ He said nothing. A man was a little discouranged. But he made one last effort.

Then, a man said: ‘you know my flower.. I am responsible for her. And she is so weak, so trusting. She has four tiny thorns to protect herself against the world..’ He sat down because he could not remain standing any longer.

There was nothing more than a flash of yellow close to his ankle. He stood motionless for a moment. He did not cry out. He fell as gently as a tree falls. There was not even the slightest sound, because of the sand. But one thing worries him, as quoted below:

“And now, six years have already gone by. . . I have never before told this story. The companions who met me when I returned were glad to see me alive. I was sad but told them I was tired. now I have overcome part of my sorrow. In other words, I have


prince, in spite of the goodwill his love engendered towards her, came gradually to doubt her. He had taken words of no importance seriously and become very unhappy. And he confided further, as quoted below:

“At the time, I was unable to understand anything! I should have have based my judgment upon deeds and not words. She cast her fragrance and her radiance over me. I should never have run a way from her! Flowers are so inconsistent! But I was too young to know how to love her. (The Little Prince p. 38)

3.2External Conflict

B. Character vs another Character

There are many external conflicts that appear in The Little Prince. However the writer will choose based on the importance of their roles that influence the character and story itself. On the fifth day, and once again thanks to the sheep, this secret of the little prince’s life was revealed to him. Without any preamble and as if it were the result of a silently thought out problem. The little prince never let go of a question once he had raised it. But after a moment silence, he said with a kind of resentfulness: ‘ I don’t believe you. Flowers are weak. He did not answer. At that instant he was saying to his self: he shall knock it off with a hammer.’ Once again, the little prince intruded upon his thought, as quoted below:

“No! No! I don’t believe anything. I just answered any old how. I am busy with serious matters.” He could see me with a hammer in my hand and my fingers black with engine grease, bending down over an object which seemed to him extremely ugly. (The Little Prince p.32) On earth, of course, we are far too small to sweep our volcanoes. That is why they cause us so much trouble. The little prince tore up, not without a sense of sorrow, the last little baobab shoots. He believed that he would never have to return. But all these familiar activities seemed very precious to him on that last morning. And, when he watered the flower for the last time and prepared to placed her under her glass dome, he felt like crying, as


“Goodbye, ‘he said to the flower.’’ But she did not answer him. ‘Goodbye, ‘he said again.’ The flower coughed. But it was not because she had a cold.

‘I’ve been silly, she whispered at last. ‘ please forgive me. Try to be happy.’ (The Little Prince p. 39)

The sixth planet was a planet ten times larger. It was inhabited by an old gentleman who wrote voluminous books. “Look! Here comes an explorer!” he cried out when he saw the little prince. The little prince sat down on the table, catching his breath. It seemed he had been travelling for so long! And he cast a quick look around him at the geographer’s planet. Never before had he seen such a magnificent planet, as quoted below:

“Your planet is very beautiful. Are there any oceans?’

‘I have no way of knowing, said the geographer’s. “oh! The little Prince was disappointed. And any mountains?

“I really couldn’t tell you that either, said the geographer. I am not an explorer. (The Little Prince p. 62)

It was then that the fox appeared. The little prince and the fox do small conversation, the little prince invites the fox to come and play with him. But the fox refused it that he cannot play with him. The little prince is looking for a man. And the fox said it is a real nuisance. They also raise chickens. Those are the only activities they are interested in. they debate, as quoted below:

“it is something which is too often forgotten, said the fox. It means to establish ties. .”. “to establish ties? replied the little prince. that’s right, said the fox. ‘to me, you are still just a little boy like a hundred thousand other little boys. And I have no need of you. And you have no need of me, either. (The Little Prince p. 77)

The Little Prince went off to look at the roses again. ‘None of you is at all like my rose. As yet you are nothing, he said to them. ‘Nobody has tamed you and you have tamed no


rose looked just like you, but she is far more important than all of you because she is the one I have watered. And it is she that I have placed under a glass dome. And it is for her that I have sheltered behind a screen. And it is for her that I have killed the caterpillars. (The Little Prince p.82)

The Little Prince never let go of a question once he had raised it. He ‘narrator’ was annoyed about his bolt and he answered with the first thing that came to his mind: flowers have them out of sheer spite.’ But after a moment silence, he said with a kind of resentfulness, as quoted below:

“I don’t believe you. Flowers are weak. They are naïve. They reassure themselves as best they can. They believe that their thorns are terrible.” (The Little Prince p.31)

He found himself in the neighbourhood of the asteroid. So he started by visiting them to look for an occupation and to add to his knowledge. The first one was inhabited by a king. Clad in purple and ermine, he was seated on a throne, both simple and majestic. He did not know that for kings the world is greatly simplified. To them, all men are subjects. The little prince looked around to find a place to sit down, but the entire planet was covered by the magnificent ermine robe. So he remained standing and, since he was tired, he yawned, as quoted below:

“It is contrary to etiquette to yawn in the presence of a king, said the monarch. ‘I forbid it’. ‘I cannot help it,’ replied the little prince in the confusion. ‘I have come on a long journey and I haven’t slept at all”. (The Little Prince p. 43)



4.1 Conclusion

After analyzing the conflict of the novel The Little Prince in the previous chapter the writer get some conclusion as follow:

1 No gain without pain.

2 Whatever our friend have been done to us bad or good, they still understand us, they are the most important thing in our live, because if we are in trouble is they will help us.

3 Love and care to someone who loves you.

4 Every children has experiences, whether bad or from friends or their environment, they must have the courage to face.

5 A good child is a child who loves and respects his parents, family and their friends and live peacefully with people around them.


4.2 Suggestion

Having completed this paper, the writer has suggestion that the novel has a morality message that a good human who is always respectful and obedient to another human and always love your friends even though you always fight them, but remember that they are our siblings you must protect and love.

In this paper the writer only discusses about the conflict although there are many other important elements contain. Besides, by reading this novel the reader can enrich their vocabulary, improve their English and get more knowledge about event that happen in the society. He expects this paper can provide something helpful for readers in studying the literature.



Whitla, William. 2010. The English Handbook. United Kingdom: WILEY BLCKWELL

Chapman, Raymond. 1982. The Language of English Literature. London: Bedford Square

Shaw, Harry. 1995. Concise Dictionary Of Literature Terms. USA: MC Graw Hill

Wellek, Rene and Austin Warren. 1989. Teori Kesustraan. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia

Burroway, janet. 2003. Imaginative Writing The Elements of Craft. New York: Penguin


Ronald Carter and John Mcrae. 1997. The Routledge History of Literature in English.

New Fetter Lane, London

Hadi, Sutrisno. 2002. Metodologi Research. Yogyakarta: Andi

Fananie, Zainuddin. 2001. Telaah Sastra. Surakarta: Muhammadiyah University Press

Antoine De Saint. 2005. The Little Prince’s Novel

Suryabrata, Sumadi. 2002. Metodologi Penelitian. Jakarta: Raja Grapindo Persada

Roberts, Edgar V. and Henry E. Jacobs. 1993. Literature: An Introducing to reading


APPENDICES The Biography of Antoine De Saint

Antoine De Saint wasborn in Lyon in an aristocratic family which could trace its lineage back several centuries, the third of five children of Marie de fonscolombe and comte Jean de Saint Exupery. His father was an executive of the Le Soleil insurance brokerage, who died of a stroke in Lyon's La Foux train station before his son's fourth birthday. His father's death would greatly impact the entire family, changing Saint-Exupery’s status to that of an "impoverished aristocrat".

After failing his final exams at a preparatory Naval Academy (intentionally, some believe), Saint-Exupery entered the Ecole des Beaux-Arts as an auditor to study architecture for fifteen months, again without graduating, and then fell into the habit of accepting odd jobs. In 1921, he began his military service with the 2e Regiment de chasseurs à cheval (2nd Regiment of Light Cavalry) and is sent to Neuhof, near Strasbourg. While there he took private flying lessons and the following year was offered a transfer from the French Army to the Air Force, where he received his wings after being posted to the 37th Fighter Regiment in Casablanca, Morocco.

Saint-Exupery’s first novella, "1’Aviateur" (the aviator), was published in a short-lived literary magazine le Navire d'argent (The Silver Ship).

In 1929, his first book, Courrier sud (Southern Mail) would be published; his career as an aviator and journalist is about to burgeon, and that same year he flew Casablanca– Dakar route. The 1931 publication of Vol de nuit (Night Flight) established him as a rising


became the winner of the prix Femina. The novel mirrored his experiences as a mail pilot and director of the Aeroposta.

On December 30, 1935 at 02:45 a.m., after 19 hours and 44 minutes in the air, Saint-Exupéry, along with his mechanic-navigator André Prévot, crashed in the Sahara desert. They were attempting to break the speed record in a Paris-to-Saigon air race (called a raid) and win a prize of 150,000 francs.

Saint-Exupery continued to write until the spring of 1943, when he left the United States with American troops bound for North Africa in World War II. During the war, he initially flew a Bloch MB.170 with the GR II/33 reconnaissance squadron of the Armee de l'Air. After France's 1940 armistice with Germany, he voyaged to North America, escaping through Portugal and arriving in New York on the last day of 1940 with the intention of convincing the U.S. to quickly enter the conflict against Nazi Germany.

On one flight he circled the airport for an hour after returning, so that he could finish reading a novel, to the chagrin o f his colleagues awaiting his arrival. Saint exupery frequently flew with a lined notebook (carnet) during his long solitary flights, and some of his philosophical writings were created during such periods when he could reflect on the world below him.



The book starts with the narrator, who is an airplane pilot, recollecting his favorite picture when he was a six-year-old boy. The picture was of a boa constrictor eating a large animal. He recalls how a boa constrictor cannot move after swallowing its prey, and must hibernate for the six months until its food has been digested. Fascinated by this story, he had drawn his first drawing, Drawing Number One, which showed a boa constrictor devouring an elephant. When he showed his picture to the elders he was surprised to see that they couldn't make out what it was and were not frightened of it either as he had hoped they would be. They couldn't understand why anyone would be frightened of a hat, which is what they interpreted the drawing to be. But his picture was not a hat but rather, a boa constrictor digesting an elephant.

He then drew the inside of the boa constrictor in another picture, Drawing Number Two, where the elephant could be seen clearly. But the grown-ups advised the narrator to give up drawing and pursue geography, arithmetic and grammar. Disheartened by his failure to become a painter, he realizes how difficult it is for children to always be explaining something to grown-ups. So the narrator learned to be a pilot, noting that the geography he learned did prove to be useful but tha t his opinion of adults did not improve: whenever one would see Drawing Number One, they would think it was a hat. Consequently, he could no longer talk about boa constrictors or stars with anybody.

This continued until six years earlier when his plane had crashed in the Sahara desert. He was thousand miles from home and faced with a life or death situation. The narrator was shocked to hear an odd little voice asking him to draw a sheep. He turns to see the little prince, who is examining the narrator, looking nothing like a child lost in the


Number One to the little prince instead. The little prince examines the drawing and says that he doesn't want a picture of an elephant inside a boa constrictor. Finally after a couple of attempts he is able to draw a box with a sheep inside it, and the little prince is very happy

The narrator and the little prince become friends and he tries to Find out where the little prince comes from, but the little prince is more concerned With the pilot's plane, laughing at its broken parts. The little prince is comforted By the fact that the narrator also comes from the sky, asking him what planet he Comes from. The pilot is surprised at this question and in turn tries to find out hat planet the little prince comes from. The little prince ignores the question and admires the pilot's drawing of the sheep in a box. The pilot offers to draw a string to tie to the sheep so he won't get lost, but the little prince laughs. The sheep will not get lost he says, because on the planet where he lives everything is very small

The narrator is surprised to discover that the planet the little prince Comes from is very small and only the size of a house. In fact, it is an Asteroid called B-612, which is only visible through a telescope. The narrator claims that a Turkish astronomer had sighted the little prince's asteroid in 1909, but that no one Would seriously believe anybody wearing traditional Turkish clothes. After a Turkish dictator ordered all his subjects to change to European clothing, the astronomer successfully presented his report again in 1920.


he notes that a child would accept the little prince's existence based solely on the fact that he wanted a sheep, while an adult would care only that the little prince came from Asteroid B-612.



Whitla, William. 2010. The English Handbook. United Kingdom: WILEY BLCKWELL

Chapman, Raymond. 1982. The Language of English Literature. London: Bedford Square

Shaw, Harry. 1995. Concise Dictionary Of Literature Terms. USA: MC Graw Hill

Wellek, Rene and Austin Warren. 1989. Teori Kesustraan. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia

Burroway, janet. 2003. Imaginative Writing The Elements of Craft. New York: Penguin


Ronald Carter and John Mcrae. 1997. The Routledge History of Literature in English.

New Fetter Lane, London

Hadi, Sutrisno. 2002. Metodologi Research. Yogyakarta: Andi

Fananie, Zainuddin. 2001. Telaah Sastra. Surakarta: Muhammadiyah University Press

Antoine De Saint. 2005. The Little Prince’s Novel

Suryabrata, Sumadi. 2002. Metodologi Penelitian. Jakarta: Raja Grapindo Persada

Roberts, Edgar V. and Henry E. Jacobs. 1993. Literature: An Introducing to reading


APPENDICES The Biography of Antoine De Saint

Antoine De Saint wasborn in Lyon in an aristocratic family which could trace its lineage back several centuries, the third of five children of Marie de fonscolombe and comte Jean de Saint Exupery. His father was an executive of the Le Soleil insurance brokerage, who died of a stroke in Lyon's La Foux train station before his son's fourth birthday. His father's death would greatly impact the entire family, changing Saint-Exupery’s status to that of an "impoverished aristocrat".

After failing his final exams at a preparatory Naval Academy (intentionally, some believe), Saint-Exupery entered the Ecole des Beaux-Arts as an auditor to study architecture for fifteen months, again without graduating, and then fell into the habit of accepting odd jobs. In 1921, he began his military service with the 2e Regiment de chasseurs à cheval (2nd Regiment of Light Cavalry) and is sent to Neuhof, near Strasbourg. While there he took private flying lessons and the following year was offered a transfer from the French Army to the Air Force, where he received his wings after being posted to the 37th Fighter Regiment in Casablanca, Morocco.

Saint-Exupery’s first novella, "1’Aviateur" (the aviator), was published in a short-lived literary magazine le Navire d'argent (The Silver Ship).

In 1929, his first book, Courrier sud (Southern Mail) would be published; his career as an aviator and journalist is about to burgeon, and that same year he flew Casablanca– Dakar route. The 1931 publication of Vol de nuit (Night Flight) established him as a rising


became the winner of the prix Femina. The novel mirrored his experiences as a mail pilot and director of the Aeroposta.

On December 30, 1935 at 02:45 a.m., after 19 hours and 44 minutes in the air, Saint-Exupéry, along with his mechanic-navigator André Prévot, crashed in the Sahara desert. They were attempting to break the speed record in a Paris-to-Saigon air race (called a raid) and win a prize of 150,000 francs.

Saint-Exupery continued to write until the spring of 1943, when he left the United States with American troops bound for North Africa in World War II. During the war, he initially flew a Bloch MB.170 with the GR II/33 reconnaissance squadron of the Armee de l'Air. After France's 1940 armistice with Germany, he voyaged to North America, escaping through Portugal and arriving in New York on the last day of 1940 with the intention of convincing the U.S. to quickly enter the conflict against Nazi Germany.

On one flight he circled the airport for an hour after returning, so that he could finish reading a novel, to the chagrin o f his colleagues awaiting his arrival. Saint exupery frequently flew with a lined notebook (carnet) during his long solitary flights, and some of his philosophical writings were created during such periods when he could reflect on the world below him.



The book starts with the narrator, who is an airplane pilot, recollecting his favorite

picture when he was a six-year-old boy. The picture was of a boa constrictor eating a large animal. He recalls how a boa constrictor cannot move after swallowing its prey, and must hibernate for the six months until its food has been digested. Fascinated by this story, he had drawn his first drawing, Drawing Number One, which showed a boa constrictor devouring an elephant. When he showed his picture to the elders he was surprised to see that they couldn't make out what it was and were not frightened of it either as he had hoped they would be. They couldn't understand why anyone would be frightened of a hat, which is what they interpreted the drawing to be. But his picture was not a hat but rather, a boa constrictor digesting an elephant.

He then drew the inside of the boa constrictor in another picture, Drawing Number Two, where the elephant could be seen clearly. But the grown-ups advised the narrator to give up drawing and pursue geography, arithmetic and grammar. Disheartened by his failure to become a painter, he realizes how difficult it is for children to always be explaining something to grown-ups. So the narrator learned to be a pilot, noting that the geography he learned did prove to be useful but tha t his opinion of adults did not improve: whenever one would see Drawing Number One, they would think it was a hat. Consequently, he could no longer talk about boa constrictors or stars with anybody.

This continued until six years earlier when his plane had crashed in the Sahara desert. He was thousand miles from home and faced with a life or death situation. The narrator was shocked to hear an odd little voice asking him to draw a sheep. He turns to see the


Number One to the little prince instead. The little prince examines the drawing and says that he doesn't want a picture of an elephant inside a boa constrictor. Finally after a couple of attempts he is able to draw a box with a sheep inside it, and the little prince is very happy

The narrator and the little prince become friends and he tries to Find out where the little prince comes from, but the little prince is more concerned With the pilot's plane, laughing at its broken parts. The little prince is comforted By the fact that the narrator also comes from the sky, asking him what planet he Comes from. The pilot is surprised at this question and in turn tries to find out hat planet the little prince comes from. The little prince ignores the question and admires the pilot's drawing of the sheep in a box. The pilot offers to draw a string to tie to the sheep so he won't get lost, but the little prince laughs. The sheep will not get lost he says, because on the planet where he lives everything is very small

The narrator is surprised to discover that the planet the little prince Comes from is very small and only the size of a house. In fact, it is an Asteroid called B-612, which is only visible through a telescope. The narrator claims that a Turkish astronomer had sighted the little prince's asteroid in 1909, but that no one Would seriously believe anybody wearing traditional Turkish clothes. After a Turkish dictator ordered all his subjects to change to European clothing, the astronomer successfully presented his report again in 1920.

The narrator insists that these details are not a concession to his grown-up readers. He says that grown-ups can only understand facts and figures, without ever wondering about other essential qualities, such as beauty and love. Instead they only care about how old someone is or how much a house costs in Order to decide what is beautiful. For example,


he notes that a child would accept the little prince's existence based solely on the fact that he wanted a sheep, while an adult would care only that the little prince came from Asteroid B-612.