The influence of fox on little prince`s personality development as seen in antoine de Saint-exupery`s the little prince.



Wijaya, Albert Adhe Putera. (2016). The Influence of Fox on Little Prince's Personality Development as Seen In Antoine De Saint-Exupery's Little Prince. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

This study analyzes a novel by Antoine De Saint-Exupery, entitled The Little Prince. This novel tells about the adventure of Little Prince in finding life lessons. For some reasons he has to leave his planet and travel from one planet to the others. On the planet Earth, he meets Fox and eventually they become best friends. Their meeting becomes very important for Little Prince because Fox is the only one who becomes friend with Little Prince. Fox teaches many life lessons to Little Prince. Through Fox lesson, Little Prince realizes what is important for him and it changes his point of view.

The aim of this study is to analyze the influence of Fox on Little Prince's personality development. There are two questions to answer in this study: (1) What are the characteristics of Little Prince? (2) How does Fox influence Little Prince's personality development?

Two sources are used in this study. The primary source is the novel itself, entitled The Little Prince. The secondary sources are the books related to theory of character, methods of characterization, and theory of personality.

Based on the analysis, the researcher finds out that the Little Prince is a person who is full of curiosity and stubborn. He is also ambivalent, dishonest and insensitive. There are two events which change Little Prince’s personality development. The first is the friendship between him and Fox and the second is life lessons which Fox teaches to Little Prince. That is what makes Little Prince want to go back to his planet again.

This study provides some suggestions for English teachers and future researchers. For English teachers, this study can be used as reading material. Moreover, for future researchers who use the same novel, they can use the theme about love between Little Prince and Rose.



Wijaya, Albert Adhe Putera. (2016). The Influence of Fox on Little Prince's Personality Development as Seen In Antoine De Saint-Exupery's Little Prince. Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma: Yogyakarta.

Penelitian ini menganalisa sebuah novel oleh Antoine De Saint-Exupery berjudul The Little Prince. Novel ini bercerita tentang petualangan Little Prince dalam menemukan pelajaran hidup. Untuk beberapa alasan dia meninggalkan planetnya dan pergi dari satu planet ke planet yang lain. Di planet Bumi, ia bertemu Fox dan akhirnya mereka menjadi teman baik. Pertemuan mereka menjadi sangat penting bagi Little Prince karena Fox adalah satu-satunya yang menjadi teman Little Prince. Fox mengajarkan banyak pelajaran hidup kepada Little Prince. Melalui pelajaran yang diberikan Fox, Little Prince menyadari apa yang penting baginya dan mengubah sudut pandangnya.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa pengaruh Fox pada pengembangan kepribadian Little Prince. Ada dua pertanyaan dalam penelitian ini: (1) Apakah karakteristik yang dimiliki oleh Little Prince? (2) Bagaimana Fox mempengaruhi perkembangan kepribadian Little Prince?

Ada dua sumber yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Sumber utama adalah novel itu sendiri yang berjudul The Little Prince. Sumber sekunder adalah buku yang terkait dengan teori novel, teori karakter, metode karakterisasi, dan teori kepribadian.

Berdasarkan hasil analisis, penulis menemukan bahwa adalah orang yang Little Prince penuh rasa ingin tahu dan keras kepala. Dia juga ambivalen, tidak jujur dan tidak sensitif. Ada dua peristiwa yang mengubah pengembangan kepribadian Little Prince. Yang pertama adalah persahabatan antara dia dan Fox dan yang kedua adalah pelajaran hidup yang Fox ajarkan kepada Little Prince. Itulah yang membuat Little Prince ingin kembali ke planetnya lagi.

Studi ini memberikan beberapa saran bagi guru bahasa Inggris dan peneliti di masa depan. Untuk guru bahasa Inggris, penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai bahan bacaan bagi para siswa. Dan bagi para peneliti masa depan yang menggunakan novel yang sama, mereka dapat menggunakan tema tentang cinta antara Little Prince dan Rose.









Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Albert Adhe Putera Wijaya Student Number: 111214043








I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work or parts of the work of other people, except those cited in the quotations and the references, as a scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, 15 March 2016 The Writer

Albert Adhe Putera Wijaya 111214043





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Wijaya, Albert Adhe Putera. (2016). The Influence of Fox on Little Prince's Personality Development as Seen In Antoine De Saint-Exupery's Little Prince. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

This study analyzes a novel by Antoine De Saint-Exupery, entitled The Little Prince. This novel tells about the adventure of Little Prince in finding life lessons. For some reasons he has to leave his planet and travel from one planet to the others. On the planet Earth, he meets Fox and eventually they become best friends. Their meeting becomes very important for Little Prince because Fox is the only one who becomes friend with Little Prince. Fox teaches many life lessons to Little Prince. Through Fox lesson, Little Prince realizes what is important for him and it changes his point of view.

The aim of this study is to analyze the influence of Fox on Little Prince's personality development. There are two questions to answer in this study: (1) What are the characteristics of Little Prince? (2) How does Fox influence Little Prince's personality development?

Two sources are used in this study. The primary source is the novel itself, entitled The Little Prince. The secondary sources are the books related to theory of character, methods of characterization, and theory of personality.

Based on the analysis, the researcher finds out that the Little Prince is a person who is full of curiosity and stubborn. He is also ambivalent, dishonest and insensitive. There are two events which change Little Prince’s personality development. The first is the friendship between him and Fox and the second is life lessons which Fox teaches to Little Prince. That is what makes Little Prince want to go back to his planet again.

This study provides some suggestions for English teachers and future researchers. For English teachers, this study can be used as reading material. Moreover, for future researchers who use the same novel, they can use the theme about love between Little Prince and Rose.



Wijaya, Albert Adhe Putera. (2016). The Influence of Fox on Little Prince's Personality Development as Seen In Antoine De Saint-Exupery's Little Prince. Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma: Yogyakarta.

Penelitian ini menganalisa sebuah novel oleh Antoine De Saint-Exupery berjudul The Little Prince. Novel ini bercerita tentang petualangan Little Prince dalam menemukan pelajaran hidup. Untuk beberapa alasan dia meninggalkan planetnya dan pergi dari satu planet ke planet yang lain. Di planet Bumi, ia bertemu Fox dan akhirnya mereka menjadi teman baik. Pertemuan mereka menjadi sangat penting bagi Little Prince karena Fox adalah satu-satunya yang menjadi teman Little Prince. Fox mengajarkan banyak pelajaran hidup kepada Little Prince. Melalui pelajaran yang diberikan Fox, Little Prince menyadari apa yang penting baginya dan mengubah sudut pandangnya.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa pengaruh Fox pada pengembangan kepribadian Little Prince. Ada dua pertanyaan dalam penelitian ini: (1) Apakah karakteristik yang dimiliki oleh Little Prince? (2) Bagaimana Fox mempengaruhi perkembangan kepribadian Little Prince?

Ada dua sumber yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Sumber utama adalah novel itu sendiri yang berjudul The Little Prince. Sumber sekunder adalah buku yang terkait dengan teori novel, teori karakter, metode karakterisasi, dan teori kepribadian.

Berdasarkan hasil analisis, penulis menemukan bahwa adalah orang yang Little Prince penuh rasa ingin tahu dan keras kepala. Dia juga ambivalen, tidak jujur dan tidak sensitif. Ada dua peristiwa yang mengubah pengembangan kepribadian Little Prince. Yang pertama adalah persahabatan antara dia dan Fox dan yang kedua adalah pelajaran hidup yang Fox ajarkan kepada Little Prince. Itulah yang membuat Little Prince ingin kembali ke planetnya lagi.

Studi ini memberikan beberapa saran bagi guru bahasa Inggris dan peneliti di masa depan. Untuk guru bahasa Inggris, penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai bahan bacaan bagi para siswa. Dan bagi para peneliti masa depan yang menggunakan novel yang sama, mereka dapat menggunakan tema tentang cinta antara Little Prince dan Rose.




First of all, I would like to thank Jesus Christ for life, chances, blessings and everything. For His guidance, I am able to finish this final paper.

I would like to send my gratitude to my advisor, Christina Kristiyani, S.Pd., M.Pd., for the advice, guidance, time and support. I would like to thank all of the lecturers in PBI who have shared a lot of things since I started study here. In addition, I would like to thank PBI secretariat staff, Mbak Dhanniek for helping me a lot.

I would like to thank my grandmother, Sri Yuliani, for the love and support. I also thank my father, Agus Ana Wijaya, for not giving up on me. To my mother, Henny Setiarini, who is always watching over me, I thank her for her love. I personally thank Brigitta Pratiwi for the support and being my best friend.

The thankfulness goes to all of my friends in PBI batch 2011, especially Theo, Yanu, Ginong, Gerard, Doni, Malik, and Agung. I send my gratitude to Highlights for letting me be a part of theirs and for the process, professionalism and hardwork in SPD class.










ABSTRAK ... vii




CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION 1 A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Approach of the Study ... 5

CHAPTER II. DISCUSSION 8 A. Review of Related Literature ... 8

1. Theory of Character ... 8

a. Major Character ... 10

b. Secondary Character ... 10

c. Minor Character ... 10

2. Method of Characterization ... 11

a. Personal Description ... 12

b. Character Seen by the Other Character ... 12



d. Past Life ... 13

e. Conversation of Other Characters ... 13

f. Reaction ... 14

g. Direction Comment of the Author ... 14

h. Thoughts ... 14

i. Mannerism ... 14

3. Theory of Personality ... 15

B. The Interpretation of the Finding ... 16

1. Little Prince's Characteristics ... 16

2. Fox Influences Towards Little Prince's Personality Development ... 18


B. Recommendations ... 23





Appendix 1. Biography of Antoine De Saint-Exupery... 26 Appendix 2. Summary of the Little Prince... 28



This chapter consists of two parts. The first part is the background of the study. In this part, the researcher presents the background information and rationale of the study undertaken. It contains the formulation of problems, the importance of the study, and an overview of the study. The second part is the approach of the study. In this part, the researcher states the approaches employed in analyzing the work which contains the distinguished characteristics and the procedure of the application of the approaches.

A. Background of the Study

Literature has become the part of life since human are able to write and publish books. Literature becomes a medium to communicate and share ideas about what occurs in society. Rohrberger and Woods (1971) state that, “Literature is shaped content, significant form. It is a structure of words composed in a way that there is a harmony of all related parts to the whole” (p.5). In other words, literature is an art composed by its author. There are many types of literary works; they are short stories, novels, plays and poetry.

In this study, the researcher chooses to discuss a novel by Antoine De Saint-Exupery. Henkle (1977) states that, “The process of reading a novel induces the reader’s imagination to spread out” (p.25). This is also the reason why the


researcher chooses novel. However, it is difficult to define what a novel is. Laar and Schoonderwoerd (1969) explain:

The word “novel’, like the word “art” is a tedious abstraction and it is more profitable to talk about particular novels than about novel in general. Although there are a great many definition of the novel, the novel is not a thing that has ever been very precisely defined. None of the definition are good enough and none apply to all novel (p.162).

They add a simple way to describe what a novel is, as “It is a narrative in prose; a fiction of at least some 50,000 words (p.163).

In many cases, novels are basically written by grown-ups for grown-ups. Thus, many novels are usually understood by grown-ups. There are only few novels that are intended for children. As Laar and Schoonderwoerd (1969) note, “Most novels, like literature in general, are written by grown-ups for grown-ups. This often deals with situation in life that can only be fully understood and appreciated by grown-ups” (p.162).

However, the researchers found out that Antoine De Saint-Exupery wrote an interesting novel entitled The Little Prince. The Little Prince, which is published in 1943, has a very interesting story about an imaginative adventure of the writer of the novel when he is stranded in a desert. In that place he meets Little Prince, an imaginative character with quite interesting background story.

A novel by Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince, is chosen as the subject of this research. The researcher chooses this novel for some reasons. First, this novel is intended for the children. That is why the writer of this novel uses simple words, a simple storyline, and a lot of illustrations for the children to


follow. Second, the writer changes the readers’ point of view easily by using Little Prince character. There are many stories in this book that tell about how strange grown-ups act in this world. The writer of the novel changes the readers’ point of view to children’s point of view by using Little Prince character. Therefore, grown-ups can see things in different ways. This is also the reason why this novel is good also for grown-ups. The last thing is this novel also has many good moral values for grown-ups. The writer of the novel uses real life human activities in the story. That is why every part of Little Prince’s journey to find his life experiences can be a portray of human’s life also. Those are the reasons why this novel is very interesting for both children and grown-ups.

This study focuses on two problems. 1) What are the characteristics of Little Prince? 2) How does Fox influence Little Prince’s personality development? These two questions are used to analyze the story of the novel The Little Prince.

This study will focus on two characters only. In addition to Little Prince which is the main character, Fox is chosen to be discussed in this study. The reason is because Fox is the only character in the story who wants to be friends with Little Prince. Fox is also who gives a lot of life lesson to Little Prince. Their bond is what makes Little Prince has a very big change. While the other characters are only give a little differences in Little Prince’s characteristics. For that reasons, this study is intended to see Little Prince’s personality development through their friendship.


Literary works present a lot of capture applications of life generally around people in the society. Especially in novel, it contains of a plot, setting, and characters that capture some things real in life. However, The Little Prince contains a lot of imaginative things and a lot of moral values based on the story. It represents an imagination of young children rather than grown-ups. Thus, through this study it is hoped that this novel helps the children to expand their imagination. This novel not only contains a good story line, but also moral values which are appropriate for children. The researcher hopes that this study is also beneficial for future researchers. For those who want to analyze and explore this novel, this study can be used as reference. There are many other things that can be studied in The Little Prince. Especially, on how other minor characters in the story affecting Little Prince and how the novel portrays the author’s real life experiences. In addition, this novel can be used for teachers to teach reading in a classroom. The teacher can explore on how to use the parts of stories when Little Prince visits the other planets.

To avoid misinterpretation in this study, these are the explanation of the terms. The terms are as follows.

3. Influence is any parts or present condition which plays a part in determining one’s behavior, or course of thought, in the present (Drever, 1922, p.137). In this study, influence is described as the effects of the particular relationship, which determines one’s thought and behavior, especially the one which has been experienced by Little Prince.


4. Personality is a dynamic organization within the individual of those psychological systems that determine his characteristics, behavior and thought” (G.W. Allport, as cited in Engler, 2008, p.264). In other words, personality is not only about characteristics, but also behavior and thought. How a character acts in the story is also a part of personality.

5. Development refers to changes happening to human being during their lifetime (Schiamberg and Smith, 1982, p.5). It has a relationship to some aspects such as character and attitude. It means that the changes can happen to their character and or attitude.

B. Approach of the Study

One of the best novels by Antoine De Saint-Exupery, entitled The Little Prince, is used as an object to be discussed. A brief explanation on the life of Antoine De Saint-Exupery can be found in Appendix 1. The Little Prince tells about the adventure of Little Prince in finding life lessons. Little Prince who owns his tiny little planet lives happily even though there is not any one to talk to. One day, a Rose comes to his planet. He thinks that his Rose is special, the only one in the universe. They talk about many things in the world they live in. As they talk to each other, there is a doubt in the heart of Little Prince. There are things that Little Prince could not understand as they argue to each other. He is too naïve and he wants to learn about what grown-ups think. He decides to travel from one planet to others to experience what he could not understand. He meets many kinds of people in different planets until he arrived on Earth. The Earth is different from


the planets he visits before; it is very vast. On this planet, Little Prince is stranded in a desert and meets many unexpected events. One of them is that he meets Fox. They becomes a good friend and Fox teaches many things to Little Prince. Their friendship changes Little Prince’s life entirely. The summary of the novel can be found in Appendix 2.

In this study, the Psychological approach is applied to analyze this novel. According to Rohrberger and Woods (1971), “A critical approach to literature necessitates an understanding of its nature, function and positive values” (p.3). A general point of view is needed to analyze, criticize and understand a literary work. Thus, Rohrberger and Woods discuss five critical approaches used in analyzing a literary work; they are Formalist approach, Biographical approach, Sociocultural-Historical approach, Mythopoeic approach and Psychological approach. From all of those approaches, the Psychological approach is the most appropriate approach to analyze this novel. Rohrberger and Woods explain that, “The Psychological approach involves the effort to locate and demonstrate certain recurrent patterns. This approach determines the pattern through human social communication” (p.13). In other words, Psychological approach focuses on the psychological side of human beings. According to Lester Crow and Alice Crow (1954), “Psychology is often said as the study of human behavior and the progress of man’s self-development. Human behavior and development are influenced by the environment and the potential that man have” (p.228-231). The characters’ thought and behavior can be understood by using psychological approach since


this approach intends to comprehend the patterns of human personality and behavior.

This approach is applied in order to explain Fox behavior pattern as the significant character who influences Little Prince’s personality development. Personality involves patterns of thought and feeling, but also behavior. The focus of this study is the influence of the significant character on the main character’s personality development as portrayed in the novel. Psychological approach is applied to find out what was going on within the main character and the significant character who influences his personality.

The method of the study used in this study is library research. The primary source is the novel entitled The Little Prince by Antoine De Saint-Exupery. The secondary sources are the books related to theory of character, methods of characterization, and theory of personality.

In analyzing this work, some steps are taken. First, the researcher read The Little Prince many times in order to have deeper understanding about the characters and the story. Second, the researcher attempts to find the problem formulation. Third, the researcher gathers the data and related theories. Fourth, the researcher analyzes the characters and the findings based on the theories. Those theories are theory of character, method of characterization, and theory of personality. My analysis is strengthened by discussions with my supervisor. The last, the researcher draws conclusion based on the analysis and give some suggestions for future researchers and teachers.




This chapter contains review of related literature and the findings. This chapter will also answer the problem formulation stated in this study. This section is followed by an interpretation of the result.

A. Review of Related Literature

This study focuses on the analyzing characteristics. The researchers found out that there are only few researches on The Little Prince. So far, the researches are mainly talking about symbolism and the biographical study of The Little Prince’s author. For that reason, this study focuses on the characters on the novel.

This section contains theories related to this study. They are theory of character, methods of characterization, and theory of personality. These theories are fundamental analysis of this study.

1. Theory of Character

According to Laar and Schoonderwoerd (1969) character is “the representation of certain person, however the resulting characters are never exact replicas of the actual human beings” (p.165). Moreover, Abrams (2000) notes a character is “an individual who exists in a dramatic or narrative work and s/he has


moral dispositional qualities that can be seen from his/her dialogue and action.” (p.21). Stanton (1965) states that character is “one of the most important elements in the literary works” (p.17). Laar and Schoonderwoerd (1969) also state similar theory, “Two main elements of a novel are the story or plot and people or character” (p.163).

Milligan (1983) explains there is always a character that becomes the center of the storyline. All of his actions are important and affecting the story itself. Milligan called this as Major character as stated in his book:

Major character is the most important character in a literary work. He plays a very important role because everything he does becomes the content of the story. A major character becomes the centre of the story because he endures problems, conflict, happiness, sorrow, etc. Through his action, the readers knows the author’s message of the story (p.155). Milligan also added that one character in a story is insufficient. Many other characters are needed even though they are less affecting the story itself. However, their roles are to support the main character in many different ways. Milligan (1983) explains “Minor characters are the characters that play less important role than major character. Their appearances support the main character to develop the story so they appear only in a certain setting. They do not endure the problem of the story” (p.155).

On the other side, Henkel (1977) mentions in his book, An Introduction to Techniques of Interpreting Fiction, there are three kinds of characters. They are major character, secondary character, and minor character.


a. Major Character

Major character whom we observe most often in the novel, whose appearance are frequent, attain the level of preeminence. They are created because they are given the amplitude and attention to present convincing dramatizations of the human issue of the book. If they fail in this role, the book essentially fails. However if we understand them, we presumably understand the focal experience in the novel.

b. Secondary Character

The secondary character function is to populate the world of novels. Since fiction presents human contexts, the secondary characters establish that context. Secondary characters may be a friend of the major character in novel, or one who comes on scene frequently to comment on events or interact with the major characters.

c. Minor Character

The minor characters, being generally less complex or less intense, and drawn in shallow or relief, present what is often only one side of the experience. The novel is sharpened by the actions of subsidiary characters. They function to construct a composite picture of the human condition that is at issue in the novel (p.92-99).

E.M. Forster in his book, Aspects of The Novel, mentions that there are two kinds of characters. “First is flat characters who are compelled by a set idea in


their creator. Second is round characters who embody all the variations and complexities of human nature” (as cited in Henkle, 1977, p.91). Laar and Schoonderwoerd (1969) explained:

A round character is the most perfect way for a novelist to represent his characters in their wholeness and in all their different aspects. A flat character is represented only or mainly in one aspect. A flat characters are constructed round a single idea or quality e.g. goodness, badness, etc. and they can usually be summed up in a few words or a single sentence. In flat characters, some trait of characters is for some reason exaggerated, while the other aspects or traits are hardly paid attention to. They represent people as more simple than in fact they are (p.170-171).

Henkle (1977) notes, “If a character is not supposed to be complex and lifelike, if he supposed to represent an idea then it is useless to look for psychological subtlety in his portrait” (p.21). He further adds, “The principle objective of the creation of characters in novel is to enable us to understand, and to experience, people (p.86). In other words, a character has to be able to represent a human life with its social interaction. Thus, the author’s intention and messages will be apprehended for the readers.

2. Methods of Characterization

Characterization theory is used to discover further about characters in novel. Laar and Schoonderwoerd (1969) state:

Character in a novel should not be static. There must be development. While the plot, the story, goes forward, the characters should go forward too and vice versa. Character may be delineated (characterize) or drawn either from the inside by analysis of motives etc., or from the outside by description of external elements. Characters may also be drawn by showing them in contact with other characters and by showing how they react to other human being. The way one character behaves to another character – the interplay of characters – may tell us a good deal about them (p.171).


Rohrberger and Woods (1971) explain that characterization is an author’s creative process in creating a character. This process consists of describing the character’s physical appearance, style, manner, thought, action and other’s opinion about him or her (p.231). By understanding this process, the characteristics of a character will be easier to describe.

In this study, Murphy’s theory of characterization is used to analyze the characters. According to Murphy (1972), there are nine ways for author to make his or her characters understandable, which are as follows.

a. Personal Description

The author can describe the person’s appearance and clothes in the story. The author describes what the characters are like and tells the readers the details of the characters’ appearance; body/build, the face, skin colour, eyes, hair and clothing. The author gives every detail through his own words or narration.

b. Character Seen by the Other Character

The author can describe a character through the eyes and opinions of other people in the story. The readers get as it were, a reflected image. In other words, the author describes a character in the story by letting people in the story make opinions about the character him or herself.


c. Speech

The author can give the readers an insight into the character of one person in the story through what the person says. Whenever a person speaks, whenever he is in the conversation with the others, whenever he puts forward an opinion, he is giving his readers a clue to his character. The way a character speaks and gives opinion to others gives the readers an insight to the characteristics.

d. Past Life

The author lets the readers learn something about a person’s past life, the author can give the readers a clue to events that helped to shape the person’s characters. This way can be seen through the direct comment from the author, person’s thought, conversation or the medium of another person.

e. Conversation of Other Characters

The author can give the readers’ clue to a person’s character through the conversation of other people and the things they say about the character itself. The clues that the readers have comes from the characters’ conversation. In addition, Laar and Schoonderwoerd (1969) also state that, ‘Dialogue tell the readers something about the character that is speaking’ (p.171). It means that when characters in the story are having conversation, they describe one to another’s characteristics.


f. Reaction

The author can give the readers a clue about the person’s character by letting the readers know how that person reacts to the various situations and events. It can be shown by their speech and or behavior. Therefore, through this reaction, the readers can understand the mental and moral qualities of the person in the story.

g. Direct Comment of the Author

The author can describe or comment on a person’s character in the story directly. In this way, the readers will understand what kind of people are in the story more easily. The readers do not need to guess what kind of characteristics a character has because the author tells them directly.

h. Thoughts

The author can give the readers direct knowledge of what a person in the story is thinking about. Here, the author is able to do what the author him or herself cannot do in the real life. The author can also tell the readers what different people are thinking.

i. Mannerism

It means that the author can describe a person’s mannerism, habits or idiosyncrasies, which may also tell us something about his character (p. 160-173).


The way a character acts in the story can give a clear idea about characteristics to the readers.

Some of methods may be used to analyze Little Prince characteristics, they are character seen by the other character, speech, conversation of other characters, reaction and thoughts. Most of the stories are told by the author himself. However he represents himself as a character in the story. Some parts of the story tell the characters’ characteristics through speech, conversation and reaction towards other characters. In addition, Little Prince usually thinks to himself when he learns about what grown-ups do.

3. Theory of Personality

Hurlock (1974) says that “Human life consists of two aspects, namely individual and social aspects. The individual aspect concerns with the physical changes and individual’s personality development. Individual’s personality development, which is usually influenced by two factors; individual’s early experience within his family and the important events that happened outside the home or the social aspects” (p.19-20).

Allport (1970) says that “cultural ways, social situation, and individual’s role within social systems plays role in individual’s development personality” (p.194-195). He explains that a child usually requires cultural ways. He grows to accept the roles within the family, but later, he finds himself playing many assigned roles within many social systems. His behavior is modified within limits by every social situation he encounters.


B. The Interpretation of the Findings

This section discusses two questions that are stated in the problem formulation. Thus, this section is divided into two parts. The first part is the discussion of Little Prince’s characteristics. The second part is the discussion on how Fox influences towards Little Prince’s personality development.

1. Little Prince’s Characteristics

There are many characteristics that can be found in Little Prince since he is the main character in this novel. However, the researchers will explain some of his characteristics that is affecting the story most. First, Little Prince is a person who is full of curiosity and stubborn. He is always interested in knowing about anything he does not know. When he travels from one planet to another, he always asks questions especially about what grown-ups think. When he meets king, he is the one who starts to ask question. “’Sire,’ he said to him, ‘I beg that you will excuse my asking you a question-‘” (p.35). In the second planet, he is also interested in what grown-ups think. “What do you mean –‘admire’?” (p.40). In other planets, it can be seen that Little Prince is a character with full of curiosity. “’What are you doing there?’ he said to the tippler.” (p.40); “’Five hundred million what?’ asked the Little Prince.” (p.41); “Good morning, sir. Why have you just put out your lamp?” (p.46); “’What is that big book?’ said the Little Prince. “What are you doing?” (p.49). In addition to his curiosity, Little Prince is also stubborn. Little Prince is very stubborn when he starts asking questions. His curiosity over a thing must be answered, otherwise he will keep asking the same


question. “’Then my sunset?’ the Little Prince reminded him: for he never forget a question once he asked it.” (p.36); “’Five-hundred-and-one million what?’ repeated the Little Prince, who never in his life had let go of a question once he had asked it.” (p.42); “But what does that mean – ‘ephemeral’? repeated the Little Prince, who never in his life had let go of a question, once he had asked it” (p.52).

Second, Little Prince is a person who is ambivalent, dishonest and insensitive. These other sides of Little Prince’s characters are revealed when Little Prince begins to think about his journey to other planets. It all starts when Little Prince meets with Rose in his planet. He takes good care of her from the very start when she was still in form of seed. After she grows up as a beautiful flower, Little Prince begins to fall in love with Rose (p.27). Nonetheless, Little Prince says to himself, “But I was too young to know how to love her. . .” (p.30). He always quarrels with Rose over things. He travels from one planet to others to experience what he does not know and says he may not come back to his planet. He is also ambivalent because he does not know whether his decision is right or not. “He believed that he would never want to return. But on this last morning all these familiar tasks seemed very precious to him. (p.30)”. Another reason is that Little Prince is dishonest with his own feeling. “And when he watered the flower for the last time, and prepared to place her under the shelter of her glass globe, he realize that he was very close to tears. (p.32)”. Little Prince is also insensitive. This characteristic can be seen through Rose’s speech. “’Of course I love you,’ the flower said to him. ‘It is my fault that you have not known it all the while. (p.32)”.


2. Fox Influences Towards Little Prince’s Personality Development

When Little Prince meets Fox, he learns what is the meaning of friendship. At first, it can be seen that Fox is a character who is shy and very cautious. He greets Little Prince while hiding under a tree. “‘Good morning,’ the Little Prince responded politely, although when he turned around he saw nothing. ‘I am right here,’ the voice said, ‘under the apple tree.’” (p.62). And he does not want to play with Little Prince because they are not friends yet. “ ‘I cannot play with you,’ the Fox said. ‘I am not tamed.’ ” (p.63). However, Fox feels lonely and he also wants to be friends with Little Prince. “ ‘Please – tame me!’ he said.” (p.65). The meaning of “tame” become very important for both of them. They learn about friendship and tie their relation one to another through this “tame” word. Fox tells Little Prince what their friendship will be like. “But if you tame me, it will be as if the sun came to shine on my life. I shall know the sound of a step that will be different from all others. Other steps send me hurrying back underneath the ground. Yours will call me, like music, out of my burrow.” (p.65). Fox also adds that their friendship will change everything that is common.

“And then look: you see the grain-fields down yonder? I do not eat bread. Wheat is of no use to me. The wheat fields have nothing to say to me. And that is sad. But you have hair that is the colour of gold. Think how wonderful that will be when you have tamed me! The grain, which is also golden, will bring me back the thought of you. And I shall love to listen to the wind in the wheat. . .” (p.65)

Even though, Little Prince is not quite sure with this friendship, Fox reassures him. “‘One only understand the things that one tames,’ said the Fox. ‘Men have no more time to understand anything. They buy things all ready made at shops.


But there is no shop anywhere one can buy friendship, and so men have no friends any more. If you want a friend, tame me. . .’” (p.65).

The most important characteristic of Fox is that he is wise. Most of the time, a Fox character is characterized as a cunning and sly character in many different kinds of stories. However, in this novel the character of Fox is characterized as kind, helpful and especially wise. Little Prince gets many lessons from what Fox said to him. Fox explains to Little Prince the mean of ‘tame’. “'What does that mean –‘tame’?'. 'It is an act too often neglected,' said the Fox. 'It means to establish ties.'” (p.64). Fox teaches Little Prince the meaning of friendship and being special.

“To me, you are still nothing more than a little boy who is just like a hundred thousand other little boys. And I have no need of you. And you, on your part, have no need of me. To you, I am nothing more than a Fox like a hundred thousand other Foxes. But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world. . .” (p.64)

When Little Prince is going to leave, Fox reassures him that friendship will always leave behind good things. “'But now you are going to cry!' said the Little Prince. 'Yes, that is so,' said the Fox.' 'Then it has done you no good at all!' 'It has done me good,' said the Fox, 'because of the colour of the wheat fields.'” (p.68).

After he befriends with Fox, he learns what important in his life. When the Fox teaches Little Prince about what is meant by ‘tame’, he finally understands about his feeling towards Rose. “I am beginning to understand,” said the Little


Prince. “There is a flower . . . I think that she has tamed me . . .” (p.64). Through Fox words, Little Prince understands about what it is meant by special.

The Little Prince went away, to look again at the Roses. “You are not at all like my Rose,” he said. “As yet you are nothing. No one has tamed you, and you have tamed no one. You are like my Fox when I first knew him. He was only a Fox like a hundred thousand other Foxes. But I have made him my friend, and now he is unique in all the world.” (p.68)

As Fox says to Little Prince, “It is the time I have wasted for your Rose that make your Rose so important.” (p.70), he finally realizes it when he met with the switchman. “Only the children know what they are looking for,” said the Little Prince. “They waste their time over a rag doll and it becomes very important to them; and if anybody takes it away from them, they cry...” (p.71). The last message given by Fox is what impact Little Prince most. His feeling towards Rose changes. Little Prince becomes honest to himself and he admits it to the pilot.

“The fact is that I did not know how to understand anything! I ought to have judged by deeds and not by words. She cast her fragrance and her radiance over me. I ought never to have run away from her. . . I ought to have guessed all the affection that lay behind her poor little stratagems. Flowers are so inconsistent! But I was too young to know how to love her. . .” (p.30)

After all that happens on the Earth and after he hears Fox’s last message, the only thing Little Prince wants to do is that he goes back to his planet, his home. He does not admit it at first when he meets the pilot.

“Do you come from another planet?” But he did not reply. He tossed his head gently, without taking his eyes from my plane: “Is it true that you can’t have come from very far away. . .” And he sank into reverie, which lasted a long time. Then, taking my sheep out of his pocket, he buried himself in the contemplation of his treasure. (p.12)


However, it states clearly at the end of the story that Little Prince is on the way to find his way back when he meets the pilot.

“Then it was not by chance that on the morning when I first met you – a week ago – you were strolling along like that, all alone, a thousand miles from any inhabited region? You were on your way back to the place where you landed?” The Little Prince flushed again. (p.78)

His meeting with Fox is what makes Little Prince changes his point of view. At first, he still needs a lot to learn about what grown-ups think. That is why he is so stubborn. All of his questions must be answered. Even though most of the time people that he meets do not want to answer Little Prince questions, he insists on repeating the same question. However, after he meets Fox, Little Prince realizes what is important to him. Even though at first he says that he is not going to back to his planet, but Fox’s last message reveals his true heart. He becomes an open-minded person. He knows what he is looking for. It is proven when he meets railway switchman. “’Only the children know what they are looking for,’ said the Little Prince.” (p.61). At that time, Little Prince already realizes what his purpose is. He tries to find his way back home to his planet. Little Prince also learns that time he wasted on someone will not be wasted at all. When a merchant asked him what will he do when he has fifty –three minutes to spare, Little Prince answers, “If I had fifty-three minutes to spend as I liked, I should walk at my leisure towards a spring of fresh water.” (p.63). It is because Little Prince realizes that every minute is precious. It is all because of Fox who has teaches him important life lesson.




This chapter consists of two parts. The first part is the conclusion. In this part, the researcher summarizes the major findings or the solutions to the problems. The second part is the recommendation. In this part, the researcher relates the discussed topic to the teaching field.

A. Conclusions

Based on the analysis on the previous chapters, two points are concluded in this chapter. The first is Little Prince characteristics. The second is how Fox influences Little Prince’s personality development.

The Little Prince has many kinds of characters because he is the main character in the story. First, Little Prince is a person who is full of curiosity and stubborn. He is always interested in knowing about anything he does not know. His curiosity over a thing must be answered, otherwise he will keep asking the same question. Second, Little Prince is a person who is ambivalent, dishonest and insensitive. He never speaks his true mind. That is why he quarrels with Rose and leaves his planet.

There are two events which change Little Prince’s personality development. The first is the friendship between him and Fox and the second is


life lessons which Fox teaches to Little Prince. First, through their friendship we can see that Little Prince personality changes. Little Prince who at first is stubborn becomes a person who is open-minded. He realizes his purpose and sets his goal to go back to his planet. Second, through Fox’s life lessons Little Prince realizes that the time he wastes on somebody important is not wasted.

B. Recommendations

This study will be a great aid for teachers to teach their classes. There are two reasons for this. First, The Little Prince novel itself is a great work by its author and can be used as reading material. This novel is suitable to teach reading for Senior High School. The activities will be divided into three; they are reading activities, whilst reading activities and post reading activities. In pre-reading activities, some excerpts of the novel are taken and the teacher may give the students some vocabularies that difficult for the students to follow. The students will be asked to look the meaning in the dictionary. In whilst reading activities, the teacher asks the students to read the excerpt of the novels, answer the vocabulary exercise, true-false exercise, and comprehension questions. Then the teacher and the students will discuss all of the assignments. In post reading activities, the teacher invites the students to state the moral values they have learn from the story.

This research may also be used for the future researcher. This novel is a great work which depicts human life using a simple story. This study only focuses on Little Prince and Fox even though there are many other characters in this


novel. Little Prince travels from one planet to others, so there will be many stories on those planets. There is also Rose which become the main reason why Little Prince left his planet. Therefore, there will be a lot more things to discuss about The Little Prince. The one the researcher suggests is the theme about love between Little Prince and Rose.



Abrams, M.H. (2000). A glossary of literary terms (4th ed.). New York: Rinehart and

Winston, Inc.

Allport, G.W. (1970). Pattern and growth in personality. New York: Rinehart and Winston, Inc.

Crow, L.D. & Crow, A.V.B. (1954). Reading in general psychology. New York: Barnes and Noble, Inc.

Drever, J. (1922). The psychology of everyday life. London: Methuen & Co., Ltd.

Engler, B. (2008). Personality theories: An introduction (8th ed.). Boston: Houghton


Exupery, A.D.S. (1998). The Little Prince. London: Mammoth.

Henkle, R.B. (1977). Reading the novel: An introduction of interpreting fiction. New York: Harper & Row, Inc.

Hurlock, E. B. (1976). Personality development. New Delhi: Tata Mc Graw-Hill Inc. Laar, E.V.D. & Schoonderwoerd, N. (1969). An approach to English literature (6th ed.).

Rotterdam: LCG, Malmberg

Milligan, I. (1983). The novel in English: An introduction. London: Macmillan Press Ltd. Murphy, M.J. (1972). Understanding unseen: An introduction to English poetry and the

English novel for overseas students. London: George Allan and Unwin, Ltd.

Rohrberger, M. & Woods, S.H. (1971). Reading and writing about literature. New York: Random House, Inc.

Schiamberg, L.B. & Smith, K.U. (1982). Human development. New York: Macmillan Stanton, R. (1965). An introduction to fiction. New York: Rinehart and Winston, Inc.




Antoine de saint Exupery was born on 29th June, 1900 in Marseille, France. His father died in 1904 due to a stroke, thus his mother moved with her children to Le Mans in 1909. He spent his childhood years at the castle of Saint-Maurice-de-Rémens, surrounded by sisters, aunts, cousins and nurses. He acquired his early education at Jesuit schools in Montgré and Le Mans, and a Catholic boarding school in Switzerland (1915-1917). Much to his dismay, he failed his final examination at a university preparatory school, so he enrolled himself at the École des Beaux-Arts to study architecture. He tried to join the Navy, but could not enter. In 1921, he started off as a mechanic and joined the French Air Force in Strasbourg. He had flown, with a pilot, for the first time in 1912. However, when his fiancé’s family objected, he settled in Paris where he took an office job and started to write. His engagement broke off some time later.

Saint-Exupery’s first tale, ‘L’Aviateur’ was published in 1926 in the literary magazine Le Navire d’argent. His career took off when in 1928; he became the director of the remote Cap Juby Airfield in Rio de Oro, Sahara. During this period, the house he lived in was a wooden ram-shackle and he slept on a thin straw mattress. A point in his life came when he had completely secluded himself. This was when he wrote The Little Prince and The Wisdom of


the Sands which showed his love for the desert. His first novel, Southern Mail celebrated the courage of the early pilots, flying at the limits of safety, to speed on the mail and win a commercial advantage over rail and steamship rivals. Another story was written which described the author’s failed relationship with his fiancé.

In 1929, Saint-Exupery flew to South America, where he was made the director of the Aeroposta Argentina Company. This experience gave the basis for his second novel, Night Flight which became an international bestseller. It won the Prix Femina. The story describes Rivière, the hard-bitten airport chief who has by gone into retirement and has accepted the work of flying the mail as his destiny.

Saint-Exupery married a widow, Consuelo Gómez Carillo in 1931. The marriage did not last for long. Consuelo felt neglected by her husband, who did not have the time to pay much attention to her needs. There were also rumors of him being engaged in affairs with other women. After being convinced by a friend, he wrote a book about Pilots’ confessions, Wind, Sand and Stars, which appeared in 1939 and won the French Academy’s 1939 Grand Prix du Roman and the National Book Award in the United States. He disappeared on a reconnaissance flight over the Mediterranean and France in July 1944 and is believed to have died at that time.




The narrator, an airplane pilot, crashes in the Sahara desert. The crash badly damages his airplane and leaves the narrator with very little food or water. As he is worrying over his predicament, he is approached by the Little Prince, a very serious little blond boy who asks the narrator to draw him a sheep. The narrator obliges, and the two become friends. The pilot learns that the Little Prince comes from a small planet that the Little Prince calls Asteroid 325 but that people on Earth call Asteroid B-612. The Little Prince took great care of this planet, preventing any bad seeds from growing and making sure it was never overrun by baobab trees. One day, a mysterious rose sprouted on the planet and the Little Prince fell in love with it. But when he caught the rose in a lie one day, he decided that he could not trust her anymore. He grew lonely and decided to leave. Despite a last-minute reconciliation with the rose, the prince set out to explore other planets and cure his loneliness.

While journeying, the narrator tells us, the Little Prince passes by neighboring asteroids and encounters for the first time the strange, narrow-minded world of grown-ups. On the first six planets the Little Prince visits, he meets a king, a vain man, a drunkard, a businessman, a lamplighter, and a geographer, all of whom live alone and are overly consumed by their chosen occupations. Such strange behavior both amuses and perturbs the Little Prince. He does not understand their need to order people around, to be admired, and to own everything. With the exception of the lamplighter, whose dogged faithfulness he


admires, the Little Prince does not think much of the adults he visits, and he does not learn anything useful. However, he learns from the geographer that flowers do not last forever, and he begins to miss the rose he has left behind.

At the geographer’s suggestion, the Little Prince visits Earth, but he lands in the middle of the desert and cannot find any humans. Instead, he meets a snake who speaks in riddles and hints darkly that its lethal poison can send the Little Prince back to the heavens if he so wishes. The Little Prince ignores the offer and continues his explorations, stopping to talk to a three-petaled flower and to climb the tallest mountain he can find, where he confuses the echo of his voice for conversation. Eventually, the Little Prince finds a rose garden, which surprises and depresses him—his rose had told him that she was the only one of her kind.

The prince befriends Fox, who teaches him that the important things in life are visible only to the heart, that his time away from the rose makes the rose more special to him, and that love makes a person responsible for the beings that one loves. The Little Prince realizes that, even though there are many roses, his love for his rose makes her unique and that he is therefore responsible for her. Despite this revelation, he still feels very lonely because he is so far away from his rose. The prince ends his story by describing his encounters with two men, a railway switchman and a salesclerk.

It is now the narrator’s eighth day in the desert, and at the prince’s suggestion, they set off to find a well. The water feeds their hearts as much as their bodies, and the two share a moment of bliss as they agree that too many people do not see what is truly important in life. The Little Prince’s mind, however, is fixed on returning to his rose, and he begins making plans with the snake to head back to his planet. The narrator is able to fix his plane on the day before the one-year anniversary of the prince’s arrival on Earth, and he walks sadly with his friend out to the place the prince landed. The snake bites the prince, who falls noiselessly to the sand.


The narrator takes comfort when he cannot find the prince’s body the next day and is confident that the prince has returned to his asteroid. The narrator is also comforted by the stars, in which he now hears the tinkling of his friend’s laughter. Often, however, he grows sad and wonders if the sheep he drew has eaten the prince’s rose. The narrator concludes by showing his readers a drawing of the desert landscape and by asking us to stop for a while under the stars if we are ever in the area and to let the narrator know immediately if the Little Prince has returned.


Abrams, M.H. (2000). A glossary of literary terms (4th ed.). New York: Rinehart and Winston, Inc.

Allport, G.W. (1970). Pattern and growth in personality. New York: Rinehart and Winston, Inc.

Crow, L.D. & Crow, A.V.B. (1954). Reading in general psychology. New York: Barnes and Noble, Inc.

Drever, J. (1922). The psychology of everyday life. London: Methuen & Co., Ltd.

Engler, B. (2008). Personality theories: An introduction (8th ed.). Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

Exupery, A.D.S. (1998). The Little Prince. London: Mammoth.

Henkle, R.B. (1977). Reading the novel: An introduction of interpreting fiction. New York: Harper & Row, Inc.

Hurlock, E. B. (1976). Personality development. New Delhi: Tata Mc Graw-Hill Inc. Laar, E.V.D. & Schoonderwoerd, N. (1969). An approach to English literature (6th ed.).

Rotterdam: LCG, Malmberg

Milligan, I. (1983). The novel in English: An introduction. London: Macmillan Press Ltd. Murphy, M.J. (1972). Understanding unseen: An introduction to English poetry and the

English novel for overseas students. London: George Allan and Unwin, Ltd. Rohrberger, M. & Woods, S.H. (1971). Reading and writing about literature. New York:

Random House, Inc.

Schiamberg, L.B. & Smith, K.U. (1982). Human development. New York: Macmillan Stanton, R. (1965). An introduction to fiction. New York: Rinehart and Winston, Inc.




Antoine de saint Exupery was born on 29th June, 1900 in Marseille, France. His father died in 1904 due to a stroke, thus his mother moved with her children to Le Mans in 1909. He spent his childhood years at the castle of Saint-Maurice-de-Rémens, surrounded by sisters, aunts, cousins and nurses. He acquired his early education at Jesuit schools in Montgré and Le Mans, and a Catholic boarding school in Switzerland (1915-1917). Much to his dismay, he failed his final examination at a university preparatory school, so he enrolled himself at the École des Beaux-Arts to study architecture. He tried to join the Navy, but could not enter. In 1921, he started off as a mechanic and joined the French Air Force in Strasbourg. He had flown, with a pilot, for the first time in

1912. However, when his fiancé’s family objected, he settled in Paris where he

took an office job and started to write. His engagement broke off some time later.

Saint-Exupery’s first tale, ‘L’Aviateur’ was published in 1926 in the

literary magazine Le Navire d’argent. His career took off when in 1928; he

became the director of the remote Cap Juby Airfield in Rio de Oro, Sahara. During this period, the house he lived in was a wooden ram-shackle and he slept on a thin straw mattress. A point in his life came when he had completely secluded himself. This was when he wrote The Little Prince and The Wisdom of


the mail and win a commercial advantage over rail and steamship rivals. Another

story was written which described the author’s failed relationship with his fiancé.

In 1929, Saint-Exupery flew to South America, where he was made the director of the Aeroposta Argentina Company. This experience gave the basis for his second novel, Night Flight which became an international bestseller. It won the Prix Femina. The story describes Rivière, the hard-bitten airport chief who has by gone into retirement and has accepted the work of flying the mail as his destiny.

Saint-Exupery married a widow, Consuelo Gómez Carillo in 1931. The marriage did not last for long. Consuelo felt neglected by her husband, who did not have the time to pay much attention to her needs. There were also rumors of him being engaged in affairs with other women. After being convinced by a

friend, he wrote a book about Pilots’ confessions, Wind, Sand and Stars, which

appeared in 1939 and won the French Academy’s 1939 Grand Prix du Roman and

the National Book Award in the United States. He disappeared on a reconnaissance flight over the Mediterranean and France in July 1944 and is believed to have died at that time.




The narrator, an airplane pilot, crashes in the Sahara desert. The crash badly damages his airplane and leaves the narrator with very little food or water. As he is worrying over his predicament, he is approached by the Little Prince, a very serious little blond boy who asks the narrator to draw him a sheep. The narrator obliges, and the two become friends. The pilot learns that the Little Prince comes from a small planet that the Little Prince calls Asteroid 325 but that people on Earth call Asteroid B-612. The Little Prince took great care of this planet, preventing any bad seeds from growing and making sure it was never overrun by baobab trees. One day, a mysterious rose sprouted on the planet and the Little Prince fell in love with it. But when he caught the rose in a lie one day, he decided that he could not trust her anymore. He grew lonely and decided to leave. Despite a last-minute reconciliation with the rose, the prince set out to explore other planets and cure his loneliness.

While journeying, the narrator tells us, the Little Prince passes by neighboring asteroids and encounters for the first time the strange, narrow-minded world of grown-ups. On the first six planets the Little Prince visits, he meets a king, a vain man, a drunkard, a businessman, a lamplighter, and a geographer, all of whom live alone and are overly consumed by their chosen occupations. Such strange behavior both amuses and perturbs the Little Prince. He does not understand their need to order people around, to be admired, and to own everything. With the exception of the lamplighter, whose dogged faithfulness he


not last forever, and he begins to miss the rose he has left behind.

At the geographer’s suggestion, the Little Prince visits Earth, but he lands

in the middle of the desert and cannot find any humans. Instead, he meets a snake who speaks in riddles and hints darkly that its lethal poison can send the Little Prince back to the heavens if he so wishes. The Little Prince ignores the offer and continues his explorations, stopping to talk to a three-petaled flower and to climb the tallest mountain he can find, where he confuses the echo of his voice for conversation. Eventually, the Little Prince finds a rose garden, which surprises

and depresses him—his rose had told him that she was the only one of her kind.

The prince befriends Fox, who teaches him that the important things in life are visible only to the heart, that his time away from the rose makes the rose more special to him, and that love makes a person responsible for the beings that one loves. The Little Prince realizes that, even though there are many roses, his love for his rose makes her unique and that he is therefore responsible for her. Despite this revelation, he still feels very lonely because he is so far away from his rose. The prince ends his story by describing his encounters with two men, a railway switchman and a salesclerk.

It is now the narrator’s eighth day in the desert, and at the prince’s

suggestion, they set off to find a well. The water feeds their hearts as much as their bodies, and the two share a moment of bliss as they agree that too many

people do not see what is truly important in life. The Little Prince’s mind,

however, is fixed on returning to his rose, and he begins making plans with the snake to head back to his planet. The narrator is able to fix his plane on the day

before the one-year anniversary of the prince’s arrival on Earth, and he walks

sadly with his friend out to the place the prince landed. The snake bites the prince, who falls noiselessly to the sand.


The narrator takes comfort when he cannot find the prince’s body the next

day and is confident that the prince has returned to his asteroid. The narrator is

also comforted by the stars, in which he now hears the tinkling of his friend’s

laughter. Often, however, he grows sad and wonders if the sheep he drew has

eaten the prince’s rose. The narrator concludes by showing his readers a drawing

of the desert landscape and by asking us to stop for a while under the stars if we are ever in the area and to let the narrator know immediately if the Little Prince has returned.