The Perception of English Education Department of Universitas
Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta’s Students on Professional Skills of Effective
A Skripsi
Submitted to the Faculty of Language Education
As a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain
the Degree of
Sarjana Pendidikan


English Education Department
Faculty of Language Education
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta


The Perception of English Education Department of Universitas
Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta’s Students on Professional Skills of Effective

A Skripsi
Submitted to the Faculty of Language Education
As a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain
the Degree of
Sarjana Pendidikan


English Education Department
Faculty of Language Education
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta



Author’s Declaration of Originality

I hereby certify that I am the sole author of this skripsi and that no part of this
skripsi has been published or submitted for publication.
I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, my skripsi does not infringe upon
anyone’s copyright nor violate any proprietary rights and that any ideas techniques,
quotation or any other material from the work of other people included in my skripsi,
published or otherwise, are fully acknowledge in accordance with the standard
referencing practice.
I declare that is a true copy of my skripsi, including any final revision as
approved by my skripsi committee and the Faculty of Language Education and that
this skripsi has not been submitted for a higher degree to any other University or

Yogyakarta, December 9th 2016




“In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful”

All praises to Allah SWT, Lord of the world, for the mercy and blessing given
in finishing the undergraduate thesis entitled “Student’s perceptions on professional
skills of effective teacher at English Education Department of Universitas
Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta batch 2012” .
This manuscript is wholly presented to The Faculty of Language Education as
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of S.Pd. in the Department of
English Education.In the completion of this text, it is realized that this research will
not come into existence without any helps, encouragement, criticism, advices,
guidance and also prays from people around me.
Therefore, the gratefulness is dedicated to my Advisor, Mrs. Evi Puspitasari,
S.Pd., M.Hum. for her assistance and supports especially in correcting and finishing
this thesis. With all modesty, my gratitude also belongs to all of my lecturers in
English Department who have been teaching and pouring their knowledge during the
academic years.
My deep appreciation and tender love would be conveyed to my beloved
parents, who have been sacirificing everything for my study until I am able to reach


this level. Thank you so much for always molding me infinite supports and always
praying the best for me. Thank you so much for loving me and being the light and
spirit of my life journey. Special thank also goes to Hari and to all my friends in the
Department of English Education, especially “Celestial 2012”, for our togetherness
and knowledge sharing, time and being good friends.
Finally, the writer confesses that this undergraduate thesis endures a lot of
effort. I fully hope this manuscript would be useful for the scholars who are
passionate in academic work.


Professional skills of effective teachers are needed in teaching and learning
process. It is because professional skills can affect on students academic achievement.
The aim of this study is to find out the students’ perception on professional skills of
effective teachers.
To answer the research question, the researcher used qualitative research by
descriptive qualitative as the approach of this research. Then the research used interview

guideline as the instrument to collect the data. The data was analyzed through coding
process. Coding consists of open coding, axial coding and selective coding.
Furthermore, the participant were four students from English Education Department
batch 2012. It is chosen by researcher used convenience sampling.
This paper presents ten characteristics of professional skills that effective
teachers should have. First of all, in teaching and learning process effective teachers
should master to the material then they are able to deliver the material to their
students .The second, the researcher discover that effective teacher should have good
preparation about their lesson plan both in daily lesson plan and whole lesson plan in
semester. Effective teachers should make lesson plan which will help the teaching and
learning process in achieving the goals. Lesson plan should be considered from
several points; they are time management, appropriate materials, and the goals of
lesson. The third, the effective teacher should establish the rules and give reward and
punishment to manage the students’ behavior. The fourth, the effective teacher can
use assessment and communication to measure the students’ language ability, and


then teachers use the appropriate methods to increase the students’ language ability.

The fifth, the effective teacher should have good communication skill.
Communication of effective teachers should be clearly, thus student will be easy to
understand. The sixth, in motivating students, teachers can be role model of the
students, giving reward and positive feedback.The seventh, the effective teacher
should respect to their students inside and outside the classroom, respect on students’
background and economic status and effective teacher should be fair in giving score
transparently and objectively. The eighth, the effective teachers should have self
confidence in teaching their studentsby showing to the students that they are able to
teach them. The ninth, the effective teachers should asses the student’s ability
appropriate instrument, giving positive and objective feedback, and giving solution to
their students’ problems or mistakes. The last, effective teachers should keep learning
with updated information or learning technology to make their teaching process
Keywords: Students perception, effective teachers, professional skills.


Table of Contents
Cover ...........................................................................................................


Approval Page .............................................................................................


Author’s Declaration of Originality………………………………………..




Abstract .......................................................................................................


Table of Contents ........................................................................................


List of Appendices.......................................................................................


List of figure ................................................................................................


Chapter One: Introduction ......................................................................


Background of the Research .......................................................................


Identification of the Problem ......................................................................


Limitation of the Problem ...........................................................................


Research Questions .....................................................................................


Purpose of the Research ..............................................................................


Significance of the Research .......................................................................


Chapter Two: Literature Review .............................................................


Teacher ........................................................................................................



Definition of teacher ...................................................................................


The roles of teacher in teaching and learning process ................................


Effective teacher ..........................................................................................


Definition of effective teacher.....................................................................


Personal skill ......................................................................................


Professional skill ................................................................................


Review of Related Research .......................................................................


Conceptual Framework ...............................................................................


Chapter Three: Research Methodology ..................................................


Research Design ..........................................................................................


Research Setting ..........................................................................................


Research Participants ..................................................................................


Data Collection Method ............................................................................


Data Analysis ............................................................................................


Chapter Four: Findings and Discussion .................................................


EED UMY students’ perception on professional skills of effective teacher


Chapter Five: Conclusion and Recommendation ..................................


Conclusion ..................................................................................................




References ..................................................................................................


Appendices .................................................................................................




List of Appendices
Appendix 1: Interview Guideline ................................................................


Appendix 2: Interview Transcription ..........................................................



List of Figure
Figure 1: Conceptual Framework ………………………………………………



Professional skills of effective teachers are needed in teaching and learning
process. It is because professional skills can affect on students academic achievement.
The aim of this study is to find out the students’ perception on professional skills of
effective teachers.
To answer the research question, the researcher used qualitative research by
descriptive qualitative as the approach of this research. Then the research used

interview guideline as the instrument to collect the data. The data was analyzed
through coding process. Coding consists of open coding, axial coding and selective
coding. Furthermore, the participant were four students from English Education
Department batch 2012. It is chosen by researcher used convenience sampling.
This paper presents ten characteristics of professional skills that effective
teachers should have. First of all, in teaching and learning process effective teachers
should master to the material then they are able to deliver the material to their
students .The second, the researcher discover that effective teacher should have good
preparation about their lesson plan both in daily lesson plan and whole lesson plan in
semester. Effective teachers should make lesson plan which will help the teaching and
learning process in achieving the goals. Lesson plan should be considered from
several points; they are time management, appropriate materials, and the goals of
lesson. The third, the effective teacher should establish the rules and give reward and
punishment to manage the students’ behavior. The fourth, the effective teacher can
use assessment and communication to measure the students’ language ability, and

then teachers use the appropriate methods to increase the students’ language ability.
The fifth, the effective teacher should have good communication skill.
Communication of effective teachers should be clearly, thus student will be easy to
understand. The sixth, in motivating students, teachers can be role model of the
students, giving reward and positive feedback.The seventh, the effective teacher
should respect to their students inside and outside the classroom, respect on students’
background and economic status and effective teacher should be fair in giving score
transparently and objectively. The eighth, the effective teachers should have self
confidence in teaching their studentsby showing to the students that they are able to
teach them. The ninth, the effective teachers should asses the student’s ability
appropriate instrument, giving positive and objective feedback, and giving solution to
their students’ problems or mistakes. The last, effective teachers should keep learning
with updated information or learning technology to make their teaching process
Keywords: Students perception, effective teachers, professional skills.



Chapter One

This chapter describes all contents of the introduction of the study. This
chapter talks about background of the study which describes the topic of the research
and the reason of choosing the topic. It also discusses the statement of the problem
and the limitation of the problem. The research question, objective of the study, and
the significance of the research are also elaborated.
Background of the Research
Teacher is an important key for students to get success in education.
According to Shalberg (2010), his research and experience suggest that one powerful
element in education is an excellent teacher. The statement implies that teachers play
a crucial role in education.
In education, teachers must have characteristics. It is because the
characteristics of teachers will give crucial impacts to the teaching and learning
process. According to Adeyemo (2005), teacher characteristics influence the process
of teaching and learning in the classrooms. It means that characteristics of teacher
give impact on students’ learning process. In the same way, according to Ali (2009),
there is statistically important correlation between teachers’ qualifications and student
academic success. It means that teacher qualification also plays a significant role on
student academic success.


Teachers as a facilitator will guide the students to gain knowledge. For the
successful knowledge gained in teaching and learning process, students need teachers
who have good characteristics. In the same line, according to Wayne and Young
(2011), students prefer to learn from teachers with certain characteristics.
These days, many people can be teachers but not all of them can be effective
teachers. Clearly, to be effective teachers are complicated and difficult. It is because
there are several things that influence the quality of teachers, such as their
background study, their teaching experience, their knowledge, their attitude, and their
teaching style. According to the researcher’s experience as a student, if the teachers
have poor content knowledge, the students will not respect them. However, if the
teachers have good content knowledge, students will respect them. It is because
students have high expectation on their teachers in mastering the subject in relation to
capability of facilitating in learning something new. In the other examples, teachers
with good teaching style and strategy also give good influence on students’ interest
and automatically it will make the learning process run well.
The characteristics of effective teachers consist of personal skills and personal
skills. It is supported by Rubio (2010), he stated that to be effective teachers, teachers
should have personal skills and professional skills. Professional skill is teachers’
knowledge and skill in teaching and learning process and personal skill is teachers’
personality. Based on the researcher experience, professional skills are important. It is
because professional skills can affect on students in understanding the material that


teacher taught. It means that professional skill influences the students’ success in
learning process
As stated before that professional skill of effective teachers plays a significant
role, thus those skills are needed to support the learning process. Additionally,
students are the target of education so that their view toward the professional skills of
effective teachers is necessary to be investigated. Thus, the researcher wants to
investigate the EED of UMY students’ perception on professional skills of effective
Identification of the Problems
Characteristics of effective teachers consist of professional and personal
skills. It is in line with Rubio (2010), to be effective teachers should have series of
qualities, in term of professional skills and personal skills. Personal skills consist of
teachers’ ability in caring the students, teachers’ ability in knowing the students
background, teachers’ ability in keeping relationship with students, and teachers’
ability in create a warm environment in the classroom. Moreover, professional skills
consist of teachers’ ability in content knowledge, teachers’ ability in planning the
lesson, teachers’ ability in managing classroom behavior, teachers’ ability in
communication skill, teachers’ ability in motivating students, teachers’ ability in
respect and fairness, teachers’ ability in managing confidence, teachers’ ability in
evaluating and giving feedback, and teachers’ ability in learning development.


Limitation of the Problem
The researcher wants to limit those problems to make the study more specific.
This research will focus on EED of UMY students’ perception on professional skills
of effective teachers. According to the researcher’s experience, professional skills of
teacher are important. Professional skills can affect on students in understanding the
material that teacher taught. It means that professional skills influences the students’
success in learning process and their academic achievement. Their perceptions about
professional skills derived from the characteristics of effective teachers. Their
perceptions may come from their experiences during their English learning time since
they studied at EED UMY from the first semester until now. Through their
experiences of learning with different teachers, they have clear representation about
the characteristics of effective teachers.
Research Question
The research question focused on investigating the professional skill of
effective teacher.
What are students’ perceptions on the professional skills that effective
teachers should have at English Education Department, Universitas Muhammadiyah


Purpose of the Research
Based on the research questions, the aim of this research was to investigate
the students’ perceptions on the professional skills that effective teachers should have
at English Education Department, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.
Significances of the Research
The researcher hopes that this study can give some advantages for several
parties including the students, teachers, and next researchers.
The students. The result of this research is aimed to enhance the
understanding of teacher candidate about the characteristics of effective teacher. By
analyzing the professional skill of effective teacher, the students may adopt the
characteristics of effective teacher into their teaching process in the future.
The teachers. This study will offer valuable information about the
professional skill of effective teacher. This information may help teachers to improve
or develop their own characteristics to be better. Thus, their teaching process be
The other researchers. The researcher hopes that this study will give benefits
for other researchers. This research will provide some references for the other
researchers who are interested in professional skill of effective teacher.


Chapter Two
Literature Review

This chapter reviews theories and some studies related to the research study.
The theories that are reviewed draw the conceptual framework to conduct the
research. Thus, this chapter involves some sections such as review of related study
and conceptual framework.
In related study, the researcher mainly discusses some related references about
characteristics of effective teacher. The discussion about teacher focuses on the
definition and the roles of teacher. Besides, the effective teacher focuses on definition
of effective teacher and professional skill of effective teacher.
There were two topics discussed in this part. Those were definition of teacher
and roles of teacher. In definition of teacher, the researcher explained about definition
of teacher itself and in the roles of teacher, the researcher explained their roles in
Definition of teacher. Teachers have job to be responsible to educate
students. Based on Cambridge dictionary, the definition of teacher is someone whose
job is to teach in a school or college. In addition, Longman dictionary defines
teaching as to give lesson at a school, college, or university or to help someone to
learn about something by giving them information.


As explained above, teachers can be defined as people who provide
instruction or who give guidance and support to student in learning process. Learning
to be a teacher is an important journey with many challenges because teaching is not
just delivering knowledge but also about communicating.
The roles of teachers in teaching and learning process. In education,
students’ success process needs roles of teachers. According to Liakopoulo (2011),
the roles of teachers in teaching and learning process are very important for the
students’ success. It means that teachers’ role affect on students’ behavior and ability
to reach students’ goals in education. In the same line that teacher can help students
to reach their goal in education.
Furthermore, teachers can play a role that is suitable with what student’s need.
According to Brown (2007, teacher can play many roles in the course of teaching and
this might facilitate learning. Their ability to carry these out effectively will depend to
a large extent on the rapport they establish with their students and course on their
own level of knowledge and skills. In the other side, according to Harden and Crosby
(2000) roles of teacher included teacher as an information provider, teacher as a
facilitator, teacher as a role model, teacher as an assessor, teacher as a planner, and
teacher as a resource developer.
Teacher as an information provider. Teacher as an information provider
means that teachers have job to deliver information to the students. They believe that
it is the responsibility of the teacher to give or deliver the information, knowledge
and make them understand the lessons on their studies. According to Brown and


Atkins (1986), in transmitting the information, the teacher may also help the student
to use one of a variety of educational strategies by which the teacher explains the
subject matter to the student.
Teachers as facilitator. Teachers as facilitator means that teachers should be
able to facilitate their student. In facilitates their students, teacher should have good
relationship to their students. It is as a guide for students’ development. It means that
teachers should facilitate the student in learning process. According to Barrows and
Tamblyn cited on Harden and Crosby (2000), the teacher’s role is not to inform the
students but to encourage and facilitate them to learn for themselves using the
problem as a focus for the learning. It is the role of the teachers to facilitate this
process rather than to act simply as an information provider.
Teachers as a role model. Role models of teachers give great influence on
students’ ability and behaviour. In line with Harden and Crosby (200), indeed role
model may have a bigger impact on the students than other teaching methods.
Teachers may not see themselves as models for their students, but it is difficult for
students not to be influenced by the living example set before them. The role models
of teachers also give influence on students of education department. Students may
imitate their teacher in teaching process when they becoming teachers in the future.
Teachers as assessor. The assessment of the student’s competence is one of
the most important tasks facing teachers. According to Harden and Crosby (2000),
good teachers know how they should assess their students’ learning. In education,
assessment is important. It will measure the student’s understanding or ability on


their studies. In the same way, one of the most important things to note by English
teachers is that their learners expect their English teachers indicated whether or not
their English is right improved (Harmer, 2001).
As an evaluator, teachers have to provide feedback for students. According to
Brown (2007), one of the successful key in learning a foreign language is based on
the feedback those teachers given. It means that teachers’ feedback is important for
students’ improvement on learning English language.
Teachers as a planner. Teachers have responsibility to plan curriculum and
course. Curriculum planning and course planning is an important role for teacher.
Curriculum and course is related between each others in educational program.
According to Harden and Crosby (2000), the best curriculum in the world will be
ineffective if the courses which it comprises have little or no relationship to the
curriculum that is in place.
Teacher as a resource developer. An increased need for learning resource
materials is implicit in many of the developments in education. According to Harden
and Crosby (2000), Teacher as a resource developer has job as a resource material
creator. The role of teacher as a resource material creator offer exciting possibilities.
The new technology have greatly expanded the formats of learning materials to which
the student may have access and make it much easier for the student to take more
responsibility for their own education. As developers of resource materials, teachers
must keep abreast with changes in technology. An Investment in the further
development of computer based learning material is needed.


Effective Teacher
There were two topics discussed in effective teacher. Those were definiton of
effective teacher, and characteristics of effective teacher. Definition of effective
teachers described effective teacher means. Then, the characteristics of effective
teachers were described the characteristics of effective teachers especially in
professional skill.
Definition of effective teacher. Effective teachers need to focus on students’
achievement. Therefore, teacher should help students to achieve their goal in
education. According to Gurney (2007), suggested that to be an effective teacher
there should be an interaction among different factors, one of them are teachers’
knowledge, enthusiasm and responsibility for learning. It means that teachers’
knowledge, enthusiasm in teaching and responsibility are some aspects that will
affect on students academic achievement in education.
Effective teachers should provide the students with some activities and
assessment that encourages students to learn. In the other side, effective teacher also
should create a warm environment and a relationship with the students in which
respect will enhance learning process. According to Borich (2000), the
responsibilities of effective teacher are to have lesson clarity, instructional variety,
teacher task orientation, engagement in the learning process and student success rate.
Therefore, effective teacher will help student to reach their goal in education. The


affect of teachers’ effectiveness can be seen on their students’ behavior and academic
Characteristics of effective teachers consist of professional and personal
skills. In line with Rubio (2010), to effective teachers should have series of qualities,
in term of professional skills and personal skills. While, the characteristics of
effective teachers referred as qualities of effective teachers. According to Kosgei,
Mise, Odera and Ayudi (2010), the quality of teachers can be measured with test or
derived from their academic or professional report.
Personal skill. A personal skill is an ability that relates to a single person.
According to Rubio (2010), personal skills consist of caring the students, knowing the
students’ background, keeping relationship with students, and create a warm
environment in the classroom. In conclusion, personal skill is the ability that relates
to single person. Moreover, personal skills of effective teachers are the ability of
teachers in keeping the relationship between teachers and students.
Professional skill. Professional skill is an ability that can be learned to do
activity or job well. Based on Cambridge dictionary, professional means related to
work that need special training or education. According to Rubio (2010) professional
skills of effective teachers consist of the ability of teachers in knowledge, lesson plan,
classroom management and organization, classroom behaviour, identify students’
individual, communication skills, motivation for learning, respect and fairness,
assessment and evaluation, and learning development.Whereas the research focused
on professional skills of effective teachers.


The characteristics of professional skills. Ten abilities of professional skills of
effective teachers were discussed in this part. Those were teachers’ ability in content
knowledge, teachers’ ability in planning the lesson, teachers’ ability in managing
classroom behavior, teachers’ ability in communication skill, teachers’ ability in
motivating students, teachers’ ability in respect and fairness, teachers’ ability in
managing confidence, teachers’ ability in evaluating and giving feedback, and
teachers’ ability in learning development.
Teachers’ ability in content knowledge. Professional competences of effective
teachers are required to master the content knowledge. It supported by Faisal (2014),
he stated that content knowledge plays an important role in developing teacher
expertise. He added that teacher should understand well about material which is being
taught. Content knowledge is the ability of teachers in mastery the subject. Content
knowledge of subject that teacher will taught is the most obvious requirement.
Moreover, Ferguson &Womackl (1993) stated that, effective communication of
content knowledge is a hallmark of good teachers. Having good content knowledge is
just one of many vital factors and qualities, which an effective teacher needs to have
in order to enhance learning and achievement.
Teachers’ ability in planning lesson. Effective teachers are able in planning
lesson. A good planning lesson also contributes on effective teachers’ characteristics.
According to Rubio (2010), having good content knowledge is not so effective
without a good lesson plan. In the same way, he also stated that a lesson plan makes
the content and the session interesting and involving. A good planning facilitates


clear explanations, and it provides a wide range of resources suitable to students need.
Besides, teacher should prepare to reconsider whether the material and methodology
is suitable to be re-presented in the classroom.
Then, in planning the whole lesson plan, effective teachers manage and
organize the classroom in the beginning of the year or semester based on the students’
needs. According to Emmer (1980) cited on Rubio (2010), effective teachers take
time in the beginning of the year and especially on the first day to establish classroom
management, classroom organization and expectations for students’ behavior. It
means that effective teachers should prepare classroom management and organization
well before class started. Classroom management and organization is to anticipate
students’ need, and then prepared a suitable learning plan, procedures, activities, and
evaluation criteria.
Teachers’ ability in managing classroom behavior. Effective teachers have
jobs to manage the students’ behavior in the classroom. According to Wong and
Wong (2005), effective teachers manage their students with procedures and routines
then, ineffective teachers discipline their classroom with threat and punishments.
With procedures and routines will help the teachers to maximize and engage learning
time. Moreover, threats and punishments are not solving the problem and only waste
of time.
Teachers’ ability in identifying students’ individual differences. Effective
teachers should be able to personalize the students’ learning. They understand that
students develop as different rates, abilities and aptitudes. According to Harmer


(2001) teachers should know the numbers of students who have good language
learning and who have difficulty in language learning. Then, teachers can identify the
student learning style and they know suitable technique to teach them. In addition,
effective teachers use techniques that best serve the learning needs of their students.
Teachers’ ability in communication skill. Communication abilities are crucial
for anyone who has a teaching career. Effective teachers are always effective
communicators. They communicate clearly about course objectives, content and
testing. When teachers lack of communication mean that learners will not understand
their ideas. According to Prozesky (2000), effective teachers can take something that
is complex and present it in a way that can be easily to understand by the student, and
through different verbal and non verbal communication.
Teachers’ ability in motivating students in learning. Effective teachers make
the students increase their academic self concept, their interest in the subject and the
desire to learn more and therefore to have a high level of achievement. According to
Rubio (2010), students see the effective teachers as a motivational and a leader when
the teachers encourage them to be responsible for their own learning.
Teachers’ ability in respect and fairness. Effective teachers are teachers who
respect, fairness, and equity to their students. According to Rubio (2010), effective
teachers continually demonstrate respect to their students inside or outside the
classroom, fairness and equity regarding individual situation, age, background,
ethnicity, religion, economical status, and so forth.


Teachers’ ability in managing confidence. Teachers’ confidence play
significant role in their effectiveness. According to Rubio (2010), when teachers
confidence in teaching their students, they achieve a lot in the classroom, and students
know who is in charge and the teachers know what material to cover, and how to
teach. It means that effective teachers should confidence in their teaching process.
They know well how to teach their students and deliver the material.
Teachers’ ability in assessing and evaluating. Assessment can be an effective
learning process. Effective teachers have good mastery in a variety of assessment
methods, equitable practice, and good and fair evaluation system. According to
Graham (2001), effective teachers also give positive feedback regularly through the
course to inform the students about the learning process. It means that effective
teacher will give clearly explanation about the feedback. Hence, students will
understand their ability through the feedback.
Teachers’ ability in learning development. Teachers need to increase their
references of various activities to treat their students with different personalities and
abilities. According to Rubio (2010), teachers constantly self evaluate, critique and
reflect on how well they are getting through to their students, and search for better
ways of teaching, new tools , materials and methodologies especially for those who
are not achieving learning as good as others. It means that teachers should have many
various methods and pick which is suitable for their learners’ condition and their
learners’ need. Students have their own characteristics. They join the class with
different culture, characteristic and experience. Moreover they have different ability


in learning process. According to Murray and Christison (2011), those experiences
also influence how the learners utilize, resist or even create opportunity to use the
target language.
Professional skills are important parts of effective teachers. It is because
professional skills can influence on students’ understand the materials that teachers
taught. Automatically, it is give impact on students’ success in learning process.
Professional skills of teachers are the abilities in mastering teaching technique and
control the field of knowledge. In the other words the teachers that have good
professional skill certainly have wide knowledge and also be able to teach as well.
Review of Related Research
There are many researchers that involve professional skills of effective teachers
as the main problem. Some of researches try to identify the qualities of effective
teacher. One of the researches was conducted by Rubio (2010), entitle “Effective
Teacher Professional Skill and Personal Skill”. This research presents some of the
main qualities needed to be effective teachers focusing on the professional and
personal skills. There are 11 qualities of professional skills and four qualities of
personal skills.
Liakopoulou (2011), entitle “The professional competence of teachers: which
qualities, attitudes, skills, and knowledge contribute to a teacher’s effectiveness?”.
One of the aims of this research was to systematically confirmation the qualifications
deemed necessary by teachers for them to successfully perform in their teaching
process. These particular findings contributed to a systematic and analytical


description of the content of professional knowledge required for the successful
performance of a teacher’s pedagogical and didactic work.
Conceptual Framework
This section discusses the brief explanation from chapter two. The aim of the
research was to find the professional skills of effective teachers. The researcher
concerned on explaining the literature of professional skill of effective teachers.
Professional skills include skill and knowledge of teacher while teaching their
students. Teachers with wide knowledge and good skills give important influence on
their effectiveness on the teaching and learning process. Then, their effectiveness
gives influence o students’ academic achievement.
By knowing the important of professional skill of effective teachers, the
researcher wants to investigate deeply about students’ perception on the professional
skill of effective teachers. Students as a target of education, their perceptions are
needed to identify the professional skill of effective teacher. They can describe the
professional skill of effective teacher by their opinion.


Table 2.1. Conceptual framework

Teachers' ability
in content
Teachers ability
in learning

Teachers' ability
in planning lesson

Teachers' ability
in managing

Teachers' ability
in assesment and

Professional skills
of effective
teachers. Rubio

Teachers' ability
in respect and

Teachers' ability
in identifyng
students' ability

Teachers' ability

Teachers' ability
in motivating
Teachers' ability
in managing


Chapter three
Research Methodology

This chapter discussed about research methodology. The first section of this
chapter focuses on research design that will be implemented in the study. Then, the
second section discuss about the description of the participants. The third section
explains about data collection method and the reasons why researcher selects the
method. Then the data collection procedures described in this section. Finally, data
analysis process also discussed to complete the description of the research
methodology of this study.
Research Design
The intention of this research was to indicate the professional skills of
effective teacher through the of perception English Education Department student of
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta batch 2012. The participants of this study
expected to share their perception on the professional skills of effective teacher.
Based on the aim, the appropriate research designed for this research was qualitative
research. According to Creswell (2014), qualitative research is an approach for
exploring and understanding the sense individuals or group ascribe to a community or
human problem.
Subsequently, the research method used in this research was descriptive
qualitative. According to Sandelowski (2000), a qualitative descriptive study is a
detailed description of the phenomena which involves the conversation of participants


and researcher. By using the descriptive qualitative research method, the researcher
intended to look for the detail information related to the professional skills of
effective teacher through EED of UMY students’ perception.
Research Setting
This study was conducted at English Education Department of Universitas
Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. The researcher had two reasons of choosing English
Education Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta as the research
setting. Since the researcher studied at the department, it was easier for the researcher
to gather the data. Second, the students of English Education Department were
teacher candidates. Thus, this research would help them to realize earlier how to
maximize their potential to be teachers.
Research Participants
The participants of this study were chosen from the students of EED UMY
batch 2012. It became the consideration because the students at this batch already
have many experiences in education so that they could describe clearly about the
characteristics of effective teachers.
The participants of the research were four students batch 2012. According to
Patton (2002), there are no rules for sample size in qualitative. It means that the
sample size depends on the research need to answer the research question. The
researcher used convenience sampling to choose the participants. According to
Kothari (2004), convenience sampling takes total of participants in the sample based
on the case of access. The participants joined in this research because of their


availability and convenience. The researcher had chosen the participants who were
available and accessible at the time. Thus, they feel free or comfort to describe their
perceptions without any pressures.
Data Collection Method
The data collection method used in this research was interview. In the interview
process, the researcher used voice recorder in mobile phone to help researcher in
interviewing the participants. According to Al-Yateem (2012), the recording can be
viewed or listened to repeatedly in case in doubt or during data analysis, and it also
provides a basis for reliability and validity. It means that, when researcher and the
participant do the interview, all of the sounds will be recorded. This was the reason to
get reliability and validity of the data. After recorded the interview process, the
researcher transcribe it into text.
In addition, the researcher provided interview guidelines to help her in the
process of interview. The interview guidelines were including some questions that
given by the researcher to the participants. According to Kajornboon (2005), an
interview guide is also an essential component for conducting interview. An
interview guide is the list of questions, topics, and issues that the researcher wanted to
cover during the interview. In the other words, interview guideline is important
instrument to help the researcher in conduct the interview.
The questions designed in the interview guideline were open ended questions
that enable the researcher to explore more information. Open – ended questions allow
the participants to create the options for responding, so that the participants could


give their information and experiences freely without being forced. There were ten
questions that asked to the participants and the interview was conducted in
Indonesian language to avoid misunderstanding between the interviewee and
interviewer. The interview process was conducted approximately 15 -20 minutes for
each interviewee. In this case, the questions of interview were consulted first to the
supervisor. Thus, the questions would be done before interview process.
In doing the interview, the researcher did two steps. At the first step, the
researcher made an appointment with the participant who agreed to do the interview.
The reason of making an appointment with them was to arrange the time and place where the
interview conducted. Then, the interview process was implemented through face to face

interview or telephone interview. According to Creswell (2014), the researcher can
conduct face to face interviews with participants, telephone interviews or engages in
focus group interview with six to eight interviewees.
At the second step, before interview process, the researcher reconfirmed the
agreement from participants to do the interview. The researcher explained to the
participants that the interview process was recorded and in Indonesian language.
Then, the researcher asked some questions related to the research question. The
questions were about the participants’ opinion on the effective teachers’ professional


Data Analysis
Data analysis will be a key phase in conducting in this research. According
to LeCompte and Schensul (1999) cited in Karlinawati (2015), the data will have
to be analyzed as soon as possible after the data have been collected, both while
the researcher is still in the field, and later, when the researcher is no longer in the
field. The steps of analyzing the data was started by transcribing the interview
result. All data that the researcher was collected in interview was transcribed in to
text. Then, the researcher asked the interviewees to check the interview
transcriptions. This step was known as member checking. Member checking
would be a vital part of this researcher because it was checked the validity of the
interview transcript by the participant. In member checking, the participants were
checking the result of interview and clarify or add something that is needed.
After did member checking, the researcher analyzed the data by using
thematic analysis. Thematic analysis was a process of data coding. There were three
steps in data coding. Those were open coding, axial coding and selective coding.
According to Bohm (2004), open coding is an expanding procedure in the sense that
considerable quantities of interpretative text can be added to a small segment of an
original text. The researcher made coding based on the transcription. In open coding,
there were two columns in the table. These were left and right column sides. In the
left side was dialog transcription between the researcher and the participants. While
in the right column was the space for open coding. The second coding was an axial


coding. In axial coding, the researcher classified each item of statement that had the
same category into one interpretation. The last step of coding was selective coding.
According to Strauss (1990) cited in Cohen (2011), selective coding is the procedure
of identifying the core group in a text i.e. that central around which all the categories
identified and created are integrated. In selective coding, the researcher categorized
the result related on the research question on the study.


Chapter Four
Finding and Discussion
This chapter presents the finding of interview about students’ perception on
professional skills of Effective teachers at EED of UMY. This research reports the
finding which aims to answer the research question proposed in this study based on
the interview data. It also provides further discussion of the findings and relates some
references that have been reviewed in chapter two. There is one major finding
revealed from this study based on the purposes of the study. The finding reports the
EED of UMY students’ perception on professional skills of effective teacher.
EED of UMY Students’ Perception on Professional Skills of Effective Teachers.
The purpose of this research was to figure out the EED of UMY students’
perception on professional skills of effective teacher. Regarding to the research question,
the researcher focuses on ten main skills. Those are teachers’ ability in content

knowledge, teachers’ ability in planning the lesson, teachers’ ability in managing the
classroom, teachers’ ability in identifying students’ individual differences, teachers’
ability in communication skill, teachers’ ability in motivating students, teachers
ability in respect and fairness, teachers’ ability in managing confidence, teachers’
ability in evaluating and giving feedback, and teachers’ ability

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