Students’ Perception on Journalism Subject in English Education Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Students’ Perception on Journalism Subject in English Education Department of
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

A Skripsi
Submitted to the Faculty of Language Education
In a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
For the Degree of
Sarjana Pendidikan

Widya Kesumadewi

English Education Departement
Faculty of Language Education
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
August 2016

Students’ Perception on Journalism Subject in English Education Department of
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

A Skripsi

Submitted to the Faculty of Language Education
In a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
For the Degree of
Sarjana Pendidikan

Widya Kesumadewi

English Education Departement
Faculty of Language Education
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
August 2016

Statement of Authenticity
Hereby, I formally certify that I am the sole author of the skripsi entitled “Students’
Perception on Journalism Subject in English Education Department of Universitas
Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta” and my skripsi does not infringe upon anyone’s copyright and that
any ideas, quotations, or material from other people’s work include in this skripsi, otherwise are
fully acknowledged regarding the standard of references system.
I declare that this is a real copy of my own skripsi as approved by my skripsi committee

and the Faculty of Language Education, and that this skripsi has not been submitted for other
degree to any other university or institution.

Yogyakarta, August 15th, 2016

Widya Kesumadewi

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Praise to Allah SWT, the Lord and the Creator of the world who has blessed and given
the strength to the researcher in completing Skripsi. Upon our Prophet Muhammad SAW,
sholawat and salam, peace, and blessings be upon him, who has showed the truth light of life.
The greatest family, the best support that never ends is my mother. Thank you for
carrying me up until now. Thank you to my father who always gives me love, spirit and effort,
there is nothing I can return back to you but I promise I will do the best as you do. The
unforgettable sisters mbak Ita, mbak Tya and dek Ayuk, thanks to always by my side. Thanks to
protect me, encourage me, understand me, and everything you all have given to me. Let see each
other for a long time.
Through this occasion, I would like to express my greatest honor and gratitude to my

outstanding supervisor, Mrs. Noor Qomaria Agustina, S.pd., M.Hum. who has always willing to
give her best expert guidance, knowledge, insight and especially spread her time for giving
consultation, guidance and patience to me. Without any helps, critiques, encouragements, and
support from her, this paper will never be completed successfully.
Grateful acknowledgment and my best appreciation go to all lecturers who have
contribution in completing Skripsi. Mrs. Fitria Rahmawati, M.Hum and Ms. Arifah
Mardiningrum, MA., who generously helps to examine and revise the skripsi. I thank to all
lecturers of PBI UMY who have taught and shared their enriching knowledge, motivations and

experiences in learning English. Every aspect of PBI UMY always provides me the best to be
mature. I learn so many things here and always remember it.
The last but not least, my dearest friends who always get my back, help me and patient to
me. I do not have any idea, do I deserve to have you. Thanks to Riky for the last 10 years, Alvi
for the last 7 years, and mbak Rahma. Thank you for all SEA members for the great experience
with you, I learn so many things I had never gotten before. Thanks to all friends that I can’t
mention one by one. Let’s fight and win.
I am also grateful to the learners who participated in this study by interview. I am so
greatly thankful have you all on a part in my skripsi. Best thanks for creating memories with me
during the learning phase, it means a lot to me.

Table of Content


Approval Sheet...........................................................................................


Statement of authenticity ………………………………………………... iii
Acknowledgement……………………………………………………….. iv
Table of Content......................................................................................... vii


Chapter One (Introduction)..................................................................


Background of the Research........................................................


Statement of the Problem ............................................................


Limitation of the Problem............................................................


Question of the Research...............................................................


Purpose of the Research................................................................


Significance of the Research..........................................................


Chapter Two (Literature Review)..........................................................


Students’ perception......................................................................




Journalism subject..........................................................................


Journalism in education.................................................................. 12
Student’s expectation.....................................................................


Related study review......................................................................


Conceptual framework...................................................................


Chapter Three (Methodology)................................................................


Research Design............................................................................


Research Setting and Participant.................................................... 19
Data Collection Method................................................................


Data Analysis................................................................................


Chapter four............................................................................................


Finding ..........................................................................................


Discussion .....................................................................................


Chapter five.............................................................................................


Conclusion ..................................................................................... 38
Recomendation .............................................................................. 39


List of appendices………………..……………………………………...


Interview protocol ……………………………………………….


Interview Protocol


Apakah anda mengikuti perkuliahan jurnalistik?


Jika “ya”, apa yang mendorong anda untuk mengikuti perkuliahan?


Jika “tidak”, apa yang membuat anda tidak ingin kuliah?


Apa yang anda ketahui tentang mata kuliah jurnalistik?
Apa pendapat anda tentang mata kuliah jurnalistik?


Apa yang anda rasakan setelah mengikuti matakuliah jurnalistik?

Materi apa yang dipelajari dalam mata kuliah jurnalistik?
Manfaat apa yang dimiliki mata kuliah ini?


Skill bahasa inggris apa yang bisa ditingkatkan dari mata kuliah jurnalistik?
Apa tantangan dari mata kuliah ini?


Apa harapan yang diharapkan dari mengikuti perkuliahan ini?

Journalism subject did not seem to have any relation with English education. The purpose of the
study was to reveal the student’s perception on journalism subject. Three questions were
underlying this research. Those are the students’ general perception toward the subject, the
perception on the advantages and challenge and the last is what the students’ expectation toward
the subject. The method of the research was qualitative and the design used descriptive
qualitative. The participants were students of PBI UMY. There were four participants. There
were qualifications for all participants to gain the richness of the data. The qualifications were
student who enrolled the subject and got grade A, student who enrolled the subject with more
than seventy five percent attendance, student who enrolled the subject then withdrew the subject
by certain reasons and the last qualification was for the student who never registered themselves
on the subject. The setting of the study was PBI UMY because it has journalism subject as the
elective course. The instrument used in depth interview. The data analysis started from
transcription. Then, the opened coding was collected into each category in axial coding. The last
step of coding, the data were selected into four topics which are student’s general perception,
student’s perceptions on the advantages, student’s perceptions on challenge and the expectation
toward the subject. The result, students have positive and negative perception toward the subject.
Based on student’s perception, journalism has advantages in improving the writing skill,
communication skill and creative media design skill. There were two contradictions arguments
on the challenge of the subject which were no meaningful challenges in this subject and
challenges in constructing the writing report. The last finding was the student’s expectation
toward the lecturer, the institution and the students themselves.
Keyword: student’s perception, advantage, challenge, expectation, journalism, journalism

Chapter One
Background of the Research
There were interesting facts about journalism subject in PBI UMY. Journalism seemed to
belong to the different field of English education. Based on the researcher experience, it was
hard to relate journalism with English education. What the points of view of journalism subject
to be in English education are. How far journalism subject worked in the student teacher of
English education department of UMY?
Based on the researcher experience with the relatives, it was hard to understand the sense
of journalism science in education. What kinds of skill that should be mastered in journalism
subject. Journalism seems to belong to different field with English education. There is no
guidance for the students of PBI UMY about the ideas on how and what skill involved and that
was the reason why students felt difficult to mention the relationship between journalism and
English education.
Therefore, as a student teacher of English, how the students should be a professional in a
journalism term. Some students believed that they are prepared to be English teacher or other
professions which are still related to English term such as translator or tour guide. Since the
student teacher do not understand the sense of journalism science in English education, it makes
hard for the students to have the optimistic view of journalism prospect.
Journalism term is too specific for English education. The imagination was that the field
of journalist and teacher is very different. Journalism is too specific for the student teachers of
English so it was possible to think that joining journalism subject cannot help the students in
increasing the ability in teaching skill.

The other interesting facts about journalism in EED UMY is that even if journalism
seemed to belong to different field of English education, the number of students who enrolled the
class was surprisingly almost seventy percents of the students. In batch 2012, there are two
classes of journalism subject. It was attended by seventy eight from 115 of the students. (PBI
UMY administrator officer, 2015).
Apparently, there were students who chose journalism subject because they avoid another
elective course. There was another elective course in PBI UMY which more challenging and it
makes hard for the students to follow. They choose journalism subject because they think this
subject is easier than the other elective subject. It does not matter even if the students dislike the
subject, they still chose the one which is easier. John (2012) said that people always tend to take
the easiest choice which has the lowest risk. The last choice for the student who cannot follow
this subject is to enroll journalism subject.
There were also students who joined journalism subject just to follow their peer-mate.
They just follow their group mate to stay in same classes. The problem arises when students and
their friend just randomly choose the subject not because they consider if they need it. They
confess that they do not know how to engage in with the subject. If this case really happens, the
meaningful and successful learning process remains a big question.
Statement of the Problem
There was also identification of the case that comes from the students. Students who have
joined the subject suddenly withdrew the class. Some students withdrew the class because they
wanted to have fewer classes in their last semester. Students in English Education Department

say that they did not want to attend the class because journalism subject is just an elective course,
not the compulsory subject.
Some of classmates said that they were currently busy in writing the final thesis. They
wanted to focus on writing the thesis. They thought that withdrawing the journalism class can
help them focus in writing thesis. Some students argued that the assignment on this subject waste
their time which supposed to focus on making their thesis.
The last opinion why students withdraw the subject was because they did not like the
lecturer of the subject. Students have favorite lecturer and it is used as the consideration for the
students to either join the subject or not. Those reasons made them choose to leave the subject.
Limitation of the Problem
The reason why the students join the subject without any plan and purpose to master
some skills might be caused by student’s perception. They sensed that attending Journalism
subject in English Education Department is meaningless. Perhaps, if the students know the
essential function of journalism and they know the focus of journalism subject, this feeling will
never arise. Hamilton (2013) explains that the learning about how much should the subject focus
on the skills associated with journalism, and how much the understanding of the subjects cover
journalism skill.
There were so many perceptions from the students toward journalism subject in English
education. The researcher limits the study into revealing the students perception either it is
positive or negative perception from putting journalism in EED. The research aims to know what
the student’s perceptions toward journalism subject are.

Research Question
There are several questions that underlying the research about students perception on having
Journalism subject in English education department. The questions are:
1. What is the student’s general perception of journalism subject on English Education
Department UMY?
2. What is the students’ perception on the advantages and challenges of journalism subject
on English Education Department UMY?
3. What is the student’s expectation toward journalism subject on English Education
Department UMY?
Purpose of the Research
This research is purposed to reveal the students’ perception on journalism subject in
English Education Department UMY. It aims to reveal the students perception toward the
advantages and also seek for the reveal of challenge faced by the students in joining Journalism
subject in English education department. It also aims to reveal the expectation of the students
enrolling the journalism subject.
Significance of the Research
Hopefully after the research is done, it gains much significance from many aspects. The
significances of the research are for the researcher herself, the students as the student teacher of
English education department, the lecturer, the institution and. The following significances are:
For the student. The significant of research for the students is to share the reason what
are the student’s perception toward journalism subject to be in English education. It is about
what students thinking and feeling toward the progress of journalism subject in English
Education Department UMY. It is also to reveal what the benefit and the challenge of journalism

subject in English education department of UMY. And the last, this research shares the students’
expectation of joining journalism subject in English education department
For the lecturer. The significance of the research for the lecturer is to use it as a
suggestion for the lecturer to apply the proper teaching method in the class. And hopefully the
lecturer can use the student’s perception to consider about the material design in Journalism
subject. The other significance for the lecturer is to reflect the way lecturer teaching in the class
so it can be in line with what the students expect.
For other researchers. Hopefully it can stimulate another researcher in examining
journalism subject in wider area so there would be the rich information of journalism research.
The goal is to dig more information and sources of journalism subject in English education.
Therefore, this is a kind of qualitative research. Hopefully there are other researchers who search
about it so it will not be debatable because there is the evidence from quantitative research such
as survey.
For the institution. The significant for the institution is to use the result of the research
as the input to make the journalism subject be better. The significance is about how the
institution can overcome the weakness and improve the strength that exists in journalism subject.
Hopefully after the students share their thought about journalism subject, it can use as a
consideration in adapting the policy based on the student’s expectation.

Chapter Two
Literature Review
In this chapter, the discussions were about the past literature which supported the variable
of the research. This chapter divided into three parts. There were literature review, the review of
related study, and conceptual framework. In the literature review, those were the supporting
literature of student’s perception and the definition based on many experts. Then, the discussions
were about the supporting theories of definition of journalism, the roles of journalism, ethic of
journalism and the journalism itself.
Students’ Perception
There are so many definitions of perception based on many experts. Starting from
Kanwisher (2001) describes that perception is the extract of information without considering
either the person experience the information or not. Perception is person’s opinion without
considering either the person experience the view side information or not. The perception is the
persons’ feeling. People start with absorbing information from the environments about the
journalism subject and verbally combine their opinion into various ways to a form of perception.
The process of perception is adding and shorting the information. Hochberg (1978) as
cited in Niles (2007) describe people perceptions as the activity of add and short the information
to get the perception. The meaning is the short of the information based on the person’s thought
can obtain the person’s perception. People make perception when they are actively taking in all
the meaningful information.
Perception contains of absorbing information. Gibson (1979) in White (2008) proposes
that perception consists of the direct acquisition of information from the environment. The
meaning is what information that people acquire from the environments becomes the form of

perception. It means that people receive information either visual, or verbal information that
gotten from the environments and these people filter it as their perception.
In this part of the study, the past literature reviews support four major topics. There were
the definition of journalism, the role of journalism, the ethic of journalism and journalism
The definition of journalism. Journalism is the kinds of written report to inform people
about the new incidents. According to Niles (2007), “Journalism is a form of writing that tells
people about new things but people do not know yet” (p.1). The kinds of written form of
journalism can be such as news, article, feature, review, editorial and journal. The society might
not know about the news because of the distance and the time so journalism is the place for
people to know what is really happens.
Journalism is the source of information. The meaning is journalism acts as the spreading
information to the people. Based on White (2008), “Journalism is the sources of information that
reporters have been searching for” (p.146). Journalism is the destination of people to know the
information. The information is being an issue and people may not be sure about the information
so journalism shares people about the truth.
The information from the journalism is an organization and well-organized report. The
organization of journalism requires skill of creating good report. Based on Potter (2014), the
criteria of good report are good organization and the report that requires strong skills. It is not all
of people who spread the information can create a journalism report. There should be a
professional journalism to make a very well-organized report.

In summary, journalism is the sources of information. It can be in the writing form that
tells about the newest incident. The form of report could be in news, article, feature, review,
editorial and journal. Journalism should content education and needs specific skill. The skill is
needed to create well-organized report.
General role of journalism. Journalism is the curiosity to obtain information. The most
important characteristic shared by good journalists is curiosity. By the question arose from the
curiosity, the information can be shaped into many ideas. Niles stated that (2007), “Good
journalists love to read and want to find out as much as they can about the world around them”
(p.1). The curiosity of the journalism is the main role in obtaining information.
The first role of journalism is journalism can also be the source of understanding the
culture and society. The role of journalism is not only about spreading information but also
deepen the culture and society. Hanitzsch in 2009 stated that journalism plays a central role in
society. Studying journalism is more important for anyone who wants to understand the culture.
Second, journalism should educate the society. News, feature, article and so on should be
based on fact and there should be functions in spreading the information especially in the social
norm such as leadership, responsibility and discipline. The role of journalism is also as educator
to the society (White, 2008). Still based on White (2008), most journalists see their role as the
social educator and leadership. They acts responsible and discipline to educate people.
Third, journalism shapes the identities of the citizens. Park (1940) as cited in Moriarty
(2011) stated that journalism is democracy. It plays the role in shaping the identities of people.
Journalism stimulate the conversation freely between the citizens. The information educates
people and appears as the face of the citizen and the information can measure the interest of the

From the theories above we can conclude that journalism plays a central role in society.
Curiosity is the main characteristic of the journalism which can role the function of journalism.
First, journalism has the role as an educator to society. The spreading information should contain
leadership, responsibility and discipline. Good report can stimulate and shape the identities of the
citizen. Journalism can also help to understand the contemporary culture.
The ethic of journalism. The journalism ethic is the freedom to open the opportunity of
people to express what they are thinking or arguing about some issue. Based on the summary of
White’s (2008) said that the matter of journalism ethic is free expression. The media are free to
publish and tell the truth to the society. Journalism teaches how to express our idea and opinion
in free way without any limitation. Journalism is also the place to confront the respond of some
These are the ethics of journalism. First, journalism has its own place to be independent.
Making report in journalism is not only informing without consider the validation of the
information but it should have the literature review. According to Jorgensen & Hanitzsch (2009),
“Journalism study has matured to become a field of its own; it has produced its own body of
theories and literature. Books addressed to an audience of journalism researchers are increasingly
appearing” (p.4). The independence of journalism is supported by the strong theory background.
White (2008) also argues that the information of journalism report is stronger when it is based on
the theories and literature.
The second point is journalism content organization and depends on the social interest.
Tunstall (1971) in Jorgensen and Hanitzsch (2009) explain the news organizations. It defined as
editorial and media organizations. Organization of the journalism is created based on the interest
of the reader. Herman and Chomsky (1988) in White (2008) argue that the media create news

that supports state interests rather than those of the individual. The term of journalism cannot be
too specific. The idea should be general in order to make the report can be access by many
people. The ethic of general report in journalism is not order for a small community or specific
term of knowledge but wide, readable and adaptable for everyone.
The summary is media freedom and organizations are the main ethic of journalism. Based
on many theories above, journalism requires free expression to tell the truth to the society.
Journalism has to own a place to be independent in order to express ideas and opinions without
any limitation. Journalism is getting organized within local individual and international scale.
The organization of journalism is based on the interest of the reader. The idea of reporting
journalism cannot be too specific in order to make the society from every circle be able to access
the information.
Journalism Subject
Journalism subject is an elective course of English Education Department of Universitas
Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. There are sixteen meeting per semester in journalism subject. For
batch 2012 PBI UMY, journalism subject offered in 7th semester. Journalism in EED of UMY is
an elective course with two credits. There are two classes of journalism subject. Each class is
attended by more than thirty students. The information bellows were based on the syllabus of
Journalism subject in English education department. Those are:
The purpose. The purposes of offering journalism subject in English education
department are to train students in aware about certain problem, increasing the students ability in
writing skill and stimulate the students thinking in reading the journalism manuscript. It also
teach the students how to make a good report and respond to any journalism report.

The material description. The material descriptions of Journalism subject are fourteen
points. The major discussion of journalism subject in English Education Department UMY is a
writing skill that specifically learns about the basic concept of journalism. There are writing
news, feature, article, editorial and journal
The assessment. The task of the subject are group presentation, individual writing news,
feature, article, editorial and journal and the final assignment for the ending of the semester is
making a magazine based on the individual writing of the students. The students create the
magazine as interesting as they can, and the score of the final score is up to 30%.
Classroom activities. In journalism subject, teacher introduces the class schedule in the
first meeting. The class room activities are; students divided into 7-9 groups and lecture give
materials to each groups. The materials are article, news, feature, editorial, journal, and so on.
All students should prepare for the presentation based on the material given by the lecturer. After
the day, students should present the material and submit the writing task. This activities run from
the second meeting until the end of the semester.
Journalism in Education
In this part, there are several theories about journalism function in education.
The function. First, the function of putting journalism science in education is to share
and teach knowledge. White (2008) said that journalism is the context of professional educator to
gain the interest in sharing knowledge of the work. According to Reese (1999), “The ultimate
objective of journalism in education should be to improve the practice of journalism not only by
training skilled practitioners, but also by teaching the public life and illustrates critical social
issues” (p.71).

Second, journalism uses as the communication tools and the educational term of
journalism is very wide. Based on Zelizer (2009) in Jorgensen and Hanitz (2009), “Journalism
has come to inhabit academic efforts in communication, media studies and journalism schools, as
well as the less obvious targets of composition sequences, history, sociology, urban studies,
political science, and economics and business” (p.34).
Third, journalism grows to shape the students discipline. Based on Jorgensen and
Hanitzsch statement (2009), the discipline of the information can be maintained by student if
they have been in a journalism subject. Based on White (2008), most journalists explicitly saw
their role as one of social education and leadership.
The challenge of journalism in education. The challenge of journalism in education is
about how the students can learn the journalism studies and how the teacher can teach students
about certain knowledge of journalism. Gaun (1992) as cited in Jorgensen and Hanitzsch (2009),
describe that journalism education has a direct impact on the students and teacher to draw
journalism studies. It impacts student and teacher to run the journalism studied in a proper way.
The term of journalism in education. The term of journalism should be general for
young or old reader. Jorgensen and Hanitzsch (2009) argue that journalism and scholar work in
emergence of journalism as a profession and a social force. The term of journalism should be
applied in general understanding either for young or old receiver. Based on Jorgensen &
Hanitzsch (2009), “In some ways, journalism studies can be seen as a newcomer and an old hand
on the stage of scholarly research” (p.4).
To summarize, the function of putting journalism science in education is to share and
teach knowledge. The influence of journalism can help the people to gain interests and share the
knowledge. Journalism grows to shape the students discipline. Journalism explicitly sees their

role as one of social education and leadership. The term of journalism should be general for
young or old receiver.
Student’s Expectation
The student’s expectation is the positive prospect and goal of certain matter. According to
TNS opinion & social research in 2014, expectation is the positive impact of on some issues.
Expectation is a hope of positive change. The positive action can be in action and behavior
which gain significant improvement.
Related Study Review
There are two studies that relate to this research. It is written by Sue Burzynsky Bullard
(2013) and Manfred Ruehl (2004). First is from Bullard. This research examines how journalism
works and the positive impact to gain the reader. These research goals are to know the impact
and concern raised by journalism, and to reveal the best practice for optimize the journalism
platform. This research use online survey following by the interview. The web-based survey was
emailed to 3,374 senior editor which are U.S. Print, broadcast, and inline news outlet. It
conducted in February of 2013 with 376 responses. The follow up telephone conducted in
March-May of 2013. The participants of follow up interview are eight people who admit that
they feel satisfy with the news outlet.
The result of the research is the percentage of five top reasons why mass media and
journalism works. The most common usage of mass media and journalism is to promote story or
work with 69 % agreement of the respondents. The second is to report news in real time with
59%. Third, the reason is to interact with the audience with 58% voices. Forth reason is to
stimulate people to read with 56 percentages and the last reason is to build brand, 53 %.

Bullard research findings state that journalism functions in education. About 58 % of
respondents agree that journalism allows people to interact with audience in multiple ways.
Bullard (2013) concludes that communication is the main skill of journalism which also
functions in teaching learning process. It is even stimulate people to read more.
Here is one of the interview result done by Bullard in 2013, the editor interviewed agreed
that the traditional journalism values remains on heart even if social media and new technology
allows more interactions and conversation within the audience. Putting journalism in class still is
the effective step to gain student’s interest, student’s interaction, and student’s readership.
Second related study is written by Manfred Ruehl in July 2004 at Erfurt, Germany. He is
the professor of Communication University of Bamberg, Germany. This research is about
Positioning Journalism Research on The World Society, presented in Journalism Research in an
Era of Globalization International Conference. The design of the research is a library research.
This research examines the overlooking journalism education and research. The findings
concludes that journalism is the kind of communication as same as what Bullard found in 2013.
According to Ruehl (2004), “Unacceptable for journalism research is the practice to operate with
communication, behavior and action as comparable journalistic faculties” (p.9). Journalism
research is the practice of communicating, shaping behavior and clearing the action.
Conceptual Framework
The researcher would do the study as the reveal of student’s perception about putting
journalism subject in English education. What happens in most of English education student is
that there is a misunderstanding about journalism and English education. Many students think
that it does not have any to with English education but many experts have revealed that both of
those variables relate each one another.

The reason why journalism is needed in English education firstly because journalism
function in shaping the way people see the world. Putting journalism in academic purpose can
help students shape their thinking to be more organized. Based on Carey (1989), “The reason
why the study of journalism is a worthwhile endeavor for scholars is news shapes the way we see
the world, ourselves and each other. It is the stories of journalists that construct and maintain our
shared realities” (p.3). With joining academic journalism Carey believes that students will
construct and maintain their capability.
Second, journalism is needed in English education because student will be trained to
solve their problem. Learning from the problem of journalism can teach students and give
experiences of complications. According to Zelizer (2009) as cited in Jorgensen and Hanitz
(2009), “Journalism’s place in the academy is a project rife with various and sundry
complications” (p.26).
The issues in journalism can stimulate the students to think critically and also train the
students to express their idea. Potter (2014) says that stories can educate people so that they can
protect themselves. The complications from journalism subject can be in form of story. The
students will be familiar with some issues. The problem faced by the students from the
journalism classes can extend their way of thinking.
Third, Ruehl (2004) and Bullard (2013) have difference research but the findings give the
same result that Journalism research is the practice of communicating. Communication skill is
important in journalism and education. Journalism can help either editor to interact with the
audiences or teacher to interact with the students.

These are the beginning of the research finding which underlying the research. it is about
the students feeling toward journalism subject. Students also confess several things of journalism
subject such as the advantages and challenge of the subject and the expectation of the subject.

Chapter Three
In this chapter, the discussion was about setting and participants of the research, the data
collection method, and the analysis of the data. There was also trustworthiness as the validity of
the data. The addition, there was an information about detail criteria of the chosen participants,
technique of the data collection and many more points related to the research.
Research Design
This study used qualitative approach. The reason was because qualitative approach
concern to the social phenomena which helped people to understand the world experience and
perception. Based on Moriarty (2011), “Qualitative research is concerned with the developing
explanation of the social phenomena. That is to say, it aims to help us understanding the world in
which we live and why things are the way they are” (p.6).
Qualitative explained about the chronology of the issue, the reason why the issue came up
and reported the progress of certain issues. According to Moriarty (2011), “qualitative research
concerns in finding he answer to question which begin with: why? how? and in what way?”
Qualitative method functions in the ability to identify social care and also able in
documenting people experience and people arguments. In the broader way, qualitative even tends
to evaluate the types of service. Based on Moriarty (2011), “Qualitative research has been used
in social care and some of the reason why it has been successful in identifying under-research
areas, in documenting the experience of people using service, career and practitioners and in
evaluating new types of service in intervention” (p.1).

The design under qualitative approach was a descriptive qualitative. The consideration of
choosing this method was because descriptive qualitative can dig deeper the understanding of the
social world. Based on Hancock (1998), “Descriptive qualitative attempt to broaden and/or
deepen the understanding of how things come to be the way in our social world” (p. 4). The
qualitative describes the social world clearly.
Descriptive qualitative explains and develops concept and theory. Descriptive qualitative
is also able to report non-numerical data which cannot be measured by machine. Based on
Hancock (1998), “descriptive qualitative focuses on report of experience and view on the data
which cannot be adequately expressed numerically” (p.6). This method focuses in describing and
interpreting. It develops the new concept and theory. It can also evaluate the process.
Research Setting and Participants
This research took place at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta because there was a
Journalism subject as a special subject in English education department study program of
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. The participants of the research were the students of
English education department batch 2012. Journalism subject for batch 2012 had several
differences with the previous batch. Those are the teaching method which were not found in
previous and after that year, the classroom activities was only done inside the class unlike the
previous batch which had media company visitation and this batch was the first time to have the
lecturer that did not come from PBI UMY.
The sampling of the participants is the purposive sampling. It used to gain the richness of
the data. There were four participants in this study. There was a specific qualification for the
sampling. The qualifications are student who enrolled the subject and got grade A, student who
enrolled the subject with more than seventy five percent attendance, student who were firstly

enrolled the subject and withdrew the subject by certain reasons and the last qualification was for
the student who never registered themselves on the subject.
The research was done in between March until May. The data collected in the second
week until the end of March 2016 and the data analysis was on the first week of April until June
of 2016.
Data Collection Method
The data collection conducts in direct interaction which is interview. It uses interview for
the data collection method because the purpose of the research is to reveal the students
perception. In explaining the perception, opinion or feeling, students deliver it verbally.
According to Moriarty (2011), “Interviews are a familiar and flexible way of asking people about
their opinions and experiences” (p.8).
The collection data was started by interviewing the participants one by one in face to face
interview. The interview was in depth interview and all interviews were done twice because
there were several things that need to be confirmed by the participants. The second interview
used telephone interview caused by the distance.
According to Moriarty (2011), telephone used when the location between interviewer and
interviewee is too far or both have the tight schedule. According to Moriarty (2011), there are
two kinds of interview. Face to face interview is the interview with the direct interaction between
interviewer and interviewee in the same place. Telephone interview is the interview with
telephone as the media.
There were not any limited times for the interview. The first interview spent thirteen
minutes and forty four seconds. The second interview spent eight minutes and forty five seconds.
The third interview spent fifty minutes and twenty eight second and the last interview spent eight

minutes and three seconds. All interviews are recorded by phone. All interviews used Indonesian
because both participants and researcher is Indonesian native speaker so it was easier for them to
use Indonesian language without considering the vocabulary and so on. This technique can help
the interview will run smoothly with clear and fluent discussion.
The summary, this research uses interview as the data collection method. The conduction
of the interview is in a face to face interview. The interview is in Indonesian language. The
interview is recorded by using phone recorder with unlimited duration.
Data Analysis
There were two steps of analyzing the data. First is a transcription and the second is
coding. The result of the interview is written in a transcript and before the coding, the data was
sent to the participants as validity. Trustworthiness or validity of this transcription used member
checking to make sure that there is no additional or decrement of the interview content. In
member checking, the researcher showed written transcription of the interview to the
After the participants had confirmed that the transcription was valid, then the last step of
analyzing the data was coding. Coding was used to sort the result of the interview content into
important discussion only. Hancock (1998) says that the analysis starts by labeling or coding
every item of information so that researcher can recognize differences and similarities between
all the different items.
Coding or labeling was divided onto three steps. Open coding was the first step. The data
transcription was short into point form to avoid the repetitive information. The second step was
an axial coding. After shorting the content of the interview, the researcher takes the points of all

the coding contents and grouping it into categorizes. Some of the answers from the interviewer
are repetitive and the researcher needs to short and eliminates which point that is similar.
The last step of coding is a selective coding. It is the selection of the point from the
interview that is related to the topic of the research. Coding needs to be summarized. Then the
summary reached into many pages of finding.

Chapter Four
Finding and Discussion
This chapter explained about the findings and the discussion of the research. The findings
reveal several points related to students perception in journalism subject of PBI UMY. The
perception divided into several branch of discussions which were the student’s arguments toward
the subject, the advantages and challenges on journalism in EED of UMY and the last discussion
of the students perception was about the expectation toward journalism subject in EED of UMY.
The result of the research firstly explained about the student’s perception toward
journalism subject in PBI UMY. There were two parts of perception in this discussion. There
were positive and negative perceptions. Then, it discussed about the student’s arguments on
advantages and challenges in this subject. The last discussion was followed by the student’s
expectation toward the subject for the future.
The student’s perception. The student’s perception was the information and sense that
arise in perceiving something in environments. Hancock (2002) said that people assess the value
of perception into feeling and meaning. Andries (2011) explained more that there were two parts
of feeling which positive and negative emotions are. In this discussion, the findings are the
perception which are positive and negative as well as the causes.
The negative perception. The participants perceived that the subject was not effective.
“For me, this was not too effective” (Fira, 2016). The subject material was not related to English
skill. Still according to Fira “there was no relation with English”. The subject was also
monotonous and boring. “The class was too monotonous and boring” (Ani and Fiza, 2016). The
subject ran too short and out of the expectations. The presentation is too repetitive and it was just

wasting time. “I was happy but still discontent because it was too short and less of detail” (Fira,
2016). “Everything was not the same with what I expect” said Fiza (2016). “Something we have
known does not need to be presented many times. It was enough by spreading the copy of the
material. We can learn. It was a wasting time” (Fira, 2012).
There were many reason of the negative perception which categorized into three parts
below. Those were the discontent of the teaching method, the discontent which affecting the
students in learning, and the last was the characteristic of the lecturer which gave bad impression
from the beginning until the ending of the semester.
Teaching method. The presentation of this subject was too repetitive. The subject used
presentation method and it was applied for the whole meetings of the subject. Based on Fira
(2016), “the learning was just grouping the students and presenting the material”. The
participants brough something they prepared by themselves. Participants presented something
they did not understand. The following statements of Fira (2016), “It is true that we have
prepared, but somehow we are lack of sources and we present something we do not know”. It
was such as monotonous condition and the participants should endure this condition. “It was
monotounous” (Fiza, 2016).
The subject ran without any variation. The same thing happens in the class meeting by
meeting and all the meetings, participants were just listening to the presentation. “There is no
variation, the learning was just sitting in the class, listening to the presentation, then question and
answer and then we went home. It ran just like that” (Fiza, 2016). Participants even suggested
having visitation to Media Company but the lecturer did not respond to it. The lecturer wanted to
have study tour if all the permission requirements fulfilled by the students. Ani (2016) said, “We
have proposed to visit Media Company but the lecturer rejected it, she did not want to busy with

the permission so we should process it if we want to have it. Then what is the function of the
The subject used teacher talk time to deliver the material. It was also not appropriate for
the students because this way decreased the student’s interest. “The lecturer was just coming and
explaining”. “The lecturer delivered the material by using teacher talk time, I heard it from my
friend and I once attended the class and the lecturer used teacher talk time.” This participant
followed the answer. “The lecturer was just coming and explaining but the explanations were
like less of guidance so I just dislike” (Ani, 2016).
The lecturer was also trying to have student center learning in the class but it failed.
Participants sensed that the lecturer too much unbend the students by their own. Students need
guidance but the lecturer did not do it. Fiza (2016) said, “The lecturer wanted to apply student
center learning but failed”. Fira (2016) stated, “The lecturer just let us do it by ourselves.
Students were neglecte