Submitted to the Faculty of Language Education
In a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Degree
Sarjana Pendidikan

Tindra Larastika Pangasti

English Education Department
Faculty of Language Education
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
February 2016


Submitted to the Faculty of Language Education
In a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Degree
Sarjana Pendidikan

Tindra Larastika Pangasti

English Education Department
Faculty of Language Education
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
February 2016



This skripsi would not be completed without supports from many people. I thank
my supervisor, Gendroyono, M.Pd, for guiding me to complete my skripsi.
I thank all the English education department students, academic year 2010

who gave me support during my study. All your support has made my journey
This study cannot be completed without the involvement of my
participants. I am greatly indebted to all participants who took their valuable time
to participate in my study and shared their valuable opinion relate to the study.
I would also thank to my family, especially for my mother and my father.
Thanks for always guiding me, supporting me, and thanks for everything that both
of you made for me. I am greatly thanks to my sibling Mas Gilang who becomes
my supporter. Thanks for all support.


Personal Statement

I, who sign below,

: Tindra Larastika Pangasti

Student’s Number : 20100540010

Program Study

: English Education Department


: Language Education Faculty


: Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

honestly declare that this skripsi which I wrote does not contain the works or part
of the works of other people, except those cited in the statements and

Yogyakarta, 20 February 2016
The Writer

Tindra Larastika Pangasti




We hereby approve the Skripsi of .......................................................................................i
Abstract ............................................................................................................................. ii
Acknowledgement ........................................................................................................... iii
Personal Statement ............................................................................................................iv
Chapter One .......................................................................................................................1
Introduction ........................................................................................................................1
Background of the Research ..........................................................................................1
Statement of the Problems..............................................................................................2
Question of the Research................................................................................................3
Objective of the Research ..............................................................................................3
Limitation of the Problem ..............................................................................................3
Significance of the Problem ...........................................................................................3
Outline of the Research ..................................................................................................4
Chapter Two ......................................................................................................................6

Review of Literature ..........................................................................................................6
Theories on Perception ...................................................................................................6
Theories of Teaching Materials ......................................................................................7
Review of the Previous Research ................................................................................. 16
Chapter Three .................................................................................................................. 18
Methodology .................................................................................................................... 18
Research Design ........................................................................................................... 18
Research Setting ........................................................................................................... 19
Research Participant ..................................................................................................... 19
Data Collection Method ............................................................................................... 20
Data Analysis ............................................................................................................... 21
Validity ........................................................................................................................ 22
Chapter Four .................................................................................................................... 23
Findings and Discussions ................................................................................................. 23
Students’ perception towards the relevancy of the teaching materials.......................... 23
Students’ perception towards the consistency of the teaching materials ...................... 27


Students’ perception towards the sufficiency of the teaching materials ....................... 29

Chapter Five ..................................................................................................................... 36
Conclusion and Suggestion .............................................................................................. 36
Conclusion ................................................................................................................... 36
Suggestion .................................................................................................................... 37


Teaching materials have important roles in learning process. Teaching materials can
gain students’ attention. This study aims to examine students’ perception towards teaching
materials used in Pusat Pelatihan Bahasa (PPB) UMY. Their perception can be suggestion
for better teaching materials.
The data collection method employed in this study was interview. Three students in
level one of PPB UMY participated in this study. They were invited to attend interview
session. They were interviewed one by one. The interview was recorded.
The research found that teaching materials can be said relevant to the curriculum. This
is caused by what is written in the textbook suit to the passing standard. This textbook is
consistent in term of language and exercise. However, in terms of sufficiency participants
stated that the textbook is less sufficient to improve students’ ability.
Keyword: teaching materials, textbook

Chapter One
In this chapter, the researcher presents several points to discuss the main problem of
the research. The chapter is arranged into background of the study, statement and limitation
of the problem, research question, the purpose of the research, significance of the research
and outline of the research.
Background of the Research
The role of teaching material is important to achieve learning objectives. Djono
(2013) stated that teaching materials can improve effectiveness and efficiency of learning and
also attract student’s attention. Djono (2013) added that the teaching materials can be guide
for the teachers who direct the learning activities and contain the substance of competence
that will be taught. Teaching materials are materials used by teachers in the learning process
systematically arranged both writtenly and unwrittenly. Muhaimin (2008) stated that teaching
materials are all kinds of materials used to help teachers in implementing learning activities.
Teaching material has two advantages, for students and teacher. For students, it can help
them in teaching learning process both in school and at home. For teacher, teaching material
helps teacher in teaching learning process as the guiandce. Basically all levels of education
require teaching materials, both from the primary level to elementary school through college.
Therefore the selection of instructional materials should be in accorandce with the needs of
students in order to achieve the learning objectives.

To maintain the students’ abilities in English language, UMY has education
institution namely Pusat Pelatihan Bahasa (PPB UMY) or Language Training Centre. Each
semester PPB has English language classes that are compulsory to attend for every student of
UMY from all majors to attend. The English language class has seven levels. Each level

consists of 20 to 35 students. Each student in each level gets one textbook that will be used
during the class in each level. One course in one level will take one semester.
In the selection of learning materials for the students, it is very important to achieve
the learning objectives, so there are some elements in the teaching material to know if the
teaching material used is good. Besides that, this should be based on the students need. The
elements to considered are the layout of learning materials, degree of difficulty in learning
materials or textbooks used and the content of learning materials whether they are in
accorandce with the syllabus or not. Based on the background, the researcher was interested
in conducting the research about the students’ perceptions towards teaching materials in
Pusat Pelatihan Bahasa (PPB) Universitas Muhammdiyah Yogyakarta (UMY).
Statement of the Problems

The issue of developing the content and learning materials as well as how student
learn is not a simple process. Based on the report of the Directorate General of Primary and
Secondary Education Ministry of Education (2006) that the important issue often faced by

teachers in learning activities are either choosing or defining appropriate learning material in
order to help students achieve the competency. This research explore about students’
perceptions towards the teaching materials used in PPB UMY.
This paper focused on several issues. First, the student’s perception towards materials
used in PPB UMY. Second, the qualification of teaching materials that meets the standard of
good material criteria and also the qualification of materials used in PBB UMY to meet the
students’ needs.
Question of the Research

The research question of this research is what is the student’s perception relevancy
based on consistency and sufficiency on teaching material of English level I at PPB UMY in
terms of relevancy, consistency, and sufficiency?
Objective of the Research

The objective of this paper is to explore the students’ perception on teaching
material of English level 1 at PPB UMY.
Limitation of the Problem

The research on student’s perception toward teaching materials at PPB Universitas
Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta was only limited to the student’s perception based on

relevancy, consistency and sufficiency of teaching material of English level I at PPB
Significance of the Problem
This research will have several benefits as follows:
1. For the researcher as the prospective teacher. This research will help the researcher
choose the appropriate teaching materials used in teaching process or the suitable
materials that fit with student’s needs.
2. For the learners as respondents, this research will explore their experience and help
them explore their suggestion about the teaching materials used during the class.
This research also gathers their suggestion for further revision for the next

3. For the institution that publishes or use the book. This research will answer all their
needs about further improvement for the next revised book. This research gathers
data from respondent that used their book.
4. For the lecturer, the result of this research helps the lecturer find out about
student’s perception towards teaching materials provided by Pusat Pelatihan
Bahasa (PPB) UMY. Furthermore, the teacher can reflect and improve their
competencies especially in using teaching materials and deliver it to their students.
Outline of the Research

Chapter one of the studies explains the background of the research. This chapter
presents about why the title was taken. Chapter two describes the literature review.
Chapter two is divided into two parts: The first part explains about the literature, namely
perception and teaching materials. In addition, the second part discusses the theoretical
framework. Chapter three explains the methods and procedures employed in order to
answer the research questions and analyze the data. Chapter three explains about research
design, research setting and participant, data collection method and data analysis. Chapter
four reports the finding and data analysis of the research. This part discusses about the
finding data and relates it to the literature review. Finally, chapter five presents the
conclusion, suggestion, and recommendation of the whole research.

Chapter Two
Review of Literature
Theories on Perception
Young (1956) identifies perceptions as activities of sensing, integrating and valuing to
physical objects or social objects, thus sensing depends on physical stimulus and social
stimulus around the observer. The sensing process gathered from environment will be
collected with former experiences. Walgito (2003) states that perception is psychological
process and the results of sensing and the last process of conscious to form thinking
process.Sunaryo (2004) explains that perception is end process of observation, initiated by
the sensing process, then transmitted to the brain and the individual is aware of something
that is perceived. Furthermore, Gibson, et al (19 njmk,65 csd89) in the book of
Organizational Behavior and Management Structure; provides a definition of perception, as a
cognitive process that is used by individuals to interpret and understand the world around it.
Gibson also explained that the perception is the process of giving meaning to the environment
by the individual. Therefore, each individual gives meaning to stimulate differently, even
though has the same object. The way people look at the situation is often more important than
the situation itself. The same notion put forward by Robbins (2007) that, same perception can
be regarded as a process in which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions
in order to give meaning to their environment because individual behavior are often based on
their perception of reality, not reality itself. Kotler (2014) describes the process of how one's
perception to select, organize and interpret information inputs to create an overall picture that
is meaningful. Mangkunagara (in Arindita, 2002) argues that perception is a process of giving
meaning or significance to the environment. In this case the object of perception included
interpretations, receipt of a stimulus (input), the organization of the stimulus, and the
interpretation of the stimulus that has been organized by influencing the behavior and attitude

formation. Robbins (2007) also describe perception in relation to the environment, which is a
process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give
meaning to their environment.
According to explanantions mentioned above, perception can be described as a
sensing process. Sensing process commenced with stimulus received by individuals’ sense
organs, then intepreted by this individu so that they can be understanding the meaning. In the
learning process, stimulus is given by the instructors to the learner. The stimulus provided by
the instructors have diverse forms. one of the stimulus that will be discussed in this research
is the teaching materials.
Theories of Teaching Materials
Muhaimin (2008) stated that teaching materials are all kind of forms of materials that
are used to help teachers or instructors in implementing learning activities. Meanwhile,
according to Majid (2007), teaching materials are all kinds of materials, information, tools
and text are to help teachers or instructors in carrying out the teaching and learning
activities. Materials can be written or unwritten material. Majid (2007) added that teaching
materials or curriculum (curriculum material) are the content or the curriculum that must be
understood by students in order to achieve the objectives of the curriculum.
According to the National Centre for Competency Based Training (2007), the notion
of teaching materials are all forms of materials used to help the teacher or instructor in
implementing the learning process. Intended materials can be written and unwritten. The
views of other experts say that the teaching material is a set of systematically arranged
material, both written and unwritten, so as to create an environment or atmosphere that allows
students to learn. According to Panen stated in Prastowo (2011) revealed that the teaching

materials are materials or materials arranged in a systematic lessons, which are issued by
teachers and learners in the learning process.
According to Chomsin and Jasmadi (2008), teaching materials is a set of facilities
containing learning materials, methods, limitations, and how to evaluate systematically
designed and attractive in order to achieve the expected goals of achieving competence and
sub competence in all its complexity. Subjects or teaching materials are materials packaged
as a material to be presented in the learning process. Teaching materials are the form of
presentation that contains a description of the facts and principles, the norms relating to the
rules, values and attitudes, as well as a set of actions or motor skills. Thus, the teaching
material basically contains about knowledge, values, attitudes, actions and skills that contains
the messages, information, and illustrations in the form of facts, concepts, principles, and
processes related to a particular subject are directed to achieve learning objectives.
According to the Directorate of High School (2008), the notion of teaching materials
are all kinds of material used to assist teachers in conducting teaching and learning
activities. Material in question can be written material or materials are notwritten. Basedon
these definitions, it can be concludedthat theteaching materialis a learning component that is
used by the teacheras learning materials for students and assist teachers in conducting
teaching and learning activities in the classroom.
According Koesnandar(2008), the type of instructional materials by subject consists
of two types, among others: (a) teaching materials purposely designed for learning, such as
books, handouts, worksheets and modules; (b) teaching materials were not designed but can
be used to study, for example, clippings, newspapers, films, advertisements or
news. Koesnandar also stated that in term of its function, the teaching materials design
consists of three groups: presentation materials, reference materials, and self-learning

Based on the technology used, Directorate of High School(2008) grouped teaching
materials into four categories of teaching materials, namely printed teaching materials
(printed), among others, handouts, books, modules, student activity
sheets, brochures, leaflets, wall chart, photo or image,and model. Audio teaching materials
are, among others, cassette, radio, phonograph records, compact discs and audio. Audiovisual teaching materials are video compact discs, and movies. Interactive multimedia
teaching materials (interactive teaching material) such as CAI(Computer Assisted
Instruction), compact disc(CD) multimedia interactive learning and web-based teaching
material (web-based learning material).
Development of teaching materials should be based on the analysis of the needs of
students. There are a number of reasons why it is necessary to develop teaching materials, as
mentioned by the Directorate of High School (2008: 8-9) as follows.
1. Availability of materials as demanded by the curriculum, it means learning materials
should be developed according to the curriculum
2. Characteristics of the target, meaning that teaching materials developed can be
tailored to the characteristics of the students as targets, these characteristics include
environmental, social, cultural, geographical and developmental stages of students
3. Development of teaching materials should be able to answer or solve problems or
learning difficulties.
Thus, the development of teaching materials in schools need to pay attention to
students' characteristics and needs of students according to the curriculum, which
requires the participation and activation of students more in the learning. Development of
student activity sheet into one alternative teaching materials that will be useful for
students to master certain competencies, because student activity sheet can help students
add information about the materials studied systematically through learning activities.

Gurung (2011) reports that research on textbooks typically falls into three categories.
First, it examines the content of books, generally documenting extensive similarity
between topics covered in introductory texts. Second, there is research that looks at the
effectiveness of the pedagogical aids provided by the textbooks including how students
use those aids. Finally, there is research which assesses how instructors rate and select
textbooks. According to the further explanations mentioned above, learning materials
become the stimulus for the students. And this paper will explore more about the
stimulus given by the learning materials compare with the student’s perceptions gained
from learning materials.
UNESCO underlines the important of learning materials on their published modules.
It states that besides teacher qualifications and school facilities, another important
determinant of quality of education is the teaching and learning materials. It is essential for
quality materials to be made available to the teachers and students in adequate
quantities to support the teaching and learning processes. Furthermore, UNESCO
explaines that ideally, every student in every class should possess his/her own copy of the
textbooks required by the school for each grade and each subject. The textbooks may be new
or previously used by other students. Textbooks may be provided by the school, their parents,
friends or other bodies such as NGOs. The percentage of students who do not have the
textbooks they need for their classes is an important indicator that may be calculated
from data in the school records. Learning materials usually become main source in the
learning process. It contains objectives and guiandce for both teacher and student
during learning process, eventhough teacher has additional book for help them
teaching. This book contains with learning objectives that has been set by authorities.
For example, language institutions in European have frameworks to maintain and unite
the curriculum and setting objectives needed. This Common European Framework of

Reference for Languages (CEFR) becomes guidelines used to describe achievements of
learners of foreign languages across Europe and other countries. This framework has
been widely accepted by international institutions.
Gafur (1994) explained that some of the principles that need to be considered in the
preparation of teaching materials or learning materials among others include the principles of
relevance, consistency and adequacy. The third application of these principles described as
1. The principle of relevance, meaning linkages. Learning materials should be relevant with
the achievement of Passing Standard (Standar Kelulusan/SK) and Basic Competency
(Kompetensi Dasar). The easiest way is to ask questions about the basic competencies
that must be mastered by students. With this basic principles, the teacher will know
whether the material to be taught as the material about facts, concepts, principles,
procedures, attitudes aspect or aspects of the psychomotor so that in turn the teacher
avoid mistakes in the selection of the type of material that is not relevant to the
achievement of SK and KD.
2. The principle of consistency, it means constancy. This means that there is conformity
whether in quantity or number between competences and teaching materials.If the basic
competencies that want to be taught include all four language skills, the material
chosen/developed also includes all of fourth of it.
3. The principle of sufficiency, meaning that the material being taught should be sufficient
to help the students master their basic competencies taught. The material should not be
too little, and should not be too much. If too little to be of less help achieve SK and KD.
Conversely, if too much would be a waste of time and energy that does not need to learn
it.Development of teaching materials let attention to the principles of learning. Among the
learning principles are:

a. Ranging from easy to difficult to understand, from concrete to abstract understanding.
Students will be easier to understand a particular concept when starting from a simple
explanation or something concrete, something tangible in their environment. For
example to explain the concept of the market, then students are invited to talk about
the markets that are in place they live. After that, we can bring them to talk about the
various types of other markets.
b. Repetition will strengthen the understanding. In learning, repetition is necessary so
that students better understand a concept. Although the same meaning, something that
repeated information, it will be mark in the memory of the student. Positive feedback
will provide reinforcement to the students' understanding.
c. Positive feedback will provide reinforcement to the students' understanding.
Often we take lightly to provide the modest respond on students' work. Whereas
respond given by the teacher to the students will be strengthening on students. The
words of a teacher as a 'yes, true' or, 'yes you are smart' or, 'it is true, but it would be
better if it like this ...' will give rise to confidence in the students that he had answered
or doing something right. Instead, respond negatively will discourage students. Do not
forget to give positive feedback to the student's work.
d. High motivation to learn is one of the critical success factors. A student who has a
high motivation to learn will be more successful in learning. It is one of the tasks of
teachers in implementing the learning is to give encouragement (motivation) to make
students want to learn. Many ways to provide motivation, among others, by giving
praise, by giving hope, by becoming clear objectives and benefits, by giving
examples, or saying something that makes students enjoy learning, and others.
e. Achieve goals like climbing stairs, step by step, will eventually reach a certain height.
Learning is a process of gradual and sustained. To achieve a high standard of

competence, needs to be made between the objectives. Like stairs, the width of the
stairs we go the more difficult, but also stairs that are too small too easy to pass
through. To that end, the teacher needs to prepare rung fitting learning objectives,
according to the characteristics of students. In teaching materials, these stairs are
formulated in the form of indicators of competence.
f. Knowing the results achieved will encourage the students to continue to achieve the
goal. In the process of learning, the teacher is like a tour guide. Thus, all participants
can reach the destination safely. In the study, each child will achieve these goals at
their own pace, but they all will be up to the goal albeit with different time durations.
These are some of the principles of mastery learning.
(National Center for Vocational Education Research Ltd / National Center for
Competency Based Training in the Ministry of National Education, 2007: 3). The material
contained in teaching materials students are expected to be studied as a means to achieve a
standard of competence and basic competences. The material refers to the cognitive, affective
and psychomotor. From the above understanding that teaching materials to function properly
it must be characterized by the following features:
a) Raises interest in reading
b) Written and designed for students
c) Explaining the instructional objectives
d) Compiled by flexible learning patterns
e) Structure based on the needs of students and the final competence to be achieved.
f) Provide opportunities for students to practice
g) Accommodate the difficulties students
h) Provide summary
i) Communicative writing style and semi-formal

j) Density based on the needs of students
k) Packed to the instructional process
l) Have a mechanism to gather feedback from students
m) Explains how to study the teaching material.
From the literature review above, we can elaborate concept to form the conceptual
framework. The students’perceptions on teaching materials are formed by their orientation to
studying and their context of learning. The three main causes of student perception can be
described as the relevance, consistency, and sufficiency. All of this elements will be
presented on the questionnaire giving to the respondents.
Review of the Previous Research

Literature shown that there are a lot of studies regarding the teaching materials
evaluation. A number of researchers have applied different method of evaluate the teaching
materials. Yildirim (2006) on his research titled High School Textbook in Turkey from
Teachers’ and Students’ Perspectives: The Case of History Textbook focused on how
teachers and students assess high school history textbook in terms of their physical
appearance, illustrations, content, language, flow, questions, and impact on student thinking
and interest. This researched concluded that conformity and centralized curriculum and the
approval process by the Ministry of National Education are not sufficient in providing
schools with quality textbook.
Evaluation of The EFL Textbook “Four Corners” From The Perspectives of Students by
Masoomeh Hanafiyeh and Mansour Koosha (2014). Hanfiyeh and Koosha on their work,
conducted research about the strength and the weakness of the textbook and the effectiveness
of the textbook. Their research concluded that the according to student perspective, the

textbooks was effective in terms of selection and organization of contain features, but the
students did not aware with of the organization and grading of the materials.
Pujiastuti (2013) with her research titled Analisis Kualitas Buku Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia
Untuk Kelas Tinggi Yang Digunakan SD Negeri 2 Center Curup Tahun Ajaran 2012/2013
that described the quality of Indonesian textbook used in elementary school grade 5th and 6th
according to content, language, presentation, graphics and readability criteria. This research
concluded that not all of the textbook used by 5th and 6th grader for learning Indonesian had
match the criteria.

Chapter Three
This chapter discussed methodology of the research. The first part of this chapter
discussed the research design implemented in the study. Then a second is description of
participants. The next chapter explained about data collection method and reasons why choosing
that method. Then, the data collection procedures was described in this part. And in the last part,
data analysis process was explained to complete the description of the methodology for this
Research Design
The subject or participants of the research were three students who had taken English as
basic compulsory subjects. This research focused on novice level of student who have little
competency in English and compare with the materials given during the classes for knowing the
perception towards the materials used for the students. Subject must have finished the class for
first semester so, they have enough competency in materials given in the class and have enough
adequacy to understand the materials used during the class. This purpose is to gather as much as
information from the objects to know their perceptions towards learning materials used during
the learning process.
In this research, the researcher used qualitative research method by using in depth
interview as the main research instrument to gather main data on the student’s perception
towards teaching materials used in PPB UMY for the beginner level batch 2014/2015. The
researcher identified the effectiveness of teaching materials used in language teaching and
learning. According to Frankel and Wallen (2009), qualitative research has a purpose to examine
deeply at a particular individual like people’s feeling on a specific situation like people’s

experience. In addition, Berg (2001) stated that by using qualitative research, the researchers are
allowed to share and explore people’s understanding and perceptions and also give meaning in
daily live.
Research Setting
The researcher conducted the research in 2015. The research took place at Pusat
Pelatihan Bahasa (PPB) of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. The reason why the
researcher chose this institution was PPB has English language class with leveling system.
There were eight level in PPB. Each level has different teaching material or textbook. This
English class is mandatory for every students of UMY from various faculties. Each student must
enroll for placement test to determine their class in English language. To fulfill the needs of
each level, PPB UMYwrote their teaching materials.
The researcher was interested in investigating the student’s perception towards teaching
materials used by PPB UMY for teaching and learning. The researcher focused on first level
student of English class on PBB because they have a new experience in learning at PBB based
on teaching material. Therefore, their perceptions were determined after the course finish. Their
satisfaction and their willingness to continue to the next level was one of their perception.
Research Participant

The participants of this research was three students of Pusat Pelatihan Bahasa UMY at
level one which have score A, B, and C. According to Rahayu (2013) respondents of a research
should have same background and at least, one similar characteristic because it relates to the
validity. In line with those, the researcher chose the participants because of some reasons; the
first criterion is the beginner level students of PBB UMY who have the same degree of ability in

conducting English. Another criterion to choose the participants was based on their final score.
The researcher chose different students who get score A, B, and also C. From those final score,
the researcher has one of effects of teaching materials used by PBB UMY. From the criteria
above, it was assumed that the researcher got various response and perceptions from students
who have different results when they get the interview.
Data Collection Method

Research design was needed to conduct the research to gather and analyze the data. In
order to answer the research question, the researcher conducted qualitative research based on
case study at Pusat Pelatihan Bahasa UMY ( PPB UMY ). This study used interview as the data
collection method. Interview is often used in a qualitative research and considered as an
appropriate method since it is concerned with the information, understanding and also the
feelings of the individual as stated by Hancock (2002). It is a method where respondents shared
their opinion. The respondents were interviewed one by one. Recorded interviews was
transcribed in bahasa. Then they were interpreted by using English . The answer was recorded
and classified for further analysis. The respondent must be at least finished their first level
English classs at PPB UMY.
A method of data collection is divided into monitoring and communication studies
(Cooper and Schindler, 2006). Monitoring studies include studies in which researchers examine
the activities of the subject or the nature of some material, without trying to get a response from
anyone. Then the researchers note, and record information that is available from the observation
or these observations. While in communication studies, researchers ask subjects and collect their
responses by means of personal or impersonal. The type of data in the study included primary

data and secondary data. This research was conducted by the method of communication study in
primary data collection, namely by asking questions in the interview to the respondents. The
interview is a set of questions to the respondents to answer. The interview was addressed to
student of PPB UMY.
Data Analysis

The last step after conducting the interview is analyzing the data from the interview. To
analyze the data there were three steps employed in this research namely transcribing the data,
coding the data, and categorizing the data. The goal of this data analysis was to interpret student
answers and the findings were reported. Briefly, the three steps were explained as follows. First,
the researcher transcribed the recorded interview. After that, researcher took the important thing
related to the research. These important things were put into some categories. The categories
related to the research. Then researcher wrote the summary from the categorizing data. The
finding and result was written into paragraphs.
The researcher confirmed the transcribed to the respondents to get the data validity. The
aim of this validity check is in line with Cohen, Manion and Morison (2000) and Creswell
(2012) who suggested that the interviewer has to return to the participants to check the accuracy
of their answers. The result from interview had been checked to the participantas. They all
agreed with the results of the interview.

Chapter Four
Findings and Discussions
This chapter presents the findings and the discusion of the study about students’
perception toward teaching materials in PPB UMY based on the data that were collected from
interviews. First, the researcher gathered the information about their experience learning English
in PPB UMY. Second, the researcher analyzed the data and categorized the results into students’
perception. The strengths and the weakness of each category presented by perceptions discuss in
this chapter. Third, the researcher analyzed the effect of the students’ perceptions to the teaching
Students’ perception towards the relevancy of the teaching materials
In the beginning of the interview, the researcher asked respondents about relevancy of
teaching materials used in PPB. The relevancy of teaching materials can be gotten from passing
standard in the syllabus and also the suitability of teaching materials to the students’ need.
Finding 1: Materials given by lecturer
The students’ perception towards the relevancy of the teaching matarials cover the relevant
or the connection with the achievement of Passing Standard (StandarKelulusan/SK) and
Basic Competency (Kompetensi Dasar). The easiest way is to ask questions about the basic
competencies that must be mastered by students. With this basic principles, the teacher will
know whether the material to be taught as the material facts, concepts, principles, procedures,
attitudes aspect or aspects of the psychomotor so that in turn the teacher avoid mistakes
selection of the type of material that is not relevant to the achievement of SK and KD. The

respondents were asked about the learning material used in the class. Each participant has
different perception in answering about materials given by lecturer.
For the syillabus, from the beginning of the course, the trainer was stated about it. So, It
think the materials present appropriatly according to syllabus. [R.1.]
The materials presented suits with syllabus. [R.2.]
The material focuss on syllabus. [R.3.]
Materials used in PPB is good because they use about 50% of their activities to attain
students’ participations [R.2.]
Material used in the PPB same like high school level and they teach over and over
same thing. It is boring [R.3.]
Two of three respondents above mentioned that the materials used in PPB level 1 are
atractive enough to attain students attention and participation. The learning process based in the
teaching materials attract their interest to participate and practice their English . But, two from
three respondents think that the material used in teaching materials in PPB UMY level 1 are not
suitable for their needs in English . The materials present same as materials for high school
students. Even one respondent said that the teaching materials is boring. Besides that,
respondents also stated about the content of the textbook.
Finding 2: Suitability content to the level
The respondents were asked about the content of the textbook. The perceptions from
respondents as follows

I think there is no signifance development in the materials. If there is, the development
only a little bit but I think it is same as in high school. [R.1.]
The materials presented in the book are appropriate to its level [R.2.]
Material used in the PPB same like high school level and they teach over and over same
thing. It is boring. [R.3.]
Only one respondent who think that the material is appropriate. The materials in the level 1
book is not suitable for students’ need. Two of the respondents said that the material used in PPB
level 1 is similar to English book for high school students. This means that the textbook has no
difference with the previous material when the respondent was in senior high school. Even, the
third respondent said that the material is boring because it taught the same thing over and over.
The first respondent that stated irrelevant about the teaching materials said that there is no
significance improvement for his ability in English . The material used in level 1 PPB UMY are
basic materials that taught for all of beginner levels. It make a basic fondation for good English
in further learning. This teaching materials try to generate beginner level student with the same
curriculum and materials even some of the students have attain English class earlier or have not
in English class at all. At first, some students will feel that teaching materials is similar for high
school but the aims to get the same standard English education for all students from different
faculties are the main purposes of this course. Hopefully, the students have the same ability in
basic English and for students who fail the limit, have to be repeat the course. Respondents also
reported about the relevancy of textbook based on the syllabus.
Finding 3: Content is rellevant with syllabus

Syllabus should be known by students. This means that they should know what will be
done in the class. That is why researcher asked about the syllabus. The content taught in
the classroom should be matched with the syllabus so that the question about whether
content of textbook is based on the syllabus or not
All respondents reported that contents of teaching materials is relevance to the syllabus.
All of them stated the syillabus are explained before the class so, the students know what they
will learn about and what are their achievements. The syillabus was always stated before the first
chapter of the teaching materials or on the beginning pages of the theaching materials. It helps
the student to understand the lesson and achievements and also helps the theachers about the
materials they have to teach in front of the class.
This finding is in line with Directorate of high school (2008: 8-9) that stated that learning
materials should be developed according to the curriculum. Syllabus is made from curriculum.
That is why learning materials should be based on the curriculum. Good learning material should
be made based on the syllabus. Besides that, Gafur (1994) also mentioned that material can be
said relevance when this can achieve passing standard of the students. Passing standard of
students have been said in the curriculum and also syllabus. This means that learning material
can be said relevance when this is accordance with syllabus.
Students’ perception towards the consistency of the teaching materials

Finding 1: Language is understandable
Students’ perception towards the consistency of the teaching materials means that there
is conformity whether in quantity or number between competences and teaching materials. If the
basic competencies that want to be taught include all four language skills, the material

chosen/developed also includes all of fourth of it. The question about language is whether the
language is understandable or not. Students reported about the language used in the learning
Language used in the teaching materials is easy to understand but lack of practices. [R.1.]
Language used in teaching is understandable. [R.2.]
To me, it is fairly easy understood. [R.3.]

This consistency in the language used in teaching materials create better understanding in
learning English . All of the respondents agreed with the consistency of the teaching materials so
they can understand well the book. But, one respondent said that the teaching materials shoul be
added with more exercise written or oral. This exercises are usefull for students to practice their
lesson after or before the class, especially practice it at home. Respondents explained different
perception about exercise which is in the textbook.
Finding 2: Less exercise in the class

In practices, I dont get any significance development here, so I have to add extra course
in other institution. [R.1.]
For the materials is not presented in sequence. The trainer teach randomly. [R.2.]
Because I am not focussing on the materials, I want to improve in speaking and l
istening for my main purposes. So, I dont care with materials. [R.3.]
The sequences of the contents help the students to learn easily. Students improve step by
step by learning one by one the lesson gradually. According to the interveiew, all of the

repondents disagreed with the contents. Students feel difficult to understand the materials
because it contents and structures not present in sequence. In this case maybe subject presented
in sequence students hard to understand in learning. A respondent said that he has to add extra
course outside PPB UMY to improve their English , one respondent said that the teacher teach
randomly and the last respondent said that he doesn’t care with materials and prefers to ignore it.
Consistency in need when learning language, especially for beginner level who have a
little knowledge or have not at all in English language. The consistency in language used in
teaching materials is appropriate accierding to respondents but the contents and structure must be
fixed and adjust to students’ needs for academic and profesional life. This finding is in line with
Directorate high school (2008: 8-9) which stated that teaching materials should be suitable to the
developmental stages of students. Level 1 is the lowest level in PPB. That is why the materials
for students should be suitable for level 1. This means that this textbook us consistent in the
using of language and exercise based on the developmental stages of students.
Students’ perception towards the sufficiency of the teaching materials

Finding 1: The materials in the textbook are less sufficient
Students’ perception towards the sufficiency of the teaching materials meaning that the
material being taught should be sufficient to help the students master their basic competencies
taught. The material should not be too little, and should not be too much. If the material is too
little this will less help to achieve SK and KD. Conversely, if too much would be a waste of time
and energy that does not need to learn it.

Students’ perception on sufficiency relates on how the teaching materials are enough to
fulfill their basic needs in further English learning and become the basic steps for their English
ability. Sufficiency also relates with their feeling that the teaching materials is achievable and
fulfill their goals. Students explained their opinion about the sufficiency of the textbook.
I think that, the learning material used in the course is good enough. The learning process
implement not only materials textuals but also using games. However, for level 1 the
textbook is not enough to improve my ability. That’s why, I need to upgrade to the level
2 or 3 [R.1.]
Improve, but not much. [R.1.]
My ability in English develop a little, but not enough significance. [R.2.]
Not much improvement. [R.3.]
The question about how the teaching materials help them improve the ability of English .
All of the respondents agree that their English improved but all of them also agree that not much
improvement got from the course. the perception of sufficiency in this question is low, because
they think that the teaching materials have not sufficient enough to help them improve their goals
or achieve what they want. This can be seen from the data that respondents felt their ability in
English did not significantly improve.

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