Review of Related Studies Theoretical Framework



This chapter is divided into three parts. The first part is review of related theories. The second part is the socio-historical background in Dutch in the 17th century and the last part is theoretical framework.

A. Review of Related Studies

This part will present some studies related to the novel, Girl with a Pearl Earring by Tracy Chevalier. Wijayanti 2005 in her undergraduate thesis, analyzes the intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts that the major character faces in Tracy Chevalier’s Girl with a Pearl Earring. According to her, the conflicts that occur inside Griet herself and between Griet and the other characters are interesting to discuss. Griet comes to a new environment because of her family’s economical condition and has to work as a maid in the Vermeer’s house. Griet faces many conflicts deal with the other characters and resolves the conflicts differently. In dealing with intrapersonal conflicts, Griet applies some strategies like meditation, negotiation, arbitration, and avoidance. Furthermore, in dealing with interpersonal conflict, Griet applies avoidance strategy, meditation strategy, arbitration strategy and coercion approach. In her study, Wijayanti discusses two main problems. First is the characterization of Griet, the main character observed in the novel. Second is the conflict that Griet faces when she lives in the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 8 Vermeer’s house in the Papist’s Corner and to analyze how she deals with the conflicts. Another study was conducted by Sianturi 2005. She states that her undergraduate thesis focuses on Griet’s internal and external conflicts. The internal conflicts arise because of her difficult jobs, uncomfortable feelings, low wages, uneasy feeling on leaving home and prohibited from seeing her family when some of her family are ill. The external conflicts she faces are conflict with Cornelia, the other maid in Vermeer’s house. She also suffers sexual abuse from Van Ruijven; conflicts with Vermeer when he asks for her to be a model of painting and conflicts with Catharina, Vermeer’s wife who is always treat her badly.

B. Review of Related Theories

This part will present the theories of character, characterization, critical approach, hierarchy of needs and struggle for life. It is important to understand those theories to analyze the characters in the novel.

1. Character a. Definition of Character

Characters take important role in analyzing and understanding the story of the novel. Abrams 24 says that the word character means a person represented in a dramatic or narrative work who is interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral and dispositional qualities that is expressed in what they says through dialogue and by what they do. “Characters are often defined as the individuals PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 9 who appear in a story Stanton, 17. Every character brings some mixture of interest, desires, emotions and moral principal that build them in a story to be the believable person.

b. Kind of Characters

Henkle 86-97 in Reading the Novel divides the characters into two. They are major character and secondary character. The major character is the significant part in the story. It deserves the fullest attention because of its structural function and mostly appeared in the story; if we understand them, we presumably understand the vocal experiences of the novel. The secondary characters are characters that have only limited function and performance in the novel. The characters only appear in certain scene of the story. These characters being generally less complex or less intense and drawn in shallower relief, often present one side of the experiences. Holman and Harmon 83 categorize two types of characters into static and dynamic. A static character is one who changes little in their actions. The pattern of the action reveals the characters, rather than showing the changes of the actions. A dynamic character is one who modified by actions and experiences; one objectives of the works in which the characters appear is to reveal the consequences of these actions. Further, Abrams 24 states two kinds of characters, namely flat character and round character. A flat character is built around single idea or quality and presented in outline, without much individualizing in detail. In a flat character we do not know enough a change about the characters. A round character embodies PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 10 all the variations and complexities of human nature. It can move us to any feelings, emotions and makes the novel becomes more interesting.

2. Characterization a. Definition of Characterization

Rohrberger and Wood, Jr. 20 state the opinion that characterization as the process by which an author creates character. It is like the way of the author to describe the characters to the readers. Every character in the story has different personality and physical attributes that will differentiate with another character. According to Baldick 34 characterization is the representation of persons in narrative and dramatic works. This may include direct methods like the attribution of qualities in description or commentaries, and indirect methods inviting the readers to infer qualities from characters’ actions, speech, and appearance.

b. Ways of Characterization

Murphy in his book Understanding Unseens: An Introduction to English Poetry and English Novel for Overseas Students 161-173 defines nine ways to understand character. There are: 1 Personal description The author can describe a person’s appearance and clothing. He can describe clearly what the characters are like and tell the reader the details of the character’s appearance: the face, skin, eyes, and clothing. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 11 2 Characters as seen by others The author describe the character from others character opinion. The author helps the reader to understand the character by revealing other character opinion about the character being observed. 3 Speech The author can give the readers an insight into the character of one of the person in the story through what the person says. Whenever the person speaks, whenever he puts forward the opinion, he is giving the readers some clues to his characters. 4 Past Life The author shows a person’s character by revealing the person’s past life. It can be done by direct comment from the author, through the person’s conversation, and through the medium of the other person. 5 Conversation of others The author can also give the readers clues about a person’s character through the conversation, either by other people or by the things, they say about him. 6 Reactions The author gives the clues by letting the readers know how the characters in the story react to various situations. Using this kind of characterization, the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 12 readers may expect to find the quality of the characters in dealing with those various situations. 7 Direct comment Usually the author gives his comment and opinion explicitly towards his characters in the story. 8 Thoughts The author may give the readers direct knowledge of what a person is thinking about. Here, he can tell the readers what different people are thinking. 9 Mannerism The author can describe a person’s mannerism or habits both positive and negative one, which may also tell the readers something about his character. Little in his book Approach of Literature , states that there are three steps to study a character 93. First is from a person’s basic characteristics. These can be seen from the physical condition of the character including a person’s age, the social relationship that means the personal relationship with others characters and the mental qualities, which is the typical ways of thinking, feeling, and acting. Second is from a person’s appearance from various points of view. These include how the character sees herself, how various other characters see her, and how a person develops or fails to develops during the course of story. Third is from a person’s place in the works. It means the treatment of the author sketch or fully rounded, a portrayed descriptively or dramatically, treated PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 13 sympathetically or unsympathetically, a person’s place in the story a leading character or a minor one, and a person’s relationship to theme.

3. Critical Approach

Literature work has an aesthetic value of human life. After the process of reading literary works, the readers will be able to response the aesthetic value. It is so important to understand the critical approach to support the readers in gaining the comprehension and to find the value. Rohrberger and Woods, Jr. state that there are five theories of critical approach 6-15. The formalist approach concentrates on the importance to apprehend the total integrity of the literary object. Biographical approach is used when we have a purpose of appreciating the ideas and personality of the author to understand the literary works. The critics of this approach insist that a work of art is a reflection of a personality. The socio- cultural- historical approach sees the importance of place and situation where a work of literature was produced. The basis reference of this approach is the socio cultural aspect combine with the interest in the biographical and interest in literary history. The mythpoeic approach is used to discover the pattern of human thought that may influences the literature. Finally, the psychological approach sees the literature from psychological aspect. This approach involves the complexities of human behavior, thoughts, actions, expressions and so on. By focusing on Griet’s struggle in life, this study uses the psychological approach and the sociocultural – historical approach . PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 14

4. Motivation

People have a drive that becomes the reason in every action of their life. It is usually called as a motivation; which encourages himher to keep on moving forward to reach their goals or dreams. According to Petri 3, motivation is the concept we use when we describe the forces acting on or within an organism to initiate and direct behavior. Every person has motivation in doing actions. Actions are done to achieve the goals. Motivation is like a strong reasons of doing something. It is also like a push of reaching goals. Petri 315 points out that there are two kinds of motivation. They are intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Petri defines intrinsic motivation as the value or pleasure associated with an activity as opposed to the goal toward which the activity is directed. However, extrinsic motivation, by contrast, emphasizes the external goals toward which the activity is directed Petri 315. According to Maslow in Goble’s The Third Force, hierarchy of needs also gives some explanation of basic psychological human needs. There are five basic needs; Psychological needs, security needs, social needs, esteem needs, and self- actualizing needs. Maslow states that every person has their own satisfaction. It depends in how shehe fulfills their needs 38.The explanation of each need is as follows: a. Physiological needs Physiological needs are the most basic needs that are vital to survival. This need deal with the physical needs. It is included the needs of food, liquid, shelter, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 15 sex, sleep and oxygen. When these needs are fulfilled, a person will try to gain the next needs. b. Security needs Security needs are for safety and security. Safety needs emerge after physiological needs are fulfilled. These needs emerge because of the needs to feel secure, stable, independent, protected, free from fear, and anxiety. A person needs to be safe from anything that is considered harmful. c. Social needs Social needs include belonging, love and affection. After physiological and safety needs are fulfilled, needs for love, affection, and belongingness emerge. People will seek a friend, a sweetheart, a wife or husband to find the feeling of “belong” and to feel the affection from them. d. Esteem needs Esteem needs related to self esteem, personal worth, social recognition, and accomplishment. There are two categories of esteem needs- self respect and esteem from other people. The first category is self respect. It includes desire for confidence, competence, mastery, adequacy, achievement, independence and freedom. The second category is respect from the others. It includes prestige, recognition, acceptance, attention, status, reputation, and appreciation. If a person has adequate self esteem he will more confident and capable so that he will more productive. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 16 e. Self-actualizing needs Self-actualizing needs include self aware concerned with social growth, less concerned with the opinion of others, and interested fulfilling their potentials. This need is the highest needs among all. Self-actualization is the desire what a person capable to become and more than he capable of. The self-actualization is a need for fulfillment of one’s unique potential, for example knowledge and beauty. All the hierarchy needs mentioned above are important in human life. Meanwhile, there is consideration that every person has their satisfactory to fulfill. May be there will be different needs of another that have different motives or goals in hisher life. 5 . Struggle for Life In life people meet many problems, either easy or difficult problems. What they need is happiness. Nobody wants to be sad all the period of time. People will give such effort to reach hisher dreams; moreover they will struggle for their needs. The effort will appear naturally when shehe is under pressure of their situation of life or some difficult problems. According to Mc Kechnie 1806, struggle is “great effort or series of effort”. While Abate defines struggle as “make violent or determined efforts under difficulties” 1514. Based on the explanation above, struggle for life is a series of determined effort that human does under difficult condition of her life. People will learn the positive things even though they failed in certain problems of life. When negative things and the most difficult problems come people will keep struggle for their satisfying goals. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 17 Braund, Linder and Asimov 479-480 say that there are many things happening in life. These life events will push and force people to struggle in life; they can be death of spouse, divorce, personal injury or illness, gaining a new family member, family members leaving home, etc. People need to adjust their life in dealing with the problems and challenges in their life. Adjustment is a process of coping with events, problems, challenges and hard situations happen in life. This adjustment is divided into three main categories. There are: problem solving, acceptance of the situation, and defense mechanism. The first is problem solving. People will seek for the solution when shehe is in troubles or difficult conditions. They will struggle for the best solutions. Therefore, people’s problem solving skill may develop when they face problems and difficulties. The second is acceptance of the situation. Problems and life events bring their consequences; either negative or positive. In certain situation where there is no more solution, people are challenged to be brave and honest to accept every situation even though it must be avoided. The third is defense mechanism such as pressure and denial. This defense is important to reduce the stress and under pressure feeling dealing with the situation. Meanwhile, there is a danger too if it is overused. This defense will create certain disturbance.

B. Sociocultural - Historical Background

This part deals with the sociocultural-historical background of Tracy Chevalier’s Girl with Pearl Earrings. Since the novel was inspired by the historical painting and the real life of Johannes Vermeer, an artist of painting from PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 18 Dutch; it is important to understand the socio-historical background in Dutch especially in 17 th century. According to Harold’s History of the Netherland and Dutch Revolt, there are some explanations of Dutch’s history as follows:

1. The European Great Power

The setting of the novel is in Dutch. 17 th century in Dutch was considered as Golden Age. It was a period in which Dutch trade, science, art and military were among the most acclaimed in the world. In this era the Dutch East India Company Dutch: Vereningde Oostindische Compagnie or VOC was founded. It was the first ever multinational corporation, financed by shares that established the modern stock exchange. This company received Dutch monopoly on Asian trade and would keep this for two centuries. It became the world’s largest commercial enterprise of the 17 th centuries. Spices were imported in the bulk and brought huge profit, due to the efforts and risks involved and seemingly insatiable demand. The Dutch also dominated trade between European countries. Dutch trader shipped wine from France and Portugal to the Baltic lands and returned with grain destined for countries around the Mediterranean Sea. By the 1680s, an average of nearly 1000 Dutch ships entered the Baltic Sea each year.

2. Social Structure

The main character of the novel, Griet comes from a poor family of tile painter. To earn some money and to support her family, she works at a master of painting house. There is social clash that differentiate the position of Griet, Vermeer’s family and other characters in the novel. In Netherland one’s social PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 19 status in the 17 th centuries was largely determined by income. Social classes existed but in a new way. Aristocracy, or nobility, had sold out most its privileges to cities, where merchant and their money were dominant. Aristocrats also mixed with the members of the other classes in order to be able to support themselves. Next to aristocrats and patricians came the affluent middle class, consisting of Protestant minister, lawyers, physicians, small merchants, industrialists and clerks of state institutions. The lower status was attributed to small shop owners, specialized workers, craftsmen, administrators, and farmers. Below that stood skilled laborers, house attendants and others service personnel.

3. Religion

The Dutch are known for their religious tolerance, only Dutch Reformed Protestant profited directly from the Golden Age. The cities with a predominantly Catholic background such Utrecht and Gouda, did not enjoy the benefits of the Golden Age. As for the Protestant towns, unity and belief was also far from standard. Catholic tended to keep to themselves in their own section of each town despite making one of the largest single denominations for example, the Catholic painter Johannes Vermeer lived in the “Papist Corner” of the town of Delft. In Tracy Cevalier’s Girl with a Pearl Earring, Griet as the main character is a Protestant and Vermeer’s family is Catholic. It will make some religious misconceptions and weird feeling of Griet because she feels like a minority person both in family and social life. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 20

4. Painting

Dutch Golden Age paintings were followed many of tendencies that dominated Baroque art in other parts of Europe, such as Caravaggesque and naturalism, but were the leader in developing the subject of life, landscape, and gesture painting. Portraits were also popular, but the history painting-traditionally the most elevated genre struggled to find buyers. Church art was virtually non- existent, and little sculpture of any kind of produced. Today, the best known painters of the Dutch Golden Age are the period’s most dominant figure Rembrandt, the Delfi master of genre Johannes Vermeer, the innovative landscape painter Jacob van Ruisdael and Frans Hal who infused new life into portrait. Johannes Vermeer’s Girl with a pearl earring was famous as Dutch’s Monalisa painting.

C. Theoretical Framework

There are two problems stated in the previous chapter in order to discuss the struggle for life of Dutch maid character, Griet, in Tracy Chevalier’s Girl with a Pearl Earring. The first problem formulation is about the characterization of Griet herself. In order to answer this question, the theories of character are needed to describe exactly what Griet’s characteristics are. I use the theory of character by Henkle, the theory of characterization by Rohrberger and Woods Jr, and also by Murphy to analyze the character of Griet. The second problem formulation to analyze is about Griet’s struggle for life. Here the theory of struggle, the hierarchy of needs, the theory of social- PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 21 cultural background review, the theory of motivation and psychological approach are used to answer this question. The theory of struggle is used to analyze the causes of Griet’s struggle in life. The hierarchy of needs, the theory of motivation, the psychological approach and the theory of socio-cultural background review are used to analyze the struggle of the character who is a maid in 17 th century of Dutch and the complexities of her needs, problems and also conflict in her life. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 22


This chapter presents the methodology in analyzing Tracy Chevalier’s novel. There will be three sections in this chapter. They are object of the study, approach of the study and method of the study. The object of study describes the novel and some sources that support the study. The approach of the study will describe of the approach that is used in the analysis. In the last part, the method of the study, it is about description of the steps and procedure of the study.

A. Object of the Study

The novel Girl with the Pearl Earring by Tracy Chevalier was written in United Sates in 1999 and published by Harper Collins Company. This study used the paperback edition published in 2000. In this novel, the author presents the story into 4 parts. The first part is in 1664; the second part is in 1665; the third part is in 1666 and the last past is in 1676. Girl with a Pearl Earring consists of 256 pages and was published by HarperCollins Ltd, London. Girl with a Pearl Earring is a book based on the creation of the famous painting by Vermeer. The novel belongs to best-selling historical novel. There was also a successful film based on the novel and received three Academy Award nominations in 2004. It also won the Orange Prize. The story of the novel is set on Delft, the city of Dutch in the 17 th century, where people are still influenced by rich feeling and social status. The narrator of PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI