5 as a tool in this research. The other sources are taken from the thesis and journal which I use as the previous data.

3.3 Data Processing and Data Analysis

This thesis tries to figure out the orientalism which constructed in The Alchemist. The analysis started from collecting the data which are used later in the process of analysis. The theory of orientalism provides and supports the essential conception in the process of encountering the West and the East. Actually, the data processing is a part of a research where all of the data are categorized. Therefore, there are several steps in order to achieve the subject matters of this research. The first step is collecting data related to subject matter and delleting the data which are considered irrelevant or are not correlated to this analysis. The second step is classifaying data into two categories related to the issue of Edward Said’s orientalism. The first category is the representation of the West. The second category is the representation of the East. Those data are explained in order to answer the first question in this research. The third step is finding out about what the ideological interest beyond orientalism based on the representation of the West and the East through The Alchemist. By interpreting the data based on Said’s theory about orientalism, here this research has examined the construction of the West and the East from narrative structure, then the ideological interest beyond orientalism in the novel. Furthermore, this thesis will place the novel as part of Said’s criticism, to ensure proper data for the analysis in this thesis. To analyze the data, this research uses descriptive method and inductive method. Solving the problem of the research by giving some description or showing the objects of discussion based on the data is descriptive method’s way. McMillan 1992:12 says that “the descriptive method can be considered as the procedure to solve problems of the research by using current facts and phenomena, and this method describes the facts and explains the phenomena”. However, descriptive method is used to describe the data and characteristics about the topic discussed in the novel. Descriptive method is used to know the 6 construction of the East by the West and the ideological interest of the West in The Alchemist. As the method of doing the analysis, this research uses inductive method. Inductive method is the process of reasoning that is applied to conclude the subject matter. It means that “the discussion goes from particular to a whole group of ideas, phenomena, or situations” Young, 1982: 10. Shaw 1972: 107 also states that “by doing an inductive method, it means that a movement of thought is expressed or implied for the specific to the general”. This is the process of transforming idea to general beyond particular data related to the novel.