Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of
Sarjana Pendidikan


Registration Number : 2134421001


Mulya. S. L, Putri. 2134421001. Students’ Strategies in Learning English
Vocabulary at Yayasan Islamic Centre Sumatera Utara. A Thesis. English

Education. Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan. 2017.
This study deals with the students’ strategies in learning English vocabulary at
Yayasan Islamic Centre Sumatera Utara. The objectives of the study were to
investigate strategies of students in learning English vocabulary and elaborate the
students’ reasons for those strategies in learning English vocabulary.This study
was conducted by using descriptive qualitative method. The data in this study
were students’ responses that gained through questionnaires and transcript of
recorded interview of the students of the eighth grade at Islamic Centre Sumatera
Utara.The instruments for collecting data wereobservation, questionnaire and
interview. The data were analyzed based on theory by Vivian Cook (2008). The
findings indicated that there are six strategies from two categories are used by the
subjects in learning English vocabulary. Namely, category 1: Strategies for getting
meaning: (1) guessing from situation or context, (2) using a dictionary, (3) make
deductions from the word form and category 2: Strategies for acquiring words: (4)
repetition and rote learning, (5) organizing words in the mind, (6) linking to
existing knowledge. It is also found that using a dictionary is the dominant
strategy used by the subjects. It is caused by the subjects’ limitation in
vocabulary. There is one strategy from category 1 which is not used is linking to
cognates. The reason of students in having vocabulary learning strategies refers to
their limitation in vocabulary. It means that the subjects are learning English as a

foreign language. So, they were using those strategies in learning English

Keywords: Learning Strategies, Vocabulary, Vocabulary Learning Strategies.


Beyond words, the writer would like to thank Allah SWT and the Prophet
Muhammad SAW for countless blessing, knowledge, and opportunity so that the
writer can finished the academic year. This thesis aimed to fulfill one of the
requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan of the English Department,
Faculty of Language and Arts, State University of Medan (UNIMED).
In complementing this thesis, the writer realized that she faced some
problems, she had received the academic guidance, suggestions, comments, and
got a lot of assistance and moral support from people. Therefore, the writer
expresses her gratitude and special thanks to:

Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., the Rector of the State University of


Arts, the State University of Medan.

Examiners who has given her precious time, guidance, and suggestions.

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Faculty of Languages and

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English Department and her

Dra. Meisuri, M.A., the Secretary of English Department.

Study Program.

Nora Ronita Dewi, S.Pd., S.S., M.Hum., the Head of English Education

Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed., her First Thesis Advisor and Rafika
Dewi Nasution, S.Pd., M.Hum., her second Thesis Adviser who had
given their support, advices, guidance, and their precious time in the

process of completing this thesis.

precious time, guidance, suggestions, and comments.

advised her throughout the academic years.

Prof. Dr. Berlin Sibarani, M.Pd., her Examiners who have given their

All the Lectures of English Department who had taught, guided, and

Eis Sri Wahyuni, M.Pd., the administration staff of English Department,
for her attention, assistance, and information in completing this thesis.


Dahrin Harahap, S.Pd., the Headmaster of Mts. Hifzil Qur’an at Islamic
centre Sumatera Utara.
Nur Halimah Nasution, S.Pd., the English Teacher of Mts. Hifzil Qur’an
at Islamic centre SU, for the supports, guidance, suggestions, and the

students for the good cooperation in the process of completing this thesis.
Suwirman Lubis and Noni wati, her beloved parents, for their supports,
endless love, prayer, inspiration, motivation, courage, and everything that
they have given to the writer during the process of completing the thesis.

This thesis is dedicated to you.
Her lovely sisters, Dian Reska Dewi, S.E., Sri Wahyu Mey Bella, Amd.,
and Anggi Nur’ Aini Lubis and also her nephews, Ridwan Kamil
Rambe and Hasib Dzul Hannan Rambe for their support and

suggestions for her.
Her close friends; Sugar Plum (Hasanah and Dwita), AS, Camuflasa,
and Sepuluh for the courage, motivation, help and spirit during the

completion of her thesis. Thank you for always be there for her.
Her friends in Reguler Dik A 2012 and Islamic Association of
University students of FBS Unimed for their love and togetherness
throughout the four years; Her friends in PPLT SMA Negeri 2 Lubuk

Pakam for the togetherness, and the experiences shared;
For those whose names cannot be mentioned, yet had inspired, encouraged
and give her support, help, and laughers during her study years and the
process of writing of this thesis.
Finally, the writer hopes this thesis would be useful for those who read it.


April 2017

The writer,

Putri Mulya Suci Lubis
Reg. No. 2134421001



ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................................................. ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................ iv
LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................... vi
LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................ vii
LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................................................. viii
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ................................................................... 1

A. The Background of the Study ...................................................................... 1
B. The Problem of the Study ............................................................................. 3
C. The Objective of the Study ........................................................................... 4

D. The Scope of the Study ................................................................................ 4
E. The Significance of the Study ...................................................................... 4

CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF LIERATURE ................................................. 5
A. Theoretical Framework ................................................................................ 5
1. Learning Strategies ........................................................................................ 5
2. Vocabulary ..................................................................................................... 8
2.1. The importance of vocabulary ........................................................... 9
3. Vocabulary Learning Strategies ..................................................................... 11
B. Relevant Studies ............................................................................................ 24
C. Conceptual Framework ................................................................................ 26

CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHOD ...................................................... 27
A. The Research Design .................................................................................... 27
B. The Data and Source of Data ........................................................................ 27
C. The Technique of Collecting Data ............................................................... 28


D. The Technique of Analyzing Data ............................................................... 30

AND DISCUSSION.......................................................................................... 31
A. Data .............................................................................................................. 31
B. Data Analysis ............................................................................................... 31
C. Finding .......................................................................................................... 34
D. Discussion .................................................................................................... 35

CHAPTER V. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS.............................. 39
A. Conclusions .................................................................................................. 39
B. Suggestions ................................................................................................... 39

REFERENCES ................................................................................................ 41
APPENDICES ................................................................................................. 44




Table 1.1 What is involved in knowing a word? .............................................. 15
Table 4.1 The vocabulary learning strategies used in the classroom ................ 32



Figure 2.2 Vocabulary Learning Strategies by Cook (2008) ............................. 23
Figure 3.1 Technique of Collecting Data classroom .......................................... 29



Appendix A. Narrative Text............................................................................... 44
Appendix B. Questionnaire of Vocabulary Learning Strategies ........................ 46
Appendix C. Interview ....................................................................................... 52
Appendix D. The Reason of Students in using Vocabulary Learning
Strategies....................................................................................... 58



A. The Background of the Study
Language is an important tool for human communication. English is the
most popular international languages. Vocabulary is among the most important
aspects of language learner. According to Astika (2016) one essential component
in language learning is vocabulary knowledge. An interest in vocabulary
acquisition has been increasing and language educators now have recognized the
essential role of vocabulary in second language proficiency. In communication, it
is the vocabulary knowledge that helps learners to convey meanings. The learners’
awareness of the role of vocabulary in language learning is reflected in their
learning behavior when they consult dictionaries for difficult vocabulary items.
Studies on vocabulary learning in such an environment have been very rare. It is,
therefore, necessary that such research be conducted to better assist teachers and
students develop effective vocabulary teaching and learning strategies.
Vocabulary is central to language and of critical importance to the typical
language learner. Without enough vocabulary, learners cannot communicate
understandably. Vocabulary plays a crucial part in the language learning process.
In the process of language learning, the primary thing in learning a language is the
acquisition of a vocabulary and practice in using it. Vocabulary is the basic factor
necessary for mastering a language. The purpose that we learn second language is
for communication. When we learn a language, we need to master four skills,



which are listening, reading, speaking and writing. Meanwhile, vocabulary
knowledge is fundamental to them. One cannot understand a sentence without
knowing what most of the words mean. The lack of vocabulary knowledge affects
all the four language skills. As the matter of fact, English foreign learners in
Indonesia are lacking of their own English vocabulary.
Based on the researcher’s experience during the teaching training practice
in SMA N 2 Lubuk Pakam, most of students got obstruction in learning English
because the lack of vocabulary. For example the researcher ask one student to
reading a text then translate it, but the student did know what the meaning of
almost words in the text. Students did not know what to say and/ or to write as
well as what they had read and/ or listened because of the difficult vocabulary.
From the observation that the researcher has also done in class VIII-4 Mts. Hifzil
Qur’an at Yayasan Islamic Centre SU, the researcher found that the students were
hard to learn English because of the lack of vocabulary in speaking, listening,
writing and reading.
In communication, it is the vocabulary knowledge that helps learners to
convey meanings. Giving variation in the teaching learning process can help
students more interesting rather than giving monotonous strategy that impact to
the classroom situation where there is less active interaction between students and
teacher. The teaching strategy in vocabulary also needs to be varied. It can help
students to increase their vocabulary achievement which doesn’t only help
students to memorize but also to apply the vocabularies in expressing ideas. In
learning vocabulary items, it is useful and necessary for language learners to be

taught vocabulary learning strategies in order that they can learn how to discover
the meaning of new words, how to store them in their memory, and how to use
them by practicing and expanding their vocabulary. Learners usually use one or
more strategies for special reasons. For example, some learners may use the
dictionary use strategy.Vocabulary learning strategies enhance learners’
responsibility of their own learning process.
Considering the crucial role of vocabulary learning in second or foreign
language learning contexts, one can makes aware of the importance of vocabulary
teaching as well. In the past, vocabulary teaching and learning were often given
little priority in second language programs, but recently there has been a renewed
interest in the nature of vocabulary and its role in learning and teaching (Richards
&Renandya, 2002, cited in Soureshjani, 2011).Therefore, if language teachers
know more about effective strategies that successful learners use, they may be
able to teach these effective strategies to less proficient learners to enhance these
learners' language skills. In addition, I wanted to study explores the students’
vocabulary learning strategies and identifies what strategies they used in learning
English vocabulary.

B. The Problems of the Study
The problems in this study are formulated as in the following:
1. What learning strategies do the students use in learning English vocabulary?
2. Why do they use those strategies?


C. The Objectives of the Study
In relation to the problem, the objectives of the study are:
1. To investigate learning strategies of students used in learning English
2. To elaborate the reasons for those strategies.

D. The Scope of the Study
There are various types of strategy used by different learners. The purpose
of this study is to investigate students’ strategies in learningEnglish vocabulary. It
also elaborates the students’ reasons for those strategies in learning English
vocabulary. The focuses of this study are second grade of Madrasah Tsanawiyah
at YayasanIslamic Centre SU and vocabulary learning strategies.

E. The Significance of the Study
The research findings are expected to be useful both in theoretically and
1. Theoretically, the research findings can be used to investigate the students’
strategies in learning English vocabulary and to findout the dominant strategy
that students’ used in learning English vocabulary.
2. Practically,the research findings will hopefully contribute something useful to
reader who wants to learn more about students’ learning strategies, especially
in vocabulary. These research findings can be used as a reference for the
further research.


Based on the result of analysis, it could be concluded as follow:
1. There are six strategies from two categories by Vivian Cook (2008) are used by
the subjects in learning English vocabulary namely, category 1: Strategies for
getting meaning: (1) guessing from situation or context, (2) using a dictionary,
(3) make deductions from the word form and category 2: Strategies for
acquiring words: (4) repetition and rote learning, (5) organizing words in the
mind, (6) linking to existing knowledge. It is also found that using a dictionary
is the dominant strategy used by the subjects. It is caused by the subjects’
limitation in vocabulary. There is one strategy from category 1 which is not
used is linking to cognates.
2. The reason of students in having vocabulary learning strategies refers to their
limitation in vocabulary. The subjects are learning English as a foreign
language. So, they were using those strategies in learning English vocabulary.



Based on the result of analysis, this study has some suggestions to the
1. As it found in this study, it is suggested to the English students to use
different strategies to vocabulary learning which appropriate with their
2. Since vocabulary is one of important elements needed to learn a language,
so it is suggested to the teacher teach different learning strategies to their
students in order to empower them to learn English so that their effort in
learning vocabulary can be gained.
3. And the last is suggested for other researchers can use the result of this
study as a reference to do further research on vocabulary learning

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