Undergraduate students vocabulary learning strategies adopted in online crossword puzzles.



Wijayanti, Yunita Rizky. 2015. Undergraduate Students’ Vocabulary Learning Strategies Adopted in Online Crossword Puzzles. Yogyakarta: The Graduate Program in English Education Studies, Sanata Dharma University.

Learning vocabulary using web-based learning may engage undergraduate students to become active to apply their own vocabulary learning strategies which are more appropriate and convenient for them in order to achieve the objectives of the learning process. The students’ vocabulary learning strategies may affect their achievement, so they are required to explore more vocabulary learning strategies to find out the most effective vocabulary learning strategies to optimize their learning process. Thus, this study aimed to describe the vocabulary learning strategy through online crossword puzzles implemented by the students. It is elaborated into two research questions intended (a) to investigate the most dominant vocabulary learning strategies used in the puzzles, and (b) to describe factors or features most significantly encourage the students to learn vocabulary using the puzzles.

This study applied a mixed-method design inasmuch as the analysis involved both qualitative and quantitative data. It used a survey to obtain data dealing with what vocabulary learning strategies using the puzzles the learners conducted and how they did those strategies. It implemented triangulation to strengthen the findings of this study by conducting interviews developed from the result of the questionnaire to clarify and to dig out more detailed data gained from the questionnaire. The study was carried out in English Letters Department of Sanata Dharma University. The samples of this research were 61 first semester students who took vocabulary course in academic year 2014/2015.

The results show that there are thirteen different kinds of vocabulary learning strategies which are possibly applied using the puzzles. Those strategies are divided into two categories namely direct strategies and indirect strategies. Overall, it is found that direct strategies are applied more dominantly than indirect strategies. Direct strategies comprise guessing intelligently, memory and cognitive strategies. The most dominant strategies of all the direct strategies are guessing intelligently. It is followed by memory strategies like creating mental linkages, employing action, and reviewing well. The next strategies are cognitive strategies which are almost as dominant as memory strategies. Those cognitive strategies are analyzing and reasoning, practicing, and creating structure for input and output. Meanwhile, in indirect strategies, they cover affective, metacognitive, and social strategy. The results of this study show that affective strategies are the most dominant strategies of all indirect strategies. Those affective strategies are lowering anxiety and self-encouraging. Nevertheless, metacognitive strategies are nearly as dominant as affective strategies. Metacognitive strategies are possibly applied by employing evaluating learning, centering learning, and arranging and planning learning. Finally, it is followed by social strategy which is applied by cooperating with others.


Furthermore, from this study, it is found that there are eleven most important factors or features which encourage students to learn vocabulary through the puzzles. Those factors or features are opportunities to use dictionaries, immediate checking, attractive learning method, guessing words, peer collaboration, typing words, repetition, learning from the errors, practice, flexible time, and display scores. Those factors or features are listed from the most to the least favourite factors or features chosen by the students to support at the most to learn vocabulary using the puzzles.

To conclude, thirteen kinds of vocabulary learning strategies are possibly applied to learn vocabulary using the puzzles. Nonetheless, the application of one and other strategies may require different degree of frequency to learn vocabulary. Furthermore, learners may have different priority in applying the vocabulary learning strategies inasmuch as it is found that there are eleven different opinions regarding the most significant factors or features which motivate them to learn vocabulary through the puzzles. It depends on learners’ background (one’s living conditions, levels of intelligence, daily activities) and their characteristics (moody, independent, extrovert). In fact, certain students decide to combine some strategies in order to achieve the optimal objectives of learning, and some of them may shift one strategy to another strategy when they realize that the previous strategy they have conducted have not been able to solve their problem(s) found during the learning process.



Wijayanti, Yunita Rizky. 2015. Undergraduate Student’s Vocabulary Learning Strategies Adopted in Online Crossword Puzzles. Yogyakarta: The Graduate Program in English Education Studies, Sanata Dharma University.

Belajar kosakata dengan metode berbasis website dapat mendukung siswa menjadi lebih aktif dalam menentukan sendiri penerapan strategi belajar yang paling tepat dan untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran secara optimal. Penerapan strategi belajar kosakata siswa dapat mempengaruhi keberhasilan belajar mereka sehingga siswa perlu lebih mengeksplorasi berbagai macam strategi belajar kosakata agar dapat menemukan strategi belajar kosakata yang paling tepat untuk mengoptimalkan proses belajar kosakata. Oleh karena itu, penelitian in bermaksud menggambarkan strategi belajar kosakata melalui teka-teki silang online yang diterapkan oleh para siswa yang dirumuskan dalam dua pertanyaan dalam penelitian ini yang bertujuan untuk (a) meneliti strategi belajar kosakata yang paling dominan digunakan untuk belajar kosakata menggunakan teka-teki silang online, dan (b) untuk menggambarkan faktor atau sarana yang paling penting dalam mendorong siswa untuk belajar kosakata melalui teka-teki silang.

Studi ini menerapkan metode penelitian campuran karena menganalisa data kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Studi ini menggunakan survey untuk memperoleh data jenis strategi belajar kosakata yang diterapkan para siswa menggunakan teka-teki silang online serta bagaimana mereka menerapkan strategi tersebut. Triangulasi dilakukan untuk memperkuat temuan studi ini dengan melakukan wawancara yang pertanyaannya dibuat berdasarkan pengembangan dari hasil kuesioner. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Universitas Sanata Dharma Jurusan Sastra Inggris. Sampel penelitian ini melibatkan 61 mahasiswa semester pertama yang mengambil kuliah kosakata pada tahun ajaran 2014/2015.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tiga belas macam strategi belajar kosakata yang dibagi menjadi dua kategori: strategi direct dan strategi indirect. Secara keseluruhan, ditemukan bahwa penerapan strategi direct lebih dominan daripada penerapan strategi indirect. Strategi direct meliputi strategi guessing intelligently, memory dan cognitive. Strategi guessing intelligently merupakan strategi paling dominan dari semua strategi direct. Strategi berikutnya yaitu strategi memory seperti strategi creating mental linkages, employing action, dan

reviewing well. Strategi berikutnya diikuti oleh strategi cognitive yang penerapannya hampir sedominan strategi memory. Strategi cognitive terdiri dari strategi analyzing and reasoning, practicing, dan creating structure for input and output.Sedangkan strategi indirect meliputi strategi affective, metacognitive, dan

social. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi affective merupakan strategi paling dominan dari semua strategi indirect. Strategi affective tersebut yaitu lowering anxiety dan selfyencouraging. Akan tetapi, strategi metacognitive

hampir sedominan strategi affective. Strategi metacognitive meliputi evaluating learning, centering learning, dan juga arranging and planning learning. Strategi yang terakhir yaitu strategi social yang dapat dilakukan dengan cara cooperating with others.

Selain itu, dari studi ini juga ditemukan bahwa ada sebelas faktor atau sarana yang paling berpengaruh mendorong mahasiswa untuk belajar kosakata


dengan menggunakan teka-teki silang online. Faktor atau sarana tersebut yaitu kesempatan untuk menggunakan kamus, segera mengoreksi, metode pembelajaran yang menarik, menebak kata, bekerja sama dengan teman, mengetik kata, pengulangan, belajar dari kesalahan, latihan, waktu yang fleksibel, dan tampilan nilai. Penyebutan kesebelas factor atau sarana tersebut diurutkan dari yang paling favorit dipercaya oleh mahasiswa dalam mendukung mahasiswa untuk belajar kosakata melalui teka-teki silang online.

Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada tiga belas macam strategi belajar kosakata yang memungkinkan diterapkan untuk belajar kosakata menggunakan teka-teki silang online. Akan tetapi, setiap strategi yang diterapkan mempunyai tingkat frekuensi yang berbeda. Selain itu, mahasiswa juga mempunyai prioritas strategi belajar kosakata yang berbeda untuk diterapkan sehubungan dengan ditemukannya sebelas macam pendapat tentang faktor terpenting yang memotivasi mereka untuk belajar kosakata melalui teka-teki silang online. Perbedaan tersebut dipengaruhi oleh latar belakang mereka seperti kondisi tempat tinggal, tingkat kecerdasan, dan aktivitas keseharian mereka, dan juga dipengaruhi oleh sifat mereka yang berbeda pula seperti mudah terpengaruh oleh suasana hati, mandiri, atau tertutup. Dalam penerapannya, mahasiswa melakukan penggabungan strategi satu dengan strategi lainnya untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran secara optimal, dan juga mengganti strategi satu dengan strategi lainnya ketika mereka merasa strategi yang mereka terapkan belum dapat mengatasi masalah yang mereka temui selama proses belajar berlangsung.








Presented as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements To Obtain the Magister Humaniora (M Hum) Degree

In English Language Studies


Yunita Rizky Wijayanti Student Number: 136332001









ノ 宅 `

Dr. B. B. Dwiiatmoko" M.A






Presented by Yunita Rizky Wijayanti

Student Number: 136332001

Defended before the Thesis Committee

and Declared Acceptable.






:Dr.B.B.Dwijatmoko,MoA. :1.Dro Retno Muttani,M・ Pd.

2.Dro J.Bismoko

Yogyakarta, 19 August 2015 The Graduate Program Director Sanata Dharma University





by Douglas Malloch

If you can‘t be a pine on the top of the hill

Be a scrub in the valley – but be

The best little scrub by the side of the rill

Be a bush if you can‘t be a tree

If you can‘t be a bush be a bit of the grass And some highway some happier make

If you can‘t be a muskie, then just be a bass – But the liveliest bass in the lake!

We can‘t all be captains, we‘ve got to be crew There‘s something for all of us here

There‘s big work to do and there‘s lesser to do

And the task we must do is the near

If you can‘t be a highway then just be a trail If you can‘t be the sun be a star

It isn‘t by size that you win or you fail – Be the best of whatever you are!

I dedicated my thesis to

My beloved family



This is to certifu that all ideas, phrases, sentences, unless otherwise stated are the ideas, phrases, and sentences of the thesis writer. The writer understands of the full consequences including degree cancellation


she took somebody else's ideas, phrases, or sentences without proper references.

Yogyakarla, 29 Ju.ly 201 5







Yang bcrtanda tangan di bawah ini,saya mahttiswa Univcrsitas Sanata Dhal宣 :

Nama i Yunita Rizky Wttayanti NIIWI :136332001

Delni pcngembangan ilmu pcngctahuan, saya merllbc五 kan kcpada PcΨustakaan

Univ∝sitas Sanata Dharma kttya ilmiah saya yang bettudul:





beserta perangkat yang diperlukan(bila adal.Dcngan dcmikial■ stta mcmbcrikan

kcpada Pcttustakaan Univcrsitas Sanata Dhama hak untuk mcnyilnpan,

mengalihkan, dalam bentuk media lain, mengclola dalaln bcntuk pangkalan data,

mclldistribusikall secara tcrbatas,dan lllcmpublikasikan di interrlet atau media lain

untuk kepentingan akadenlis tanpa perlu lninta lJin dan saya maupun lllclllbCrikan

royalli kcpada saya selalna tctap lncncantulnkan nalna saya scbagai pcnulis

Demikian peffiyalaarr ini yang saya buat dengan sebenamya.

Dibuat di Yogyakarta

Pada tanggal:29 July 2bl5 Yang menyatakan:





First and foremost, I would like to dedicate my greatest gratitude to

ALLAH S.W.T for showering me the invaluable mercy and love in my life.

Hence, I could have an opportunity to accomplish my study.

I would like to express my deepest appreciation to my thesis advisor, Dr.

B. B. Dwijatmoko, M. A., for his support, guidance, patience, and kindness to

complete my research. Furthermore, my great appreciation also goes to Dr. J.

Bismoko, F. X. Mukarto, M.S., Ph. D., Dr. Fr. B. Alip, M.Pd., Paulus Sarwoto,

S.S., M.A., Dr. Alb. Budi Susanto, S.J. for the knowledge, insights, and

encouragements during my study to make me become a better person. I would like

to thank Dr. Retno Muljani, M. Pd for her great suggestions to improve my

research. I would like to extend my thanks to all staff of the Graduate Program,

Mbak Lely for her help in administrative matters and also Pak Mul for his help

and friendliness.

I would like to dedicate my precious gratitude to my mother, Ibu Sri

Hastuti for her prayers, endless love, support, patience, and all best values of life

for being a better person, and also to my father, Bapak Soebagyo, who has been in

heaven, yet he always keeps alive in my heart. I would also like to give my

sincere gratitude to my lovely sisters, Mbak Ika, Mbak Lia, and Dik Zeni, and to

my beloved brother Dik Taufik for their prayers, love, and encouragement. I am

also grateful to have my dearest newborn niece, Dik Aisya who has shared

happiness to my big family and makes our lives more colourful.

To Mbak Nurul, Joan, Bundo, Aik, Nia, Ratri, and all of my classmates in



cheerful time during learning in KBI. I particularly thank to Dian and Levyn for

being my partners in accomplishing my study.

I would like to thank all of my colleagues and academic staff of Cilacs UII

for their support to finish my study. My special thank goes to Mas Norman for his

prayers, support, sincerity, and kindness. I am deeply indebted to Mas Dhadha for

his helps whenever I got problems with my computer and also Mbak Ita for her

ideas and suggestions for my study.

Finally, my gratitude also goes to those whom I cannot mention by names.

May ALLAH S.W.T. bless all of us with health and the happiest life. Aamiin.















ABSTRACT ... xvi

ABSTRAK ... xviii


A. Research Background ... 7

B. Problem Identification ... 8

C. Problem Limitation ... 8

D. Research Questions ... 9

E. Research Objectives... 9

F. Research Benefits... 10



1. Vocabulary……… 12

a. Definition of a Word ... 13

b. Categories of Word Knowledge ... 14

c. Breadth and Depth of Vocabulary Knowledge ... 17

d. Learning Vocabulary ... 17

1) Low-Frequency Words ... 18

a) Word Guessing from Context ... 18

b) Deliberate Learning with Word Cards ... 19

c) Memorization with Word Parts ... 20

d) Dictionary Use ... 20

2) High-Frequency Words ... 21

a) Meaning-Focused Input ... 21

b) Meaning-Focused Output ... 22

c) Language-Focused Learning ... 23

d) Fluency Development ... 23

e. Intentional and Incidental Vocabulary Learning ... 24

f. Principles of Vocabulary Learning ... 25



a. Language Learning Strategies ... 26

b. Vocabulary Learning Strategies (VLS) ... 32

1) Definition of Vocabulary Learning Strategies (VLS) ... 32

2) Types of Vocabulary Learning Strategy (VLS) ... 33

a) Schmitt‘s Taxonomy of Vocabulary Learning Strategy ... 33

b) Gu and Johnson‘s Taxonomy of Vocabulary Learning Strategy ... 36

c) Catalan‘s Taxonomy of Vocabulary Learning Strategy ... 38

d) Nation‘s Taxonomy of Vocabulary Learning Strategy ... 40

c. Web-Based Learning in CALL ... 42

d. Web-Based Learning in the Class ... 43

3. Crossword Puzzles ... 47

a. Online Crossword Puzzles in Vocabulary Course ... 50




A.Research Method ... 64

B.Research Design ... 65

C.Research Procedure ... 66

D.Nature of Data ... 72

E. Research Setting ... 72

F. Research Population and Sample ... 73

G.Data Gathering Techniques and Instruments ... 74

H.Data Analysis ... 78

I. Trustworthiness of the Study ... 82



1. The Results from the Close-Ended Items of the Questionnaire ... 84

2. The Results from the Open-Ended Items of the Questionnaire ... 88

3. The Results from the Interviews ... 93


1. Vocabulary Learning Strategies (VLS) Used in Online Crossword Puzzles 96 2. The Factors or Features Most Significantly Encourage the Students to Learn Vocabulary through the Puzzles ... 131


A.Conclusions ... 145

B.Suggestions ... 148




Appendix 2: Questionnaire Result ... 160

Appendix 3: Score Interpretation ... 164

Appendix 4: Data from Open-Ended Questionnaire ... 168

Appendix 5: The Interview Guideline ... 177




Table Page

2.1 VKS Elicitation Scale-Self Report Categories ... 14

2.2 Knowing a Word ... 16

2.3 Definitions of Learning Strategies ... 27

2.4 Features of Language Learning Strategies ... 28

2.5 Language Learning Strategies ... 29

2.6 A Taxonomy of Vocabulary Learning Strategies ... 33

2.7 Gu and Johnson‘s Categories of Vocabulary Learning Strategies ... 35

2.8 The Ten Most Frequently Used Vocabulary Learning Strategies ... 36

2.9 The Ten Least Frequently Used Vocabulary Learning Strategies ... 37

2.10 A Taxonomy of Kinds Vocabulary Learning Strategies ... 39

2.11 The Syllabus of Vocabulary Web-Based Class ... 41

2.12 A Brief Overview of Online Crossword Puzzles ... 47

2.13 Vocabulary Learning Strategies adapted from Oxford (1990:17) ... 54

2.14 Oxford‘s VLS Compared with Other Proponents‘ Concept ... 57

3.1 The Steps to Conduct Survey Research ... 64

3.2 Research Timeline ... 67

3.3 The Summary of Data Gathering Techniques and Instruments ... 71

3.4 The Blueprint of the Data Gathering ... 73

3.4 The Meanings of Coding of the Data of the Open-Ended Questions and the Interview ... 76

4.1 Degrees of Frequency of the Questionnaire ... 80

4.2 Score Criteria ... 81

4.3 The Interpretation of the Close-Ended Questionnaire Results ... 82

4.4 The Results from the Open-Ended Question Showing the Students‘ Vocabulary Learning Strategies (VLS) Using the Puzzles ... 83

4.5 The Results from the Open-Ended Question Showing the Factors Most Significantly Encouraging Students to Learn Vocabulary Using the Puzzles .. 86






2.1 The Classification of Language Learning Strategies ... 29

2.2 Vocabulary Menu in ELTGallery ... 43

2.3 Vocabulary Facilities in ELTGallery ... 44

2.4 The Home Page of ELTGallery ... 48

2.5 An Online Crossword Puzzle in ELTGallery ... 48

2.6 A Model of WWW-Based Learning ... 59

4.1 Crossword‘s Check Puzzles ………. ... 128




Appendix Page

Appendix 1. The Questionnaire for the Data Gathering …….………..150

Appendix 2. The Questionnaire Result ……….……….153

Appendix 3. The Score Interpretation ……….………..156

Appendix 4. The Data from Open-Ended Questions ………..………..159

Appendix 5. The Interview Guideline ……….…………..166




A03 : Anisa‘s transcript interview 3 App : Appendix

B02 : Bima‘s transcript interview 2

CALL : Computer Assisted Language Learning D01 : Dina‘s transcript interview 1

LLS : Language Learning Strategies

Q1.2 : Open-Ended Question 1, student‘s comment 2 Q2.3 : Open-Ended Question 2, student‘s comment 3 VLS : Vocabulary Learning Strategies




Wijayanti, Yunita Rizky. 2015. Undergraduate Students‟ Vocabulary Learning Strategies Adopted in Online Crossword Puzzles. Yogyakarta: The Graduate Program in English Education Studies, Sanata Dharma University.

Learning vocabulary using web-based learning may engage undergraduate students to become active to apply their own vocabulary learning strategies which are more appropriate and convenient for them in order to achieve the objectives of

the learning process. The students‘ vocabulary learning strategies may affect their achievement, so they are required to explore more vocabulary learning strategies to find out the most effective vocabulary learning strategies to optimize their learning process. Thus, this study aimed to describe the vocabulary learning strategy through online crossword puzzles implemented by the students. It is elaborated into two research questions intended (a) to investigate the most dominant vocabulary learning strategies used in the puzzles, and (b) to describe factors or features most significantly encourage the students to learn vocabulary using the puzzles.

This study applied a mixed-method design inasmuch as the analysis involved both qualitative and quantitative data. It used a survey to obtain data dealing with what vocabulary learning strategies using the puzzles the learners conducted and how they did those strategies. It implemented triangulation to strengthen the findings of this study by conducting interviews developed from the result of the questionnaire to clarify and to dig out more detailed data gained from the questionnaire. The study was carried out in English Letters Department of Sanata Dharma University. The samples of this research were 61 first semester students who took vocabulary course in academic year 2014/2015.

The results show that there are thirteen different kinds of vocabulary learning strategies which are possibly applied using the puzzles. Those strategies are divided into two categories namely direct strategies and indirect strategies. Overall, it is found that direct strategies are applied more dominantly than indirect strategies. Direct strategies comprise guessing intelligently, memory and cognitive strategies. The most dominant strategies of all the direct strategies are guessing intelligently. It is followed by memory strategies like creating mental linkages, employing action, and reviewing well. The next strategies are cognitive strategies which are almost as dominant as memory strategies. Those cognitive strategies are analyzing and reasoning, practicing, and creating structure for input and output. Meanwhile, in indirect strategies, they cover affective, metacognitive, and social strategy. The results of this study show that affective strategies are the most dominant strategies of all indirect strategies. Those affective strategies are lowering anxiety and self-encouraging. Nevertheless, metacognitive strategies are nearly as dominant as affective strategies. Metacognitive strategies are possibly applied by employing evaluating learning, centering learning, and arranging and planning learning. Finally, it is followed by social strategy which is applied by cooperating with others.



Furthermore, from this study, it is found that there are eleven most important factors or features which encourage students to learn vocabulary through the puzzles. Those factors or features are opportunities to use dictionaries, immediate checking, attractive learning method, guessing words, peer collaboration, typing words, repetition, learning from the errors, practice, flexible time, and display scores. Those factors or features are listed from the most to the least favourite factors or features chosen by the students to support at the most to learn vocabulary using the puzzles.

To conclude, thirteen kinds of vocabulary learning strategies are possibly applied to learn vocabulary using the puzzles. Nonetheless, the application of one and other strategies may require different degree of frequency to learn vocabulary. Furthermore, learners may have different priority in applying the vocabulary learning strategies inasmuch as it is found that there are eleven different opinions regarding the most significant factors or features which motivate them to learn

vocabulary through the puzzles. It depends on learners‘ background (one‘s living conditions, levels of intelligence, daily activities) and their characteristics (moody, independent, extrovert). In fact, certain students decide to combine some strategies in order to achieve the optimal objectives of learning, and some of them may shift one strategy to another strategy when they realize that the previous strategy they have conducted have not been able to solve their problem(s) found during the learning process.




Wijayanti, Yunita Rizky. 2015. Undergraduate Student‟s Vocabulary Learning Strategies Adopted in Online Crossword Puzzles. Yogyakarta: The Graduate Program in English Education Studies, Sanata Dharma University.

Belajar kosakata dengan metode berbasis website dapat mendukung siswa menjadi lebih aktif dalam menentukan sendiri penerapan strategi belajar yang paling tepat dan untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran secara optimal. Penerapan strategi belajar kosakata siswa dapat mempengaruhi keberhasilan belajar mereka sehingga siswa perlu lebih mengeksplorasi berbagai macam strategi belajar kosakata agar dapat menemukan strategi belajar kosakata yang paling tepat untuk mengoptimalkan proses belajar kosakata. Oleh karena itu, penelitian in bermaksud menggambarkan strategi belajar kosakata melalui teka-teki silang online yang diterapkan oleh para siswa yang dirumuskan dalam dua pertanyaan dalam penelitian ini yang bertujuan untuk (a) meneliti strategi belajar kosakata yang paling dominan digunakan untuk belajar kosakata menggunakan teka-teki silang online, dan (b) untuk menggambarkan faktor atau sarana yang paling penting dalam mendorong siswa untuk belajar kosakata melalui teka-teki silang.

Studi ini menerapkan metode penelitian campuran karena menganalisa data kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Studi ini menggunakan survey untuk memperoleh data jenis strategi belajar kosakata yang diterapkan para siswa menggunakan teka-teki silang online serta bagaimana mereka menerapkan strategi tersebut. Triangulasi dilakukan untuk memperkuat temuan studi ini dengan melakukan wawancara yang pertanyaannya dibuat berdasarkan pengembangan dari hasil kuesioner. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Universitas Sanata Dharma Jurusan Sastra Inggris. Sampel penelitian ini melibatkan 61 mahasiswa semester pertama yang mengambil kuliah kosakata pada tahun ajaran 2014/2015.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tiga belas macam strategi belajar kosakata yang dibagi menjadi dua kategori: strategi direct dan strategi indirect. Secara keseluruhan, ditemukan bahwa penerapan strategi direct lebih dominan daripada penerapan strategi indirect. Strategi direct meliputi strategi guessing intelligently, memory dan cognitive. Strategi guessing intelligently merupakan strategi paling dominan dari semua strategi direct. Strategi berikutnya yaitu strategi memory seperti strategi creating mental linkages, employing action, dan

reviewing well. Strategi berikutnya diikuti oleh strategi cognitive yang penerapannya hampir sedominan strategi memory. Strategi cognitive terdiri dari strategi analyzing and reasoning, practicing, dan creating structure for input and output.Sedangkan strategi indirect meliputi strategi affective, metacognitive, dan

social. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi affective merupakan strategi paling dominan dari semua strategi indirect. Strategi affective tersebut yaitu lowering anxiety dan self-encouraging. Akan tetapi, strategi metacognitive

hampir sedominan strategi affective. Strategi metacognitive meliputi evaluating learning, centering learning, dan juga arranging and planning learning. Strategi yang terakhir yaitu strategi social yang dapat dilakukan dengan cara cooperating with others.

Selain itu, dari studi ini juga ditemukan bahwa ada sebelas faktor atau sarana yang paling berpengaruh mendorong mahasiswa untuk belajar kosakata



dengan menggunakan teka-teki silang online. Faktor atau sarana tersebut yaitu kesempatan untuk menggunakan kamus, segera mengoreksi, metode pembelajaran yang menarik, menebak kata, bekerja sama dengan teman, mengetik kata, pengulangan, belajar dari kesalahan, latihan, waktu yang fleksibel, dan tampilan nilai. Penyebutan kesebelas factor atau sarana tersebut diurutkan dari yang paling favorit dipercaya oleh mahasiswa dalam mendukung mahasiswa untuk belajar kosakata melalui teka-teki silang online.

Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada tiga belas macam strategi belajar kosakata yang memungkinkan diterapkan untuk belajar kosakata menggunakan teka-teki silang online. Akan tetapi, setiap strategi yang diterapkan mempunyai tingkat frekuensi yang berbeda. Selain itu, mahasiswa juga mempunyai prioritas strategi belajar kosakata yang berbeda untuk diterapkan sehubungan dengan ditemukannya sebelas macam pendapat tentang faktor terpenting yang memotivasi mereka untuk belajar kosakata melalui teka-teki silang online. Perbedaan tersebut dipengaruhi oleh latar belakang mereka seperti kondisi tempat tinggal, tingkat kecerdasan, dan aktivitas keseharian mereka, dan juga dipengaruhi oleh sifat mereka yang berbeda pula seperti mudah terpengaruh oleh suasana hati, mandiri, atau tertutup. Dalam penerapannya, mahasiswa melakukan penggabungan strategi satu dengan strategi lainnya untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran secara optimal, dan juga mengganti strategi satu dengan strategi lainnya ketika mereka merasa strategi yang mereka terapkan belum dapat mengatasi masalah yang mereka temui selama proses belajar berlangsung.



This chapter is to ensure the validity and feasibility of the research project

intending to describe undergraduate students‘ vocabulary learning strategies adopted in online crossword puzzles.


It is essential to master English inasmuch as it is used to communicate by

international community. As a part of international community, it is inevitable to

elaborate, negotiate, or cooperate with people from other countries who most of

them speak English. It means that in this globalization era, mastering English

seems highly demanded in order to be able to compete globally. As a

consequence, nowadays not only government but also more private companies

require human resources who master English well.

In education, the mastery of English certainly supports both learners and

educators to enrich their knowledge and to improve their skills. Most of the

references are written in English, so they are demanded to understand written

texts. In addition, attending meetings such as international conferences, seminars,

and also workshops may also accommodate them to upgrade their knowledge and

skills. During the meeting, they need to interact with people who come from

different countries, and it is obvious that English as an international language is

used to communicate. Hence, considering the importance of mastering English, it

becomes such a great challenge for educators to keep improving the quality of


English education, and one of the ways is by facilitating learners to master

English in a better way.

It is believed that vocabulary is fundamental to learn a language. Thus, it is

crucial for second language learners to know a great number of words to learn

another language. According to Carter, ‗vocabulary teaching and learning‘ plays role as the most important part of ‗the theory and practice of ELT‘ inasmuch as vocabulary has been the core of ‗culture‘, and ‗learning words‘ is considered as

the most crucial thing as learners most find problems dealing with this matter in

the acquisition of second language (2001: 47).

In vocabulary learning, learners are required to deal with three aspects of

vocabulary knowledge namely form, meaning, and use. Brown (2000:7) defines

the meaning of learning into some definitions. Learning means acquisition or

obtaining. Learning means ‗retention of information or skills‘ which involves ‗storage system, memory and organization‘. Learning may imply reinforced

practices. Nation divides word knowledge into three areas namely knowledge of

form, knowledge of meaning and knowledge of use. Each of these areas is then further subdivided. Knowledge of word form might involve knowing what a word looks like, the written form of a word; or of what it sounds like, the phonological form. Knowledge of word meaning is likewise divided into three parts. The first sub-division, form and meaning, is the part most of us will think of in terms of knowing a word. It involves being able to link the form, however it occurs, to a meaning, and often in a foreign language this involves forming a link between a foreign language word and its translation in the native language. The other sub-divisions, concepts and referents and associations, indicate, therefore, that a word


in one language might require several translations or carry subtly different meanings and associations in another language. Knowledge of word use is also divided into three parts. Grammatical functions deal with knowing what part of speech a word is and how it will link with other words as a consequence. The collocations sub-section refers to the company words like to keep. Some words occur very frequently alongside certain others and these words are said to collocate with each other. The last sub-division relates with the constraints on use such as formal and informal use of the words (2000:39-41).

Despite the importance of vocabulary to learn a language, a large number

of learners face difficulties to learn vocabulary. Nation (2000:103) states that ‗a

word is not fully learned through one meeting.‘ It is because learning a word

relates with learning its form, its meaning, and its use; in addition, learners may

focus on different parts to develop knowing a word: focus on input, production,

and fluency. The last reason is connected with the condition that learners may deal

with limited amount of information at a time because of too much confusion.

According to Setiawan (2010:2), a large number of students find problems to

master vocabulary because they master limited number of words, and they face

‗difficulty to memorize the meaning of the words‘.

In order to achieve effectiveness in learning vocabulary, it is important to

apply such appropriate techniques, and one of them is by using games. O‘Dell and

Head (2003:4) advice that ‗words are most easily learnt when students manipulate

them and make them their own in some memorable way; hence, games have a

particular important role to play in vocabulary learning as they provide an


in a memorable context‘. In brief, games may provide enjoyable and memorable

experience which is helpful to retain words better; thus, game is considered as an

effective way to learn vocabulary.

Crossword puzzle is one of the popular and simple games, so a large

number of children as well as adults love playing this game to memorize

vocabulary. It is believed that when learners enjoy what they do, they will feel

more motivated to do it. Considering that crossword puzzles may support

learners‘ enthusiasm, crossword puzzles were selected as supplementary materials of the vocabulary course at English Letters of Sanata Dharma University. Since

the class implemented web-based learning environment, the game was designed

on the website which enables students to get more benefits of it.

Furthermore, it is believed that crossword puzzles are effective to help

students to memorize vocabulary intentionally. Learning vocabulary intentionally

relates with being aware or conscious in attempting of knowing words of the

target words (Ellis:1997). As what is claimed by Hill and Popkin that ‗bigger

crossword puzzles are very good for reviewing words (as cited in

Nation:1990:255). Thus, each online crossword puzzle is designed to

accommodate 50 - 60 words per puzzle, and the students have to accomplish one

online crossword puzzle every week. It aims to encourage students to review 50 -

60 words weekly. It is supported by Nation (2000:102) who explains the

importance of doing repetition to acquire words and retain the words.

As technology develops rapidly, both educators and learners are

encouraged to use technology to facilitate learning process more effectively. One


learning websites. Reeves (1997) claims that it is undeniable that web-based

learning certainly contributes more facilities and advantages to learners such as

enabling learners to have learning autonomy, having easier access to get more

sources related to their study, and providing collaborative learning which may

support learners to achieve their better performance in learning.

Moreover, the use technology enables to change from teaching to learning

to accommodate more students to have fair chances to optimize their learning

process. Esnault claims that shifting from teaching to learning is a revolution for

the university similar to the one faced by industry when shifting from mass

production of goods toward client relationship management (2008:ix). Similarly,

Kochtanek and Hein (2000) state that web-based learning is beneficial to transfer

control to students. It means that the result of the learning process depends on the

learners not on teachers anymore inasmuch as the learners may control their own

learning process.

Web-based learning is a part of Computer-Assisted Language Learning

(CALL) since it uses computer to apply it, and both may encourage rapid

development in the learning teaching process. Cameron (1988) clarifies that ‗the aim of developing CALL is not to provide language learners with novelty, (a

novelty which in many cases has already disappeared), but is to improve the

quality of language teaching. The aim is not to show how ingenious we are in

creating software but to use the computer to help us implement educational aims‘.

In addition, the prior proponents, Harahap (2013), Orawiwatnakul (2013), and

Njoroge, Ndung‘u, and Gathigia (2013) declare that crossword puzzles are certainly effective to learn vocabulary, yet those researchers still used paper-based


crossword puzzles in conducting their studies, so this study aims to develop the

prior researches by describing the necessity of using online crossword puzzles to

support the students to enhance vocabulary learning. Considering that web-based

learning environment enables to empower students to manage their own their

learning process to achieve the goals of the course, it is believed that online

crossword puzzles may give contribution to enhance students‘ vocabulary learning. According to Reeves (1997), a model of World Wide Web (WWW) -

based learning involves certain aspects namely opportunity to construct learning,

task ownership, sense of audience, collaborative support, teacher support, and

metacognitive support. In other words, this study is intended to look for how well

the relation between online crossword puzzles and students‘ vocabulary learning

in order to provide better description related to this issue by conducting a

confirmatory survey to a number of respondents who were university students in


Furthermore, this study was conducted underlying a big project. Another

similar research was carried out by B.B Dwijatmoko, who designed the website

called ELTGallery and the online crossword puzzles applied in this study. He

intended to examine the contribution of bilingual crossword used in the

vocabulary web-based course. It is found that bilingual crosswords in

teaching-learning vocabulary contributes to the vocabulary mastery of the students (Fobs >

Ftab, p = 0.045). It shows that although the contribution of the puzzle is low

inasmuch as only 8.5% cases in the student‘s vocabulary development can be

contributed to the use of the puzzles, yet the puzzles are useful since it strengthens


through the puzzles gives the learners pleasure and influenced to their learning

achievement. Thus, being in line with his study, this research also was concerned

with the online crossword puzzles. It was intended to provide other aspects

dealing with the issue. This study aimed to investigate the most dominant

vocabulary strategies implemented by the students used in the puzzles and also the

most significant factors or features which encouraged the students to learn

vocabulary using the puzzles.


Vocabulary is one of the compulsory courses of students at English Letters

Department of Sanata Dharma University. Class B and C in that department

applied web-based learning environment in that it is believed that it may provide

some facilities to promote a better vocabulary learning process. Online crossword

puzzles were a part of the students‘ weekly assignments which have to be accomplished during the semester. More specifically, the students were required

to accomplish an online crossword puzzle which contains approximately 50 – 60 words each week. Therefore, they had to accomplish 14 crossword puzzles in a

semester. They were bilingual (Indonesian – English) crossword puzzles and the puzzles were designed on the website namely ELTGallery. The challenge of this

game was that they could not submit the puzzle unless they had to complete the

whole words on the online crossword puzzle correctly. It means that they were put

in a condition to cooperate with other classmates whenever they faced problems


may truly more easily memorize those words by experiencing to retrieve the

words through the game.

One of the ways to make improvement in order to support learners

achieving their best performance is to do evaluation on what has been going on

during the learning process. Hence, this study is intended to investigate the most

common vocabulary learning strategies used in the puzzles applied by the students

as well as the most significant factors or features of the puzzles motivating the

students to learn vocabulary in order to provide better understanding related to the

issue and to give feedback to both teachers and learners to make better progress in

the future.


This study is limited to provide the description of the implementation of

vocabulary learning strategies using online crossword puzzles in certain

population. The respondents of this study were the students of vocabulary classes

in English Letters Department of Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta

particularly students of academic year 2014/2015 from class B and C as the

students in those classes use web-based vocabulary learning environment, and

they were required to do online crossword puzzles using website namely

ELTGallery during the semester.

This study focuses to investigate the most dominant vocabulary learning

strategies used in the puzzles and also to investigate the most significant factors or

features of online crossword puzzles which most significantly encourage the

students to learn vocabulary. This study provides more detailed information of


questions of the questionnaire and the interview conducted to three learners who

experienced learning vocabulary using online crossword puzzles.


This study was intended to answer the following questions in order to

describe how the students learn vocabulary adopted in online crossword puzzles:

1. Which vocabulary learning strategies used in online crossword puzzles are

most dominantly applied by the students?

2. What factors or features most significantly encourage the students to learn

vocabulary using the puzzles?


It is believed that online crossword puzzles may support learners‘ autonomy to apply their vocabulary learning strategies to achieve the goals of the

study inasmuch as the vocabulary learning is supported by the web-based learning

which is implemented in CALL. The technology or ELTGallery website used to

do the crossword puzzles may accommodate the learners‘ diversity to construct

their vocabulary learning strategies in order to achieve the goals of the course.

The main goal of developing CALL is to improve the quality of language teaching

(Keith:1988). Moreover, web-based learning is designed to support the effective

learning since web-based instruction can be adapted to the learners in various

ways depending on the learning context (Hall, R.H, Watkins, S.E, and Eller, V.


Furthermore, the vocabulary learning is conducted using an online game

which may provide much fun to the learners, so it may indirectly support the

learners to explore their vocabulary learning strategies. In other words, online

crossword puzzle may bring enjoyment to the learners which may motivate them

to learn vocabulary more willingly. Wahyuningsih (2009) as cited in Njoroge,

Ndung‘u, and Gathigia (2013) claims that crossword puzzle may help learners get interest and reduce boredom in learning by providing an alternative of varying

teaching techniques and by helping them to find a simpler way to learn English.

Thus, in order to provide detailed description of which vocabulary learning

strategies used in the puzzles are most commonly applied by the students and

what factors which most significantly support the students to learn vocabulary,

this study used both quantitative data gained from the result of the questionnaires

and the qualitative data gained from the result of the interview of the learners who

experienced learning vocabulary using online crossword puzzles. Conducting the

interviews to some learners is aimed to dig out more detailed information or the

quantitative data obtained from the questionnaire as the researcher may dig out

more detailed explanation of the gained data from the questionnaire.


Theoretically, this study provides better understanding of how students

explored their vocabulary learning strategies using online crossword puzzles. It is

expected that the findings of this study may give contribution in web-based

learning studies, for it presents how online crossword puzzles contributes to


findings of this study may be used as encouragement to the development of

web-based learning environment, particularly in vocabulary learning through online

crossword puzzles. Beatty (2003) claims that web-based learning may assist

students as it may perform as ‗patient tutor‘. Meanwhile, Jones (2007) clarifies

that crossword puzzles may provide some educational values such as useful skills

(vocabulary, reasoning, spelling, and word attack skills) and may encourage

learners to construct different learning styles.

Practically, it is expected that language teachers may take benefits of this

study to get deeper understanding of how to optimally learn vocabulary by

conducting the most appropriate vocabulary learning strategies in order to achieve

the objectives effectively with fun to maintain their enthusiasm for a long period

of time. The results of this study may be used to reflect and evaluate the

contribution of online crossword puzzles to enhance learners‘ vocabulary learning

for achieving a better performance in English in the future.

Finally, this study is beneficial to second language learners as it provides

illustration of the puzzles to strengthen the path between the form and meaning of

words, so the puzzles may encourage the learners‘ memory connection of the

English words and their meanings. Furthermore, the study is also conducted to

share better understanding of how to learn vocabulary to second language learners

in order to obtain better achievement to master vocabulary. It is expected that the

findings of this study may contribute to help the learners to find their best ways to



This chapter is to discover the logical truth. It has three parts namely, a

theoretical review, review of related studies, and theoretical framework. The

theoretical review consists of brief discussions of some theories used as the basis

of the research. The review of related studies provides the main points of the prior

studies relevant to this study, and the theoretical framework summarizes all the

major relevant theories for conducting the research.


Vocabulary is commonly perceived as the knowledge of words. Grave

(2000) describes vocabulary as the entire stock of words belonging to a branch of

knowledge or known by an individual. Meanwhile, Nation (2001) defines

acquiring a word means knowing its ‗form‘ (spoken, written, and word parts), its ‗meaning‘ (concepts and association), and its ‗use‘ in terms of grammatical

functions, collocations, and constraints.

In contrast, Harber (1993) argues that at the basic level, knowing a word

involves its form and its meaning, while at a deeper level, it includes the abilities

to know its meaning, usage, word formation, and grammar. Hence, vocabulary is

not only confined to the meaning of words, but it also covers how vocabulary in a

language is structured, how people use and store words, and how they learn words

and the relationship between words, phrases, categories of words and phrases


(Harber: 1993). Being in line with Harber (1993), Schmitt (2000:5) claims that

learning vocabulary is not only a matter of learning its meaning but also learning

all properties called ―word knowledge‖ which include its register, association,

collocation, grammatical behavior, written form, spoken form, and frequency.

Accordingly, a word may have different meanings in different contexts in that it

deals with the register.

a. Definition of a Word

In order to learn vocabulary well, learners should know the meaning of

words. The most well known definition of a word is stated by Bloomfield.

Bloomfield defines a word as a minimum free form (Poole, 1999:10). It means

that a word is the smallest unit of a language which has its own meaning or can

stand by itself.

Furthermore, Carter (1998:6-7) mentions that it is difficult to define a

word. Carter lists some problems encountered in defining a word. The first

problem is orthographic, which free-form or stressed based definition is

meaningful, but there are many words which do not match the categories. The

next problem deals with defining a word as units of meaning produces various

exceptions and seems unclear and asymmetrical. The third problem is connected

with different forms of words which are not necessarily regarded as different

words. The fourth problem deals with the same form of words which can have

distinct and discrete meanings. The last problem is the existing idioms which

disturb the effort of defining words. Thus, paying attention in the context of

vocabulary is necessary to identify what is involved in knowing a word rather than


b. Categories of Word Knowledge

Paribakht and Wesche (1997:180) describe five stages of vocabulary

knowledge as reflected in their Vocabulary Knowledge Scale (VKS). The VKS is

originally used to elicit self-perceived and demonstrated knowledge of specific

words in written text (Paribakht & Wesche, 1997:179). The five stages in VKS

illustrate the steps of learners‘ vocabulary development. The first two stages rely

on honest reporting by learners or test-takers (Read, 2000:132). Stage I of

vocabulary development indicates that the word is totally unknown meaning

unable to recognize neither the word nor the meaning. At Stage II of vocabulary

development, the word is identified, but the meaning is not recognized. The next

two stages, Stage III and IV, indicate that the learners know both the word and its

meaning. The difference between those stages is on the degree of learners‘

conviction about the meaning of the word. Learners‘ confidence of the knowing the word meaning is higher at Stage IV than that of at Stage III, in that the

learners mention the meaning of the word confidently. At Stage V, learners are

able to use the word in a sentence meaning moving to productive knowledge of


Table 2.1 VKS Elicitation Scale – Self Report Categories (Paribakht & Wesche, 1997:180)

Self-report Categories

I I don‘t remember having seen this word before.

II I have seen this word before, but I don‘t know what it means.

III I have seen this word before, and I think it means _____ (synonym or translation).

IV I know this word. It means _____ (synonym or translation). V I can use this word in a sentence _____ (write a sentence) (If you do this section, please also do section IV)

Furthermore, Nation (1990) points out different categories of word

knowledge. He identifies four categories of word knowledge as shown in Table

2.2. According to Nation, knowing a word means (1) knowing its form, (2)

knowing its meaning, and (3) knowing its use. In the first category, knowledge of

word covers the knowledge of word form. This category involves both the spoken

and written form of the word. It deals with three aspects: knowledge of the spoken

form, knowledge of the written form and knowledge of word parts (Nation,

2001:40). In the second category, knowledge of word includes knowing its

position. It means the understanding of grammatical patterns and collocations.

Knowing grammatical patterns of a word refers to the use of the word in a

sentence (Nation, 2001:56). The third category, knowing a word covers the

knowledge of its functions. It comprises the knowledge of its frequency and

appropriateness. Knowing its frequency means recognizing whether the word

frequently or rarely occurs. Learners may recognize the meaning of words better if


commonly found than ‗plummet‘. Knowing its appropriateness signifies the understanding whether the word is suitable for the context in which it occurs or

not. For instance, the word ‗would like to‘ is more appropriate than the word

‗want‘ when it is used to in a formal situation (Nation, 2001:57). The last category is knowing its meaning of word. Learners usually perceive that knowing a word

means knowing the spoken or written form of the word and its meaning (Nation,

2001:47). It is necessary for learners to be able to connect the two

aspects-knowing the form and meaning-because it establishes the learner‘s readiness in retrieving the mearning when seeing or hearing the word or getting back the word

form when wishing to express the meaning (p.48).

Table 2.2 Knowing a Word (Nation, 2000:40)

Form Spoken form R


What does the word sound like? How does the word pronounced?

Written form R


What does the word look like? How is the word written and spelled?

Word parts R


What parts are recognized in this word? What word parts are needed to express the meaning

Meaning Form and meaning R


What meaning does this word form signal? What word form can be used to express this meaning?

Concept and referents R P

What is included in the concept? What items can the concept refer to?

Associations R


What other words does this make us think of? What other words could we use instead of this one?

Use Grammatical functions R


In what patterns does the word occur? In what patterns must we use this word?

Collocations R


What words or types of words occur with this one? What words or types of words must we use with this one?

Constraints on use (register, frequency, ..)


Where, when, and how often would we expect to meet this word?

Where, when, and how often can we use this word?


c. Breadth and Depth of Vocabulary Knowledge

The term breadth of vocabulary knowledge usually refers to the

vocabulary size of the learners. Vocabulary size refers to the number of words that

the person knows (Read, 2000:31). It is expected that the greater number of words

which learners remember, the better understanding which learners may perform

when they read or listen. Nevertheless, learners may not only requested to acquire

wide range of vocabulary but also demanded to define those words appropriately

in that those words may have different meanings in different contexts. Henriksen

claims that inasmuch as knowledge of words is operationalized as the ability to

translate L2 vocabulary into L1, to define words correctly, or to say the words

differently, vocabulary knowledge is defined as precise comprehension


Vocabulary size is different from vocabulary depth. Depth of vocabulary

knowledge emphasizes more on the quality of the learners‘ vocabulary knowledge covering the full understanding or rich meaning representation of a word

(Henriksen, 1999:305). Furthermore, Laufer and Paribakht (1998:367) clarify that

a depth knowledge continuum involves knowledge of the words‘ syntagmatic and

paradigmatic relations with other words. It implies that full understanding of rich

meaning of words is acquired by analyzing its relations or associations with other

words and its contexts. It is crucial for advanced learners to understand the

context in which the word occurs to obtain the precise meaning of the word.

d. Learning Vocabulary

Learning vocabulary deals with two types of words namely low-frequency


high-frequency words is an arbitrary of the word use and occurrence. Learners may feel

more familiar with high-frequency words in that they are more commonly used or

more frequently occurred. On the other hand, learners may find more difficulties

when they have to deal with many low-frequency words in the text inasmuch as

they need hard effort to understand the general meaning of the text. Indeed, it is

necessary to know the strategies in order to learn vocabulary dealing with both

low-frequency words and high-frequency words. Hence, learners may expand

their high-frequency words to learn a language well by learning more and more

new words.

1) Low - Frequency Words

Nation (2006b) suggests four strategies to deal with low-frequency words.

Those strategies are 1) word guessing from the context, 2) deliberate learning with

word cards, 3) memorization with word parts, and 4) dictionary use.

a) Word Guessing from Context

It is believed that guessing word from context is the most effective

strategy among those four strategies proposed by Nation (Nation and

Meara:2002). There are some factors which influence learners to guess the

unfamiliar words easily. Firstly, guessing word can be easily done when learners

know most of the words in the text with approximately 95-98% of the whole

words in the text. Accordingly, the unfamiliar words can be guessed by relating

the words with the surrounding words have been known. Another factor which

may affect the learners to guess the unfamiliar words easily is the learners‘

capability in reading and listening skill. Furthermore, learners may guess the


(Clarke and Nation:1980), and then they have the background knowledge of the

text (Coady and Nation:1988).

Learners may change the words from low-frequency words to

high-frequency words by focusing to the meaning of the words. It belongs to a strategy

to learn high-frequency words which are commonly called as meaning-focused

input. In order to optimize the learning process, learners may conduct direct

learning of the same words after they have been able to guess the words from


b) Deliberate Learning with Word Cards

This strategy deals with small cards with the target word or phrase on one

side and its first language translation on the other side. This strategy is best

conducted when learners‘ few minute-free time, so they are really in a relaxed condition to learn vocabulary. Nation (2006b) proposed six items of guidelines to

conduct this strategy effectively: 1) using small cards instead of notebooks which

allow retrieval of the translation of the target words by the time learners look at

the words, 2) increasingly space the repetition, 3) using memory techniques

(keyword techniques, word part analysis, study of etymologies, and visualization

with the words which are difficult to remember), 4) making sure that the words in

a pack do not have closely related meanings, that is, that there are not pairs of

opposites or synonyms, or members of a lexical set such as articles of clothing,

fruit, days of the week, or numbers, 5) saying the words or phrases to yourself

when looking at the cards and get help with the pronunciation of difficult words,


learning should become the responsibility of each learner, but learners may need

encouragement and training in applying the guidelines.

c) Memorization with Word Parts

This strategy is conducted to learn unknown words by examining the word

parts. It includes knowledge of affixes and stems which already known by learners

from the first language or from other second language words. Accordingly, Nation

(2000:62) claims that ‗knowing a word may involve knowing that it is made up of

affixes and a stem which can occur in other words.‘ For example, the word unpleasantness derived from some parts: un, pleasant, and ness which then join

together forming a word. ‗This does not mean that the word is learned in this way,

but it may be that for some words their whole unanalyzed form is learned initially,

and it later seen as fitting into a regular pattern and is then stored differently.‘

Thus, it requires practice and learning to implement this strategy. Nevertheless, it

is believed that word part analysis may not be the best way to guess words, yet it

certainly helpful to employ checking an accuracy of a guess based on context

clues (Nation and Meara: 2002: 45)

d) Dictionary Use

Learners may use dictionaries such as monolingual or bilingual one to

learn a language including both receptive skills (listening and reading) and

productive skills (writing and speaking). Furthermore, learners may learn various

sub-skills using dictionaries such as learning pronunciation by checking the

phonetic transcription, interpreting grammatical accuracy, finding the equivalent


Furthermore, Nation (2000:228) suggests that it is needed to train learners

to use dictionary to make them ready to find words they need in writing. Havey

and Yuill (1997) claim that the most common uses of dictionary in a writing task

are to check word spelling, check word meaning, to see if the word exists, to find

the synonyms, and to check grammar. Nevertheless, the length of an entry

becomes the main obstacle for learners to find the information needed of a word.

2) High - Frequency Words

Nation (2006b) claims that teaching learning vocabulary comprises four

strands covering meaning – focused input, meaning – focused output, language – focused learning, and fluency development.

a) Meaning – Focused Input

Meaning-focused input covers chances for learning through listening and

reading in which learners have already been able to recognize with 95-98% of the

existing words in listening and reading input (Nation and Meara:2002). This

strategy may be conducted effectively when it is supported by three conditions.

The first condition is that second language learners may only have small

proportion of unfamiliar words of the whole words occurred in the text with

approximately 2% or around 1 out of 50 words. The second condition is that the

learners obtain large amount of information or great number of words at least a

million tokens or more a year. The last condition is that the learners intend to

focus on unfamiliar words in order to increase the vocabulary mastery and

improve vocabulary learning.

It is necessary to pay attention to certain criteria in order to conduct a good


learners‘ interests to material given, the text should contain about 98% of running words which learners already known. As a result, it may support them to read at

least three books at the same level before moving up to the next level.

Accordingly, it may bolster them to deliberately learn unknown words found in

the texts. Furthermore, it gives chances for learners to talk and write about their

texts. Indeed, Elley (1991) claims that extensive reading course provides benefits

to increase vocabulary knowledge.

b) Meaning – Focused Output

Meaning-focused output involves opportunities for learning through

speaking and writing. Nation (2006b:496) claims that negotiating of meaning

becomes one of the greatest factor influencing vocabulary learning. Learners may

conduct negotiation by deliberately explaining language items as a result of a

breakdown in communication.

To design a good speaking task, it is important to consider the main

influence on what and how much vocabulary learned using such tasks. It is

because vocabulary learning may happen if the written input to the tasks contains

the target vocabulary to practice, to repeat, to use that vocabulary.

Good writing activities may involve the use of written or spoken input in

getting information to write about. Giving feedback to learners on their written

work is effective to expand their vocabulary knowledge and collocational

knowledge in which words go with which words. Accordingly, the feedback may


c) Language – Focused Learning

This strategy can be employed by giving deliberate attention to vocabulary

learning through activities such as intensive reading, using cards, pre-teaching of

vocabulary before doing communicative activities (Nation:2006b:494). The most

tangible activity for direct vocabulary learning is intensive reading in that it

engages both of the teacher and the learners to work carefully through a short text

noticing at a range of language features and content issues relevant to the text. The

activities in intensive reading dealing with vocabulary can be conducted by

involving pre-learning some words before reading the text, getting the meaning of

some words, neglecting some, spending a lot of time for others to use the text as a

chance to learn the strategies of guessing from context, word-part analysis, and

dictionary use, and altering the text to get rid of some low frequency words.

Furthermore, as it is said previously that vocabulary learning may involve

learners to learn how to apply vocabulary strategies of guessing words from

context, learning from word cards, word analysis, and dictionary use inasmuch as

these strategies demand a repeated investment of time over several months. Thus,

learners reach the level where it is easier to use the strategy than not to use it.

Feedback on learners‘ spoken and written output can be as another opportunity to deliberate vocabulary learning. It is because they may realize the

errors and revise them. Accordingly, it may expand their vocabulary knowledge.

d) Fluency Development

Fluency development happens when learners do not learn new vocabulary

but practice making the best use of words they already known. The aim of this


already known. In other words, it does not mean to teach them new words, but it

intends to strengthen and enrich knowledge of words already possessed.

The good fluency activities have the following characteristics. First, they

should not involve unknown vocabulary, grammatical features, or discourse

features. Thus, it supports learners to perform at faster at a faster than typical

speed. Secondly, they should focus on producing and comprehending messages.

Finally, they involve a large quantity of language use. Fluency activities are

required in all skills (listening, reading, writing, and speaking).

It is also necessary to be wise in adjusting the activities with learners‘

level. At a word or phrase level, learners may conduct activities focusing on

numbers, time sequences, greetings, and any set without a great deal of thought.

Meanwhile, the teacher for this level may play as a role model to say words. For

higher level of fluency activities, it can be conducted by involving 4/3/2 activity

or giving the same talk in a decreasing timeframe to a new listener, speed reading,

and ten-minute writing in which learners write each day for ten minutes

concentrating on quantity of writing rather than on quality.

e. Intentional and Incidental Vocabulary Learning

In learning vocabulary, students may acquire words through intentional or

incidental vocabulary learning. Gaas (1999) defines incidental as something that is

learned without the object of that learning being the specific focus of attention in a

classroom context, that is, learning is a by-product of the classroom focus. It is

called incidental, implicit, unconscious vocabulary learning when it aims at

comprehending meaning, whereas intentional explicit or conscious vocabulary


A19 Sering diulang-ulang. Soalnya kadang ya gitu jadi apa yang kita jawab di situ tuh kadang beda dengan kunci jawaban yang sebenarnya. Maksudnya itu satu arti tapi memiliki dua kata yang berbeda dalam bahasa inggris tapi artinya sama tapi kata yang dipakai itu beda. YA20 Kalau dalam mengingat kata mengulang-ulang itu ada kesan tersendiri


A20 Ada sih jadi makin nancep aja di otak.

YA21 Kalau mengingat satu kata itu sebenernya pas misalnya nih bukan pas ngapalin atau sudah ngerjain crossword puzzle misalnya di speaking, di reading, atau mungkin di writing nah mungkin ajeng bisa

menemukan kata itu lagi terus bisa inget arti kata itu tuh biasanya dari pengalaman yang seperti apa?

A21 Banyak sih kalau gitu. kalau menemukan kayak gitu tuh sering langsung muncul saja jadi misalnya menemukan kata yang sudah dipakai sebelumnya kebetulan, ini apa ya tiba-tiba tuh oiya kemaren kan ngerjain ini, ternyata ini artinya.

YA22 Mana yang lebih membantu untuk mengingat hafalan kosakata, membaca kosakata lalu dihafal atau dengan cara mengerjakan crossword?

A22 Untuk mengingat selain menghafal juga mengerjakan crossword puzzle soalnya sudah dibaca terus istilahnya ditanyain jadinya makin ngerti.

YA23 Apakah Ajeng menemui kesulitan pada waktu mengerjakan online crossword puzzle?

A23 Kesulitannya di kalau misalnya sudah ngisi ternyata isiannya tuh salah jadi mesti cari lagi arti lainnya sama hasilnya atau nilai. Jadi kalau misalnya kita sudah mengerjakan crossword puzzle ketika di submit itu didaftar nilai itu sudah kecentang nah kadang-kadang tuh masih belum kecentang gitu.

YA24 Lalu untuk ngatasinnya gimana?

A24 Itu dilaporin ke dosennya sih lalu dosennya yang mengatasi masalah itu.

YA25 Kalau kesulitan yang berkaitan dengan menebak kata, apakah Ajeng mempunyai strategi tertentu untuk mengatasinya?

A25 Pakai google. Soalnya kalau buka buku itu pertama males karena lama. Kalau Tanya temen kan mungkin dianya juga lagi sibuk ngerjain. Ya


udah kan ada internet juga kan jadi bisa pakai google. YA26 Mengapa google?

A26 Karena kalau pakai kamus online itu kadang di komputer itu kadang nggak ada jadi kita mesti down load dulu.

YA27 Seberapa besar prosentase menemukan jawaban dengan google? A27 Besar.

YA28 Kalau cari di google tidak ada alternative strategi berikutnya apa? A28 Baru cari di buku. Kalau belum ketemu jawabannya baru nanya temen. YA29 Ajeng butuh berapa lama untuk menyelesaikan satu crossword puzzle? A29 Itu tergantung. Paling cepet sih 15 menit, paling lama bisa 30 menit. YA30 Menurut ajeng menyenangkan tidak belajar kosakata menggunakan

crossword puzzle?

A30 Menyenangkan juga sih soalnya jadi bikin nggak bosen gitu.

YA31 Sebenarnya seberapa membantu sebenarnya peran crossword puzzle untuk meningkatkan kemampuan kosakata buat Ajeng?

A31 Banyak sih. Sangat membantu. Sebelum belajar kosakata dengan crossword puzzle itu tidak pernah ngafalin begitu banyak kata, terus nggak pernah peduli dengan arti kata- arti kata dalam bahasa inggris. Setelah ada kelas vocabulary itu lebih dituntut untuk lebih ngerti arti kata. Misal ada bacaan reading kadang tuh nggak tahu artinya jadi asal bablas dilewatin-lewatin saja. Setelah belajar dengan crossword puzzle jadi ngerasa kayak makin banyak kosakata yang dimengerti.

YA32 Terutama pada saat belajar apa?

A32 Di reading. Kalau sebelumnya kan kalau misalnya nggak ngerti satu kata udah tinggalin saja pokoknya artinya itu nggak usah dipikirin dibablasin saja, tapi setelah belajar kosakata selama satu semester itu misal ada kata yang nggak tahu itu pasti rasanya gimana gitu jadi kayak harus cari kata itu dulu.

YA33 Kalau di skill yang lain ada tidak pengaruhnya?

A33 Di speaking. Kadang kan ada satu kata tapi memiliki arti bahasa

indonesianya banyak, nah kadang waktu kita komunikasi dengan orang lain dia maksudnya dia apa tapi kita nangkepnya apa.


YA34 Apakah ajeng juga menggunakan kosakata yang dipelajari untuk writing?

A34 Ya nggak semua kata sih tapi ada beberapa

YA35 Dari semua fasilitas di crossword itu mana yang paling disukai dan paling mendukung untuk meningkatkan kosakata?

A35 Sebenernya waktu saat-saat untuk submit. Jadi kalau pas submit itu bakal ketahuan mana kata-kata yang salah di crossword itu. Baru bisa dibenarkan yang salah, kalau sudah bener semua baru bisa masuk. YA36 Mana yang lebih mendukung untuk belajar meningkatkan kemampuan

kosakatanya antara online crossword puzzle dengan printed crossword puzzle?

A36 Lebih mendukung yang online. Soalnya kalau dengan paper kita nggak bisa tahu itu kata yang kita masukin bener atau nggak.

YA37 Apakah ajeng sering cek display skor di web?

A37 Ngecek. Ngecek terus kalau itu. Begitu buka web langsung cek skor. Lebih sering cek skor sendiri dulu baru cek skor temen-temen. YA38 Efeknya apa?

A38 Ya jadi ngerasa ih kok dia lebih tinggi dari aku terus coba lebih tinggi dari dia bisa nggak.

YA39 Untuk kosakata yang susah buat Ajeng apakah Ajeng ada perlakuan khusus untuk mempelajarinya?

A39 Kadang kata-kata itu saya catet. Jadi kalau misalnya kata itu salah jadi saya akan tulis pembenarannya di buku vocab biar makin inget lagi dengan menuliskan ulang.

YA40 Mana sih yang lebih nyenengin buat belajar. Kalau printed crossword otomatis kita harus menuliskan kata untuk melengkapi, sedangkan kalau online crossword puzzle itu punya banyak fasilitas yang lain tetapi melenkapinya dengan mengetik. Bagaimana menurut Ajeng? A40 Kalau buat yang untuk ngetik-ngetik itu sama menulis itu lebih ke

nulisnya. Sebenarnya lebih suka crossword puzzle tapi kadang tetap merasa perlu untuk menuliskan beberapa kosakata yang dirasa susah untuk lebih ingat.

YA41 Kira-kira dalam satu crossword puzzle itu ada berapa kata yang Ajeng merasa perlu untuk ditulis ulang?


A41 Waktu itu pernah ada empat sampai lima kata.

YA42 Kalau pada saat test itu berarti mereview semua kosakata ya? Jadi mereview materi yang dipakai untuk online crossword puzzle no 1-13. Nah kira-kira apakah proses belajar menggunakan online crossword puzzle itu membantu mengingat kosakata yang diujikan pada test? A42 Sebenernya kalau test kemarin itu ya membantu juga sih. Ya kita jadi

udah nggak bingung lagi gitu menghadapi ini tuh artinya apa jadi udah ada bayangan lah kalau ini tuh artinya ini.

YA43 Kata-kata yang harus dihafalkan itu kan diurutkan sesuai abjad. Apakah ada pengaruh tersendiri jika disbanding harus menghafalkan kosakata dengan urutan huruf yang urutannya acak?

A43 Ada. Lebih enak yang diurutkan sesuai abjad. Jadi gampang inget karena mirip-mirip antara kata satu dengan yang berikutnya. Daripada acak itu lebih susah. Misal dari ngapalin huruf yang depannya ‗a‘ langsung ngapalin ke kata yang beda-beda jadi malah susah. YA44 Apakah Ajeng biasa ngerjain di luar jam kelas? Kenapa sih? kapan

ajeng ngerjain online crossword puzzle?

A44 Kalau di dalam kelas itu kadang kan itu waktunya kebetulan

berdampingan sama writing jadi kelas writing langsung lanjut kelas vocab. Kadang tuh writingnya kita belum selesai jadi kita ngerjain writing dulu habis itu baru ngerjain vocab. Nah jadi waktu untuk ngerjain vocab itu jadi lebih terbatas.

YA45 Kenapa yang dikorbankan kelas vocabnya?

A45 Soalnya ini sih kalau di writingnya itu lebih cepet untuk ilang-ilang datanya.

YA46 Nah terus untuk melanjutkan belajar vocab di luar jam kelas itu ada pilihan waktu tertentu tidak?

A46 Saya lebih suka ini sih ngerjain di kos itu malem soalnya lebih hening. Kadang jam 9 atau 10 sampai seselesainya tergantung pas sibuk atau tidak dan juga tergantung mood juga sih.

YA47 Seberapa sering ajeng meluangkan waktu untuk mengerjakan online crossword puzzle di luar jam kelas?

A47 Biasanya sekali seminggu.


A48 Lebih enakan di kelas sih soalnya kalau ada apa-apa bisa langsung tanya ke temen-temen. Kalau misalnya saya kesulitan cari artinya misalnya di google nggak ada trus di buku kok artinya beda nah itu susah untuk tanya kalau pas ngerjain di kos.

YA49 Seberapa membantu sih belajar kosakata menggunakan online crossword puzzle?

A49 Banyak sih. Ya membantu soalnya kita dituntut buat tahu artinya, ngerti artinya.

YA50 Kenapa ajeng lebih suka menggunakan kamus yang satu bahasa daripada yang dua bahasa?

A50 Ya soalnya saya dari awal sudah pakainya yang satu bahasa.

YA51 Apakah ada perbedaan ketika kita mengecek kata di jenis kamus yang satu bahasa dengan yang dua bahasa?

A51 Beda. Kadang kalau yang langsung dua bahasa itu antara dari inggris ke Indonesia kadang artinya kurang nyambung. Jadi kayak malah bikin bingung kalau pakai kamus yang dua bahasa.

YA52 Menurut Ajeng apakah ajeng akan merekomendasikan system belajar kosakata menggunakan online crossword puzzle?

A52 Iya, tapi mungkin diganti ini aja sih buatnya soalnya kadang crash buatnya jadi kebetulan saya sudah ngisi crossword puzzle ini tapi dinilainya belum keisi juga.

YA53 Kalau pas nanya ke temen apakah Ajeng pilih-pilih temen juga yang akan ajeng tanyain?

A53 Sebenernya pilih-pilih juga sih, biasanya nanya ke temen yang pinter. YA54 Menurut Ajeng situasi belajar di kelas itu menyenangkan tidak sih? A54 Menyenangkan sih soalnya nggak ada batasan juga kita mau

ngerjainnya sambil buka internet untuk keperluan lain itu nggak papa. YA55 Kebebasan yang seperti itu menurut ajeng ada yang perlu dikuatirin

nggak sih?

A55 Kalau untuk itu saya nggak ngerti jadi saya cuma ngeliatnya kok ada temen yang setiap kesempatan untuk ngerjain di lab itu tuh dia seringnya sedikit ngerjain malah banyak ngerjain yang lain.


A56 Ngerjainnya makin enak aja jadi nggak tertekan nggak bosen juga sih sebenernya.

YA57 OK. Terima kasih banyak ya ajeng atas kesediaannya berbagi pengalaman.