Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: Students’ Vocabulary Learning Strategies in English Language Education Program at Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana


  This thesis contains no such material as has been submitted for examination in any course or accepted for fulfillment of any degree of diploma in any university. To the best of my knowledge and my belief, this contains no material previously published or written by any other person except where due reference is made in the text.

  Copyright@2017. Fransiska Ika Sofianti and Anne I. Timotius, M.Ed.

  All right reserved. No part of this thesis may be reproduced by any means without the permission or at least one of the copyright owners or the English Language Education Program, Faculty of Language and Arts, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Salatiga.

  Fransiska Ika Sofianti



  APPROVAL PAGE………………………………………………………….........i COPYRIGHT STATEMENT……………………………………………………..ii TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………………iii ABSTRACT………………………………………………………….....................1

  INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………...........2 LITERATURE REVIEW………………………………………………………....4

  The importance of vocabulary learning …………………….…….……….4

  Types of vocabulary learning strategies ……………..……………………5

  THE STUDY…………………………………………………………..................10 Context of the Study

  ………………………………………….…….........10 Participants

  ……………………………………………………………....10 Instruments Data Collection Instruments

  ……………...............................11 Data Collection Procedures

  ……………………………………………....11 Data Analysis

  Procedure…………………………………………………12 FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION………………………………………………...12 A.

  Overall Result………………………………………………………...12 B. Determination Strategies……………………………………………..16 C. Memory Strategies…………………………………………………...17 D.

  Metacognitive Strategies…………………………………………….18 E. Social Strategies……………………………………………………...19


  Cognitive Strategies ………………………………………………....20 CONCLUS

  ION…………………………………………………………………..22 REFERENCES………………………………………………………………......24 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT………………………………………………………26 APPENDIX…………………………………………………………………..….27




  Fransiska Ika Sofianti



  Vocabulary learning is important tool as a basic knowledge to learn English. However, students may have not sufficient vocabulary knowledge due to inappropriate learning strategy but some other may have. Thus, this study tried to answer the research question, „What are the strategies used by students to learn vocabulary in English language education program?

  ‟ This study was conducted in Faculty of Language and Arts (FLA), focusing on students of English Language Education Program at Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana who were prepared as English-teachers. The participants of the study were 50 students. This study used questionnaire as an instrument to collect data based on Schmitt‟s Vocabulary Learning Strategies because the questionnaire has been able to investigate the data needed for this study. The result reveals that the most frequent strategies used was Determination Strategies, followed by Memory Strategies, Metacognitive Strategies, Social Strategies, and Cognitive Strategies.

  Keywords: vocabulary learning strategies



  Vocabulary learning is essential to acquire second language, especially for English students who are supposed to be able to speak, write, listen and read using English. Vocabulary is the tool to communicate with others by expressing the words so that people could understand what we say (Heidari, Karimi, & Imani, 2012, p.1488). Also, a researcher argue that, vocabulary skill has advantage to improve reading understanding (Stahl, 1990, as cited in Nation, 2001, p. 144), and the use of vocabulary in oral and printed language is often different. If someone fails to use appropriate words it can cause misunderstandings (Kamil and Hiebert, 2005, p.3, as cited in Martinnen, 2008, p. 15). Vocabulary is very important in every aspect. People cannot talk and listen clearly if they do not know the language or words being used.

  However, many students may deal with the use of vocabulary learning strategy, they may have different ways to acquire vocabulary or some students do not know the other strategies to learn vocabulary. In addition, According to He (2010, p. 2) “The same learning strategies may be useful for some students but useless for others”. Although, the students have various ways to learn vocabulary, they need to learn other strategies to maximize and develop their learning process (Rabadi 2016, Martinnen 2008). Moreover, the students could use different strategies in one situation and use the others in other situation, which could help them to get better understanding in language learning. Also, as Gu (2003, p.75) said that in vocabulary learning, using the words not only negotiate the meaning but they have to be chosen in appropriate context or situation. Moreover, Indonesian students learn English as foreign language which is not very familiar to use in daily life communication. For example, Many learners match English words with their first language word (Laufer, 2003), but in some context the meaning of between words and sentence may be different. The students have to know the appropriate learning strategy to acquire vocabulary involve how to obtain, asses, and check their vocabulary (Griffith, 2008, p 169). By using vocabulary learning strategies, student will find it easier to acquire a large number of vocabulary (Nation, 2001, p.9). According to Seddigh and Shokrpur (2012, meaning of language and the structure of the language itself. In this situation, vocabulary has important aspect to acquire second language and guide the student to the higher level of vocabulary knowledge.

  The similar study that have been conducted by Hyoso and Tabaku (2011). The study aimed to investigate the use of vocabulary learning strategies by secondary-post Albanian students. Based on this study, the finding was the students just look up the new words in bilingual dictionary because they thought that use other strategies just wasted their time. Also, this research showed that high proficiency students used cognitive and meta-cognitive strategies more often than low proficiency students. Also, the other similar research was done by Theresiawati and Timotius (2013) in Faculty of Language and Literature of Satya Wacana Christian University. The main purpose of the study was to investigate the VLS that were mostly used by ED students. This study found that the most frequent strategies used by ED students were opening dictionary, repeating the word in mind frequently, remember the new word with the context, and asking their classmates.

  This study aimed to investigate the strategies use by students of English Language Education Program at Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana to acquire language by learning vocabulary. It will be useful for students to improve their learning vocabulary in order to achieve more knowledge. The outcome of the study that has been investigated may be a guidance to choose the appropriate vocabulary learning strategies and influence the successful of language learning. students to learn vocabulary, „What are the strategies used by students to learn vocabulary in the English language education program?‟



The importance of vocabulary learning strategies

  Students have to select the appropriate learning and evaluate the learning strategy being used so that they know the value and purpose. By knowing which strategies are match with their learning, they will improve the vocabulary knowledge. Through this, they tend to the higher level of vocabulary learning. In addition, Chuk (2003, p.8) stated that the strategy used may give them an active learning and response the activity successfully to become a better learner. Student will be more active in learning if they know the purpose of the learning. The more active, the easier someone realizes the value.

  The purpose of vocabulary learning strategies is achieve as best as the students of English language education program can do to apply English in real situation. The ability involved not only understand the material like grammar, spelling, and pronunciation but suppose involved all skill in reading, writing, speaking, and learning. As Al-

  Khasawneh (2012, p.1) said “The knowledge of vocabulary is essential part when using second or foreign language due to the fact one is unable to communicate with others without a sufficient A mount of words.“. In addition, according to Seddigh and Shokrpur (2012, p.160), vocabulary and the structure of the language itself. Moreover, the improvement that the student get indicate that they give effort for the achievement in language learning, they may use the appropriate way to acquire language by using vocabulary learning strategy. Riankamol (2008, p.3) stated that vocabulary learning strategy is a tool which facilitate to acquire vocabulary learning. Thus, if students want to get the better understanding of language, they should have better vocabulary knowledge.

  Types of vocabulary learning strategies

  The strategy used by the students may be different according what strategy they feel more comfortable to use. According to He (2010, p.2) “The same learning strategies may be useful for some students but useless for others”. That is why the appropriate types of vocabulary learning strategy is very important. It will lead the students to get the easier way in acquiring vocabulary. Moreover, while a variety of definitions of the vocabulary learning strategies have been suggested, this study has applied the definition that is suggested by Schmitt (1997, as cited in Asgari, 2011) in two main groups of strategies involve Discovery strategies which are strategies that are used by learners to discover learning of words, and Consolidation strategies which are a word is consolidated once it has been encountered.

  Then, Schmitt categorized vocabulary learning Schmitt‟s strategies into five sub-categories (Schmitt, 1997, as cited in Asgari, 2011):

   Determination strategies: they are individual learning strategies.

  Determination strategies help the learner to determine the meaning by using dictionaries, guessing the meaning from the context and identifying the parts of speech and constituent elements (Schmitt, 1997).  Social strategies: they are learners learn new words through interaction with others. For example, asking teachers, classmates, and native speakers.

   Memory strategies: they are strategies, whereby learners link their learning of new words to mental processing by associating their existing or background knowledge with the new words. Memory strategies are composed of three groups: (1) Using images to create a strong connection with the word and its meaning, (2) Using strategies to link words together to help retrieval of vocabulary, (3)using knowledge aspect to stabilize the meaning.

   Cognitive strategies: they are strategies that do not engage learners in mental processing but is more mechanical means. For example: repetition, taking notes, highlighting new words, and making lists of new words.

   Metacognitive strategies: they are strategies related to processes involved in monitoring, decision- making, and evaluation of one‟s progress. For example: using English language media, and paying attention to English words when someone is speaking English. There are some previous studies had been conducted. The similar research was done by Theresiawati and Timotius (2013) in Faculty of Language and Literature of Satya Wacana Christian University. The main purpose of the study was to investigate the VLS that were mostly used by ED students. This study found that the most frequent strategies used by ED students were opening dictionary, repeating the word in mind frequently, remember the new word with the context, and asking their classmates. One of study that investigated vocabulary learning strategies by Ying He (2010), the participants are Chinese sophomores in college who have been studying English as their second language for more than ten years. In this study, the strategies involved are learning vocabulary through transition of meaning, of the same category together, through word formation, listening, word cards, daily life, and from context. The study showed that nearly all seven strategies except using words cards are favored by students in one group who are good at English, while almost all seven strategies seem useless for most students in another group who do not have the skills to use the strategies. Another study was conducted by Marttinen (2008), the participants were taken from two upper secondary schools in Western Finland in December 2006 consisted 150 students per each school. The finding showed that the students mentioned 20 different strategies and the three most commonly used were written repetition

  (writing), written repetition (reading), and translation. The main finding was they see important word and vocabulary as a part of language proficiency. Some of them thought that vocabulary is task that implemented in classroom context and the others thought that learning words in their daily life. Also, Amirian and Heshmatifiar (2013) found that the major of their research among EFL university students at Hakim Sabzeuari University in Iran was the determination strategies such as guessing from context and consulting a dictionary were the most popular strategies, whereas social strategies were least popular. They took 74 participants of vocabulary which is developed by Schmitt (1997).

  The comparison between four results from different context and researchers could be seen and the most popular strategies are determination strategies. First, the study had been conducted by Theresiawati and Timotius (2013) found that opening dictionary, repeating the word in mind frequently, remember the new word with the context, and asking their classmates. Second, the participants are Chinese sophomores in college who have been studying English as their second language for more than ten years. Students are good at English don‟t use words cards which are cognitive strategy. Third, the participants were taken from two upper secondary schools in Western Finland in December 2006 consisted 150 students. The finding showed that the students mentioned 20 different strategies and the three most commonly used were written repetition (writing), written repetition (reading), and translation which are determination strategies and cognitive strategies. Third, 74 participants (18 males & 56 females) from among EFL university students at Hakim Sabzeuari University in Iran commonly used guessing from context and consulting a dictionary were the most popular strategies which are determination strategies.

  To sum up, the purpose of learning vocabulary is the students of English language education could achieve as best as they can do to apply English in real situation. The strategy used by the students may be different according what strategy they feel more comfortable to use. After all, the purpose of the study is to investigate strategies used by students of English language education program at may have different strategies to learn vocabulary, some students use some strategies and lack others. They have to know all of the strategies because they are important to be implemented (Ghazal, 2007). Riankamol (2008, p.3) stated that vocabulary learning strategy is a tool which facilitate to acquire vocabulary learning. Thus, if students want to get the better understanding of language, they should have better vocabulary knowledge. The fact that, active learning and response the activity successfully to become a better learner (Chuk, 2003) so that the students understanding the material or knowledge they face easily. Thus, Students have to select the appropriate learning and evaluate the learning strategy being used so that they know the value and purpose. Through this, they tend to the higher level of learning because they have known which strategies are match with their learning, then they will improve the vocabulary knowledge.



Context of the study

  This study was conducted in Faculty of Language and Arts (FLA), focusing on students of English language education program at Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana who were prepared as English-teachers. The faculty is located in a small town in Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia. The study was taken in this context because the faculty is a real example of where English was taught. Moreover, in this context, the students were trained to prepare good knowledge in teaching as the basic concept and the main learning. Thus, this study wanted to investigate the way the students to use vocabulary learning strategies which help them to use and understand English.

  Participants The participants of the study were chosen only one level of academic year.

  They are 50 students of academic year 2014 who are about 21-22 years old. In this study, the participants were chosen because they represented students of English language education program. Also, they were chosen purposefully because they had more learning experience in learning vocabulary, in these level student had been expected to speak, write, listen, and speak fluency using English. This research use random sampling technique.

  Instrument of data collection

  This study used questionnaire as an instrument to collect data based on Schmitt‟s Vocabulary Learning Strategies because the questionnaire has been able to reveal the data needed for this study. The questionnaire consisted Determination Strategies, Social Strategies, Memory Strategies, Cognitive Strategies and Metacognitive Strategies.

  Data collection Procedures

  participants. It was distributed to five student from academic year 2013 to see whether the instruction and the questions were clear or understandable or not. The researcher chose the students from academic year 2013 because they were not supposed to fill the questionnaire as to be put as data in this study. If the instruction and question were not clear, the question would be revised. Then, the researcher gave it to the same participants, if they could answer the questionnaire completely, the questionnaire would be presented. The researcher took the participants from students of academic year 2014. The researcher asked the permission from the lecturer who taught the research design classes to give the questionnaire and announce that the researcher needed their help to fill the questionnaire. The questionnaire was given before the class because the student were still fresh and relax to answer the question. The researcher explained the purpose of the questionnaire and also the instruction and it was done in 15-20 minutes.

  Data analysis Procedure

The questionnaire was designed to investigate the participants‟ strategies

  in learning English which are design to identify Determination Strategies (question 1-5), Social Strategies (question 6-11), Memory Strategies (question 12-20), Cognitive Strategies (question 21-26) and Metacognitive Strategies (question 27-30). The questionnaire was based on Schmitt (1997).

  On the questionnaire, there were 5 points for each response: Never (1), instrument was scales in deciding frequency of the strategies used by the participants. Thus the instrument was counted quantitatively and presented in narrative way.

  Overall Result The aim of the study was to investigate students

  ‟ vocabulary learning strategies in English language education program at Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana. The strategies were divided into five categories; Determination strategies, Memory Strategies, Metacognitive Strategies, Social Strategies, and Cognitive Strategies.

  To find out the point of each category, the total point frequency based on the statements provided were divided 50 (total of the participants). The frequency of the use of vocabulary learning strategies: (Never: never use the strategies) = 1 point (Seldom/1-2 times a week) = 2 points (Sometimes/3-4 times a week) =3 points (Often/5-6 times a week) = 4 points (Always/7 times a week) =5 points The average point of strategies were then used to conclude the most frequent strategies used by the students.

  Vocabulary Learning Strategies Determination Strategies


  3.11 Memory Strategies

  2.95 Metacognitive Strategies Social Strategies


  2.31 Cognitive Strategies








  3.5 Figure 1 shows that the most frequent strategies used by students

  of academic year 2014 were Determination Strategies which are the strategies to help the students to interpret the meaning of the words (Schmitt, 1997, as cited in Asgari, 2011). The average point was 3.22 out of 5. It means that the strategies were sometimes used by the students about 3-4 times a week.

  Next, the average point of Memory Strategies was 3.115 out of 5. It means that the strategies were sometimes used by the students about 3-4 times a week. The strategies were second frequently used in which learners connect the new words with their background knowledge (Schmitt, 1997, as cited in Asgari, 2011).

  Moreover, Metacognitive Strategies were third frequent strategy used by the students. The average point was 2.95 out of 5. In other word, it has tendency of 3 and means that the students used the strategies almost 3-4 times a week.

  Then, as shown in Figure 1, the fourth frequent strategies used point was 2.516 out of 5. Through these strategies the students learned new words through interaction with others for example, with their friends, native speakers and lecturers (Schmitt, 1997, as cited in Asgari, 2011).

  Cognitive Strategies were the least strategies used by the students who used them about 2-3 times a week. These strategies help the learners to learn new word by repeating or taking notes of the words manually (Schmitt, 1997, as cited in Asgari, 2011). The average point was 2.316 out of 5.

  Thus, more detail explanation of the finding, the most strategies used from all of the strategies could be seen in the table below: Table 1. The most strategies used by the students:

  1 I use English language media (songs, movies, newscasts, etc.)


  2 I use bilingual dictionary (English-Indonesian) to find the

  3.8 meaning of the words

  3 I guess the meaning of the words from textual context


  4 I connect the words to my experience

  3.58 Then, the least strategies used from all of the strategies could be seen in the table below: Table 2. The least strategies used by the students:

  1 I listen to vocabulary CDs to learn new vocabulary items


  2 I skip or pass new words


  3 I interact with native speakers to learn new words


  4 I group words together to study them

  2.26 The present study had similar result with a previous research which had been conducted by Hyoso and Tabaku (2011), which are looking up the new words in bilingual dictionary as the most favorite strategy used by the students. Also, both opening dictionary and remember new word with the context as the most frequent strategy used by the students, which are similar result with a research of Theresiawati and Timotius (2013).

  Further description about vocabulary learning strategies which were done by the participants is explained in the following sections. B. Determination Strategies Figure 2. Determination Vocabulary Learning Strategies

Determination Strategies

  I learn the words by analysing any available 3.06 pictures or gestures (body language) I guess the meaning of the words from textual 3.6 context

  I use bilingual dictionary (English- 3.8 Indonesian) to find the meaning of the words 3.08 meaning of the words I check for similar words in Indonesian (such 2.56 as botol in Indonesian and bottle in English) 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 As Figure 2 shows, Determination Strategies were the most

  frequent strategies used to learn vocabulary. From the Figure 2, we could see that the most preferred strategy used to learn vocabulary was using bilingual dictionary (English-Indonesian) to find the meaning of the words. It had the highest point which is 3.8 out of 5. The following most frequent strategy used was „I use bilingual dictionary (English-Indonesian) to find the meaning of the words‟ which had point 3.6 out of 5. The average frequency used by the students to learn vocabulary was about 3-4 times a week. The reason of the result according to Nation (2001), the foreign learners get the advantage by using this strategy, they could learn the new words by themselves and add the knowledge that they have already known.

As we can see in the Figure 2, the least strategy used by the students was „I check for similar words in Indonesian‟ which had average

  point 2.56 out of 5. It means that the students seldom to use it and the average frequency used was about 1-2 times a week.

  Similarly, Amirian and Heshmatifiar (2013) found that the major of their research among EFL university students at Hakim Sabzeuari University in Iran was the determination strategies such as guessing from context and consulting a dictionary were the most popular strategies which

  C. Memory Strategies Figure 3. Memory Vocabulary Learning Strategies

Memory Strategies

  I imagine the meaning of the words

  3.14 I connect the words to my experience

  3.58 I connect the words to its synonyms

  3.4 I group words together to study them

  2.26 I use new words in sentences


  3.16 I study the spelling of a word I study the sound of a word

  3.46 I say new word aloud when studying it

  2.94 I imagine word form (example: I make different

  2.9 mental image between noun and verb)








  4 Memory strategies as the second frequent strategies used by the students. Memory strategies had 9 statements which described some ways to learn vocabulary. „I connect the words to my experience‟ had the highest point which is 3.58 out of 5. It means that the students sometimes used the strategies about 3-4 times a week. Moreover, connecting the words with background knowledge is necessary for the students because it will help them in listening skill (Coxhead, 2006). Thus, the more students talk or know about a topic, the more understand the students to listen about the topic. nts was „I group words together to study them‟ with the average point of 2.26. This strategy was seldom used by the students about 2-3 times a week.


  Metacognitive Strategies Figure 4. Metacognitive Vocabulary Learning Strategies

Metacognitive Strategies

  I use English-language media (songs, 4.2 movies, newscasts, etc.) 2.34 I test myself with word tests 2.18 I skip or pass new words 3.08 I continue to study words over time 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 As shown in Figure 4, the most frequent strategy used to learn

  v ocabulary in this category was „I use English‑language media (songs, movies, newscasts, etc.)‟ with the point 4.2 out of 5. From the result, it means that the students often used English-language media to learn vocabulary. The average frequency used was 5-6 times a week.

  While the least frequent strategy used was „I skip or pass new words‟ which had average point 2.18. Based on the the average point in the data, the students seldom used this strategy to learn vocabulary. Although, skipping or pass new words is important to improve the speed of reading but vocabulary knowledge is not as increased as it is (Mikulecky, 1990, as cited in Schmitt, 1997).


  Social Strategies Figure 5. Social Vocabulary Learning Strategies

Social Strategies

  I ask teacher for paraphrase or synonym of

  2.2 new words I ask classmates for the meaning of the words

  3.26 I practice meaning of the words in a group

  2.48 I discover new meaning through group work

  2.82 activity I interact with native-speakers to learn new

  2.26 words







  3.5 As the fourth frequent strategies used, social strategies had 5

  statements to describe some ways to learn vocabulary. The most frequent strategy used by the students of English language education program was „I ask classmates for the meaning of the words‟ with the point of 3.26. It means the students sometimes used this strategy. They used this strategy about 3-4 times a week.

  While the least frequent strategies used was „I ask teacher for par aphrase or synonym of new words‟ with the point of 2.2. Meanwhile, they seldom used this strategy (1-2 times a week).

  Similarly, in this social vocabulary learning strategies, both this present study and previous study which was done by Theresiawati and Timotius (2013) had similar result. These both studies found that

  „I ask classmates for the meaning of the words‟ as the most favorite strategies used and „I ask teacher for paraphrase or synonym of new words‟ as the least strategies used by the students. Also, a study was done by Al- Khasawaneh (2012) found that asking classmates for the meaning of the words had the high frequency to use this strategy.


  Cognitive Strategies Figure 6. Cognitive Vocabulary Learning Strategies

Cognitive Strategies

  2.52 I write the new words repeatedly

  2.36 I make word lists

  1.64 I use flash cards to learn new words

  3.16 I take notes of new words in class I listen to vocabulary CDs to learn new 1.92 vocabulary items

  I keep a vocabulary notebook








  3.5 As the least category of strategies used in learning vocabulary, Cognitive Strategies consisted of 6 statements. According to Schmitt (1997, as cited in Asgari, 2011), these strategies do not engage learners in mental processing but is more mechanical.

  The most frequently stra tegy used in this category was „I take notes of new wor ds in class‟ with the average point of 3.16. It means that the students sometimes used this strategy, and the average frequency was 3-4 times a week. le the least strategy used was „I use flash cards to learn new words‟ with the average point of 1.64. Thus, the average point shows that the students seldom used the strategy because they used the strategy about 1-2 times a week.

  In comparison, a research had been conducted by Ying He (2010) found that learning vocabulary through listening is favored but using words cards is useless for the participants who are good in English. In this present study, both listening to vocabulary CDs and using flash cards to learn new vocabulary items is useless for most students. Besides, the similar result was found with one study which was investigated vocabulary learning strategies used by upper secondary school students. He found that both listening and using flash card were the least frequent strategies used (Marttinen, 2008).


  The aim of this present study was to investigate students‟ vocabulary learning strategies in English Language Education Program at Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana. Therefore, this research try to answer a question,

  „what are the strategies used by the students to learn vocabulary in English language education program

  ‟? The result reveals that the most frequently strategies used was

  Determination Strategies which had average point 3.22 out of 5, followed by the average point of 2.95, Social Strategies (2.5166 points), Cognitive Strategies (2.316 points).

  First, the most frequent strategy used in Determination Strategies was „I use bilingual dictionary (English-Indonesian) to find the meaning of the words‟ (3.8 points), while the least frequently strategy used was „I check for similar words in Indonesian‟ (2.56 points). Second, in the Memory Strategies, the mos t frequently strategy used was „I connect the words to my experience‟ (3.58), while the least freque ntly strategy used was „I group words together to study them‟ (2.26 points). Third, the most frequently strategy used in Metacognitive Strategies was „I use English‑language media (songs, movies, newscasts, etc.)‟ (4.2 points), while the least frequently strategy used was „I skip or pass new words‟ (2.18 points). Fourth, in Social Strategies, the most frequently strategy used was „I ask classmates for the meaning of the words‟ (3.26 points), while the leas t frequently strategy used was „I ask teacher for a translation in Indonesian‟

  (2.08 points). Fifth, the last used strategy was Cognitive Strategies. The most frequently strategy used was „I take notes of new words in class‟ (3.16 points), while the leas t frequently strategy used was „I use flash cards to learn new words‟ (1.64 points).

  There are some limitations in this research. First, this research was conducted in English language education program only. It did not bring the research in wider context. Thus the general finding was about students‟ vocabulary learning strategies in English teaching education program. In addition, research, further research may use participants from every academic year to investigate vocabulary strategies used in this program. Also, this research only used questionnaire instrument to get the data. For the further investigation, interviewing the participants could be used, whether it is used as an addition instrument to complete the data from the questionnaire or as the only instrument.

  From this research, the students are suggested to use various strategies to learn vocabulary so that the students could be aware with others strategies. In addition, they will find what strategies which is more suitable for them to learn vocabulary and it will improve their ability to use English. Also, teachers could get better knowledge and choose the appropriate strategies while they are teaching in the class.

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