Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of
Sarjana Pendidikan


Registration Number: 2112121017


Except where appropritely acknowledged, this thesis is my own work, has

been expressed through my own words and has not previously been submitted for
I understand that this thesis may be sceened electronically or otherwise for


September 2016

Lewi Sidabutar
Reg. No. 2112121017

Sidabutar, Lewi. 2112121017. The Effect of Fishbone Strategy on Students’
Achievement in Writing Analytical Exposition Text. A thesis, Faculty of
Language and Arts, State University of Medan.
The objective of this study was to find out whether there was a significant effect
of Fishbone Strategy on students’analytical exposition writing ability. It was
cunducted by using experimental research. The population of this study was
eleventh grade of SMA N 1 Girsang Sipangan Bolon, which is consisted of 4

parallel classes. Two classes were taken as a sample of the research. The class XI
IPA 1 was an experimantal group and class XI IPA 3 as a control group. The
experimental group was taught by using Fishbone Strategy, otherwise control
group was taught by using Discussion Method. The instrument for collecting data
was writing test. The data was analyzed by using t-test formula. The result shows
that the value of t-obseved is higher than the value of t-table. (3,69>1,701(α =
0,05)) with the degree of freedom (df) = 54. Based on the data analysis of the
study, the result indicates that Fishbone Strategy affects on students’ analytical
exposition writing ability.

Keywords : Fishbone Strategy, Writing Analytical Exposition Text.



First of all, the writer would like to express her deepest gratitude to Almighty
Lord, jesus Christ for His uncointable blessing, love, strenght given to the writer
during her study and in compliting this thesis which entitled: The Effect of Fishbone
Strategy on Students’ Achievementin Writing Analytical Exposition Text.


thesis is aimed to fulfill one of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana pendidikan
of the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of
In compliting this thesis, the writer realized that she had recieved the
academic guidence, suggestions and comments, got a lot of assisstance and moral
support from people around her. Therefore, the writer express her gretitude and
special thanks to:
1. Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom., M.Pd., as the Rector of State University of Medan
2. Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., as the Dean of Faculty of Language and arts,
State University of Medan.
3. Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., as the Head of English Department.
4. Nora Ronita Dewi, S.Pd., S.S., M.Hum., as the Head of English Education
Study Program.
5. Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd., as her First Thesis Advisor.
6. Dr. Siti Aisah Ginting, M.Pd., as her second Thesis Advisor.
7. Syamsul Bahri. S. S. M. Hum., as her Academic adviser and for all lectures
throughout her academic years.

8. Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M. Ed., as her Reviewers
9. Prof. Dr. Berlin Sibarani, M. Pd., as her Reviewers.


10. Saor Boni Tua Sihotang, S. Pd, M. Si., as her headmaster of SMA N 1 Girsang
Sipangan Bolon for giving chance to conduct the resarch.
11. Eliktra N. Damanik, S. Pd., the English Teacher of SMA N 1 Girsang Sipangan
Bolon for the supports.
12. Her beloved mother, Lamria Sihombing, her wonderful siblings, Derma
Sidabutar, Arfandi Sidabutar, Salmon Sidabutar, for their endless love
prayer, inspiration, motivation, courage and everything that they have given to he
writer during the process of compliting the thesis. This thesis is dedicated to you,
guys. Kiss and hug for you.
13. 3 in one SG( K’ Maria, K’ Tanti, Mesalina, Basa, Dicky, Meiliana, Imabeta, And
Novawina). Lecilavely Missi SG( Lusya, Chrity, Lamtiar and Veronika).
Integrity SG( Hendra, Swando, Rita, Haryati ). Her Friends in Coordination of
UKMKP UP FBS 2015(Wilson, Mesa, Wemmy, Meiliana, Shanny, Jelita, Evi,
Nova, Basa, Ester, Mey, Pesta, Wira, and Aguni).
14. Her friends in regular DIK A 2011, for togetherness throughout the four years;

Her Friends in PPLT SMA N 1 Silaen for the experiences shared. And also for
those who cannot be mentioned one by one.
The writer realizes that, this thesis still has the paucity, she warmly welcomes
any suggetions and advices that will improve the quality of ths thesis. She hopes that
this thesis will be useful for those who read and feel interested in tha field of this


September 2016

The writer,

Lewi Sidabutar
Reg. No. 2112121017

Abtract ................................................................................................................... i

Aacknowledgment ................................................................................................ ii
Table of Content .................................................................................................. iv
List of Table ......................................................................................................... vi
List of Figures ..................................................................................................... vii
List of Appendices ............................................................................................. viii
Chapter I

INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................1
A. The Background of The Study .....................................................1
B. The Problem of The Study ...........................................................5
C. The Objective of The Study .........................................................5
D. The Scope of The Study ...............................................................5
E. The Significance of The Study .....................................................5

Chapter II

REVIEW OF LITERATURE .......................................................7
A. Theoretical Framework ..............................................................7
1. Students’ Achievement ...........................................................7
2. Writing ....................................................................................7

3. Writing Process .......................................................................8
4. Kinds of Genre ......................................................................10
5. Analytical Exposition ...........................................................11
6. Graphic Organizers ...............................................................13
1. Fishbone Strategy ...............................................................16
7. Discussion Method .................................................................19
B. Relevant Study ...........................................................................20
C. Conceptual Framework .............................................................22
D. Hypothesis ................................................................................24

Chapter III

RESEARCH METHOD .............................................................25
A. Research Design .........................................................................25
B. Population and Sample ...............................................................26
a. Population ................................................................................26
b. Sample .....................................................................................26
C. The Technique for Collecting Data ............................................27


D. The Procedure of Research .......................................................27
E. The Assessment of The Test ........................................................28
F. The Validity and Reliability of The Test .....................................30
1. The Validity of The Test .........................................................30
2. The Reliability of The Test .....................................................30
G. The Technique of Analyzing Data .............................................32
H. The Statistical Hypothesis ……….……………………………..33
Chapter IV DATA AND DATA ANALYSIS ....................................................34
A. Data Description .........................................................................34
B. Data Analysis ..............................................................................39
C. Testing Hypothesis .....................................................................44
D. Discussion ..................................................................................45
Chapter V CONCLUSISON AND SUGGESTION ..........................................48
A. Conclusision ...............................................................................48
B. Suggestions .................................................................................48
REFERENCES ....................................................................................................49
APPENDICES ......................................................................................................51


Table 3. 1 Research Design ...................................................................................24
Table 3. 2 Experimental and Control Groups Activities .......................................26
Table 3.4 Analytical Exposition Indicators ...........................................................28
Table 3.5 The Coefficient of (r) ............................................................................31
Table 4. 1 Students’ Score of Pre-test ..................................................................34
Table 4. 2 Students’ Score of Post-test .................................................................35
Table 4. 3 Students’ Score in Pre-test and Post-test .............................................37
Table 4. 4 Normality of Data ................................................................................40
Table 4. 5 Homogeneity of Data ...........................................................................42


Table 3. 1 Research Design ...................................................................................24
Table 3. 2 Experimental and Control Groups Activities .......................................26
Table 3.4 Analytical Exposition Indicators ...........................................................28

Table 3.5 The Coefficient of (r) ............................................................................31
Table 4. 1 Students’ Score of Pre-test ..................................................................34
Table 4. 2 Students’ Score of Post-test .................................................................35
Table 4. 3 Students’ Score in Pre-test and Post-test .............................................37
Table 4. 4 Normality of Data ................................................................................40
Table 4. 5 Homogeneity of Data ...........................................................................42


Appendix A The Pre-test and Post-test in Experimental and Control
Group……………………………………………………………... 50
Appendix B Students’ Score of Pre-test and Post-test of Experimental
Groups ………………………………………………………….. 51
Appendix C Students’ Score of Pre-test and Post-test of Control groups........ ....52
Appendix D The Calculation of Reliability of the Test ................................... .. 53
Appendix E Test for Homogeneity of Variance of Pre-test in Experimental
and Control Group.......................................................................... ....55
Appendix F The Calculation of t-test ............................................................... ....57

Appendix G Test for Distribution of Frequency in Experimental Group ........ ....60
Appendix H Test for Distribution of Frequency in Control Group ................. ... 63
Appendix I Testing Normality in Experimental Group ................................... ... 66
Appendix J Testing Normality in Control Group ........................................... …69
Appendix K Table of Normality from 0 to Z ................................................... …72
Appendix LTable List of testing Lilliefors ...................................................... …73
Appendix M Percentage Points of the t Distribution ....................................... …74
Appendix N Lesson Plan




A. The Background of the Study
Language is very important for human life. It is because language is human’s
tool to get communication with other people in their daily life. Without language
human can’t reveal their feelings, ask for something, send and ask for help from
others. There are so many kinds of language in this world. English is one of them and
English become international language. Nowadays, English is used by all people
worldwide because of the ongoing advances in technology such as internet, and other
businesses. If you go to another country, you may use this language. Because of that,
English is learning by many countries include Indonesia and put English in their
curriculum. Indonesia learns English as a foreign language. English has four skills
and students need to master them. The four skills of English are speaking, writing,
listening, and reading.
Writing is one of English skill which is very important to be mastered. It
becomes important because writing is one way to communicate. Writing is the most
powerful communication tools you will use today and for the rest of your life. You
will use it to share your thoughts and ideas with others and even to communicate with
yourself (Carroll, 2001:3). As it is known, writing is not easy. Among the skills,
writing is the most difficult skills to be learn, because its need hard thinking in
producing ideas, words, sentences, and paragraph at the same time. English is also


intensively used in international communication, in written as well as in spoken
communication. In addition, many book of science and technology, art, and other
publish issues are written in English. That mean we have to master writing because
all the information relating to knowledge already achieved can be expressed by
writing. So that, English learnt from elementary level up to university.
Writing is one of the forms of communication. (Fred, 1985:12) Writing is
public discourse, and for that reason it should be worthwhile, well organized,
sufficiently developed to accomplish its intended purpose, and clearly and efficiently
written and writing helps us to understand ourselves, our ideas, and our feelings, fully
and accurately.
Similarity of differences of text determined by socio-cultural purposes they
are intended to serve and the way they are structure to achieve is called genre. One of
the genre which can be used to respond the event, case or phenomenon in daily live is
analytical exposition. People like to share their point of view to others about what
happen around them. They may write a letter or use e-mail to tell about their think
about the case which is happening. So, they will use analytical exposition to achieve
the purpose of their writing. And it is better to put it in curriculum because it will use
In reality, students’ writing ability is relatively low, based on the writer’s
experience during her Teaching Practice (Program Praktek Lapangan) in senior high
school and the observation of the writer. The data showed that from 35 students only
5 students that pass the Minimum competence Criteria (KKM) Students’ ability of


such skill was quite low, especially in writing analytical exposition. Although, the
theory of text was explained in several times, most of them were hard to understand
the content and showed the uninteresting feeling when teaching and learning process.
The students mean score can be seen in the table 1.1 below.
1 st
2 nd

Mean Score

The writer found that there are some causes that make the students low in
writing skill. The students are lack on vocabulary, structure, technique, literature, and
ideas, even some of them have some ideas in their mind, but they didn’t know how to
express them in writing. They seldom practice to write but they don’t know how to
start it, how to systematize the writing and organize the ideas. And the teacher just
taught the theory and focus on grammar. Moreover, the students still have lack
achievement in writing, the teacher still use the same method. So, the students did not
get the enhancement.
To solve the problem the teacher need to find out the new strategy. There so
many strategy which can use to make the students have better achievement in
teaching and learning process. One of them is fishbone strategy. By applying this
strategy, it is get expectation to improve students’ achievement in writing especially
in writing analytical exposition text.
A fishbone diagram is type of graphic organizer the used to explore the many
aspects or effects of a complex topic, helping the student to organize their thoughts in


a simple, visual way. If the topic at hand involves investigating attributes associated
with a single, complex topic, and then obtaining more details on each of these ideas,
use a fishbone diagram as your graphic organizer. The process of creating fishbone
diagram helps the student focus on the topic, requires the students to review what
they already know in order to organize that knowledge, and helps the student to
monitor their growing comprehension of the topic. It also helps point out the areas
where the students must investigate more.
Fishbone strategy use to determine the causal relationships in a complex idea
or event. This organizer helps students understand how a central theme can have
numerous related ideas (McKnight, 2010:46-47). It is an effective strategy for
classroom management, focusing attention, and motivating students to increase
participation in learning. This strategy will motivate the students to concentrate and
make them easier to learn.
This strategy use an orderly, easy-to-format the ideas. The students are able to
focus the group on the big picture as to possible causes or factors influencing the
problem or need. And increase process of knowledge. So that, the writer think this
strategy will answer the students’ difficulty in writing.
Based on the explanation above, the teacher must use the suitable and
effective strategy to solve the students’ problem in writing achievement especially in
writing analytical exposition text. Therefore, the writer assumes that teaching by
applying Fishbone Strategy will be more effective to develop their writing
achievement, especially in writing analytical exposition.


B. The Problem of the Study
Based on the background of the study, the problem is formulated as follows:
Is the students’ achievement in writing analytical exposition text taught by
using Fishbone Strategy higher than that taught by using discussion method?

C. The Objective of the Study
In line with the problem, the objective of the study is to identify the effect of
applying fishbone strategy on students’ achievement in writing analytical exposition

D. The Scope of the Study
There are many strategies which can be used to help the teachers in teaching,
especially in teaching writing. This study will focus on seeing the effectiveness of
fishbone strategy to improve the students’ writing achievement, mainly writing
analytical exposition text.

E. The Significance of the Study
The result of this study was expected to contribute either the theories or practices
1. Theoretically
a. The researcher as reference to conduct the research related to Fishbone
writing strategy.


b. The other researchers who want to conduct the same research in applying
Fishbone strategy in teaching writing analytical exposition text.
2. Practically
a. The English teacher as the source of learning to improve the students’
ability in writing analytical exposition text.
b. The students get increasing the quality of writing analytical exposition


A. Conclusion
The result of calculation t-test formula shows that the score of t-observed
higher than the score of t-table. It means that fishbone strategy significantly
affects the students’ achievement in writing analytical exposition text. Through
fishbone strategy, the students are being able to express their ideas easily and put
them into such a good an analytical exposition text.

B. Suggestion
As the result of this study, it is suggested that:
1. The English teachers should use the strategy in their attempt to improve
students; ability in writing analytical exposition text, especially fot the
students who have difficulty to explore ideas, to think of what to wrote on
the writing substantial.
2. The researcher should use this study as a reference for conducting a deeper
research on students’ writing achievement.



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