ConversationUtils Utility Class Updating the build.xml File for a Client of a Conversational Web Service

Creating Conversational Web Services 4-9 ■ Once the conversation is completed, invoke the finish operation so that the conversational Web service can free up the resources it used for the current conversation: result = port.finishmessage ; ■ If you want to reuse the Web service conversation stub to start a new conversation, you must explicitly renew the stub using the renewStub method of the weblogic.wsee.conversation.ConversationUtils utility class: ConversationUtils.renewStubStubport;

4.5 ConversationUtils Utility Class

WebLogic Server provides a utility class for use with the conversation feature. Use this class to perform common tasks such as getting and setting the conversation ID and setting configuration options. Some of these tasks are performed in the conversational Web service, some are performed in the client that invokes the conversational Web service. See Section 4.4, Programming Guidelines for the JWS File That Invokes a Conversational Web Service for an example of using this class. See weblogic.wsee.conversation.ConversationUtils in Oracle WebLogic Server API Reference for details.

4.6 Updating the build.xml File for a Client of a Conversational Web Service

You update a build.xml file to generate the JWS file that invokes a conversational Web service by adding taskdefs and a build-clientService target that looks something like the following example. See the description after the example for details. taskdef name=jwsc target name=build-clientService jwsc enableAsyncService=true srcdir=src destdir={clientService-ear-dir} jws clientgen wsdl=http:{wls.hostname}:{wls.port}convConversationalService?WSDL packageName=examples.webservices.conversation jws Note: The client Web service that invokes a conversational Web service is not required to also be conversational. However, if the client is not conversational, there is a danger of multiple instances of this client accessing the same conversational Web service stub and possibly corrupting the saved conversational state. If you believe this might true in your case, then specify that the client Web service also be conversational. 4-10 Programming Advanced Features of JAX-RPC Web Services for Oracle WebLogic Server jwsc target Use the taskdef Ant task to define the full classname of the jwsc Ant tasks. Update the jwsc Ant task that compiles the client Web service to include a clientgen child element of the jws element so as to generate and compile the JAX-RPC stubs for the deployed ConversationalService Web service. The jwsc Ant task automatically packages them in the generated WAR file so that the client Web service can immediately access the stubs. You do this because the ConversationalClientImpl JWS file imports and uses one of the generated classes.

4.7 Updating a Stand-Alone Java Client to Invoke a Conversational Web Service