build.xml File Example Conversational Web Service .NET Client

Creating Conversational Web Services 4-19 } public class MyPolicyAssertion : Microsoft.Web.Services3.Design.PolicyAssertion { private String callbackLocation; public MyPolicyAssertionString callbackLocation { this.callbackLocation = callbackLocation; } public override SoapFilter CreateClientInputFilterFilterCreationContext context { return null; } public override SoapFilter CreateClientOutputFilterFilterCreationContext context { use MyFilter to add the CallbackTo header in the outbound soap message. return new MyFiltercallbackLocation; } public override SoapFilter CreateServiceInputFilterFilterCreationContext context { return null; } public override SoapFilter CreateServiceOutputFilterFilterCreationContext context { return null; } }

4.8.3 build.xml File

The example build.xml file is shown in Example 4–3 . build.xml assumes that you copy the example source files to a new directory WL_ HOME\samples\server\examples\src\examples\webservices\conv , where WL_HOME is the directory containing your WebLogic Server installation. build.xml also requires that you first set your examples environment correctly via WL_HOME\samples\domains\wl_serversetExamplesEnv.cmdsh and that the examples server is already started. The example includes comments that describe the build file function and targets. Example 4–3 build.xml File ?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-1? project name=webservices.conversation default=all basedir=. -- set global properties for this build -- property 4-20 Programming Advanced Features of JAX-RPC Web Services for Oracle WebLogic Server property name=client.dir value={client.classes.dir}webservices_ conversation property name=package.dir value=exampleswebservicesconv property name=package value=examples.webservices.conv property name=ear.dir value={}webservicesConversationEar path id=client.class.path pathelement path={java.class.path} path -- Web service WLS Ant task definitions -- taskdef name=jwsc taskdef name=clientgen target name=all depends=build, deploy target name=clean delete dir={ear.dir} target -- Target that builds the conversational Web service -- target name=build description=Target that builds the MTOM Web service jwsc srcdir={examples.src.dir}{package.dir} sourcepath={examples.src.dir} destdir={ear.dir} classpath={java.class.path} keepGenerated=true deprecation={deprecation} debug={debug} jws WLHttpTransport contextPath=samplesasync serviceURI=conversation.jws jws jwsc target -- Target that deploys the conversational Web service -- target name=deploy description=Target that deploys the conversational Web service wldeploy action=deploy source={ear.dir} user={wls.username} password={wls.password} verbose=true adminurl=t3:{wls.hostname}:{wls.port} targets={} failonerror={failondeploy} target -- Target that undeploys the conversational Web service -- target name=undeploy description=Target that deploys the conversational Web service wldeploy Creating Conversational Web Services 4-21 action=undeploy name=webservicesConversationEar user={wls.username} password={wls.password} verbose=true adminurl=t3:{wls.hostname}:{wls.port} targets={} failonerror={failondeploy} target project

4.9 Client Considerations When Redeploying a Conversational Web Service