Aceh Sustainable Palm Oil Steering Committee

1. Aceh Sustainable Palm Oil Steering Committee

Launched early 2008 by a group of NGOs Eye on Aceh, Oxfam, FFI, and others, this group has now incorporated leading government and private sector organizations in Aceh, including Dishutbun and Gaperda. The group was co-chaired by Pak Masnun, Director of the Dishutbun Plantations Department and . Samsul Bahri of the advocacy NGO Eye on Aceh. After several planning and organizations meetings from May-October 2008, the steering committee was able to successfully organize and conduct a 2-day workshop in Banda Aceh in December 2008 that brought in over 200 participants from the provincial and local governments, the private sector, NGOs, and producers. The workshop sought to present the concept of sustainable palm oil and the RSPO and lay the foundations for a long-term effort. The workshop modeled effective multi-stakeholder collaboration, including supportive leadership from the head of Dishutbun Pak Hanifah, the Secretary General of Gaperda, Pak Sabri Basyah, Pak Hasan Sastra and Pak Yakob of Governor Irwandis Economic Team, and key NGO leaders such as Eye on Aceh’s Bahri and Ian Singleton of PanEco. On the first day and the morning of the second, there were a number of excellent presentations from resource people from outside Aceh and from key people from within Aceh. Several leading sustainable palm oil experts gave presentations, including Desi Kusumadewi of the RSPO Indonesia Liaison Office RILO, Muhammad Salim of Unilever, Arifin Lambaga of PT Mutuagung Lestari, Andi Kiki of the Kalimantan Tengah RSPO Sustainable Palm Oil Working Group, Amol Titus of IndonesiaWISE, and Mohamad Parabaharan of PT MinamasSime Darby Sdn Bhd. On the last day in the afternoon, the workshop was divided into four discussion groups Environmental Issues, Social Issues, Policy and RegulationsCoordinating Mechanism, and Economy and Marketing. These sessions were spirited and generated a number of recommendations which will be compiled by the workshop organizers panitya shortly. The consensus view of the organizers and many of the participants was that this event gave a major boost to the sustainable palm oil component of the Governor’s Aceh Green Vision.

2. Smallholder Plantation Expansion and Rehabilitation Programs