Outline of the Research Sociology

5 3 Hopefully, the writer gives a contribution to the audiences to broaden their knowledge about various social aspects revealed in the film especially sociological matter.

1.6 Outline of the Research

This final project is divided into chapters and subchapters. The writer will spread them as follows: Chapter I explain about the introduction of the final project that contained background of the study, reason for choosing the topic, statements of the problem, objectives of the study, significant of the study and also outline of the study. Chapter II is review of related literature. Generally, chapter 2 discusses about the review of the literature which is related to the topic. It includes sociology, sociological approach to literature, film, social class, divisions of social class, Nick Cassavetes’ biography, and the summary of Notebook. Chapter III is method of the investigation. The writer divided it into five sub chapters, they are: object of the study, type of data, procedure of collecting data, procedure of analyzing data, and technique of analyzing data. Chapter IV is data analysis. This chapter tells us about the broader investigation of the problems mentioned before. It involves the brief analyze of the topic. Chapter V is conclusion and suggestion. It is the last chapter which includes the suggestion for the readers and conclusion taken by the writer. 6 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE In this chapter, the writer would like to present some references to make this study valid. It includes sociology, sociological approach to literature, film, social class, divisions of social class, Nick Cassavetes’ biography, and the summary of Notebook.

2.1 Sociology

Sociology derives from Latin words, socius and logos. Socius means ‘society’ and logos means ‘knowledge’. Sociology itself is the scientific or systematic study of society, including patterns of social relationship, social interaction, and culture. http:en.wikipedia.orgwikisociology. Sometimes sociology has been described as the study of the social behavior of human beings, or the study of human groups. Sociology viewed as a central discipline in the cluster of social or behavioral sciences because all these disciplines have arisen as a consequence of arbitrary historical processes, and because they are still in the course of development. An alternative view acknowledges mentions that sociology is an analytically distinct science, the science of social systems. Its subject matter is all social phenomena, observed and analyzed from a distinct and delimited perspective. 7 According to Spencer 1986: 6, sociology can be defined as the human group of life. Human group have their own dynamics, their own out-comes, and those cannot be necessarily explained in the term of qualities of their individual members. Meanwhile, Popenoe 1983: 2 mentioned that sociology is a systematic and objective study of society and social behavior. Another definition of sociology comes from Smelser 1981: 4 in his book entitled Sociology and Human Science. He states that sociology is a scientific study of society and social relation among human beings. Sociology is the science of interaction among people and the effect of this interaction is on human behavior. As we know that sociology happens not only in social field, but also in the literature field. Since there are many subjects under sociological field, the writer only reviews the subject that has a connection with the topic of study and that has a contribution to help the data analysis.

2.2 Sociological Approach to Literature