Object of the Study Types of the Data Procedures of Collecting Data Role of the Researcher


3.1 Object of the Study

The object of the study is a drama entitled A Florentine Tragedy written by Oscar Wilde. Actually, it is only a fragment of drama. The complete drama related to this literature is lost because it was not published. A Florentine Tragedy has 13 pages, quite enough long for a fragment. In this study, I will focus on domination in love.

3.2 Types of the Data

This final project will analyze domination in love. Since the object of this final project is a drama, the kinds of data will be taken in the form of words, phrases, sentences, dialogues or even prologues that we find in the drama.

3.3 Procedures of Collecting Data

The writer collects the data by applying some steps stated as followings: 1 Reading the drama is a very step in collecting data. The researcher reads the drama many times in regards to understand the topic of this study. 30 2 Identifying the data by underlining, bracketing, marking, and then numbering the data. For example: “What The son of the great Lord of the Florence whose towers like shadows silvered by wandering moon.” 3 Inventorizing the data by listing the data into column in several variables. In order to make it easier, the writer use table to put the identified data in it. All of the data will be put in appendix 1. The table of the data just like below: No Number of datum Datum Form Location Explanation 4 Classifying the data based on the problems that will be answered. Classified data will be put in the table in appendix 2. The table will help us to answer the questions easily. 5 Analyzing the data. It means that the writer analyzes the selected data with its reasons why the data supports the determination problems. The complete analysis will be reported in chapter IV as the result of this study.

3.4 Role of the Researcher

The role of the researcher is as a data analyst. The researcher tries to analyze the domination in love found in the drama by using a deconstructive method. It also means that the researcher is a deconstructionist.

3.5 Approach of the Study