The Implementation of Hegemony in Love

4.2 The Implementation of Hegemony in Love

The existence of hegemony usually is not realized. The important thing we should realize is that the effect of the hegemony is real. From the effect, we can identify the hegemony. It is not easy to see the effect of the hegemony. Knowing the effect will make us easier to identify the hegemony. As a man, Simone dominates Bianca easily. Moreover, he is a husband of Bianca. In a family, a husband is the leader of the family. Simone is a merchant. 17 “True, the hour is late, but we poor merchants toil both night and day.” Datum no. 6 He is a responsible husband. Although he is poor, he earns his family by himself. As the person, who fulfills daily needs of his family, he has a power to organize his family. Bianca has no right to claim Simone’s intents. It is a form of the first category of hegemony. Gramsci says that the first category of hegemony is: 18 People may adapt since they are afraid of consequence if they do not make it. Here, conformity is got through repression and anxious sanction. Patria and Arief, 1999: 80. Thus, hegemony works in the drama through Simone’s physical power. When Bianca replies Guido’s love, the other implementation of hegemony also happens. 19 “As you will. You know that I am yours for love or death.” Datum no. 14 By replying love of Bianca, Guido has controlled Bianca. Guido uses his wealth to show his hegemony to others. He offers Bianca everything. 20 “Nay, fair Bianca, I will buy your robe, and all things that the honest merchant has, I will buy also. Princes must be ransomed. And fortunate are all high lords who fall into the white hands of so a fair a foe.” Datum no. 7 The second problem has been answered by the explanation above. The explanation will support information to answer the problem number three. From the explanation above, it is clear that Simone and Guido are the ones who show hegemony over Bianca. The following discussion deals with a deconstructive analysis on the above hegemony.

4.3 Deconstructive Analysis