Beti Hun

adivasi bahujan and dalit women conversing

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Rupali Bansode
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adivasi bahujan and dalit women conversing

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Rupali Bansode is currently working as a Program Officer in a project called 'M East Ward
Project', at TISS.
She says:
'I have done my Masters in Women’s Studies from TISS and my Bachelors in Political Science
from K.J Somaiya. For my thesis I worked on ‘Life of Female Tamasha Artists’, geographically
focusing on Pune and Ahmednagar districts. And working on a research paper on this topic.
Writing poetry is an act which enables me to define what I am thinking. For me sharing with
people what I am feeling at times is really difficult, at such moments writing poems helps me a
lot. I feel really beautiful after reading my own compositions, I feel so one with it. It's a magical
feeling which cannot be described in words.'

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