Documentation of Participants’ Written Text The Use of Interviews

34 research applied factual questions type which was used to find out certain facts about the respondents Dornyei, 2007. For this study, the interviews were arranged in form of open-ended interviews Kvale, 1996; Setiyadi, 2006; and Dornyei, 2007. This type of interview was employed to gain the needed information – such as the participants’ background experience and knowledge related to the genre writing, problems encountered during the process of writing and possible solutions suggested in attempt to answer the research questions of this research. The data collection was carried out within two steps. In this case the writing work were administered first and then followed by the interviews. Through this way, hopefully, the writing process which was intended to provide the major data source was not disturbed by any condition which might be resulted from the interviews.

3.4 Data Analysis

Data analyses in this study were conducted over the course of the study. Ongoing data analyses and interpretation were based on the data from document analysis which were teachers’ argumentative essays and interviews. 3.4.1 The Teachers’ Argumentative Texts In this research, then the documented respondents’ texts were analyzed to examine the quality of teachers’ writing. The argumentative essays written by the teachers were classified and presented in accordance with the types of the texts namely Analytical and Hortatory Expositions. They are then analyzed using Systemic Functional Linguistic SFL to do with 35 textual, ideational and interpersonal metafunctions as suggested by systemic functional linguists see among others Halliday, 1985; Gerot and Wignell, 1994; Lock, 1996; Martin and Rose, 2007; and Eggins, 1994. This analysis allows the researcher to get the teachers’ strengths and weaknesses in composing an argumentative essay. In analyzing the documents, the data were coded in order to categorize the pattern of the writing problems appear in the documents. These categories then were interpreted to formulate certain pattern of findings related to the aims of the research in accordance with existing theories related to the research.

3.4.2 The Interviews

The research also analyzed the interviews distributed in order to gain more information related to the teachers writing performance. The interviews were more about the schemata of the writers related to their writing command. It was expectedly useful to understand their educational background, teaching experiences, as well as their familiarity with the topic of the text to write. That information was later incorporated to determine the quality of the text they produced; as such information also determined the maturity of the text resulted.