Method of Analyzing Data

Furthermore, questionnaire was used to know the students reflection toward learning English speaking through paper folding activity.

3.5 Method of Analyzing Data

The next step was analyzing the result of the data. This was used to process the data of the research in order to establish valuable and meaningful information so that further analysis and interpretation could be done. There were two data sources to be analyzed qualitatively by the writer. First was checklist for the students. With this data source the writer described the students‟ behavior during teaching learning process. The writer described it naturally as it happened in classroom. The second was questionnaire which was analyzed by the following step: 1 grading the item of the questionnaire; 2 tabulating the data of questionnaire; 3 finding the mean by using formula; Where, M = Mean = the sum of the item score N = the number of the students 4 determining the graded score; 5 matching the mean to a criterion; and 6 concluding the questionnaire result Besides that, there was an achievement test that was analyzed in a simple quantification. Further discussion about the test analysis is presented thoroughly in Chapter IV.


In this chapter, the writer discusses the results of analysis of each activity started from the pre-test up to the post test, and the results of questionnaire. Here are the results and the interpretations of each activity.

4. 1 The Use of Paper Folding in this Study

In this research the writer used paper folding as the media to teach speaking to the students. The main purpose of teaching speaking through paper folding here was to make the students enjoy and fun during the teaching-learning process. When the students had felt comfortable with the class situation, it would be easy for them to receive the lesson given by the teacher. Another purpose was to find new teaching material to teach speaking to the Elementary School students which was still suitable with the standard based curriculum KTSP. In paper folding activity the writer as the teacher asked the students to follow her instructions to make a paper object. Because the material which was going to be discussed in this research was about giving and responding to instructions, the writer thought that this activity was suitable to be applied. With using paper folding the teacher introduced some instructions which were used to make a paper object. The teacher used folding paper which had different colors to make the students interested. In conducting the treatment the teacher distributed the folding paper to the students and asked them to follow her instruction to make a paper 48

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