The Teaching of English Pronunciation to Young Learners (A Case Study at The Sixth Grade Students of SDN 06 Ciputat)


A ‘Skripsi’

Presented to the Faculty of Educational Sciences as a Partial Fulfillment of Requirements For Degree of S.Pd. (S-1) in English Education










Nicky Dwiningrum, 1111014000081. “ Teaching English Pronunciation to Young Learners (A Case Study at The Sixth Grade Students of SDN 06

Ciputat)”. Skripsi of Department of English Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

Advisor I : Dr. Fahriany, M.Pd. Advisor II : Devi Yusnita, M.Pd.

Keywords : Teaching, Pronunciation, Young Learners.

The aim of this study is to describe the technique that teacher use in teaching English pronunciation to young learners. The research method used in this study is a case study. The instruments used in this study are observation checklist, list of questions, and document. The sample of this study is 6c students of SDN 06 Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan. There are three techniques of data collection used in this study: observation, interview, and document. First, observation is done in order to choose participants and to look the activity in the class, whereas interview is conducted in order to have other information, and document conducted to support data of this research. From the result of data analysis, it is found that the teacher used two techniques in teaching English pronunciation; drill and visual aids techniques. In drill technique the teacher used repetition and chain drill, whereas in visual aids teacher use a realia. The fact is the teacher does not use a realia in teaching pronunciation during four meeting. Those techniques still effective young learners. However, this study gives suggestion to all teachers who teach pronunciation as reference and researchers to investigate the same research about teaching pronunciation.




Nicky Dwiningrum, 1111014000081. “ Teaching English Pronunciation to

Young Learners (A Case Study at Sixth Grade Students of SDN 06 Ciputat)”.

Skripsi, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

Pembimbing I : Dr. Fahrianiy, M.Pd.

Pembimbing II : Devi Yusnita, M.Pd.

Kata Kunci : Teaching, Pronunciation, Young Learners

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tentang teknik yang digunakan guru dalam pengajaran pengucapan Bahasa Inggris. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah studi kasus. Instrument yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah observasi, wawancara, dan dokument. Sample diambil dari siswa kelas 6c yang berada di sekolah SDN 06 Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan tiga teknik pengumpulan data: observasi, wawancara, dan dokumen. Pertama, observasi dilakukan untuk menentukan partisipan dan untuk melihat kegiatan di dalam kelas, sedangkan wawancara dilakukan sebagai informasi pendukung, dan dokument digunakan sebagai untuk mendukung data pada penelitian ini. Dari hasil yang didapat dari observasi, wawancara dan analisi data ditemukan bahwa guru menggunakan dua teknik dalam pengajaran pengucapan Bahasa Inggris. Teknik tersebut adalah drill dan visual aids. Didalam teknik drill, guru menggunakan repetition dan chain drill, sedangkan di dalam teknik visual aids, guru menggunakan sebuah realia. Faktanya adalah guru tidak menggunakan realia dalam pengajaran pronunciation. Teknik tersebut masih efektif digunakan untuk pelajar muda. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini memberikan saran untuk seluruh guru yang mengajar pronunciation sebagai referensi dan para peneliti yang akan menyelidiki penelitian yang sama yaitu tentang pengajaran pronunciation.






In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

All praises be to Allah, Lord of the world, who has given the writer guidance, strength and compassion to finish skripsi as the last assignment in her study. Peace and blessing be upon the lovely prophet Muhammad, his families, his companions, and his followers.

This research could not be completed without a great deal help of many people. So, it is pleasure to acknowledge the help, support, and contribution to all of lecturers, institution, family and friends who have contributed hence this skripsi is processed until it becomes a complete writing.

First of all the writer would like to express her greatest appreciation and deepest gratitude to her beloved parent, Ngadimo and Yayah Suryati, her brother, Bagus Panuntun and her sister, Shinta Lifiani Sofyan, for their encouragement, support and patience to motivate the writer to finish her study.

The writer also would like to express her gratitude to Dr. Fahriany, M.Pd and Devi Yusnita, M.Pd, as the advisors for their advice, guidance, correction, and suggesting in finishing this skripsi.

Her gratitude and honour also goes to:

1. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Thib Raya, M.A. as the dean of Faculty of Educational Sciences State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

2. Dr. Alek, M.Pd. the Head of Department of English Education

3. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum. the secretary of Department of English Education 4. All lecturers of English Department for their encouragment to the writer

during the study as State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta 5. All of the staffs and the officers of Library of Syarif Hidayatullah State

Islamic University Jakarta.

6. Dedi, S.Pd as the headmaster of SDN 06 Ciputat, who has given his permission in doing this research.

7. Linda Eskawati, S.Pd as the English teacher at SDN 06 Ciputat, who has given her time for the writer to do this research



8. All of her friends of English Department in year 2011, especially: Selinda Febriani, Synthia Dian Septiani, S.Pd., Yulianti Sari, Audrey Ningtyas, Putik Delima, Nadia Karimah, S.Pd., Nurita Wulandari, S.Pd., Dara Sabila Syarif, S.Pd., Sarah Aslamiyyah,S.Pd. , Khilda Shopia, S.Pd., and Annisa Rantika, S.Pd., for the support, motivation, and laughts.

The writer does realize that this skripsi cannot be considered perfect without critiques and suggestions. Therefore, it is such a pleasure for her to get critiques and suggestions to make this skripsi would be useful for all.

Jakarta, July 2016

Nicky Dwiningrum











A. Background of Study ... 1

B. Identification of Problem ... 3

C. Limitation of Problem ... 3

D. Formulation of Study ... 4

E. Objective of Study ... 4

F. Significance of Study ... 4


A. Pronunciation ... 5

1. Nature of Pronunciation ... 5

2. Feature of Pronunciation ... 6

3. Factors that Affect in Pronunciation ... 13

4. Problem in Pronunciation ... 14



1. Characteristic of Young Learners ... 20

2. Teaching English to Young Learners ... 23

C. Previous Related Studies ... 27

D. Thinking Framework ... 28


A. Place and Time of Study ... 30

B. Method and Design of Study ... 30

C. Subject of The Study... 31

D. Instrument and Technique Data Collection ... 31

E. Teachnique of Data Analysis ... 31


A. Data Description ... 33

B. Data Presentation ... 35

C. Discussion ... 42


A. Conclusion ... 45

B. Suggestion ... 45





1.Table 2.1 The English Consonants ... 8

2.Table 2.3 The Example of Vowel and Diphthongs ... 12

3.Table 2.4 The Characteristic of Young Learners ... 20

4. Table 4.1 The Result of Students’ Achievementt ... 41



2. Figure 2.2 Consonant Sounds Based on Place of Articulation 10



Appendix 1 : Teacher’s Profil ... 50

Appendix 2 : Lesson plan 1 ... 51

Lesson plan 2... 54

Appendix 3 : Syllabus ... 57

Appendix 4 : Teacher’s Interview... 61

Appendix 5 : Students’ Interview ... 65

Appendix 6 : Observation Sheet ... 69

Appendix 7 : Materials... 70

Appendix 8 : Phonetic Symbol of Materials ... 85



This chapter discusses the general problem of the study. The writer gives the reason why she chooses this study. The writer also presents the statements of the problem, objective of the studies, and significance of studies.

A.Background of Study

Pronunciation is important to communicate with others, especially to speak in English language. People can understand what you say if your pronunciation is good. Pronunciation is the way for producing the sound of the speech. There are three parts of pronunciation: stress, articulation, and intonation. Stress is emphasis the syllables of a word. Articulation is the changing of the teeth, lips, and tongue which affects the different sound produced. Intonation is rising or falling sound when speaking.

Competence in pronunciation is related to speaking, listening, and reading. Bad pronunciation can be bad effect to those skills. For instance, when people do not recognize the key sounds or words from speaker in listening section, they do not know the meaning of the words. It also happend to students, if students do not know how to pronounce words, their partner will not understand what they speak and feel hard for them to write the words.

According to Zhang, teaching pronunciation should be taught at primary level because children are more effectively and quickly to learn sounds system, while adults have difficulties in learning process because of their age.1 Students will have some difficulties to distinguish and produce native-like sounds after puberty. Young learners are more active than adults. They have curiosity about something new in their live. The other reasons why better for learning pronunciation in young age is because they have better motivation in learning language and easier to remember the new words than the adults. Their memories are strong to remember and easy to catch what they learn and listen around of them. Learners in


Fachun Zhang and Pengpen. A Study of Pronnciation Problems of English in China. (China: Asian Social Science, Vol:5 no: 6, 2009). p.143.


the 6-12 age groups are far less self-conscious than those of 13 years because this age the ability imitates perfectly become less.2 They cannot decide what they should learn because they tend to imitate from around of them. The one that can be imitated is teacher. Therefore, they should give attention of something that they teach for young learners and make it in like the standard competence for students in young learners.

Based on standard of competence, in the first level young learners only learn how to read and pronounce the words. They do not have the capability to understand phrase and the meaning of sentence. Language development in young learners is started from identification of words they get from listening and speaking process.

Practically in Indonesia, pronunciation is not focus to be taught in elementary school. In this level, teacher only taught vocabulary, reading, and simple grammar. Based on the writer experience when teaching young learners, they have difficulty to pronounce some words. It happens because they are rare in finding and hearing the sound of the words. The other problem appeared when they find new words and they do not how to pronounce correctly. They guessing that words before teacher correct it. It is because there is no motivation from learners in learning English language.

Motivation is one of factors that learners’ needed in learning English, because it can improve the learners’ enthusiasm in learning. The learners can integrate

themselves into English if the teacher supports them with an enjoyable situation and interesting materials. For instance, teacher can use English song as a technique in learning and teaching process. It can contribute many things to

improve learners’ capabilities, such as vocabulary, listening, and pronunciation. Learners can imitate how to pronounce well of words from English song, but the mistake in pronounce of words still appear. The mistake of pronunciation can cause misunderstanding and make unsuccessful in communication. Therefore, the teacher should accompany the learners so they can aware of different sound, and


Arif Sari Çoban and Albina Kuç. Teaching Problematic Consonants in English to Young Learners. (An Unpublished, Turkey: Elsavier Ltd, Procedia Social and Behavioral Science 2, 2010). p. 943.


intonation of words.

The other problem also come from the teacher ability. Sometimes, teacher tends to neglect some of the words. It appears because teacher is not interest of the subject or they have doubt how to teach it. Background of teacher’s mother

tongue also can be problems in pronounce words. Sometimes, teacher’s mother

tongue is more dominant then second language. Therefore, teacher should prepare before they teach pronunciation.

Teachers’ challenges in teaching young learners are cognitive development, motivation, and attention. In cognitive development, learners acquire language naturally and communicatively from situation. In motivation, teachers’ role is important to motivate learners in learners, such as: they can select material to which learners can relate. The last is attention. Teachers should have some techniques that can make students focus and make learners comfort in learning so teacher will get their attention.

Based on priliminary observation at SDN 06 Ciputat, students still bad in pronunciation. Whereas this school have English conversation program that students should speaking correctly. In this session, the students are demanded to be brave to speak in public, exactly through daily conversation. Here the writer tend to conductedthe research about The Teaching of English Pronunciation to Young Learners (A Case Study at Sixth Grade Students of SDN 06 Ciputat)”.

B.Identification of Problem

Based on study above, the problems can be identified, as follows:

1. Teaching English at SDN 06 Ciputat does not focus to pronunciation mastery. 2. Most of students still guessing the pronunciation of the new words.

3. The teacher’s of SDN 06 Ciputat was affected by her mother tongue. It influences the way she pronounces the new word when she teaches.

C.Limitation of Problem

Based on the identification of problem above, the writer limits study on process of teaching English pronunciation to young learners at sixth grade of SDN 06 Ciputat.


D.Formulation of Study

Based on the limitation of the problem above, the study will be formulated as follows; how does the teacher teach pronunciation to young learners at the sixth grade students of SDN 06 Ciputat?

E.Objective of Study

The objective of this study is to obtain the techniques that teacher used in teaching pronunciation to young learners.

F. Significance of Study

The writer hoped this research could give some significance for teachers in elementary school. Hopefully, this research can be used as a reference for the teacher who wants to teach pronunciation and other writers who want to do similar research in teaching pronunciation, especially for students in English Education Department.



Learners who study English language are required to hear English pronunciation. They demanded to reproduce the foreign words and sounds. The writer is giving some definition to make clear understanding about pronunciation.

1. Nature of Pronunciation

There some some definition of pronunciation that might be useful to support the writer. According to Hewings in Pronunciation Practice Activities, ―Pronunciation is components of speech that range from the individual sound that make up speech, to the way in which pitch – the rise and fall of the voice – is used

to convey meaning‖. 1

It means that component in pronunciation is intonation which will make someone easily to understand speaker’s meaning.

Ur assumed pronunciation is ―to say the sound right, to use the words to express the appropriate meaning, or to construct their sentence in a way that sounds acceptable‖.2 It means that people can express their feeling and convey their meaning by using speech right.

Meanwhile ―Pronunciation is a feature of speech and spelling a feature of writing, spelling will often have an influence on the learning of pronunciation as

the majority of learners use written texts in their studies’.3

Spelling is one of important feature in pronunciation for students who is learning written text.

Based on Sound Concepts, pronunciation is ―an integrated system that consists of speaking and listening (or production and perception)‖.4 It means, in speaking and listening skills, they are need pronunciation to produce and receptive.


Martin Hewings. Pronunciation Practice Activities: A Resource Book for Teaching Engllish Pronunciation. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004), p. 3.


Penny Ur. A Course in Language Teaching : Practice and Theory. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009), p. 103.


Hewings, op. cit., p. 9. 4

Marnie Reed and Christina Michaud. Sound Concepts; An Integrated Pronunciation Course. ( New York: McGraw-Hill, 2005), p. viii.


Then, according to The Handbook of English Pronunciation, Pronunciation is

―central to language use in social, interactive context because pronunciation

embodies the way that the speaker and the hearer work together to establish and maintain common ground for producing and understanding each other’s


The last, based on The Cambridge Guide to Teaching English to speakers of Other Languages, pronunciation is ―the production and perception of the significant sounds of a particular language in order to achieve meaning in contexts

of language use‖.6

It means pronunciationis part of language that used to receptive meaning of language.

From all definition above, the writer may conclude, pronunciation is a sound comes from vocal cords in the form of words or sentence that become one or important unit in the language to convey meaning from the speaker, even it was neglected by learners.

2. Feature of Pronunciation

There are some features of pronunciation that can make the learners to avoid being misunderstood in learning pronunciation, such as kinds of error that most likely to interfere with communication. This figure below will show the main feature of pronunciation. 7 There are phoneme and supra segmental. Phoneme divide into 2 parts: consonants, that consist of voiced and unvoiced, and vowels that consist of single vowels (short and long) and diphthong. Furthermore, supra segmental consist of intonation and stress (word stress and sentence stress). All of this feature will explain above.


Marnie Reed and John M. Levis. The Handbook of English Pronunciation: First Edition. (Oxford: John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2015), p. 353.


Ronals Carter and David Nunan. The Cambridge Guide to Teaching English to Speakers of Other Language. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009), p. 56.



Figure 2.1 Features of Pronunciation

(Adapted from Gerald Kelly: How to Teach Pronunciation. 2000, p. 1)

a. Phonemes

Phonemes are the unit of sound in a specific language that has different sound with the other language. Even people have differences in articulate sounds; we can still describe how they produce the sounds.8 Then, phonems which makes connection between sounds and meaning. Phonemes consist of two categories: consonants and vowels.

1) Consonants

Consonants are a speech sound that is not vowel. In this situation, change one consonants with another is possible to make the communication breakdown than wrong vowel.9 There are three kinds that distinguish in conconants: voice, tongue


Ibid. 9


shape, and articulator.10

a. Voice: Vocal cords can be narrowed along their entire length so that they vibrate as the air passes through them.

b. Tongue shape: extremely mobile and can take up many positions to change the size and shape of the mouth, thus affecting sounds.

c. Articulator: Any vocal organ that takes part in the production of speech sound. Such as: tongue, lips, etc; those that can move, and teeth, the hard palate, etc; that remain fixed.

There are 24 conconants in English, namely:

Table 2.1

The English Consonants Consonants

P pin, pie, lip S sue, see, bus

B bin, boy, cab Z zoo, goes

T to, toe, cat ʃ she, shy, dish

D do, dog, bed ʒ measure, leisure, beige

K cot, cat, back H hello, his, ahead

G got, go, beg M more, me, seem

ʧ church, cheek, watch N no, sun

ʤ judge, joy, budge ɳ sing, singer

F fan, fill, life ɭ live, long, full

V yan, view, love R red, run, car

Θ think, thin, bath Y yes, you, soya

Ð the, bathe W wood, win, away

(Adapted from Martin Hewings: Pronunciation Practice Activities: A Resource Book for Teaching Engllish Pronunciation, 2004, p. 15)

Some of consonant are use vibration when pronounce or called voiced, and the other is not used vibration in pronounce words, called unvoiced. This is some


Charles W. Kreidler. The Pronunciation of English : Second Edition. (Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2004), p. 30.


examples of voiced and unvoiced words. Examples11 :

Voiced Unvoiced

z zoo s Sue

b bill p pill

g goat k coat

From the consonants above, the unvoiced are p, t, k, f, s, ʃ, ʧ, θ, and h, and voiced are b, d, g, ʤ, v, ð, z, ʒ, m, n, ɳ, l, r, y, and w. According to the place of articulation, the consonant can be divided into12:

1. Bilabial : Articulation is done by bringing both lips. e.g.: b, p, m, w

2. Labio-dental : Articlated by placing the upper teeth againts the lower lip. e.g.: f, v

3. Dental : They are pronunced by inserting the tip of the tongue between the teeth

e.g.: θ, ð

4. Alveolar : The tip of the tongue is raised and touches the ridge e.g.: t, d, l, n, s, z.

5. Palato-alveolar : It produced by raising the front part of the tongue to the palate

e.g.: ʧ, ʤ, j

6. Velar : It produced by raising the back part of the tongue to the soft or the velum

e.g.: k, g, ɳ

7. Glottal : a narrowing causing friction but not vibration, between the vocal cords

e.g.: h

The illustration of consonant sound based on the the place of articulation is


Sue.F Miller. Targeting Pronunciation : The Intonation, Sound, and Rhythm of American English. (New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2000), p. xv.




Figure 2.2

Consonant Sounds Based on Place of Articulation Based on manner of articulation the consonant can be divide into14:

1. Stops : There is blocking of the vocal tract, and no nasal air flow, so the air flow stops completely.

e.g.: p, b, t, k, g,

2. Fricative : the consonants produced by forcing air through a narrow channel made by placing two articulators close together.

e.g.: f, v, θ, ð, s, z, ʃ, ʒ

3. Affricates : which produced by blocking off the breath stream between the tongue and gum ridge.

e.g.: ʧ, ʤ,


Felicity Cox. Australian English: Pronunciation and Transcription. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012), p. 26.


Gorge Yule. The Study of Language: Fourth Edition. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010), pp. 31—32.


4. Nasals : which produced with a lowered velum, allowing air to escape freely through the nose.

e.g.: m, n, ɳ

5. Liquids : a partial closure is made by the blade of the tongue againts the alveolar ridge.

e.g.: r, l

6. Glides : The conconant categories are usually included by semi-vowels in functional grounds, but they are more properly treated as vowel glides.

e.g.: w, j

In the figure below will show the summary of voicing, manner, and place of articulation.15 The table will differentiate the place of the voiceless phonems and voiced phonems. A shaded backgound for voiceless phonems and a white backgroud for voiced phonems.

Figure 2.3

Figure of English Consonant Phonems Place of Articulation

Front Back

B il ab il al Labi o -dent al D ent al al ve ol ar Pal at o - al veo la r P al at al V el ar G lot tal Ma nne r o f ar ti cu lat ion Plosive

p b T d k g

Affricative ʧ ʤ


f v Θ ð S z ʃ ʒ h


M n ɳ


l Approximant

W r j

(Adapted from Gerald Kelly: How to Teach Pronunciation. 2000, p.7)


Kelly, op. cit., p. 7.


2) Vowels

Vowels are speech sounds that derived by vocal cord. Vowels are articulation that happen when a voiced airstream shaped by using the tongue and the lips to modify all of shape of the mouth.16 The number of vowel that used in any particular language is small but actually the possible number of vowel is large. The linguist made some analyses of English vowels. The different number of vowel recognized that the different symbols and combination represented of vowels and used different term to describe them.

There are two reasons different analyses of English vowel17:

a. Different dialect have influence in system of vowel. The different dialect is not a big problem in communication with English speakers, but it can be noticeable.

b. The linguists have the importan of different feature, such as: physical feature. Diphthongs are part of vowels. Diphthong is a sound that occurs by the movement of one vowel to another. This table will show the examples of vowels and diphthongs. 18 Examples of vowel and diphthongs:

Table 2.3

The example of vowels and diphthongs

Vowels Diphthongs

i: Bead Eı Cake

I Hit ɔı Toy

ʊ Book Aı High

u: Food ıə Beer

E Left ʊə Fewer

ə About eə Where

ɜ: Shirt əʊ Go


Kelly, op. cit. p. 29. 17

Kreidler, op. cit. p. 45. 18


ɔ: Call aʊ House

Æ Hat

ʌ Run

ɑ: Far

O Dog

(Adapted from Gerald Kelly: How to Teach Pronunciation, 2000, p.2)

b. Supra segmental features

Supra segmental are the characteristic of speech that used into groups of segments or phonemes. Stress and intonation is the important feature in English. The supra-segmental feature of stress, rhythm, and intonation are much important for clear pronunciation than producing native – like vowels and consonants. Meanwhile, definition of word stress is stressed syllables in words, and stressed words in phrases, and sentences, that represented by capital letters, examples: APple, aPartment, and underSTAND. 19 Whereas, intonation is the way to falls or rises pitch of voice as direction of sentence.20 Based on definition about word stress and intonation can be conclude that when someone pronunce words it must understand about stress and intonation of words, because someone who pronounce words with different stress and intonation, it means that words also have different meaning.

3. Factors that Affect in Pronunciation

The native language has an important factor to pronounce English. Foreign accents have some characteristic of sound for the native language learners. There are 4 factors that affect in pronunciation: interference of mother tongue, learner’s

age, learner’s attitude and psychological and prior pronunciation instruction.21

a. Interference of mother tongue

Stress and intonation is become couse errors in the target language. It is interference from the first language. Learners have difficulty to produce a


Sue F Miller, op. cit. p. xiv. 20

Ibid., p. xv. 21

Fachun Zhang and Pengpen. A Study of Pronnciation Problems of English in China. (China: Asian Social Science, Vol:5 no: 6, 2009). p. 143.


particularsound which does not exist in the native language.

b. Learner’s age

Someone who was learning second language from the child, commonly their can pronounce like a native. Its differ with person who does not begin learning second language until adult, they will never have a native like accent even though they have the same aspect of language such as vocabulary or syntax. Adult learners have limited to distinguish and produce native-like sounds.

c. Learner’s attitude and psychological

Something that can influence achievement in pronunciation is attitude of target language learning. A good attitude can support learners to develop pronunciation skill. A person has strong determiners of the acquisition of accurate pronunciation of a foreign language if they have sense of identity and feeling group affiliation. Some learners focus on their pronunciation, they often statements about how bad their pronunciation. Sometimes, they request to correct their pronunciation if make mistakes. A kind of achievement motivation is when the learners want to do it well.

d. Prior pronunciation instruction

Learners should have good habit of learning correct pronunciation at the

beginning. It will influence learner’s success with current effort. When learners

failed to pronounce some words in the beginning, they will become accustomed to their own version of pronunciation and would be more likely to mis-comprehend when these words are not correctly pronounced.

4. Problem in Pronunciation

Pronunciation can help learners to speak English well, but when learners learn English language they have not received much information to understand pronunciation that needed in communication. So, some problems appear. First problem comes from individual sound. Sound or phonems were made up by word and sentence. Both word and sentence should be combined so it will have word and phrase. For example: the phonems /k/ for c in word can and /ӕ/ for a in can and /t/ for tooth are just sound, but when we put that phonems together we will get


/kӕt/ = cat that recognisable a word. 22

That problem comes from the learners that hard to eliminate. All the learners that have different background in first language will have different problems, representing the contrast between the first and second language.

Stress in words can be problem because stress can change a word’s grammatical function, for example: export, if we stress word on the second syllable become exPORT, the function is verb. But,when we stress word on the first syllable and become Export, the function is noun.23 The example shows the position of the stress change the gramatical function, in this case, part of speech of the word. It becomes the consideration when students learn English. Teacher should make sure when learners learn new words and know where the stress of words.

Then, learners also should be able to recognize intonation of words. There are speech sound and intonation patterns that is not become part of speech memory bank when English is not become first language. Usually, some of vowels and consonants that used in English is not exist in our native language. Learners should have strong tongue and muscle movements for the rhythm patterns in original language in early age. They will have difficulty in pronunciation when their memory bank does not involve the sounds or rhythm patterns of English.24 5. Teaching Pronunciation

Learning pronunciation is a very complex task. The process of learning pronunciation can be facilitated if the task is structured. In this process, teachers’

and leaners’ role is important, both of them is involved. The teachers’ roles are

helping learners hear and make sounds. In the helping learners hear, teacher need to check what the sounds that learners get and hear. Learners able to imitate new sounds. But, if they cannot teachers help them to giving some sign that can help them to make the new sound. In teaching learning process, learners only respond what the teacher ask. If learners no take action and no try to realize their effort,


Jeremy Harmer. The Practice of English Language Teaching: Third Edition. (New York: Longman, 2001), p. 29.


Ibid., p. 32. 24


the improvement of them is minimal.

As mentioned above, teaching pronunciation have plans. First, teacher should

be aware of learners’ difficulties with particular first language groups and teacher

should prepare the activities that focus on that problems. Second, teacher checked

learners’ pronunciation weakness and give some activities that focus of that. The

last, teachers identify what part that can be used on particular area of pronunciation. 25

The teaching of pronunciation has always been involved with different perspective language from other language skill. The effect of first language in relation to pronunciation is bigger in contrast with acquisition of morphology and syntax.

6. Aims of Teaching Pronunciation

Pronunciation is one of the important things when we learn English language. If learners have a good skill in pronunciation, they can convey their meaning properly. Their partners also understand easily in speaking or spelling context. Learners is not only awar of sounds and sounds feature in learning pronunciation but also can improve their speaking ability.26

However, people in this time think that pronunce like a native is not their goals. For example, learners who learn English, they have specific purpose, such as; learners who want to work as telephone operators, they need to have pronunciation that easily understood in every condition. It differs with learners who want to be an English teacher; they will need to have pronunciation like a native accent.

The others aims of teaching pronunciation is learners can speak clearly with non-native or native speakers and can help to increase their confidence and comfort level in speaking situation. A good pronunciation also improves our performance at work if needed. 27 It will support us when we looking for job.


Martin Hewings, op.cit. p. 20. 26

Jeremy Harmer, op.cit. p.183. 27


7. Techniques in Teaching Pronunciation

There are some techniques that teachers can be used in teaching pronunciation. The first technique is drilling, drilling is one of main ways of teaching pronunciation which is practiced in classroom. Drilling is basic for teaching pronunciation of word stress, sentence stress, and intonation. The aims of drilling are to help the learners to get the better pronunciation and to help them to keep in mind new items. The kinds of drillis are stated by Larsen-Freeman as follows:28 a. Backward build- up drill

This is used when long dialog is giving students trouble. The teacher breaks down the line of dialog into several parts. The students repeat a part of the

sentence.Then, following the teacher’s clue, the students practice what they are

repeating part by part until they are able to repeat the entire line. b. Repetition drill.

Students are asked to repeat what teacher say as accurately and as quickly as possible. This drill is often used to teach the lines of the dialogue.

c. Chain drill

A chain drill is one-by-one, ask and answer questions of each other. The teacher begins the chain by greeting a particular student, or asking him questions. That student responds, and then turns to the students sitting next to him. The first student greets or asks a question of the second student and the chain continues. A chain drill allows some controlled communication, even though it is limited. A chain drill also gives the teacher an opportunity to check each student’s speech. d. Single- slot substitution drill

Teacher says a line, usually from the dialog. Next, the teacher says a word or a phrase- called the cue. The students repeat the line the teacher has given them, substituting the cue into the line in its proper place. The major purpose of this drill is to give the students practice in finding and filling in the slots of a sentence. e. Multiple- slot substitution drill


Dianne Larsen Freeman, Techniques and Principle in Language Teaching. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000), pp. 48—49.


This drill is similar to the single slot substitution drill. The difference is that the teacher gives cue phrases, on at a time that fit into different slots in the dialog line. The students must recognize what part of speech each cue is, or at least, where it fits into the sentence, and make any other changes, such as subject-verb agreement.

f. Transformational drill

The teacher gives students a certain kinds of sentence pattern, an affirmative sentence for example. Students are asked to transform this sentence into a negative sentence. Other examples of transformations to ask of students are changing a statement into a question, an active sentence into passive one, or direct speech into reported speech.

g. Question and answer drill

This drill gives students practice with answering questions. The students should answer the teacher’s questions very quickly.

The example of exercise in drilling is teacher give stimulus by sentence to learners then teacher asked them to repeat it until they memorize it.

Brown stated about drills as follows:29

Drills offer students an opportunity to listen and to orally repeat certain strings of language that may pose some linguistics difficulty-either phonological or grammatical. Drills are to language teaching what the pitching machine is to baseball. They offer limited practice through repetition. They allow one to focus on one element of language in a controlled activity. They can help to

establish certain psychomotor pattern (to ―loosen the tongue‖) and to associate

selected form with their appropriate context.

In pronunciation drills, chaining is one of the activities that can be used in class. The difficulties of words and sounds in the sentence for learners can be proved by chaining drills.30 Selected learners receives 4-10 words on separate cards which are used to make a story then tell it in front of class. Other example is teacher asked learners to sit in the circle then individual learners ask and the


H. Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedadody. (New York: Pearson Education Company, 2001), p. 272.



others answer. Teacher starts to drill and ask to learners then the learner answer it then they repeat the question to their friends.

The second technique is a minimal pair. Teachers used minimal pairs in the classroom as a process of focusing on sound that are difficult for learners. The activity is teacher give two words whose pronunciation is different by only one sound, such as reach and rich, bought and boat, or man and main. The aims of minimal pairs are to help learners differentiate between similar and problematic sounds to achieve the goal of language through listening discrimination and spoken practice.31

The third technique is visual aids. Improvement of teacher’s description of how sounds are produced by audio-visual aids, such as: pictures, mirrors, rods, sound-colour chart, realia, etc. The aims of those techniques is to make learners interest in learning pronunciation and will be more easily to understand materials.

The fourth technique is a communicative activity. All of the activities, such as: interviews, role plays, drama, speech, and audiotaped dialog journal, is can be used in the classroom to practice pronunciation. Meanwhile, all of those activities are not possible done in class. Its happen because the situation and facilities is not allow.

The last technique is reading aloud. Focusing on stress, timing, and intonation are the part or scripts for learners in learning pronunciation. Reading aloud technique can be involved or not in memorizing the text and it happens in the spoken, such as: speeches, poems, plays, and dialogues. 32

B.Young Learners

Nowadays, English language becomes international language for communication. English speakers have rapidly increased. One of the way to improve English language skill is learning English language in the school. Indonesia, English language is learned by the students since they were in elementary level until high level. This means, many people realized that English


Marianne Celce-Murcia. et al., Teaching Pronunciation : A Reference for Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Language. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009), p. 8.



language is important and it should be taught from the early age. Early age usually mentioned as young learners. Young learners refer to children between the ages of seven to twelve years children approximately.33 Children in the 7-12 age group are far less self-conscious than those of 13 years and above. But after this age the ability imitates perfectly become less. 34

Young learners have different competence and ability in English language than adults so the teaching English at the elementary level is urgent need and the teacher should be trained before teach young learners. Teachers also should know the characteristic and ability of young learners, so they can choose the best method and classroom activities. Teacher of young learners can thrive and focus on learning if they provide the care necessary to meet their needs.35

1. Characteristic of Young Learners

Characteristic of young learner is divided into three groups. First is under seven years old, second is seven to twelve years old, and the last based on

children’s cognitive development. According to Pinter, he divide characteristic of

young learners into six characteristic and table below will show as follow: 36 Table 2.4

Characteristic of Young Learners Young Learners

Children are at pre-school or in the first couple of years of schooling

Generally, they have a holistic approach to language, which means that they understand meaningful message but cannot analyze language yet.


Caroline Nixon and Michael Tomlinson. Primary Communication Box: Speaking and Listening Activities for Younger Learners. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005), p. 9.


Arif Sari Çoban and Albina Kuç. Teaching Problematic Consonants in English to Young Learners. (An Unpublished, Turkey:Elsavier Ltd, Procedia Social and Behavioral Science 2, 2010). p. 943.


Caroline T, Linse and David Nunan. Practical English Language Teaching Young learners. (New York: McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc., 2005). p. 2.


David Nunan. Teaching English to Young Learners. (Anaheim: Anaheim Univesity Press, 2011). pp. 2—3.


They have lower levels of awerness about themselve as well as about the process of learning.

They have limited reading and writing skills even in their first language.

Generally, they are more concerned about themselves than others. They have limited knowledge about the world.

They enjoy fantasy, imaginatin and movement.

a. Young Learners Under Seven Years Old

Young learners under seven need to learn something about world that they have recently obtained. Piaget argued, ―The child is seen continually interacting with the world around her/him, solving problem that are presented by the


They get the new knowledge very quickly from the environment often through direct experience and by asking curius questions. Experienced teachers would agree that young learners like to draw attention to themselves.

According to Piaget, ―Children are not able to think abstractly, but need concrete

situations to process ideas‖.38

So, learners will interest with the contextual in learning process.

Young learners learn about their environment through visual sense. They are also able to use their logical reasoning and also they can use their imagination. Sometime, it makes them feel difficult to differentiate between imagination and fact. So, language teaching should bring real life in the classroom without relieve

children’ imagination and fantasy.

In addition, primary teachers need to know that even though young learners have a very short attention and concentration span they are enthusiastic and positive about learning if they are enjoying themselves and are encouraged by

teacher’s praise and support. Young learners still want to have an activity even

they do not know what and how that activity.


Lynne Cameron. Teaching Languages to Young Learners. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001), p. 2.


Mary Lou McCloskey. Seven Instructional Principles for Teaching Young Learners of English. (An Unpublished: Georgia State University). p.3.


b. Young Learners Seven to Twelve Years old

In this age, children have a great progress in their physical and cognitive development. According to Piaget, in this age children already have esperience and they enough to do abstract problem solving.39

In addition, Vygotsky stated ―the child is an active learner in a world full of

other people; they play important roles in helping children to learn, bringing

objects and ideas to their attention‖.40

Children have a high curiousity about what they look and hear, that was make them more active in learning.

Young learners have already created opinions about lot of things. At this age, they do not see teacher as an authority anymore. They can make some decisions about their own learning. They also can ask everything they want. They can recognize the difference between reality and imagination. So, When teachers using mother tongue in language learning, they cannot depend on the spoken word only. Their speech should be supported by various visual aids, objects and realia. c. Cognitive Development

That children can or cannot do at different age is connected not only to their physical, but also to their cognitive development. The greatest part of these changes takes place during the primary school years.The years at primary school, learners acquire language naturally and communicatively from situation in which the students acquire language abilities by means of acquisition rather than learning.41

In the book Teaching Language to Young Learners, ―Piaget gives a much less important role to language in cognitive development. It is action, rather than the development of the first language which is fundamental to cognitive development.‖42 His theory of cognitive development has greatly influenced the views on teaching foreign language to children. Assimilation and accommodation is distinguished become two ways by Piagetian psychology in development that


McCloskey. op.cit., p.3. 40

Cameron. op. cit., p.6 41

Sukarno. Teaching English to Young Learners and Factors to Considers in Designing the Materials. (Yogyakarta: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pendidikan, Vol: 5, no:1, 2008). p. 59.



can take place as a result activity. When action takes place without any change to the child, there is assimilation happens. Accommodation implicates the child adapting to feature of the environment.43

Children in development builds have some developmental stages which normally occur during the elementary school years. The first stage is the stage of sensory-motor intelligence. It covers children from their birth to the age of two. Primarily motor is behaviour at this stage. The last stage is preoperational though about children two to seven years old. The language development and rapid conceptual development is in this stage.

Piagetian viewpoint, ―a child’s thinking develops as gradual growth of knowledge and intellectual skill towards a final stage of formal, logical thinking‖.44

2. Teaching English to Young Learners

Young learners should have fun in learning English. At the previous part is talking about young learners and aspects of their cognitive development. In this part will discuss about what factors that related with their learning process. Through language, younger learners concerned with everything that they can achieve. Therefore teachers should have pay attention to children, such as: students’ interest, activities which used, variety of lesson, and the most important is the lesson should conduct in English. According to Brown, there are five categories which are proposed in giving some practical approaches to teaching young learners. Those are as follows:45

a. Intellectual Development

It is closely related to what Piaget calls ‗concrete opinion‖, i.e., young learners

understand something concrete. Grammar and rules stated in abstract terms, therefore, should be avoided but certain patterns, examples, and repetitions, should be developed.

b. Attention Span


Ibid., p. 3. 44

Ibid. 45


Considering that children have short attention term, it is quite useful to make lessons become interesting, lively, and fun. Therefore, activities should be designed to capture children’s immediate interest, a lesson needs a variety of activities, a teacher needs a sense of humor, and it is badly needed to consider that children have a lot of natural curiosity. Accordingly, the English teachers to young learners should make sure that they interest into that curiosity whenever possible, and teacher will there by help to maintain attention and focus children. c. Sensory Input

In consideration of sensory input, activities should fight to get beyond the visual and auditory modes that learners feel are usually senough for a classroom. It means that the lessons contain physical activities, projects and hands-on activities, sensory aids here and there, and non-verbal languages.

d. Affective Factors

Children are extremely sensitive. Therefore, the English teachers should help their students to laugh with each other at various mistakes that they all make, be patient and supportive to build self-confidence, and get as much oral participation as possible from students.

e. Authentic, Meaningful Language

Children are good at sensing language that is not authentic; therefore, ―canned‖ or stilted language will likely be rejected. The language needs to be firmly context-embedded and not context-reduced. A whole language approach is essential. It means that if language is broken into too many bits and pieces,

students won’t see the relationship to the whole.

1) Teaching English through English

Unfortunately, not all teachers connected their lesson in the target language. Therefore, using English in English classroom might not seem as something natural and real. Impression that learners get from foreign language is only just a complement in learning they do not see it as a tool of communication.

Young learners are able to produce English more than they understand. There are quite a lot of ways to put message across. Teacher’s expression and intonation


of words, using picture, and acting, all of those will help children to grasp the meaning by using fun activity in class. Moreover, children have opportunity to learn and hear English sounds in English class.

2) Choosing the Right Activity

One of the important aspects in teaching English is variety in activity. During in teaching and learning process, teachers not only change type of activity but also pace of the lesson. There are two varieties: first is variety of activity and second is variety of organisation.

In the variety of activity, teacher should know the condition of class and learners. Teacher can use a stirring or calming activity, activity at the desk or moving activity. Teacher can stimulate learners by using games, songs, or speaking tasks in the stirring activity. But, sometimes that activity can make learners get too over-excited and make a noisy in the class. Besides, in the calming activity teacher can makes some serious activity, such as: listening, writing or colouring.

Variety of organization is talk about individual work or group work. Individual work can use speaking task or song in class. It will make students focus to their self. Also, learners can be less stressful than performing in front of class and they can learn on their learning style.46 Nevertheless, using group work or pair work is the powerful context for communication in the classroom. There is always a good idea to demonstrate what teacher wants the children to do before the pair work activity. Children should not be able to choose their groups because it usually causes somebody to be left out. On the other hand, we cannot expect a pupil to work well with someone he or she simply does not like.

3) Students’ Involvement

Students’ involvement is important method to stimulate students learning and

help them to get language quickly and effectively. They also can help teacher in the teaching and learning process. One of the way of students is by using presentation stage which stdents lead in, called inductive approach. On the



contrary, deductive approach is differing with inductive, where the presentation is followed by examples.

Students’ understanding will be harder when they are guess something in

learning because they are not able to understand the language rule. Young learners should be assigned such activities that make them concentrate on the task.

The activities that require high concentration and make them focus are problem solving activities or discovery techniques. It is supported by Harmer, ―There are good pedagogical and methodological reasons for this since the students will be more involved and since this kind of activity invites them to use their reasoning


Discovery techniques can be used for presenting any kind of new language, for example new grammar, vocabulary or pronunciation.

Based on explanation above, not all aspect can be considered. It depends on teacher and his/her consideration which the best activities and the best method for his/her students. Generally it can be stated that if an activity is enjoyable, it will be memorable.

4) Misunderstanding in Teaching Young Learners

There are two misunderstanding about teaching young learners.48 First, teaching is straightforward. However, children have a little bit complicated view of the world than adults. The fact is children should improve their skills to reach their world and develop their understanding. Teachers should understand how children learn, whether by using individual work or grouping work.

Second is, children only need to learn simple language. Sometime, children only want to learn a simple language by using songs, numbers, and colours. In fact, they can learn it if teacher taught it. So, children can increase their capability in learning language. Teachers should know this condition and finding the best way to teach them.


Jeremy Harmer. op.cit. p. 71. 48


C.Previous Related Studies

The first relevant study was a thesis entitled Teaching English Pronunciation to Young Learners – Focus on Accuracy written by Adéla Králová a thesis of University of Pardubice, which was published on 2011. The objective of the research was the activity of pronunciation that teacher use and also for young learners’ errors in pronunciation and how to corrected it. This study used qualitative and quantitative research. The pupils at the age from nine to eleven to attending the third, fourth, and fifth grades of a primary school are put by the writer. Then, the result was describe by using qualitative research. 49

The second relevant study was thesis entitled Developing Pronunciation with Young Learners written by Nad’a Tomčíková, a thesis of University of Pardubice Faculty of Art and Philosophy (Department of English and American Studies), which was published on 2006. The objective of the research was to a group of young learners that was used as a basic for the research. The description of the course and the research condition is used in the research. It was used data collection tools and process of data analysis is explained in detail. The result is, interpreted from the viewpoint of activities focusing on English pronunciation development and at the same time suitable for the age group of young learners.50

The last relevant study was a journal entitled Practices and Impeding Factors in the Teaching of English to Young Learners in the First Cycle Public Primary Schools at Nekemte Town, Western Ethiopia, a journal of Institute of Language Studies and Journalism, Wollega University, which was published on 2014. The aim of the research is to examine the practice and relates impeding factors in the teaching of English to young learners in the first cycle. The research used observation and interview to gather relevant and proper data. The result of the research is the study indicates that English is thought through mother tongue.51


Adéla Králová. Teaching English Pronunciation to Young Learners – Focus on Accuracy. (Pardubice: 2011).

50Nad’a Tomčíková

. Developing Pronunciation with Young Learners. (Pardubice:2006). 51

Eba Mejina. Practices and Impeding Factors in the Teaching of English to Young Learners in the First Cycle Public Primary Schools at Nekemte Town, Western Ethiopia. Nekemte: Instituteof Language Studies and Journalism, (Wollega University, 2014).


The distincition between the first and the second studies with the writer is the research design. The first study combine qualitative and quantitative research. The second use description on her/his research. Meanwhile, the write use case study on her research. The distinction with the last study is in instrument. He/she only used observation and interview. The writer also use that and adding documentation.

D.Thinking Framework

After reviewing the background and theory that have been outline above, it can be obtained thinking as follows; pronunciation affect to communication. Pronunciation is a sound comes from vocal cords in the form of words or sentence that become one or important unit in the language to convey meaning from the speaker. Someone will be more easily understood with good pronunciation.

In learning pronunciation, there are important components that cannot be abandoned; there are consonants, vowels, intonation, and stress. All of the components will effect to meaning of words. However, in practice, not all of the components will appear. The English pronunciation is often not in line with the existing theories. It is caused by several factors, such as 1) interference of mother

tongue, which is learners’ first language influence their target language; 2)

learners’ age, which is adult learners have limited to distinguish and produce

native-like sounds; 3) learners’ attitude and psychological, which is attitude pf target language learning will influence of achievement in pronunciation; 4) prior pronunciation instruction, which means learners who have good habit of learning correct pronunciation at the beginning will influence learners’ success with current effort.

However, there is strategy in teaching pronunciation; teacher and learners should have collaboration in teaching and learning process. Practically, effective teaching is related to behaviors that teacher do in class. Teacher can use some techniques to help students to learn and concern most about how to improve students learning in pronunciation. There are five techniques that teacher can use in teaching pronunciation, such as: drilling, a minimal pair, visual aids,


communicative activity, and reading aloud. The technique that easy to use for young learners is drilling and visual aids. According Larsen, drilling divide into 7:52 1) backward build-up drill, 2) repetition drill, 3) chain drill, 4) single-slot substitution drill, 5) multiple-slot substitution drill, 6) transformational drill, and 7) question and answer drill. Usually, teacher uses repetition and chain drill for young learners.






This chapter present the method and design of study, the place and time of study, the population and sample, the instruments and techniques of collecting data, and the techniques of data analysis.

A. Place and Time of Study

This study took place at SDN 06 Ciputat which is located at Jalan Ki hajar Dewantara, No: 6 Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15411. The study was conducted from March to April 2016.


Method and Design of Study

The objective of this study is to obtain the activities in the classroom during teaching and learning pronunciation taking place. Therefore, the writer used qualitative research as a method in her research. Qualitative research emphasize in understanding some aspects of phenomenon in somewhere and produces descriptive data in the form of written and oral words. According to Afrizal, qualitative research defines as a research method in social science which collects and analyzes data related to oral or written items and human actions.1 A case study was applied in this study by the writer. The writer observed and collected the data factually. According to Stake, Case study in qualitative research is not methodological choice, but a choice of subject to be studied. The case is a specific, a complex and functioning thing and it is an integrated system with some features.2 First, the writer listed the population and chose one teacher as sample. After that, the writer observed teaching and learning process in the classroom. All activities during the research was recorded by using camera. Next, the writer interviewed the teacher and the students as the informants. The interview was started from the simple questions such as: name, background, personality, and


Afrizal. Metode Penelitian Kualitatif. (Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo. 2014). pp.21.


Bedrettin Yazan. Three Approaches to Case Study Methods in Education: Yin, Meriam, and Stake. The Qualitative Report 2015 vol 20, no. 2. University of Albama. pp.139.


activities in the class. The last, the writer apply document analysis; teacher’s plan and syllabus in order to support data of this research.

C.Subject of The Study

The population of this research is all teachers of SDN 06 Ciputat. The sample of this study is an English teacher of 6C class at SDN 06 Ciputat.

D.The Instrument and Technique of Data Collecting

This study used observation, interview, and document as instruments. There are some steps in collecting data for this study:

1. Observation

Observation is the process of individual to get the information about others by viewing their action in the class. The tools that used in observations are: field notes, making entries into a log or keeping a journal and also audiotapes, videotapes, checklist, and rating scale. In this study, the writer recorded activities in class and made some notes or field notes. The observation started from teacher’s preparation, opening, teaching and learning process, and closing.

2. Interview

Interviews are basic to finding the information to collect the data where the person asks question to another responds. By conducting interview, the writer will

understand of an individual’s background and experience. Consecutive questions

were used by the writer based on the number which have prepared for participants. The quetions are about teaching and learning pronunciation in class. 3. Document

Document is one of data sources which is available and accurate. The writer

used teacher’s lesson plan and syllabus as data source to analyze whether or not it

is appropriate with classroom activities. E. Technique of Data Analysis

The writer used descriptive qualitative which is the data derived from document, observation, and interview. All of the result was classified based on research questions then the writer analyzed it. The data from instruments cannot


be divided because three of them related to each other.

First, the writer observed the classroom then analyzed the field note and video recording. All the activities in the classroom were observed by the writer to see feedback of teaching and learning process. The result of observation will notice the technique the teacher used and the process in implementing the teachnique in teaching pronunciation in the classroom. Afterward, the result was compared with the interview result to supported the data of observation.

Second, the interview was done. Two students and the English teacher were interviewed. Then, the interview was recorded and trancribed. The writer checked and analyzed the transcription. After that, she interpreted what the informants have informed compared the result of interview and the fact in class.

Third, lesson plan and syllabus of sixth grade students were the kinds of documents and will be analysed by the writer. She used that to look the compatibility of the pronunciation teaching techniques through the indicator, whether the activity the activity already appropriate in indicator or not. After the writer explained the data, the writer described the conclusion based on the result of data.





The result of analysis and interpretation of the teaching English pronunciation at 6c grade students of SDN 06 Ciputat will be reported in this chapter.

A.Data Description

The study conducted at SDN 06 Ciputat. This school have three excellences; fluent in Al-Quran, technology and English conversation. All of students learn those subjects from the first level. Those subjects are good for writer to do research, but the writer only focused in one subject, English conversation.

SDN 06 Ciputat has two English teachers, named Mrs Hati Carmawati and Mrs. Linda Eskawati. Mrs. Hati teaches three classes from first to third grade, and then Mrs. Linda teaches from fourth to sixth. The writer chooses Mrs. Linda as a participant because she teaches sixth grade. Sixth grade is population that writer chosen in this study.

Mrs. Linda was born in Surakarta, October 23rd 1986. She finished her study and get academic title on July 2010. Almost six years she teaches in SDN 06 Ciputat as an English teacher. Her status of teacher in this school is honorary.

From the interview with Mrs. Linda, the teacher usually uses 50% English language and 50% Bahasa in teaching and learning process. It means students understand the materials that teacher delivered and accustomed students to hear English sound. Besides that, the teacher is not always using book from the school, but she was hunting for some new sources. So, she can explore about materials.

Mrs. Linda focuses on vocabulary and pronunciation than five skills in English; reading, writing, speaking, and listening, in every material. She thinks that in the first level students should know vocabulary of their daily activities, and also how to pronounce it well. So, she always give new words and practice to pronunce new words.


Drilling and visual aids was used by Mrs. Linda in teaching pronunciation. According to Larsen Freeman, there are seven kinds of drill:1 backward build-up drill, repetition drill, chain drill, single slot substitution drill, multiple slot substitution drill, transformation drill, and question and answer drill. Mrs. Linda use chain drill and repetition drill in the class. She uses chain drill in opening of material to make sure whether the students ready to study or not. The example of using a chain drill in a classroom :

Teacher: Good morning students. Students: Good morning.

Teacher: How are you today?

Students: I’m fine. Thank you. And you? Teacher: I’m fine too.

In repetition drill, Mrs. Linda said the sentences of dialogue from English book then the students repeat it until they memorize the dialogue. After that, Mrs.Linda asked the students to work in pairs in order to present dialogue in front of the class. By using the dialogue in the presentation, students felt enjoy and it could increase their confident to pronounce the words.

Besides, Mrs. Linda used visual aids such a realia to support teaching and learning process. A realia can help students’ easily to understand new words. For example teacher asked students to make a realia of clock. A clock is one of a media in learning. The students can learn how to read clock and they can have conversation with their friends about asking and answer times. Example: what time is it now?, what time do you usually get up?, what time do you go to school?, It was the one of trick that teacher used, so the learners have fun in the class and can improve their pronunciation.

The difficulty of students in learning pronunciation is guessing to pronounce words because of that teacher asked students to bring the dictionary and open it when they find the difficulty. Depend on the teacher, phonetic symbol is not


Dianne Larsen Freeman, Techniques and Principle in Language Teaching. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000), pp. 48—49.


important to learn in elementary. Teacher only expects the students to speak well in English, unfortunately that were not supported by school to invite native speaker. So, students just hear from teacher’s sounds and anative speaker’s sound but from audiotapes.

Another interview comes from students. The names of participants are Indah and Abimanyu. They were chosen by high and low score. Indah, who has high score, learn English language since she was in kindergarten whereas Abimanyu since he was in first level at elementary school. Both of them have different point of view in learning English. Indah likes English language even it is hard to learn. She thinks that goal of learning English language is to communicate with native speaker. That is her reasons to continue learn English until she fluent in that language. She is happy when learning English in the class with Mrs. Linda even the source of learning is only from school’s book. The picture in the book can support her in learning though no colour in the book. She always bring dictionary when the subject started in class. So, when she found new words and hard to pronounce that words, she open dictionary.

Abimanyu, who has low score, does not like English language. He thinks that language is hard to learn. He also never wants to learn English more until him fluent in that language. That’s why he never bring dictionary in class even his teacher asked him to bring it and that was the reasons he gets low score in English language.

B.Data Presentation

The writer analyzed and relate between the finding and the research question based on the data collected. The result data from three techniques of data collection will be describe of the techniques used in the teaching of English pronunciation.

First meeting


1. Opening

The teacher starts the class by saying salam. Then, the teacher asked one of students to lead praying. After finished, the teacher gave greetings to students and checked their ready to start lesson. Unfortunately, the teacher did not relate the last material with new material.

2. Activity

The teacher gives the material to the students about expression of leave taking. The teacher asked the students to open school’s book and read dialogue by following the teacher.

Dialogue 1: The teacher say hello to her students: Teacher : Good morning students.

Students : Good morning, ma’am. Teacher : how are you today?

Students : I am fine, ma’am. Thank you. How about you? Teacher : I am fine too thanks.

Based on dialogue above, the teacher read first sentence then the students followed. The intonation of sentence between statement and question was distinguished by the teacher. So, the students know the different both of the sentences.

The teacher used repetition drill technique whereas the students more easily to remember the words. After the students followed the teacher, they practice with their friends and the teacher keep watch them. The students practice in front of class without looking the book, but there are the students who is cheating by looking the book when presentation. When the teacher found mistake of pronounce of words that the students did, and then she correct it at that time.

Based on interview the teacher, she always asked students to open dictionary when they have difficult to pronounce words, but the fact is she does not do that. After the students remember that dialogue, they translated the dialogue then practice work in pairs in front of class. The goal is to make students have courage to speak in front of people.


Another technique that the teacher used is visual aids, unfortunately she did not used that in this material. She was just using drilling technique to deliver the materials. In the interview, she said that sometime she was looking for others resource of learning that related with materials, even it is book or picture, but the fact that she only used book from school as a resource.

3. Closing

After the teacher asked the students to presented, she gives the students home work from the school’s book. After that, she closes the class by saying salam. Second meeting

Day/date : Monday, March 21st 2016. 1. Opening

The activity was same with the first meeting in the opening. The teacher gave greetings to the students, pray before the teaching and learning process started. Unfortunately, the teacher did not check her students from absent.

2. Activity

The material in the second meeting is expression about birthday presents. First, the students hear what the teacher said then followed her by looking the book. The teacher still uses repetition drill in the second material. After that, the students translated the dialog directly. Then, still the same with the first meeting, the students practice with their friend and presentation in front of the teacher without bring the book. The dialog as follows:

Dialogue 10: Birthday present.

Mom : Happy Birthday, Ratna.

Ratna : Thanks, Mom.

Mom : I have a birthday present for you.

Ratna : Wow! Thanks Mom.

Mom : Please do!

Ratna : May I open it now? Wow... What wonderful dress.

Mom : Do you like this?


Mom : Sure.

Ratna : Thanks, Mom. I love you. Mom : I love you too, honey. 3. Closing

After the students presentation the dialogue above, the teacher gave them homework. The homework talked about their expression in birthday present and translated it into Bahasa. It would collect in the next meeting.

The teacher has lesson plans whereas she used that as her goal in learning and teaching process. Every lesson plans have two meeting with the same goal but different material. The first material is about expression of leave taking and the second is about congratulation. Those materials have the similarity to ask the students to give information to their friends. That is appropriate with the goal in the first lesson plans. The goal is talk about the students to understand a simple instruction and information. All of the point in the first lesson plan is appropriate from the goal in first and second material until the steps of activity in the class, but there is one point which not matches in the class, method in learning. First point of method of learning explains that the students do some questions and answers who related with materials. Second point is the students imitate questions and response it. Third point, the students and the teacher discuss about vocabulary and structure in the dialogue. Fourth point, the students do conversation. The last, the students use expression which related with real condition. First and second points were not done by students. In the third point, students only discuss about vocabulary without structure. Students did activity in the fourth and the last point.

In syllabus, the teacher use 6.2 as a base competence. Most of the activity in the lesson plan is appropriate with syllabus. But, there is one activity that the teacher did not do; asking and answering that related with material. The teacher missed that point whereas she can used that as a stimulus when started the lesson. Third meeting


1. Opening

The teacher starts lesson by saying salam then praying together. After that, she asked the students to open the book.

2. Activity

The third meeting is talked about asking and giving information. The teacher use chain drill and repetition drill in this material. She gave stimulus by asking question “what is your name?” to one of her student then student give her respond by answering the question. After that, the teacher asked the students to followed and repeat dialogue. The dialogue as follows:

Dialogue 1: How to get the post office?

Jenny : Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to the post office? Ery : Of course. It is near here. Go to the corner and turn right, walk

one block. The post office is on the corner you. Jenny : Thank you very much. I am sure will find it. Ery : There’s one thing forget to tell you.

Jenny : What is that?

Ery : Today is holiday. The post office is closed.

Based on the dialogue above, the teacher taught how to give the information to others. There are also many of the examples of dialogue about giving information in the book. After that, the teacher asked the students to translate that dialogue on their own book, and then the teacher would check it.

3. Closing

After finishing it, the teacher closes the class by saying salam and she did not give homework to the students.

Last meeting

Day/date : Friday, April 1st 2016. 1. Opening

The last meeting, as usually the teacher greetings and started the lesson with praying together. Then asked the students open the book


The material in the last meeting is about visiting. The goals is the students learn how their attitude or respond when they visit their friends’ house. The teacher asked the students to read dialogue on page 21.

Dialogue 2: Come in!

Grace : Good morning, Siti. Siti : Good morning, Grace. Grace : Come in, please!

Siti : Thank you. How are you today? Grace : I am fine. Do you want some tea? Siti : Yes, please.

Grace : Here you are. Siti : Thank you.

After the teacher and the students read together, the teacher explained attitude when visiting home from the example above. The teacher use repetition drill in this material. After that, the teacher asked the students to translate the dialogue by work in pairs with their chair mate.

3. Closing

The teacher checks the students’ work and gives them score. After that, she finished it and prays together.

In the second lesson plan, most of all the point in the lesson plan is appropriate. The goal is the students can respond and do some action. It was achieved by the students. The students can respond the information that they gave from the teacher and they can practice with their friends by using dialogue. The syllabus also appropriate with lesson plan and activity in the class. But, in learning source there are three sources: the dialogue, text book, and visual aids. The fact is only two sources; the dialogue and text book. In the one month, the teacher will find the students’ achievement and the result of students’ achievement in the one month can be seen in the following table:



PHONETIC SYMBOL OF MATERIALS Dialogue 1: The teacher say hello to her students: (on page35) Teacher : Good morning students. //ɡʊd ˈmɔːr.nɪŋ 'stju:dənt// Students : Good morning, ma’am. //ɡʊd ˈmɔːr.nɪŋ //

Teacher : how are you today? //'haʊ ' : 'ju: tə'deɪ//

Students : I am fine, ma’am. Thank you. How about you? //'aɪ æm 'faɪn 'θæŋk 'ju://. //'haʊə'baʊt 'ju://

Teacher : I am fine too thanks. //'aɪ æm 'faɪn 'tu: θæŋks// Dialogue 10: Birthday present. (On page 36-37)

Mom : Happy Birthday, Ratna. //'hæpɪ 'bɜ:θdeɪ Ratna// Ratna : Thanks, Mom. //'θæŋks 'mʌm//

Mom : I have a birthday present for you. //'aɪ 'hæv 'eɪ 'bɜ:θdeɪ 'prezənt 'fɔ: 'ju:// Ratna : Wow! Thanks Mom. //'waʊ 'θæŋks 'mʌm//

Mom : Please do! //'pli:z 'du://

Ratna : May I open it now? Wow... What wonderful dress. //'meɪ 'aɪ 'əʊpən 'ɪt 'naʊ? //'waʊ... 'w t 'wʌndəfʊl 'dres//

Mom : Do you like this? //'du: 'ju: 'laɪk 'ðɪs?//

Ratna : Very much. May I try it on? //'verɪ 'mʌtʃ. 'meɪ 'aɪ 'traɪ ' n?// Mom : Sure. /'ʃɔ:/

Ratna : Thanks, Mom. I love you. //'θæŋks 'mʌm. 'aɪ 'lʌv 'ju: 'tu: 'hʌnɪ// Mom : I love you too, honey. //'aɪ 'lʌv 'ju://



Dialogue 1: How to get the post office? (on page 38)

Jenny : Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to the post office? //ɪk'skju:s 'mi: . 'kæn 'ju: 'tel 'mi: 'haʊ 'tu: 'get 'tu: 'ðə 'pəʊst ' fɪs?// Ery : Of course. It is near here. Go to the corner and turn right, walk

one block. The post office is on the corner you.

//' v 'kɔ:s . 'ɪt 'ɪz 'nɪə 'hɪə . 'gəʊ 'tu: 'ðə 'kɔ:nə 'ænd 'tɜ:n 'raɪt, 'wɔ:k 'wʌn 'bl k . 'ðə 'pəʊst ' fɪs 'ɪz ' n 'ðə 'kɔ:nə 'ju://

Jenny : Thank you very much. I am sure will find it. //'θæŋk 'ju: 'verɪ 'mʌtʃ. 'aɪ æm 'ʃɔ: 'wɪl 'faɪnd 'ɪt//.

Ery : There’s one thing forget to tell you. //'ðeə 'ɪz 'sʌmθɪŋ fə'get 'tu: 'tel 'ju:// Jenny : What is that? . //'w t 'ɪz 'ðæt?//

Ery : Today is holiday. The post office is closed. //tə'deɪ 'ɪz 'h lədeɪ. 'ðə 'pəʊst ' fɪs 'ɪz 'kləʊzd//

Dialogue 2: Come in! (on page 39)

Grace : Good morning, Siti. //ɡʊd ˈmɔːr.nɪŋ Siti// Siti : Good morning, Grace. //ɡʊd ˈmɔːr.nɪŋ Grace// Grace : Come in, please! //'kʌm 'ɪn, 'pli:z//

Siti : Thank you. How are you today? //'θæŋk 'ju:. 'haʊ ' : 'ju: tə'deɪ//

Grace : I am fine. Do you want some tea? //'aɪ æm 'faɪn 'du: 'ju: w nt 'sʌm 'ti:?// Siti : Yes, please. //'jes 'pli:z//

Grace : Here you are. //'hɪə 'ju: ' ://. Siti : Thank you. //'θæŋk 'ju://



