Click OK. NetWare 6 and 6.5

The fire phasers command Being a Star Trek fan, this has always been my personal favorite login com- mand, even though it’s essentially useless. It sounds a beep or other sound, and has the following syntax: fire [phasers] [n] [soundfile] Why do I say it’s useless? Because usually Windows is playing its own sym- phonic startup sound right around the time your login procedure decides to fire its phasers. So the login beep usually gets swallowed up in the Windows sound. Identifier variables Identifier variables are special variables that NetWare creates and are avail- able to your login scripts. You can use an identifier variable just about any- where you want in a login script. Table 20-2 lists the identifier variables that you’re likely to use. Table 20-2 Commonly Used Identifier Variables Variable Description AM_PM Either a.m. or p.m. CN The user’s full eDirectory name DAY The day of the month 01 through 31 DAY_OF_WEEK The day of the week Monday, Tuesday, and so forth FILE_SERVER The file server name FULL_NAME The user’s unique username GREETING_TIME Morning, afternoon, or evening HOUR Hour 1 through 12 HOUR24 Hour 1 through 24 LAST_NAME The surname from the user object LOGIN_NAME The user’s unique login name MEMBER OF “group” True if the user is a member of the specified group MINUTE Minute 00 through 59 MONTH The month number 01 through 12 MONTH_NAME The name of the month January, February, and so forth 292 Part IV: Network Operating Systems Variable Description NDAY_OF_WEEK The weekday number 1 through 7, where Sunday is 1 NOT MEMBER OF True if the user is not a member of the specified group “group” PASSWORD_EXPIRES The number of days until the user’s password expires SHORT_YEAR The last two digits of the year SMACHINE A short machine name The if command The if command lets you include conditional logic in your login scripts. You can use it in two ways. The first is a single line if, like this: if condition then command For example, this line maps a hard drive if the user is a member of the SALES group: if member of “.SALES.DEV” then map m:=SYS:DATA\SALES Or, for more complicated login scripts, you can use the multi-line if-then- else statement with this syntax: if condition then commands [else commands ] end For example, here’s an if command that maps several drives and displays a flattering message if the administrator logs in: if “1”=”ADMIN” then map W:=SYS:\SYSTEM map X:=SYS:\ETC write “Hello, boss. You look great today” else write “Hello ordinary non-administrator user” end The condition test in an If statement can compare identifier variables, login parameters, environment variables, or literals. 293

Chapter 20: NetWare 6 and 6.5