The Activities of the Control Class

3.7.2 The Activities of the Control Class

a Pre-test To know the basic knowledge or st udents‟ ability of the control class in reading a recount text, I administrated a pre-test. I came to the chosen class. Then I distributed the test and askede them to do it. b Activities in the Control Class I did not do a treatment for the control class. The teaching and learning process was done using conventional method. I came to the choosen class and gave them some texts. c Post-test The last step that I did in the control group was administering post-test. The aim of giving post-test is that I wanted to know whether there is significant difference in the control class after conducting those activities. Table 1.5 List of Control Class Activities was 60 minutes. No. Activities Materials Time Allotment 1. Pre-test I gave a test before doing treatment. It was held on August 17 th 2011. The time allotment was 60 minutes. 2. Activities I delivered the It was held on teaching-learning process based on the grammar- translation teaching method and gave some recount texts to be read by the students. Those were “Unforgettable Holiday”, recount text “Last week, Mr. Sarwan‟s wife…..”, recount text “Last month, my family and I…. “. August 18 th 2011. The time allotment to give the treatment was 2x40 minutes. 3. Post-test I gave the second test which is called post-test to the students. It was held on August 23 th 2011. The time allotment was 60 minutes.


The fourth chapter discusses the analysis of data and interpretations. In this chapter, there are the result of try-out analysis, the significant difference of the pre-test result, the significant difference of the post-test result, and discussion of the research findings. 4.5 The Result of Try-Out Analysis Before the instrument was used to collect the data, I, firstly, had tried it out on 15 th August 2011 in VIII-G class of SMP Negeri 1 Pati. I chose this class because the standard is similar and in the same school. There were 34 students as the respondents of the try-out test group. They had to complete the test consisting 35 items in 60 minutes. The test was in the form of multiple choices. The test had 7 passages about recount text and four distracters: A, B, C, and D, where one of the options was the answer. The students would get a score of 100 if all the answers were correct. After scoring the result of the try-out test, the next step was analyzing to know the validity, reliability, item difficulty, and item discrimination of each item in which to decide whether the items were properly used in the next test. 34