Reasons for Choosing the Topic

to harness the nonrational and or nonconscious influences and redirect them so as to optimize learning. The method has a somewhat mystical air about it, partially because it has few direct links with established learning or educational theory in the West, and partially because of its arcane terminology and neologisms, which one critic has unkindly called a “package of pseudo-scientific gobbledygook” Scovel 1979: 258.

1.2 Reasons for Choosing the Topic

Reading is one of the language skills which should be developed for students in learning English. By reading, they are expected to get knowledge and information from books, article, journals, magazines, newspaper and other types of writing. Students sometimes get difficulties to read foreign language text. They have to face some new words and structures which are completely different from their native language. They sometimes have to face long and complicated text and passages. In addition, it spends a long time, too. One of the methods in develo ping the students‟ reading skill ability of English is by using visualization in the teaching-learning process. Students are encouraged to visualize and cooperate one another. The visualization is related to the text that students read. All activities follow a cycle that involves teacher modeling, visualization in additional practice, and testing. The reasons for choosing the topic are first I want to know that visualization which is used in Desuggestopedia teaching method can improve the students‟ reading comprehension or not. The use of visualization in Desuggestopedia teaching method will be effective or not will be defined by the result of this study. Then, I also want to know the advantages of using visualization in Desuggestopedia teaching method if it is applied to the class. Each teaching method has advantages and disadvantages in their application. To know the advantages and disadvantages of using visualization in Desuggestopedia teaching method, I have to do a research relates to the topic. Additionally, I choose junior high school level since the students of junior high school is prepared to continue to senior high school and they have to get the basic knowledge in reading especially before they face text or article that more complicated in senior high school. So that is why I choose this topic in my study.

1.3 Statements of the Problem