



Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree

of Sarjana Pendidikan



REG NUMBER: 2123121053







I have familirized myself with the University’s Policy on Academic integrity. Except where appropriately acknowledge, this thesis is my own work, has been expresses in my own words, and has not been previously submitted for assessment.

I understand that this paper may be screened electronically or otherwise for plagiarism.

Medan, August 2016

Sylvia Febyani Taruna Reg. No. 2123121053







Taruna, Sylvia Febyani. Registration Number: 2123121053. Developing Learning Indicators of English Lesson Plans based on Bloom’s Taxonomy. A Thesis. English Educational Program, State University of Medan, 2016.

This was a conducted research and development (R & D) study which concerned with the writing of appropriate learning indicators. The data were collected through documents analysis such as syllabus and lesson plans to analyze the Standard Competence and Basic Competence, as well as interview with the English teacher of SMK TKJ Yayasan Perguruan Harapan Bangsa Kuala. Based on the data analysis, the indicators written by the teacher had not fulfilled several characteristics of appropriate indicators issued by BSNP and experts’ theories, such as the too general indicators which do not reflect specific activities that can easily be assessed by the teacher. The total of 17 indicators written by the teacher was then developed into 91 indicators including the overall review of every basic competence at the end of the semester. This product had later been validated by two validators with no significant revision which then was concluded as valid and can be further applied in the classes.




First and foremost, the writer would like to express her greatest gratitude to Allah SWT for the health, knowledge and opportunity given by Him that this thesis can eventually be accomplished.

During the process of accomplishing this thesis, the writer would like to she would like to express her deepest gratitude and appreciation to:

Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M. Pd., the Rector of State University of


Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M. Hum., the Dean of Faculty of Languages and

Arts, State University of Medan.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M. Pd., the Head of English and Literature

Department as well as her First Thesis Advisor for the guidance and advice.

Dra. Meisuri, M. A., the Secretary of English and Literature Department

and Nora Ronita Dewi, S. Pd., S. S., M. Hum., as the Head of English Education Study Program Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.

Indra Hartoyo, S. Pd., M. Hum., her second Thesis Advisor for the

consistent and sincere support, advice, encouragement, criticism and suggestion during the process of writing this thesis.

Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan, M. Hum. and Rita Suswati, S. Pd., M. Hum., her Thesis Examiners whose valuable inputs, comments and

support have enlightened her to accomplish this thesis.

Prof. Amrin Saragih, M. A., Ph. D., her Validator for the valuable

guidance and suggestion in completing the product of this thesis.

Safrida Lubis, S. Pd., M. Hum., her Academic Advisor for the guidance

and support throughout the academic years.

All Lectures of English and Literature Department for the knowledge, guidance and advice through the academic years.



Iwan Suhadi and Hazizah br Sitepu, her beloved parents, Sally Kurniaty Taruna and Dhenny Wahyudi Taruna, her adorable younger

sister and brother for the endless love, prayer as well as moral and material support in her whole life.

Rudian Abdi Sitepu, S. Kom., her favorite partner for the countless support, care, prayer, help and motivation in finishing her thesis and study.

Ali Sitepu, S. S., the English Teacher at SMK YPHB Kuala for giving her

a great help during the research and data collection process.

Eis Sri Wahyuningsih, M. Pd., and Pak Pantes, the Administration

Staffs of English Department for their limitless attention, help and information.

Her crayons Andika, Anggita, Nurul, Theresia, and Yeslika, her one-step-closer mates Irma, Naya, Dara, Geby, Rika, and Zhana, her unbiological brothers Steven and Arif, and her seniors Kak Amy, Kak

Ai, Kak Tikah, Kak Isma, Kak Midah and Kak Danty for their valuable

support, laugh, advice and motivation.

All of her brothers and sisters in HMJ-BSI FBS UNIMED and

Perpustakaan Terapung for the togetherness and unforgettable stories

they have shared as well as all her classmates in Regular C 2012 for the togetherness and sad-happy days they have spent during her study.

The writer realizes that her thesis is still far from being perfect, therefore she warmly welcomes any constructive suggestions that will improve the quality of this thesis. She hopes that this thesis would be beneficial for further research, particularly in the field of English language teaching.

Medan, August 2016 The writer,

Sylvia Febyani Taruna Reg. Number: 2123121053












A. The Background of the Study ... 1

B. The Problem of the Study ... 6

C. The Objective of the Study ... 7

D. The Scope of the Study ... 7

E. The Significances of Study ... 7


A. Theoretical Framework ... 9

1. Curriculum ... 9

a. School-Based Curriculum (KTSP) ... 13

2. Syllabus ... 16

3. Lesson Plan ... 17

4. Objectives ... 19

a. Definition, Traits, Importance, and Types of Objectives ... 19

b. Behavioral Objectives ... 24



a. Definition of Indicators ... 25

b. Function of Indicators ... 26

c. Developing the Indicators ... 27

d. Developing the Indicators based on BSNP ... 37

B. Relevant Studies ... 41

C. Conceptual Framework ... 42


A. Research Design ... 44

B. The Place and Time of Research ... 44

C. The Data and Sources of Data ... 45

D. The Instrument of Data Collection ... 45

E. Techniques of Data Analysis ... 45

F. Developing the Learning Indicators ... 46


A. Data ... 47

B. Data Analysis ... 49

C. The Development of the Indicators (Draft) ... 52

D. Validation of Developed Recommended Indicators ... 63

E. Revision of the Developed Recommended Indicators ... 64

F. Discussion ... 66


A. Conclusion ... 69

B. Suggestion ... 69






Table 1.1 Learning Indicators of SMK TKJ YPHB ... 6

Table 2.1 Competencies of Grade X SMK on the First Semester ... 16

Table 2.2 Types of Syllabuses ... 16

Table 2.3 Categories of Objectives ... 24

Table 2.4 Components of Mager’s Three-Part System ... 31

Table 2.5 Components of ABCD Method ... 32

Table 2.6 Components of Gronlund Approach ... 34

Table 2.7 Comparison of the Three Approaches ... 35

Table 2.8 Key Verbs of Cognitive (Thinking) Domain ... 37

Table 2.9 Key Verbs of Affective (Valuing) Domain ... 38

Table 2.10 Key Verbs of Psychomotor (Doing or Skills) Domain ... 39

Table 4.1 Teacher’s Indicators ... 47

Table 4.2 Total of Teacher’s Indicators ... 50

Table 4.3 Developed Recommended Indicators ... 52

Table 4.4 Total of Developed Recommended Indicators ... 62

Table 4.5 Revision of Developed Recommended Indicators ... 65

Table 4.6 Comparison of the Indicators ... 66





Figure 2.1 Curriculum Activities ... 10

Figure 2.2 The Learning Cycle ... 18











A. The Background of the Study

The increasing of education quality should be acquired through the

practice of good education system in which teachers have very strategic

roles and position. Teachers are often seen as the agents largely

responsible for students’ success in all aspects (Luciana, 2004). As a professional in teaching formal as well as informal education levels,

teachers should have competencies such as pedagogic competence,

personality competence, social competence, and also professional

competence which are developed through education of profession.

Government Regulation No. 19 Year 2005 regarding to the

standard process indicates that teachers are expected to be able to develop

the learning plans, including managing the plans for the learning process

which then demands the educators to develop lesson plan, or what is called

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) in Indonesia. In line with this,

the Regulation of the Minister of National Education No. 16 Year 2007

about the academic qualification and teachers’ standard competencies

states various competencies that should be acquired by educators. For

teachers, pedagogic competence and professional competence have strong

connection with the ability of teachers in developing appropriate lesson



Pedagogic competence is the capability of managing students’

learning process including understanding towards the students, designing

and applying the lessons, evaluating students’ learning results, and also developing the students to actualize the potentials they have. There are

four sub competencies which teachers should pay attention to in this

competency – understanding the students, designing the lesson, doing

evaluation, and developing students’ potential. Understanding the students

refers to the developments of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor

aspects as well as students’ prior knowledge and skills.

Cognitive, affective, and psychomotor are the three domains

which have become the main educational objectives in which through

these domains, students are expected to be able to know things they do not

know before. These three domains are stated by Benjamin Bloom and are

the major parts of Bloom’s Taxonomy. Bloom et al. (2003) believe that through this taxonomy the student behaviors which represent the intended

outcomes of the educational process can be classified. Bloom’s Taxonomy

has been used as the parameter of the education across the world,

including in Indonesia.

Currently, there are two curricula which are being implemented in

Indonesia – the School Based Curriculum or what is called KTSP and also the 2013 Curriculum or what is called K-13. The K-13 is still a new

curriculum which has not been implemented in unison and widely across



implement the KTSP as their base curriculum. KTSP is an operational

curriculum arranged and implemented by each of the education unit

(BSNP, 2006). This curriculum is developed by referring to the content

standard and also the graduate competence standard stated by BSNP. The

learning instruction of KTSP is written into the Standard Competence and

Basic Competence. Through these competencies will the schools, teachers,

and also lesson plan designers arrange and design the learning tools such

as indicators, materials, media, and etc.

Curriculum development based on the National Education

Standard (SNP) needs steps and strategies that should be examined based

on accurate and in-depth analysis. The analysis is done towards the

competency demands which are written in the Standard Competence as

well as Basic Competence. Standard Competence and Basic Competence

are described as two of the parts in curriculum development which is done

through the development of syllabus and lesson plan. The main verbs that

are written in the Standard Competence as well as Basic Competence of

the example provided, which are “communicating”, “understanding”, and

“mentioning”, somehow show that KTSP is dominated mostly by the cognitive domain which deals with the recall or recognition of knowledge.

Knowing what the dominant concern of the standard will be very useful in

designing appropriate lesson.

Designing lesson means that teachers should be able to arrange the



based on the time allocated. Also, teachers should have the ability to do

good evaluations in the form of ongoing evaluation as well as evaluation at

the end of the lessons.

Last, developing the students’ potential indicates that teachers

should be able to facilitate students in developing both their academic

potential and non-academic potential. In the teaching–learning process, teachers should be able to manage the learning process and deliver the

materials in a planned and systematic way in order for students to master

or acquire the learning goals effectively and efficiently. Teachers’ ability in running appropriate teaching-learning process is shown by the ability in

developing the curriculum through the lesson plan, recognition of

students’ characteristics and prior capability, continued by diagnosing,

assessing, and responding to every change of the students’ behaviors. Lesson plan is a plan which shows the learning procedures and

organizations in order to reach a Basic Competence set on the Standard

Competence and has already been described in syllabus. Lesson plan is

one of the important learning tools to help teachers running the class in a

structured and clear ways. There are numbers of elements in a lesson plan,

one of which is learning indicators. Learning indicators give a brief picture

or explanation of what activities will be done by the students. These

activities will then become one of the ways to measure the ability of the

students. Arranging unclear and haphazard indicators will complicate and



indicators should not be neglected by teachers in order to arrange the

lesson plans.

Unfortunately, teachers nowadays are used to arranging lesson

plans without really paying attention to each of the elements, including in

arranging learning indicators. Most teachers simply copy them from lesson

plans found in internet and some even ask other people to arrange the

lesson plans for them. The teachers do not realize the importance of

learning indicators and are quite lazy to think and arrange their own

learning indicators. Due to this, the learning indicators found in lesson

plans are mostly improper and irrelevant with the students’ activities and

materials and even are often different from the descriptions of learning

activities as well as materials written in lesson plans, which then create an

unproductive and idle teaching and learning process.

As what is found from the analysis of second semester of Grade X

lesson plans of SMK TKJ Yayasan Pendidikan Harapan Bangsa Kuala, the

basic concept of arranging learning indicators has been applied well by the

teacher but has not fulfilled the characteristics of appropriate learning

indicators issued by BSNP. Problems were found such as the

incompatibility between standard competences and the learning indicators

arranged and also incompatibility between the learning indicators arranged

and the learning materials as well as learning activities. Below is the table

which shows the learning indicators arranged by the teacher at SMK TKJ



Table 1.1

Learning Indicators of SMK TKJ YPHB

Basic Competence Indicators 1.6 Understanding the memo and

simple menu, schedule of travelling and traffic lights.

- Message is written in the form of memo correctly.

- Memo available is explained correctly.

- Menu is written and explained correctly.

- Signs (such as traffic lights) are explained correctly.

- Various kinds of timetable are made and explained correctly. - Adjectives and adverbs are used correctly to compare things.

(AS, 2015)

As what can be seen on the table above, there main verb of the

Basic Competence is “understanding”, which indirectly refers to reading

and/or listening skills but the main verbs of the indicators arranged by the

teacher dominantly refer to the skills of writing and/or speaking which are

shown by the verbs “written” and “explained”. This data shows that there

is incompatibility between the basic competency demand and the

competencies planned by the teacher.

Based on the preceding explanation, it is a reasonable step or

action to analyze then to develop the indicators to help improving the

learning quality in class and the students’ competency achievement.

B. The Problem of the Study

Based on the background of the study described above, problem of



How are appropriate learning indicators of English lesson plans developed

based on the theory of Bloom’s Taxonomy?

C. The Objective of the Study

In line with what has been stated in the problem of the study, this

study tries to develop appropriate learning indicators of English lesson

plans based on the theory of Bloom’s Taxonomy.

D. The Scope of the Study

This research will focus on learning indicators arranged by English

teacher in the English lesson plans. The scope of this study is the first

semester of Grade X English lesson plans arranged by the English teacher

at SMK Teknik Komputer Jaringan (TKJ) Yayasan Pendidikan Harapan

Bangsa Kuala.

E. The Significances of the Study

The significances of the study are classified into two – theoretically and practically. Theoretically, this study is expected to add a new horizon

towards the curriculum development theories regarding to the learning

objectives or indicators. Also, it is expected that the users of the theories

realize the importance of understanding and applying the theories

appropriately to produce appropriate learning indicators. Meanwhile, the



1. The teachers can have standard and criterion in developing learning

materials, designing learning activities, developing learning tools,

and designing as well as implementing the assessment or evaluation.

2. The students can have structured activities which also have clear

objectives and functions to their acquisition of knowledge, skills, and


3. Teachers and school can hopefully keep on developing the

arrangement and development of indicators which can be used as the

reference in the learning process and assessment.

4. Other researchers who are interested to conduct further research

regarding to the development of learning indicators or other





A. Conclusion

After analyzing the data, the conclusion drawn is that the learning

indicators written by the teacher have not fulfilled the characteristics of

appropriate indicators issued by BSNP and that development in some

aspects should be made, such as the varieties of indicators and also the

way to write the indicators in order to avoid too general indicators. The 17

indicators previously written by the teacher were then developed into 91

indicators based on the characteristics of appropriate indicators issued by

BSNP as well as theories from experts and by using the ABCD method.

These indicators were then validated by two validators and were

concluded as valid indicators with no significant revisions.

B. Suggestions

In relation to the conclusion, suggestions are staged as the


1. For English teachers and other teachers

Teachers should realize that indicators are actually one of the most

important elements in teaching-learning process, since through

indicators will the teachers, students, principal and other stake

holders know what materials and activities will be done and what



detail indicator may need much time, but specific indicators will be

much helpful in preparing the class as well as assessing the students.

Teachers should not just copy indicators from other sources without

at least adopting and adapting them with the students’ ability. 2. For school principals and supervisors

Principals and supervisors have roles in helping the teachers to

improve their ways of preparing and taking control of their classes,

including in arranging lesson plans. It would be better if principals

and supervisors help the teachers by monitoring their teaching tools

and asking whether any problem occurred while preparing anything

related to the teaching process. That way, teachers will also feel

respected and helped.

3. For other researchers

Researches which concern with curriculum elements such as lesson

plans, learning indicators and other elements are still deficient,

especially in Medan. Hopefully this research could inspire other

researchers in conducting researches related with the curriculum to

indirectly help spreading the knowledge of how important to write

appropriate teaching tools such as syllabus, learning indicators and




Arreola, Raoul. A. 1998. Writing Learning Objectives: A Teaching

Resource Document from the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Planning and Academic Support. The University of Tennesse,

Memphis (for own-used).

Bloom, Benjamin. S., Engelhart, Max. D., Furst, Edward. J., Hill, Walker. H., and Krathwohl, David. R. 2003. Taxonomy of

Educational Objectives: The Classification of Educational Goals. USA: Longmans.

Brown, James Dean. 1995. The Elements of Language Curriculum: A

Systematic Approach to Program Development. Boston: Heinle

& Heinle Publishers.

BSNP. 2010. Panduan Pengembangan Indikator.

Celce-Murcia, Marianne. 2001. Teaching English as a Second or

Foreign Language Third Edition. Boston: Heinle & Heinle.

Delafini, Ranissa., Holillulloh, and Nurmalisa, Yunisca. 2014. Pengaruh Kemampuan Guru dalam Mengembangkan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi terhadap Kesiapan Guru dalam Mengajar.

Depdiknas. 2008. Panduan Pengembangan Indikator.

Depdiknas. 2008. Panduan Umum Pengembangan Silabus.

Dick, Walter., Carey, Lou., and Carey, James. O. 2005. The Systematic

Design of Instruction Sixth Edition. Boston: Pearson.

Gall, Meredith. D., Gall, Joyce. P., and Borg, Walter. R. 2003.

Educational Research: An Introduction (Seventh Edition). USA:


Harden, Ronald, M. 2002. Learning outcomes and instructional objectives: Is there a difference?. Medical Teacher, Vol. 24, No. 2, 2002, 151-155. Taylor & Francis Ltd.

Haynes, Anthony. 2007. 100 Ideas for Lesson Planning. New York: Continuum.



Higher Education Commission (HEC). Module III: Curriculum

Development, Assessment and Evaluation. Pakistan. (Accessed on 9th

August 2016)

Kattington, Limon. E. 2010. Handbook of Curriculum Development. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Luciana. 2004. Developing Standards for Language Teacher Education Programs in Indonesia: Professionalizing or Losing in Complexity?. TEFLIN Journal, Volume XV, Number 1, February 2004.

McKimm, Judy. 2007. Curriculum Design and Development. London Deanery.

Nkwo, N. I., Akinbobola, A. O., and Ikitde, G. A. 2008. Effect of Prior

Knowledge of Instructional Objectives on Students’

Achievement in Selected Difficult Concepts in Nigerian Senior Secondary School Physics. African Research Review Vol. 2 (1).

Rao, V. K., and Reddy, R. S. 2007. Instructional Objectives and

Teachers Education (Pp. 1-41).

Richards, Jack. C. 2001. Curriculum Development in Language

Teaching. USA: Cambridge University Press.

S, H, Sri Hartini, M. V. 2013. Pengembangan Indikator dalam Upaya Mencapai Kompetensi Dasar Bahasa Indonesia di Sekolah Menengah Atas Kabupaten Karanganyar Jawa Tengah.

Prosiding Disdikpora Kabupaten Karanganyar.

Sudira, Putu, M. P. 2006. Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan SMK. Direktorat Pembinaan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Subdit Pembelajaran.

Thomas, Ken. 2001. Learning Objectives: Types and Approaches”. Rocky Mountain Alchemy.


How are appropriate learning indicators of English lesson plans developed based on the theory of Bloom’s Taxonomy?

C. The Objective of the Study

In line with what has been stated in the problem of the study, this study tries to develop appropriate learning indicators of English lesson plans based on the theory of Bloom’s Taxonomy.

D. The Scope of the Study

This research will focus on learning indicators arranged by English teacher in the English lesson plans. The scope of this study is the first semester of Grade X English lesson plans arranged by the English teacher at SMK Teknik Komputer Jaringan (TKJ) Yayasan Pendidikan Harapan Bangsa Kuala.

E. The Significances of the Study

The significances of the study are classified into two – theoretically and practically. Theoretically, this study is expected to add a new horizon towards the curriculum development theories regarding to the learning objectives or indicators. Also, it is expected that the users of the theories realize the importance of understanding and applying the theories appropriately to produce appropriate learning indicators. Meanwhile, the practical significances of the study are as follows:



1. The teachers can have standard and criterion in developing learning materials, designing learning activities, developing learning tools, and designing as well as implementing the assessment or evaluation. 2. The students can have structured activities which also have clear

objectives and functions to their acquisition of knowledge, skills, and behaviors.

3. Teachers and school can hopefully keep on developing the arrangement and development of indicators which can be used as the reference in the learning process and assessment.

4. Other researchers who are interested to conduct further research regarding to the development of learning indicators or other curriculum aspects.




A. Conclusion

After analyzing the data, the conclusion drawn is that the learning indicators written by the teacher have not fulfilled the characteristics of appropriate indicators issued by BSNP and that development in some aspects should be made, such as the varieties of indicators and also the way to write the indicators in order to avoid too general indicators. The 17 indicators previously written by the teacher were then developed into 91 indicators based on the characteristics of appropriate indicators issued by BSNP as well as theories from experts and by using the ABCD method. These indicators were then validated by two validators and were concluded as valid indicators with no significant revisions.

B. Suggestions

In relation to the conclusion, suggestions are staged as the following:

1. For English teachers and other teachers

Teachers should realize that indicators are actually one of the most important elements in teaching-learning process, since through indicators will the teachers, students, principal and other stake holders know what materials and activities will be done and what competencies should be achieved by the students. Although writing a



detail indicator may need much time, but specific indicators will be much helpful in preparing the class as well as assessing the students. Teachers should not just copy indicators from other sources without at least adopting and adapting them with the students’ ability.

2. For school principals and supervisors

Principals and supervisors have roles in helping the teachers to improve their ways of preparing and taking control of their classes, including in arranging lesson plans. It would be better if principals and supervisors help the teachers by monitoring their teaching tools and asking whether any problem occurred while preparing anything related to the teaching process. That way, teachers will also feel respected and helped.

3. For other researchers

Researches which concern with curriculum elements such as lesson plans, learning indicators and other elements are still deficient, especially in Medan. Hopefully this research could inspire other researchers in conducting researches related with the curriculum to indirectly help spreading the knowledge of how important to write appropriate teaching tools such as syllabus, learning indicators and lesson plans is.



Arreola, Raoul. A. 1998. Writing Learning Objectives: A Teaching Resource Document from the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Planning and Academic Support. The University of Tennesse, Memphis (for own-used).

Bloom, Benjamin. S., Engelhart, Max. D., Furst, Edward. J., Hill, Walker. H., and Krathwohl, David. R. 2003. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Classification of Educational Goals. USA: Longmans.

Brown, James Dean. 1995. The Elements of Language Curriculum: A Systematic Approach to Program Development. Boston: Heinle & Heinle Publishers.

BSNP. 2010. Panduan Pengembangan Indikator.

Celce-Murcia, Marianne. 2001. Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language Third Edition. Boston: Heinle & Heinle. Delafini, Ranissa., Holillulloh, and Nurmalisa, Yunisca. 2014.

Pengaruh Kemampuan Guru dalam Mengembangkan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi terhadap Kesiapan Guru dalam Mengajar.

Depdiknas. 2008. Panduan Pengembangan Indikator. Depdiknas. 2008. Panduan Umum Pengembangan Silabus.

Dick, Walter., Carey, Lou., and Carey, James. O. 2005. The Systematic Design of Instruction Sixth Edition. Boston: Pearson.

Gall, Meredith. D., Gall, Joyce. P., and Borg, Walter. R. 2003. Educational Research: An Introduction (Seventh Edition). USA: Pearson.

Harden, Ronald, M. 2002. Learning outcomes and instructional objectives: Is there a difference?. Medical Teacher, Vol. 24, No. 2, 2002, 151-155. Taylor & Francis Ltd.

Haynes, Anthony. 2007. 100 Ideas for Lesson Planning. New York: Continuum.



Higher Education Commission (HEC). Module III: Curriculum Development, Assessment and Evaluation. Pakistan. (Accessed on 9th

August 2016)

Kattington, Limon. E. 2010. Handbook of Curriculum Development. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Luciana. 2004. Developing Standards for Language Teacher Education Programs in Indonesia: Professionalizing or Losing in Complexity?. TEFLIN Journal, Volume XV, Number 1, February 2004.

McKimm, Judy. 2007. Curriculum Design and Development. London Deanery.

Nkwo, N. I., Akinbobola, A. O., and Ikitde, G. A. 2008. Effect of Prior Knowledge of Instructional Objectives on Students’ Achievement in Selected Difficult Concepts in Nigerian Senior Secondary School Physics. African Research Review Vol. 2 (1). Rao, V. K., and Reddy, R. S. 2007. Instructional Objectives and

Teachers Education (Pp. 1-41).

Richards, Jack. C. 2001. Curriculum Development in Language Teaching. USA: Cambridge University Press.

S, H, Sri Hartini, M. V. 2013. Pengembangan Indikator dalam Upaya Mencapai Kompetensi Dasar Bahasa Indonesia di Sekolah Menengah Atas Kabupaten Karanganyar Jawa Tengah. Prosiding Disdikpora Kabupaten Karanganyar.

Sudira, Putu, M. P. 2006. Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan SMK. Direktorat Pembinaan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Subdit Pembelajaran.

Thomas, Ken. 2001. Learning Objectives: Types and Approaches”. Rocky Mountain Alchemy.