




This Thesis is submitted to meet one of the reqruitments to achieve Sarjana Degree in English Education

By :







This thesis written by Melda Pusvita Dewi was approved on October 29th, 2012


Advisor II, Advisor I,



This thesis was defended in front of the examiners of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of University of Muhammadiyah Malang

and accepted as one of the requirements to achieve Sarjana Degree in English Education

on October 29th,2012

Approved by:

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Muhammadiyah Malang


Dr. M. Syaifuddin, M.M.

Examiner: Signatures:

1. Riza Elfana, M.A 1.____________

2. Dian Arsitades W., M.Pd 2. ____________

3. Mas’udi, M.Ed 3. ____________






takut mencoba karena kesalahan adalah guru terbaik jika


jujur mengakuinya dan mau belajar darinya


This Thesis id dedicated to:

1. My beloved parents, brothers and sister 2. My friends and my teachers



ACKNOLEDGEMENT Bismillahirrahmanirrohim

Alhamdulillahi Robbil Alamin, thank you to Allah SWT because of His

blessing the writer could finish my thesis. Greetings, prayers, and love were also presented to the beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW, his family and companions who loved us deeply.

First, the writer would like to express her deepest gratitude to her beloved parents who always support her during the process of finishing this thesis. Her deepest gratitude was also addresed to Mas’udi, M.Ed and Jarum, M.Ed for his patience in guiding and having suggestion and critical correction during her thesis writing process.

Also, the writer would like to thank to the school principle of Sukabumi 10 Probolinggo, Drs. Agus Ributanto, M.Pd. and Anies Saptaningrum, S.S, S.Pd., the English teacher of fourth grade students, for giving her a chance to conduct the reasearch.

Moreover, a big gratitude was intended to Mrs. Fardini Sabilah, M.Pd and friends in English Departments who motivated her to finish this thesis.

The last gratitude was addressed to all of her friends, dekopinda community and to her special friend who always give her smile and love.

Finally, the writer hoped this thesis would be useful for the writer herself and the next researcher.

Malang, October 29th,2012 The Writer

Melda Pusvita Dewi






Nowadays, the term of mulitmedia had become popular in the field of education. There were many teachers used this media in teaching learning process. Although multimedia had a widely used in teaching-learning process, there were many teachers still got problems in applying this media. Most of teacher still could not well operating this media. Based on the above phenomena this study focused on analyzing of the use of the interactive multimedia in teaching vocabulary at State Elementary School Sukabumi 10 Probolinggo. It had three purposes, namely: (1) to know the application of the interactive multimedia in teaching vocabulary, (2) to know the problems faced by the teacher in applying the interactive multimedia, and (3) the solution done by the teacher to overcome the problems.

This study was descriptive qualitative research design because this study was designed to get the information of the matter of phenomena. The subject of the study was an English teacher of State Elementary School Sukabumi 10 Probolinggo. Meanwhile, for the instruments, the writer used obervation and interview as tools to answer the question above. The writer used non participant observation and structured interview. Furthermore, observation note also used in this study to make a note all of the teaching activities using interactive multimedia when the writer conducted the observation.

The result of the study showed that the teacher applied the interactive multimedia in teaching vocabulary by giving the instruction to the students. There were some steps that the teacher followed in applying the interactive multimedia, those were: preparation before using the interactive multimedia, activities while using the interactive multimedia, and following up. Besides, the teacher also used tutorial, drill and practice authoring software. The teacher’s problems in applying the interactive multimedia in teaching vocabulary were lack skill of the teacher in applying the interactive multimedia, hard to find and match the learning material in the text book and in the interactive multimedia, and low connection of the server system to the computers. To overcome the problems that related to the lack skill of the teacher in applying and low connection sof server system to the computers, the teacher of English asked a help to the IT teacher who stayed in accompanying her during taching activities at E-lab. Besides, she also tried to ask a help to the IT teacher learnt more how to operate the interactive multimedia and reread her guiding book in applying the interactive multimedia. Moreover, to overcome the problems that related to find and match the learning material in text book and interactive multimedia, the teacher only used the interactive multimedia if the materials in the text book provided in the interactive multimedia.

Key Terms: vocabulary, multimedia, interactive multimedia.

Malang, October 29th,2012

Advisor The writer










CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem ... 4

1.3 Purpose of the Study ... 4

1.4 Significance of the Study... 5

1.5 Scope and Limitation ... 5

1.6 Definition of the Key Terms... 5

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 Teaching English to Young Learner... 7

2.1.1 The Characteristic of Young Leraner ... 8

2.2 Vocabulary ... 11

2.2.1 The Important of Vocabulary ... 11

2.2.2 Teaching Vocabulary ... 12

2.3 Multimedia ... 13

2.3.1 The Application of Multimedia in Teaching Procedure ... 14

2.4 Interactive Multimedia ... 15

2.4.1 The Definition of Interactive Multimedia... 15

2.4.2 Types of Authoring Software Interactive Multimedia Learning ... 15 Tutorial ... 15 Drill and Practice ... 16


vii Games ... 17

2.4.3 The Characteristics’ of Interactive Multimedia ... 17

2.4.4 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Interactive Multimedia ... 18 The Advantages of Interactive Multimedia ... 18 The Disadvantages of Interactive Multimedia ... 19

2.4.5 Interactive Multimedia in Teaching Vocabulary ... 19


3.2 Subject of The Study ... 21

3.3 Research instruments ... 22

3.3.1 Interview ... 22

3.2.2 Observation ... 24

3.4 Data Collection... 25

3.5 Data Analysis ... 25

CHAPTER IV: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Research Findings ... 27

4.1.1 The Application of Interactive Multimedia ... 27

4.1.2 The Problems Faced by The Teacher in applying Interactive Multimedia in Teaching Vocabulary ... 32

4.1.3 The Solution Done by The Teacher in Solving The Problems ... 33

4.2 Discussion ... 34


5.2 Suggestions ... 39 REFERENCES



Ary, Donald. 2002. Introduction to Research in Education. United Stated of America: Library Congress.

Cahya, Atik. 2007. Audiovisual Media Used in Teaching Vocabulary at SDN

Balongsari 5 Mojokerto. University of Muhammadiyah Malang: Unpublish


Cahyono, Bambang Y., and Mukminatien Nur. 2011. Techniques and Strategies

to Enhance English Language Learning. Malang:State University of Malang


Cameron, Lynne. 2002. Teaching Languages to Young Learners. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.

Darmawan, Deny. 2012. Teknologi Pembelajaran. Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya.

Daryanto. 2011. Media Pembelajaran. Bandung: PT Sarana Tutorial Nurani Sejahtera.

Frankle, Jack R., and Norman E. Wallen. 2009. How to Design and Evaluate

Research in Education. San Francisco: McGraw-Hill.

Harmer, Jeremy. 2007. The Practice of English Language Teaching, Fourth

Edition. England: Pearson, Longman.

Jaizah, Nurul. 2011. The Use of Interactive Multimedia in Teaching Vocabulary at

Seventh Grade School. Bandung: Unpublish.

Misra, Sanjaya, and Reddi, Usha V. 2003. Educational Multimedia A Handbook

For Teacher-Developers. New Delhi: Commonwealth Educational Media

Center for Asia.

Nation, I.S.P. 1990. Teaching and Learning Vocabulary. Boston: Heinle and Heinle Publishers.

Scott, Wendy. A. And Ytreberg, Libeth H. 1990. Teaching English to Children. New York: Longman Group UK.

Wahyuni, Sri. 2006. The Problem of Using Audiovisual Aids in Teaching English

at SMU Salahudin Malang. University of Muhammadiyah Malang.


Webster. 1994. Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. USA: Library of Congress Cataloging.



This chapter presents the aspect dealing with introduction. Those aspect are: background of the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, significant of the study, scope and limitation, and definition of key terms.

1.1 Background of the Study

Nowadays, the term of multimedia has become popular in the field of education. It is because there are many teachers use multimedia in their teaching-learning process. Misra and Reddi (2003:6) said that, in the early of 2000 the use of multimedia has increased since the multimedia is used in the teaching-learning process. It means that multimedia has the important rule in education area because multimedia can help the teachers in delivering the material to their students. The teachers do not have to spend long time to make some explanation or write down the material in the whiteboard because the material have been provided before in multimedia.

Multimedia is regarded an effective and great media in teaching foreign language, especially in teaching vocabulary. Brett, in Nurul (2011:2) Multimedia language learning environment can deliver authentic input provides meaning language learning task, delivering feedback on those tasks and can be manipulated according to the needs of the user. It means that multimedia provides an important motivator in the language teaching process because it covers authenticity to the



classroom situation and braces students to the direct relation between the language classroom and the outside world.

The elemenets of multimedia are also regarded an effective treatment for teaching English, especially in teaching vocabulary to young learner. It means that those elements of multimedia such as graphic, video, audio and animation are able to help the young learners in learning English. Rieber (1994) stated that graphics are effective in creating mental images that have to improve, recall, retention and imagination of information being learn. Thus, animation and text are effective treatment in teaching vocabulary to the young learner.

Therefore, although multimedia has a widely use in teaching-learning process, there are many teachers still have got problems in the use of this media. The teachers have difficulties in operating this media. There are many cases of the use of multimedia that failed because of the low skill of teachers in using this media. The teachers can not develop their effort to maximize their ability in operating this media.

In relation with the used of multimedia in teaching English, Atik Cahya (2007) has conducted a research on “Audiovisual media used in teaching vocabulary at SDN Balongsari 5 Mojokerto”. The result of her study showed that the English teacher of SND Balongsari 5 Mojokerto used multimedia (computer and LCD) in teaching vocabulary. The LCD was one of the audiovisual media, which was hardly used. The teacher’s problems in using multimedia were: the low skill of the teacher in using multimedia, the time allotment in preparing audiovisual aids, especially multimedia (computer or LCD) needed a long time



and the availability of facilities, such as speakers that could support the media was low.

The second, Sri Wahyuni (2006) had a research on “The problem of using audiovisual aids in teaching English at SMU Salahudin Malang”. The result of her study showed that the teacher of English in SMU Salahudin Malang used two kinds of audiovisual aids in teaching English. They were multimedia

projector (LCD) and videodisk set (CD). The teacher’s problems dealing with the

audiovisual were: the low skill of teacher in using audiovisual aids to make them more interesting for students, time allotment on giving the material and preparing audiovisual aids especially multimedia projector (LCD) took a long time, the evaluation of using the audiovisual aids was discussion and the fund allocation to

provide audiovisual aids was the teacher’s fund.

Considering the matter of phenomena and such research above , it is very important for the writer to conduct this research since multimedia has many important rule and widely use in teaching learning process, especially in teaching English. The writer wants to analyze the use of interactive multimedia in teaching vocabulary.

This study will be conducted at State Elementary School Sukabumi 10 Probolinggo. The English teacher of State Elementary School Sukabumi 10 Probolinggo uses the interactive multimedia in teaching English, especially in teaching vocabulary. Interactive Multimedia (Hofstetter:2001) is the integration of digital media including the combination of electronic text, audio, video, grapichs, and animation into a structured digital computerized environment that allows students to interact with the data in the computer. The objective of the uses of this



media is to increase the graduation quality of State Elementary School Student of Sukabumi 10 Probolinggo especially in vocabulary mastery. So, they are expected to have a high quality in learning English in their next level.

1.2 Statement of the Problems

Reffering to the background of the study, the research problems are formulated as follows:

1. How does the teacher apply interactive multimedia in teaching vocabulary? 2. What are the problems faced by the teacher in applying interactive multimedia

in teaching vocabulary?

3. How does the teacher solve the problems in applying interactive multimedia in teaching vocabulary?

1.3 Purposes of the Study

Based on the question above, the specific objectives are presented as follows:

1. To know how the teacher applies interactive multimedia in teaching vocabulary.

2. To find out the problems faced by the teacher in applying interactive multimedia in teaching vocabulary.

3. To know how the teacher solves the problems of applying interactive multimedia in teaching vocabulary.


5 1.4 Significance of the Study

Basically, this study is expected to give input or contribution for the beginner teacher, because this study provides the application of interactive multimedia, the problems faced and the solution done to overcome the problems.

For the teacher, by knowing the result of the problems and causes of the problems faced by the teacher in applying the interactive multimedia in teaching vocabulary, the teacher will know what has to do in maximizing the preparation and planning before applying the interactive multimedia in teaching vocabulary.

Another expectation, it can be used as refference for the next researcher who wants to conduct the similar studies.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

Based on the background of the study, the scope of this study is on the application of multimedia in teaching vocabulary. It is limited to the application of interactive multimedia used by the teacher to teach vocabulary at State Elementary School Sukabumi 10 Probolinggo.

1.6 Definition of Key Terms

To avoid misunderstanding, there are several key terms that must be clarify in this study. The key terms are defined as follows:

1. Vocabulary is a total number of words that make up a language; vocabulary refers to all words in the whole language or the words and phrase used in particular variety (Nation, 1990)

2. Teaching vocabulary (Nation:1990) is directly related to some other language activities. It means that teaching vocabulary is the activity of introducing new



words that related to some other language. So, teaching vocabulary is the activity of understanding new word that is unknown before.

3. Multimedia is the exciting combination of computer hardware and software that presence of text, video, audio, graphics, and animation which organized into some coherence (Philip, 1997). This means that this media have high component quality.

4. Interactive multimedia (Hofsetter:2001) is the integration of digital media including combination of electronic text, video, audio, graphich, and animation into a structured digital compurized environment that allows student to interact with the data for appropriate purpose. It means that Interactive multimedia is a media which the user or the student allowed directly interact with the media itself.

5. Applyis a processes of the use in particular situation (Webster’s, 1994).

6. Application is the action how the way to use in particular situation that related to the computer.



This chapter presents the aspect dealing with introduction. Those aspect are: background of the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, significant of the study, scope and limitation, and definition of key terms.

1.1 Background of the Study

Nowadays, the term of multimedia has become popular in the field of education. It is because there are many teachers use multimedia in their teaching-learning process. Misra and Reddi (2003:6) said that, in the early of 2000 the use of multimedia has increased since the multimedia is used in the teaching-learning process. It means that multimedia has the important rule in education area because multimedia can help the teachers in delivering the material to their students. The teachers do not have to spend long time to make some explanation or write down the material in the whiteboard because the material have been provided before in multimedia.

Multimedia is regarded an effective and great media in teaching foreign language, especially in teaching vocabulary. Brett, in Nurul (2011:2) Multimedia language learning environment can deliver authentic input provides meaning language learning task, delivering feedback on those tasks and can be manipulated according to the needs of the user. It means that multimedia provides an important motivator in the language teaching process because it covers authenticity to the



classroom situation and braces students to the direct relation between the language classroom and the outside world.

The elemenets of multimedia are also regarded an effective treatment for teaching English, especially in teaching vocabulary to young learner. It means that those elements of multimedia such as graphic, video, audio and animation are able to help the young learners in learning English. Rieber (1994) stated that graphics are effective in creating mental images that have to improve, recall, retention and imagination of information being learn. Thus, animation and text are effective treatment in teaching vocabulary to the young learner.

Therefore, although multimedia has a widely use in teaching-learning process, there are many teachers still have got problems in the use of this media. The teachers have difficulties in operating this media. There are many cases of the use of multimedia that failed because of the low skill of teachers in using this media. The teachers can not develop their effort to maximize their ability in operating this media.

In relation with the used of multimedia in teaching English, Atik Cahya (2007) has conducted a research on “Audiovisual media used in teaching vocabulary at SDN Balongsari 5 Mojokerto”. The result of her study showed that the English teacher of SND Balongsari 5 Mojokerto used multimedia (computer and LCD) in teaching vocabulary. The LCD was one of the audiovisual media, which was hardly used. The teacher’s problems in using multimedia were: the low skill of the teacher in using multimedia, the time allotment in preparing audiovisual aids, especially multimedia (computer or LCD) needed a long time



and the availability of facilities, such as speakers that could support the media was low.

The second, Sri Wahyuni (2006) had a research on “The problem of using audiovisual aids in teaching English at SMU Salahudin Malang”. The result of her study showed that the teacher of English in SMU Salahudin Malang used two kinds of audiovisual aids in teaching English. They were multimedia projector (LCD) and videodisk set (CD). The teacher’s problems dealing with the audiovisual were: the low skill of teacher in using audiovisual aids to make them more interesting for students, time allotment on giving the material and preparing audiovisual aids especially multimedia projector (LCD) took a long time, the evaluation of using the audiovisual aids was discussion and the fund allocation to provide audiovisual aids was the teacher’s fund.

Considering the matter of phenomena and such research above , it is very important for the writer to conduct this research since multimedia has many important rule and widely use in teaching learning process, especially in teaching English. The writer wants to analyze the use of interactive multimedia in teaching vocabulary.

This study will be conducted at State Elementary School Sukabumi 10 Probolinggo. The English teacher of State Elementary School Sukabumi 10 Probolinggo uses the interactive multimedia in teaching English, especially in teaching vocabulary. Interactive Multimedia (Hofstetter:2001) is the integration of digital media including the combination of electronic text, audio, video, grapichs, and animation into a structured digital computerized environment that allows students to interact with the data in the computer. The objective of the uses of this



media is to increase the graduation quality of State Elementary School Student of Sukabumi 10 Probolinggo especially in vocabulary mastery. So, they are expected to have a high quality in learning English in their next level.

1.2 Statement of the Problems

Reffering to the background of the study, the research problems are formulated as follows:

1. How does the teacher apply interactive multimedia in teaching vocabulary? 2. What are the problems faced by the teacher in applying interactive multimedia

in teaching vocabulary?

3. How does the teacher solve the problems in applying interactive multimedia in teaching vocabulary?

1.3 Purposes of the Study

Based on the question above, the specific objectives are presented as follows:

1. To know how the teacher applies interactive multimedia in teaching vocabulary.

2. To find out the problems faced by the teacher in applying interactive multimedia in teaching vocabulary.

3. To know how the teacher solves the problems of applying interactive multimedia in teaching vocabulary.


5 1.4 Significance of the Study

Basically, this study is expected to give input or contribution for the beginner teacher, because this study provides the application of interactive multimedia, the problems faced and the solution done to overcome the problems.

For the teacher, by knowing the result of the problems and causes of the problems faced by the teacher in applying the interactive multimedia in teaching vocabulary, the teacher will know what has to do in maximizing the preparation and planning before applying the interactive multimedia in teaching vocabulary.

Another expectation, it can be used as refference for the next researcher who wants to conduct the similar studies.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

Based on the background of the study, the scope of this study is on the application of multimedia in teaching vocabulary. It is limited to the application of interactive multimedia used by the teacher to teach vocabulary at State Elementary School Sukabumi 10 Probolinggo.

1.6 Definition of Key Terms

To avoid misunderstanding, there are several key terms that must be clarify in this study. The key terms are defined as follows:

1. Vocabulary is a total number of words that make up a language; vocabulary refers to all words in the whole language or the words and phrase used in particular variety (Nation, 1990)

2. Teaching vocabulary (Nation:1990) is directly related to some other language activities. It means that teaching vocabulary is the activity of introducing new



words that related to some other language. So, teaching vocabulary is the activity of understanding new word that is unknown before.

3. Multimedia is the exciting combination of computer hardware and software that presence of text, video, audio, graphics, and animation which organized into some coherence (Philip, 1997). This means that this media have high component quality.

4. Interactive multimedia (Hofsetter:2001) is the integration of digital media including combination of electronic text, video, audio, graphich, and animation into a structured digital compurized environment that allows student to interact with the data for appropriate purpose. It means that Interactive multimedia is a media which the user or the student allowed directly interact with the media itself.

5. Apply is a processes of the use in particular situation (Webster’s, 1994).

6. Application is the action how the way to use in particular situation that related to the computer.

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