Ongole crossbreed performance given silage of cattle rumen contens as a feed substitute for grass

Ongole Crossbreed Performance Given Silage of Cattle Rumen
Contens as a Feed Substitute for Grass
Engkus Ainul Yakin*, Ali Mursyid Wahyu Mulyono, Ahimsa Kandi Sariri, & Sri
Agriculture Faculty, Veteran Bangun Nusantara University,
Jl. Letjen Sujono Humardani No. 1, Sukoharjo 57521, Indonesia
Telp. +62-0271-593156, fax. +62-0271 591065

The waste from the slaughterhouse is usually removed in a certain place while
it can be used to feed the cattle. The use of rumen content as one of the alternative
feed help to farmer to provide the feed easily, conserve the environment and support
the development program, particularly in the urban area. The research is aimed
at identifying the effect of the cattle rumen content distribution as the subtitute for
the grass on the performance of the beef cattle. 12 SimPO oxen aged 1.5 - 2 years
were adopted in the research which lasted for 8 weeks (2 months) with the feeding
of 3% of the weight based on the dry matter and the drink was given ad libitum.
The treatment consisted of subtituting the cattle rument content silage for the grass.
The treatment consisted of T0 = giving 100% grass, T1= giving 25% cattle rumen
content silage and 75% grass, and T2 = giving 50% cattle rumen content silage and

50% green grass. The ratio of grass to concentrate was 20% : 80%. The variables
of the study were the average daily gain and feed conversion. The result indicated
that the treatment was not significantly related with the average daily gain and feed
conversion. It can be concluded that the substitution in part of the grass with the
rumen content silage up to 50% exerted no effect on the average daily gain and feed
Keywords: beef, cattle rument content, silage

Untl recently the prolferaton of beef cattle had converged nto one
producton, - the meat (Parakkas, 1999). Feed plays mportant rule n the cattle’s
need of nutrton for growth to produce the meat maxmally. The growth of the cattle
was affected by several factors, namely the race, sex and qualty and quantty of the
feed. Tllman et al. (1998) argued that the cattle growth rate heavly depends on the

Proceeding of the 2nd International Seminar on Animal Industry | Jakarta, 5-6 July 2012

amount of the consumed feed eaten. The lack of the feed represents the obstacle n
the development process.

The Indonesan season, whch conssts of rany and dry season, was assocated
wth the dfference ways n provdng the feed for the cattle. In the rany season,
the provson of the feed for the cattle s much easer, whle t s dffcult to fnd
the leaves n the dry season f not they are expensve. When t s necessary for the
breeder to buy the feed, they had the reduced ncome snce they have to buy the
One of the slaughterhouse waste whch can be used as the cattle feed was the
cattle rument content. The use of cattle rumen content from the slaughterhouse has
been reported by Messermth (1973) who used the rument content as the matter for
raton preparaton up to 15% could yeld the average daly gan, feed consumpton,
feed effcency and converson whch was unsgnfcantly dfferent wth the
The waste from the slaughterhouse s usually dsposed. It s expected that 24.5
kg rument content or 3.8 kg per cow was produced each day snce t contans 15.5%
dry matter (Wtherow dan Lammers, 1976 cted n Utomo et al, 2007). Overall,
46,525,500 kg fresh rumen content was produced from all slaughterhouse n Indonesa. The Data on the populaton and the number of slaughterhouse n Indonesa
was presented n Table 1.
The use of rumen content as an alternatve feed to fulfll the feed requrement
help the feed provson, the envronment conservaton, and support the development
program, partcularly n the urban area. One of the ways to remove the bad odor, to

prevent the decay (reservaton) and the mantan the nutrtve value s to make t nto
slage, that s fermetaton wth the man product s the lactd acd.
The am of the research was to dentfy the effect of slage substtuton of cow
rumen content n the grass basal feed on the performance of beef oxen whch were
fatten n the fattenng effort, consstng of daly weght ncrease and feed converson. The research was closely related wth the use of ndustral waste from the
slaughterhouse n order to gan the provtable and effcent outcome. In addton,
t was related wth the use of slaughterhouse waste for the alternatve feed cattle
replacng the green leaves wthout reducng the qualty and producton of the cattle
Table 1. Cattle Populaton and Slaughterhouse n Indonesa (,000 cow)

Beef cuts











(Drectorate General of Anmal Husbandry, 2011)

Proceeding of the 2nd International Seminar on Animal Industry | Jakarta, 5-6 July 2012


Materals and Methods
Location and Time
The research was conducted from August 1st, 2011 to November 1st, 2011.
The research took place n Gwangan Slaughterhouse n Yogyakarta and n the
fattenng farm n Jarum Vllage, Kayuloko, Sdoharjo dstrct n Wonogr Regency.
The test on the feed nutrent content was conducted n the bo-chemstry laboratory
of Gadjah Mada Unversty.
The rumen content. The rument content from the cattle used n ths research was
obtaned from Gwangan slaughterhouse n Yogyakarta. The green rumen content
was selected snce t was ndcated that the cattle consumed the green feed.
The silage of cattle rument content. Before conductng the slage on the cattle
rumen content, the research determned the chemcal composton of the basc
matter n conductng the slage, namely the cattle rument content, soft and molases
usng proxmate analyss. The preparaton conssted of 64.60% rumen, 35.40%

soft, creatng dry matter from the 35% slage, plus 8% molases from the slage raw
amatter and noculated by Lactobacillus plantarum 0.1 % from slage matter whch
was put n the black vacuum polyethylene (Utomo et al., 2007). The fermentaton
took 21 days. The resulted slage was subjected to proxmate analyss to dentfy the
chemcal composton of t.
Stall. The research used 12 ndvdual stall. The sze of each stall s 100 x 150 cm2.
the base for the stall was cement whch was then covered wth rubber to prevent the
cattle for beng slpped. The wall was made of brck and the roof-tle was used for
the celng.
Tabel 2. Nutrent Composton of Feed Materals Makng Up The Raton (% DM)
Kng Grass
Dry Matter (DM)
Crude Proten (CP)
Crude Fber (CF)
Organc Matter (OM)



Rumen content



The result of Bo-chemstry Laboratory Analyss n Husbandry Faculty, Gadjah Mada Unversty


Proceeding of the 2nd International Seminar on Animal Industry | Jakarta, 5-6 July 2012

Equipments. The equpment used n ths research conssted of a set of stall equpment, vacum cleaner, black polyethylene bag, plastc rope, Rudweight cattle scale
wth the capacty of 1,250 kg wth the senstvty of 1 kg and Goat cattle feed scale
wth the capacty of 15 kg and the senstvty of 50 gr and a set of laboratory equpment for analyzng the feed.
The ingredient of ration. The ngredents for preparng the raton conssted of kng
grass, rument content slage and nutrs ft(R) concentrat. The nutrton composton
was presented n Table 2.
The research lasted for 13 weeks. The frst three weeks was used to prepare the
slage of rument content, 1 week later was used to feed adaptaton and next 8 weeks
was used to examne the dstrbuton of rument content slage. The consentrat feed
was gven twce a day at 8 n the mornng and at 6 n the afternoon whle the rument
content slage was gven n the noon - from 12 to 13 pm. The drnkng water was

gven ad libitum whle the research took place.
The Cattle Grouping
The populaton of the research conssted of 12 SmPO oxen. The weght of
the cattle ranged from 350 to 400 kg. The cattle was assgned nto three feed treatments.
The Pattern of Feeding
The control feedng conssted of the grass to concentrat : concentrate rato of
20% : 80%. Kng grass was used n ths treatment, whle the concentrat was the
same for all treatments- the product of nutrs ft. The feedng pattern n the research
conssted of three knds of treatments:
P0 : control (no cattle rument content slage).
T1 : the cattle rument content slage was 25% and the grass 75%.
T2 : the cattle rumen content slage was 50% and grass 50%.
The slage of cattle rument content was used to subttute the grass.The fattenng
treatment was conducted n 8 weeks (2 months) and prevously the 2-week adaptaton
perod was conducted to adapt the cattle to the physcal envronment and the feed.
The feed dstrbuted to the cattle was 3% of the weght based on the dry matter,
whle the drnk was gven ad lbtum. The scalng was conducted once n a week to
dentfy the daly average weght gan n a week, whle the scallng of the feed and
the remans was conducted every day durng the research (8 weeks)

Data Analysis
Oneway ANOVA usng random desgn was adopted to analyze the average

Proceeding of the 2nd International Seminar on Animal Industry | Jakarta, 5-6 July 2012


daly gan and feed converson. When the sgnfcant values were obtaned, they
were then subjected to Duncan multiple range test/DMRT (Chrstensen, 1996).

Results and Dscusson
Average Daily Gain
The followng table lsted the average daly gan for each ox Table 3 also lsted
the result from the three treatments. The result of statstcal analyss on the treatment
of cattle rument content slage n the beef cattle was not sgnfcantly related wth
the average daly gan.
The average daly gan of T1, T2, and T3 were 0.92 ± 0.02, 0.97 ± 0.05,
and 0.96 ± 0.03 kg/ox/day, respectvely. There s not sgnfcantly dfferent because
nutrent composton of feed materals for all the treatment was not dfferent to.The
average daly gan resulted n ths research was dfferent wth that of Yudhanto

(2008) who conducted research on the Ongole cattle. The average daly gan for
Nutrent composton of feed materals makng up the raton and SmPO cattle were
0.58 and 1.05 kg/ox/day, respectvely.
The average daly gan was also subjected to covaran analyss for dentfyng
the effect of ntal weght on the ADG. The covaran analyss on the ntal average
daly gan ndcated that Fcount < Ftable, meanng that t was not significant. It s
clear that the substtuton of some green plants wth cattle rument content slage
exerted no sgnfcant effect on the average daly gan.
Types of feed, consumpton and composton of chemcal composton nfluenced the growth, proten consumpton and energy whch produced the more rapd
pace of growth (Soeparno, 2005). It s clear that the factor affectng the growth and
the development of the cattle ncluded the feed, sex, hormon, age, envronment and
Accordng to Tllman et al. (1998) the weght gan takes place when the consumed feed s beyond the requrement for lvng. If the man need s fulflled, the
excessve nutrton was then stored as the flesh and fat tssues (Cullson, 1970).
Table 3. Average Daly Gan (kg/ox/day)






0.92 ± 0.02

0.97 ± 0.05

0.96 ± 0.03

Proceeding of the 2nd International Seminar on Animal Industry | Jakarta, 5-6 July 2012

Table 4. Feed Converson





14.30 ± 0.69

14.16 ± 1.46

13.45 ± 0.70

Feed Conversion
The data of daly average feed converson per ox from the three treatments
s presented n Table 4. The statstcal analyss on the treatment of cattle rument
content slage se among the beef cattle nsgnfcantly affected the feed converson.
The average feed conversons of T1, T2, and T3 were 14.30 ± 0.69, 14.16 ± 1.46 and
13.45 ± 0.70, respectvely. There was no dfference n the dry matter consumpton
and average dly gan among the three treatments and thus, there was no dfference
n the feed converson among the three treatments.
The resulted feed converson n ths research was slghtly hgher than that of
Ngadyono’s (1995) stud on the PFH oxen wth the raton of concentrat and kng
grass was (70 : 30), resultng the converson value of 10.8 kg/ox/day and that of
Suwgnyo’s (2003) research on ACC oxen wth the fermented rce straw and concentrate wth the resulted feed converson of 9.6-11.4 kg/ox/day.
The lower value of feed converson, accordng to Tllman et al. (1998) means
the more effcent the consumpton of the feed. Accordng to Campbell dan Lasley
(1985), the feed converson was affected by the cattle’s ablty to dgest the feed, the
adequacy of the feed for mantanng the lvng requrement, the growth and other
body functon as well as the type of consumed feed. Accordng to Pond et al. (2005)
nutrent was drectly related wth the growth rate and the body composton durng
the development. The energy was used to fulfll the requrement for mantanng,
proten development and fat deposton.

It can be concluded that the substtuton n part of the grass wth the rumen
content slage up to 50% exerted no effect on the average daly gan and feed

Proceeding of the 2nd International Seminar on Animal Industry | Jakarta, 5-6 July 2012


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Proceeding of the 2nd International Seminar on Animal Industry | Jakarta, 5-6 July 2012