The geosphere can be a significant source of air pollutants, of which volcanic activity is one of the most common. Volcanic eruptions, fumaroles, hot springs, and geysers can emit toxic and acidic gases, including carbon monoxide, hydrogen

chloride, and hydrogen sulfide. Greenhouse gas CO 2 and CH 4 can come from volcanic sources. Massive volcanic eruptions may inject huge amounts of particulate matter into the atmosphere. The incredibly enormous 1883 eruption of the East Indies volcano Krakatoa blew about 2.5 cubic kilometers of solid matter into the atmosphere, some of which penetrated well into the stratosphere. This material stayed aloft long enough to circle the earth several times, causing red sunsets and a measurable lowering of temperature worldwide.

The 1982 eruption of the southern Mexico volcano El Chicón showed the importance of the type of particulate matter in determining effects on climate. The matter given off by this eruption was unusually rich in sulfur, so that an aerosol of sulfuric acid formed and persisted in the atmosphere for about 3 years, during which time the mean global temperature was lowered by several tenths of a degree due to the presence of atmospheric sulfuric acid. By way of contrast, the eruption of Mt. St. Helens in Washington State in the U.S. 2 years earlier had little perceptible effect on climate, although the amount of material blasted into the atmosphere was about the same as that from El Chicón. The material from the Mt. St. Helens eruption had comparatively little sulfur in it, so the climatic effects were minimal.

Thermal smelting processes used to convert metal fractions in ore to usable forms have caused a number of severe air pollution problems that have affected the geosphere. Many metals are present in ores as sulfides, and smelting can release large quantities of sulfur dioxide, as well as particles that contain heavy metals such Thermal smelting processes used to convert metal fractions in ore to usable forms have caused a number of severe air pollution problems that have affected the geosphere. Many metals are present in ores as sulfides, and smelting can release large quantities of sulfur dioxide, as well as particles that contain heavy metals such

Soil and its cultivation produces significant quantities of atmospheric emissions. Waterlogged soil, particularly that cultivated for rice, generates significant quantities of methane, a greenhouse gas. The microbial reduction of nitrate in soil releases

nitrous oxide, N 2 O, to the atmosphere. However, soil and rock can also remove atmospheric pollutants. It is believed that microorganisms in soil account for the loss from the atmosphere of some carbon monoxide, which some fungi and bacteria can

metabolize. Carbonate rocks, such as calcium carbonate, CaCO 3 , can neutralize acid from atmospheric sulfuric acid and acid gases. As discussed in Section Chapter 14, Section 14.6, masses of atmospheric air can become trapped and stagnant under conditions of a temperature inversion in which the vertical circulation of air is limited by the presence of a relatively warm layer of air overlaying a colder layer at ground level. The effects of inversions can be aggravated by topographical conditions that tend to limit circulation of air. Figure

17.12 shows such a condition, in which surrounding mountain ridges limit horizontal air movement. Air pollutants may be forced up a mountain ridge from a polluted area to significantly higher altitudes than they would otherwise reach. Because of this “chimney effect,” air pollutants may reach mountain pine forests that are par- ticularly susceptible to damage from air pollutants such as ozone formed along with photochemical smog.

Confining topography


Urban air pollutants


Figure 17.12 Topographical features, such as confining mountain ridges, may work with temperature inversions to increase the effects of air pollution.

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