Research Design The Operational Definition of the Terms


This chapter presents the research methods used in this study. It covers several sub-chapters, such as: 1 research design, 2 the operational definition terms, 3 area determination method, 4 research respondent, 5 data collection method, and 6 data analysis method. Research method is considered as the main core of the research because it defines the steps done by the researcher. Furthermore, this chapter defines some processes take place in this research and the way how to analyze the data.

3.1 Research Design

Research design was the blue print of conducting the research. This research was conducted by using descriptive research. Donald et al. 2010:640 say that descriptive research is a research that aims to describe certain variable in which in form of factual data rather than manipulated data. This research was intended to describe the students‟ ability in speaking based on Krashen‟s monitor hypothesis. The procedures of the research design were as follows: 1. Determining the research topic. 2. Formulating research problems. 3. Determining the respondents of the research. 4. Constructing the research instruments. 5. Collecting preliminary data such as the list of the students and the students‟ English scores. 6. Giving the speaking test to tap students‟ speaking performance. 7. Distributing the questionnaire directly after giving the speaking test to obtain more detail information about the students‟ characteristics in speaking. 8. Giving interview to the respondents to get information about their feeling when they were asked to speak about something. 24 9. Analyzing and explaining the obtained data from the speaking test, the questionnaire, and the interview. 10. Classifying the respondents as monitor optimal-user, monitor over-user, and monitor under-user, based on the result of the data analysis of the speaking test, the questionnaire, and the interview. 11. Drawing Conclusion.

3.2 The Operational Definition of the Terms

Operational definition of the terms here proposed to give explanation about the terms and concepts used in this research. Besides, it is also intended to avoid misunderstanding of the concepts used in this research. The terms that are necessary to be described operationally are: 3.2.1 Speaking Performance Speaking performance here refers to the students‟ performance in producing the language in oral form. The students‟ speaking performance was measured by using speaking test that focused on the aspect of the use of Grammar, Vocabulary, Discourse Management, Pronunciation, and Interactive Communication. 3.2.2 Monitor Hypothesis Monitor hypothesis here refers to the hypothesis that is proposed by Krashen. Krashen suggests that acquired knowledge functions as the monitor that monitor our performance in producing the language, both in speaking and writing. The monitor performance varied based on the use of their monitor. The variations of this monitor hypothesis are: 1. Monitor Over-user, it refers to the condition when the performers tend to monitor his language all the time. These performers seem to speak hesitantly. 2. Monitor Under-user, it refers to the condition when the performers does not use their monitor. These performers tend to speak randomly without thinking about the appropriate use of the grammar. 3. Monitor Optimal-user, it refers to the condition when the performers tend to appropriately use their monitor in producing the language. These performers tend to speak fluently based on the appropriate grammar.

3.3 Area Determination Method