Pair 1: GVP and PAS XI SOS 1 Pair 2: LIS and NAP XI MIPA 2

Pronunciation 5 Is intelligible. Intonation is appropriate. Sentence and word stress is accurately placed. Individual sounds are articulated clearly. 4 Performance shares features of Bands 3 and 5 3 Is intelligible. Intonation is generally appropriate. Sentence and word stress is generally accurately placed. Individual sounds are generally articulated clearly. 2 Performance shares features of Bands 1 and 3 1 Is mostly intelligible, and has some control of phonological features at both utterance and word levels. Strategic Competence Interactive Communication 5 Initiates and responds appropriately linking contributions to those of other speakers. Maintains and develops the interaction and negotiates towards an outcome. 4 Performance shares features of Bands 3 and 5 3 Initiates and responds appropriately. Maintains and develops the interaction and negotiates towards an outcome with very little support. 2 Performance shares features of Bands 1 and 3 1 Initiates and responds appropriately. Keeps the interaction going with very little prompting and support. Cambridge, 2011:2


A. Pair 1: GVP and PAS XI SOS 1

Gusti : Hi Ayu, what’s happen ? Why are you look so sad? Ayu : No, there is nothing happen . Gusti : Oh really? ... I have been looking for you in class about an hour and you are not around. Ayu : Well, okay. eh Actually I just broke up with him . Gusti : Oh really? Why? Ayu : Yeah, I don‟t know. May be .. I am just too busy with my activity and he was like I don‟t even care about him anymore, but deep inside I do really care. Gusti : Oh, I am sorry to hear that. Actually I also broke up with my girl about two weeks ago and . it seems that we have the same problem. Ayu : Yeah, I think we have to forget it and .. may be we just need a time . Gusti : Okay, actually lets go to the class we are about have an English test right now . Ayu : Well, okay. No. Name Raters Speaking Components Score Avg GV DS P INT 1. GVP Rater 1 3 4 2 3 3 3 Rater 2 3 4 2 3 3 2. PAS Rater 1 4 4 4 3 3.75 3.75 Rater 2 4 4 4 3 3.75 Note : Rater 1 = The Researcher Rater 2 = The English Department Student

B. Pair 2: LIS and NAP XI MIPA 2

Leo : Dinda, I heard you have lose your car. Dinda : Who says? I don‟t have a car and you don‟t have to know. Leo : Hey, you get angry now, [ that’s mean ] that’s true . You have lose your car. .... Eh come on ər me. Dinda : Yeah yeah, I [I] [I] [I] lost my car and what’s now ? Leo : Because I am your friend I will let you buy a new car with my money. Dinda : Do you have money? Leo : You are not happy? Come on man Dinda : So I [I] just say wow like that and you can get me .. a car. Leo : Yes, I am serious. Wait, come on man I am serious. Just smile Dinda : No, I am not smile. Leo : Hey hey, you get smile. Dinda : Yeah .. yeah, thank you. ... You make me smile. Leo : But the truth is I just joke about I will buy a new car for you. Dinda : That is not funny Leo : Eh you laugh now , [ that’s mean ] you are not sad anymore. Dinda : Yeah I am not sad, thank you. Leo : Okay [ that’s mean ] I have done about my bussiness. Dinda : Bye No. Name Raters Speaking Components Score Avg GV DS P INT 1. LIS Rater 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 Rater 2 2 2 2 2 2 2. NAPP Rater 1 2 3 3 2 2.5 2.5 Rater 2 2 3 3 2 2.5 Note : Rater 1 = The Researcher Rater 2 = The English Department Student

C. Pair 3 : AAN and SA XI MIPA 4