Reliable The characteristics of Parvana as seen in Deborah Ellis’ The

19 from another character’s point of view or opinion. Then, another way is finding the characterization through the direct comment from the author.

3. Reliable

When her father is around, her father needs Parvana in order to work. Her mother and her sister need her in order to fetch water. Then, when her father is arrested, her family relies on her in order to survive. Her mother and Mrs. Weera also believe that they could rely on Parvana. So, they ask Parvana to disguise herself in order to work outside freely. Everyone in her family believes that Parvana is a reliable person so they could rely on Parvana in order to survive. In the market, when the Talib asks her father about Parvana being outside, her father would tell them that he ne eds Parvana in order to work. “I need this girl to help me walk,” her Father would tell any Talib who asked, pointing to his leg” p.8. Then, when her father is arrested, he tells Parvana to take care of the family. “When the soldiers dragged her father outside, she flung her arms around his waist. As the soldiers pried her loose, she heard her father say, “Take care of other s, my Malali.” Then he was gone” p.31. Besides her Father, Mrs. Weera knows that she could rely on Parvana. Mrs. Weera is a friend of her mother who helps her when she was chased by the soldiers. They go home together. At home, her mother is still lying on the bed. Her mother has been very sad since her father ’s arrest. Since Mrs. Weera there, she tries to talk to her other. After dressing up her mother, her mother finally wants to sit and talk to them. Mrs. Weera and her mother know that Parvana is able to go outside. They figure out the way for Parvana to go outside without 20 being chased by the soldier. They ask Parvana to disguise herself into a boy. “They were going to turn her into a boy. “As a boy, you’ll be able to move in and out of the market, buy what we need, and no one will stop you,” Mother said” p.63. When her mother and Mrs. Weera tell her about their plan, firstly, Parvana refuses to do it. She knows that the Talib might recognize her. However, she gives a thought on that plan, because she knows that there is no one in the family who is able to help the family. Finally, she agrees to disguise herself into a boy. Mrs. Weera encourages her because she is sure that Parvana is able to do it. “It has to be your decision,” Mrs. Weera said. “We can force you to cut off your hair, but you’re still the one who has to go outside and act the part. We know this is a big thing we’re asking, but I think you can do it. How about it?” p.65. Parvana has agreed to their plan, she disguises herself into a boy. It is easier for her to go outside. Her mother trusts her that she is able to earn money and work like her father does. She works as a letter writer and reader in the market. Her mother even gives compliment to Parvana when Parvana has succeeded buying their needs. “Take your Father’s writing things and his blanket, and go to the market,” Mother told her. “Maybe you can earn some money. You’ve been watching your Father all this time. Just do what he did ” p.74. Since Parvana has disguised herself into a boy, she is able to do more activities other than buying things and working in the market. She also takes her younger sister outside to see the sun and see the situation outside their house. After succeeding with her younger sister, she now wants to take out her mother, her older sister, and her younger brother. Since her mother trusts her, her mother 21 agrees with her plan. “Nooria, Ali should go outside. Parvana is able to manage fine with Maryam, but Ali squirms so much. You will have to hold onto him ” p.90. Besides finding the characterization through another character’s opinion, the researcher also finds the characterization through the direct comment from the author. According to Murphy 1972, the author could use the direct comment in describing the characterization p.172. As seen from the author’s comment Parvana is a reliable person. The author describes why Parvana is being outside with her father. “Parvana was there only to help her father walk to the market and back home again after work ” p.7. Then, when Parvana is asked to fetch water, even though Parvana does not want to do it, but the author gives a clear comment that Parvana has to fetch the water because there is no one else. “Parvana knew she had to fetch the water because there was nobody else in the family who could do it ” p.20-21. Through the author’s comment, the writer sees that the family relies on Parvana for going outside and doing outside activities. Through another character’s opinion and direct comment from the author, it can be seen that Parvana is a reliable person. This character does not change from the beginning until the end of the story. Parvana’s family needs her help in order to keep alive. It makes Parvana a reliable person.

B. Women’s opression in Afghanistan as exposed in The Breadwinner