Mature The characteristics of Parvana as seen in Deborah Ellis’ The

15 to the tap with me?” p.86. After taking her younger sister outside successfully, Parvana also wants to take out her mother and her older sister. By disguising herself as a boy, it gives her courage to take all her family members outside to enjoy the sun and see the situation outside. Even though she knows the risk, she still wants to do it. Parvana wants all her family can go outside the house and enjoy the sun outside as they cannot enjoy it when they are inside the house. “One day, after she had been working for a week, Parvana had an idea. “Mother, I’m seen as a boy, right?” “That’s the idea,” Mother said. “Then I could be your escort,” Parvana said. “I could be Nooria’s escort too, and you could both get outside sometimes” p.89. Through Parvana’s thought, it can be seen that she is a brave person who is willing to do anything to help her family. She has the courage that not all the kids in Afghanistan have. Even though she is not the only one who disguises herself into a boy, the writer can still see the courage in Parvana. She dares to do something which is impossible for others to do, such as digging up the bones in the graveyard. It really needs strong courage for an eleven-year-old girl to do it and Parvana has it. Besides, Mrs. Weera knows that Parvana is a brave girl who is willing to do anything for her family.

2. Mature

As the situation in her family has changed, Parvana’s character also changes. In the beginning of the story, she envies her older sister. However, after her father’s arrest, Parvana realizes that she does not want to lose other family members. Therefore, she does not feel envy her sister any more. She understands that her older sister is not able to go outside so she is willing to go outside to be 16 the breadwinner, to take her older sister’s role, to take care of the family. Parvana’s character is analyzed by employing Murphy’s nine ways of characterization. However, the researcher only employs two out of nine ways namely thoughts and direct comment. When they are out of food, Nooria asks Parvana to go outside to buy it. However, Parvana does not want to do it because Parvana thinks that it is Nooria’s responsibility. Then Parvana looks at Nooria and she begins to think that Nooria is not accustomed to go outside. Parvana also sees fear in Nooria. So, she decides to go outside. “Nooria looked terrified. If Parvana didn’t obey her, she would have to go for food herself. Now I’ve got her, Parvana thought. I can make her as miserable as she makes me. But she was suprised to find that this thought gave her no pleasure ” p.52-53. As she has disguised herself into a boy, Parvana works in the market. Then one day, she discovers that there is also another girl who disguises herself into a boy. She is Shauzia, her classmates. When she meets Shauzia, Shauzia gives her dried apricots. She is happy to receive it because it has been a long time she does not eat the dried apricots. As she receives the dried apricots, Parvana does not keep the apricots for herself only. She counts them and thinks that the apricots are enough for everyone in her family. “She counted them. There was one for everyone in the household, and an extra one for her to eat now ” p.96. It is unusual for an eleven-year-old girl to have a thought like that. The situation changes Parvana into a mature person. She does not only think about herself but she also thinks about her family at home. 17 Mrs. Weera tells Parvana about a plan which is made by her, her mother and Nooria. They are going to start a school at home and Nooria will be the teacher. Parvana does not think that Nooria will become a good teacher, however, she does not want to say it because she does not want to hurt Nooria’s feeling. “Parvana didn’t like the idea of learning from Nooria. As a teacher, she’d be even bossier than she was as a big sister Still, she couldn’t remember the last time she’d seen Nooria excited about something, so she keep quiet ” p.102. Being the breadwinner for her family makes Parvana does not want to argue with Nooria any more, Parvana has understood the situation in her family. Parvana understands that Nooria is not able to go outside because she is not permitted to go outside not because she does not want to. If Nooria goes outside it will be very dangerous for Nooria. Therefore, Parvana does not want to argue with her. “Nooria hadn’t said anything nasty to Parvana in ages. Or maybe it’s me who’s changed, Parvana thought. Arguing with Nooria simply didn’t make sense any more” p.118. The situation in the family and the women oppression have changed Parvana’s character into a mature person. She does not think that arguing with Nooria gives her pleasure. One day, Parvana saw something bad happening in the stadium. The Taliban cut people’s head and hand because those people were thieves. By seeing that, Parvana worries about her father. She decides to take a break from work. However, she understands that she could not take the break forever. She knows that she must take care of her family. “No one said anything to Parvana when the bread ran out, but she got up and went to work that day anyway. Some things just 18 had to be taken care of ” p.124. Again, this fact shows that Parvana has unusual thoughts despite the fact that she is only eleven years old. Since Parvana becomes the breadwinner for her family, Parvana always thinks and cares about her family. She does everything for her family. She does not think that she could leave her family. Parvana’s friend Shauzia plans to go to France and leaves her family in Afghanistan. Shauzia wants to leave her family because she does not want to work for her family. She hates living in Afghanistan. Shauzia asks Parvana to come with her. However Parvana refuses to go because she could not leave her family. “Do you want to come with me?” Shauzia asked. “We could look after each other.” “I don’t know.” She could leave Afghanistan, but could she leave her family? She didn’t think so” p.128. Parvana is different to Shauzia. Even though living in Afghanistan is difficult for her, she still does not want to leave Afghanistan and her family. The situation changes Parvana not to an eleven-year- old girl’s character. Women ’s oppression which happens in Afghanistan influences Parvana’s character in the novel. The situation in Afghanistan and her family make Parvana becomes a brave and a mature girl. Parvana acts like an adult whereas she is just eleven years old. Being the breadwinner also makes Parvana becomes a reliable person. From the beginning until the end of the story, Parvana remains as a reliable girl. This character is stable because the character does not change from the beginning of the story until the end of the story. This characteristic is analyzed by employing character as seen by another character and direct comment. The writer could find the characterization by seeing 19 from another character’s point of view or opinion. Then, another way is finding the characterization through the direct comment from the author.

3. Reliable