Climate Change Effect on Water Quality

Presentation Outline 1. Climate Change

2. Climate Change Impact

3. Climate Change Effect on Aquatic Ecosystem

4. Climate Change Effect on Water Quality

1.Climate Change Climate Change • Climate change is caused by greenhouse gasses GHGs , hi h e ha e the gree house properties of the earth’s at osphere. • These gasses allow solar radiation from the sun to travel through the atmosphere but prevent the reflected heat from escaping back into space. • This causes the earth’s te perature to rise. Source http:www.esrl.noaa.govgmdoutreachlesson_plans Source: Source: http:www.campaigncc.orgblogpalmoil http:www.nytimes.com20140924businessenergy- environmentpassing-the-baton-in-climate-change-efforts.html?_r=0 Source: http:asiafoundation.orgin-asia20150225indonesias- forests-disappearing-at-record-rates -1.5 -1 -0.5 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100

A: Observations, Northern Hemisphere, Proxy data B: Global Instrumental Observations

C: IPCC 2001 Scenario Projections SRES


1.5 – 5.7

o C Source: IPCC 2001 Climate Change  Scientists around the world now agree that the climatic changes occurring internationally are the result of human activity.  Responsibility for the causes of climate change rests primarily with the developed and industrialized nations.  The costs of climate change will be borne most directly by the poor. Source: http:www.citg.tudelft.nlenabout-facultydepartmentswatermanagementsectionswater- resourcesleerstoelenwrmresearchissuesclimate-change

2. Climate Change Impact

Source: California – Department of Water Resources. Climate Change in California Fact Sheet Ecosystem  Changing temperatures will cause ecosystems to shift – forests, land types.  Plant species will dieback in some areas as temperatures rise, but increase in other areas.  However, in many cases, the pace of change in temperature may be too fast for ecosystems to adjust, resulting in the loss of forests and species. Anonymous, 2007. Climate change and water resources Agriculture  Declining crop yields are likely to leave hundreds of millions without the ability to produce or purchase sufficient food supplies, especially in Africa.  At mid to high latitudes, crop yields may increase for low levels of change in temperature, but will decline at higher levels of temperature change.