Recount Text in the English Curriculum of Senior High School

Standard Competence Basic Competence 12. Expressing the meaning in the short functional text and simple essay in the form of narrative, descriptive and news item in the daily life context. 12.1 Expressing the meaning in the form of formal or informal short functional text for instance announcement, advertisement, invitation, etc by using various kinds of written language accurately, fluently, and acceptably in the daily life context. 12.2 Expressing the meaning and rhetorical steps in the simple essay accurately, fluently, and acceptably in the daily life context in the form of narrative, descriptive, and news item. Translated from Depdiknas 2006:311-314 In the table above, there were two standard competencies and four basic competencies for grade tenth that should be mastered by the tenth year students of SMAN Pasirian. Related to the topic of this research, the researcher took standard competence number 6 and basic competence number 6.2. It was because both of the standard competence and basic competence discussed about recount texts.

2.4 Recount Text in the English Curriculum of Senior High School

Richard 2012 stated that text is used in a special sense to refer to structured sequences of language that are used in specific contexts in specific ways. In addition, Krippendorp in Cohen 2007:475 defines text as any written communicative materials which are intended to be read, interpreted and understood by people. So, in brief texts are structured sequences of language which are intended to be read, interpreted and understood by people. On the text based instruction, when someone writes a text, he should consider the patterns of its text. Richard 2012 stated that text-based involves the structure of different text types and its purpose features. According to School-Based Curriculum, one of the basic competencies of writing for senior high school is expressing the meaning and rhetorical steps accurately, fluently, and acceptably by using various of written language in the daily life context in the form of recount, narrative, and procedure Depdiknas, 2006:311. A recount text is a text which retells events or experiences that happened in the past. Goatly 2000:30 states that recount text is to construct past experience by retelling events and incidents in order in which they occurred. In addition, Cavanagh 1998:12 points out that the purpose of recount text is to reconstruct past events by retelling them in the order which they occurred. In brief, recount text is a text which retelling events and incidents in order in which they occurred. There are three different types of recount text, namely personal recount, factual recount, and imaginative recount Watt, 2008:4. A personal recount text is a text which retelling of an activity that the writer or speaker has experience, for instance an oral story, a letter or a diary. A factual recount text is a text which records the detail of something that has happened, for instance a historical recount, a science experiment, a traffic report of sport report. Meanwhile, an imaginative recount text is a text which takes on an imaginary role and creates imaginary details but places them in a realistic context, for instance A day in the life of an ant, My life as a roman emperor. Considering the basic competence of writing in the tenth grade of senior high school, in this research the researcher chose personal recount text because it tells about an activity that the writer has experienced. The students of high achievers are regarded to write their personal experience occurred in the past. The recount text should be written in 10-15 sentences.

2.5 Characteristics of Recount Text