The Rafters Composition of the Malay House

43 Sentur useful as a frame of a wall, door frame, and frame Windows frames. The amount of sentur depends on the high wall as well as the number of doors, Windows, and vents. High-walled homes that need sentur more than a low- walled House short. The more doors, Windows, and vents of the home, more and more also needed sentur. 3..2.9The pillars of the CAP Closed rectangular pillars or beams. The magnitude depends on the size of the pole and useful as the upper locking pole. The materials used are the same with porridge. Close the pole connecting the four pillars series called long pole cover, while connecting with other pillars referred to close the short pole. 3.2.10Reed Wood mounted transversely in the upper lid of the mast is called a partition. Its shape is rectangular or round. The material is the same as the pillar of the CAP. The point can be likened to the attic or as beam girder pull under horses. Its size is equal to or slightly smaller than the cap on the pole.

3.2.11 The Rafters

Rafters rafters are called large males are useful as walk the horses, while smaller rafters on Rafter calls females. Useful as a place to attach the roof. Rafter males located below the rolls-rolls, while the females is located at the top of the Rafter rolls-rolls. The shape is there a round, flattened, or square. Material from hardwoods, especially for males, while Rafter to Rafter females can use nibung or Reed. Universitas Sumatera Utara 44 3.2.12Rolls-rolls Scroll-scroll shape is round or square. Rolls-rolls are mounted parallel to the bone bubung, above the rafters males. 3.2.13Bone Bubung Bubung bone is the wooden top on top of the roofs of the meeting. The material of hardwood, while the shape is round or square. Bone bubung Rafter is a meeting place and the tip of the roof next to the top. 3.2.14Pointing to the sky Pointing to the sky rectangular or round. Material from hard wood or similar materials with pole series. The point as a pillar of bone place bubung and horses. Pointing to the ceiling mounted on top of the pole caps on both ends of perabung, while the middle is mounted above the reeds. The amount was not determined, but at least three pieces, two on the end and one in the middle. On top of the ceiling mounted horses and walk the horses. Its mounted bones bubung. 3.2.15The wall The wall is part of the construction of a just wake up the House. The wall serves as a decorative addition to a contraction, engraved with a draw. In the days before the wall Board is introduced, a Malay House using leaves to the wall. The leaves are used including leaf bertam, your Kindle, sago Palm and also a palm leaf. It leaves arranged become fields. There are also using the wall made of bamboo. This wall can still be seen at home few long bubung area. The wall is made of plaited reeds that bar according to the desired pattern. Pelupuh style known as kelarai, Wall Universitas Sumatera Utara 45 pelupuhcould hold up to 80 years. An example of a House that uses a stylish tepas kelarai wall is the Palace of the Tepas or better known as the Castle on the Hill Cadan Kenanga, Kuala Kengsar, silver.,Dari kabar yang di dapat, this Palace was built in 1918, and became a temporary abode of Sultan Iskandar Shah Sultan of Perak who ruled from 1918-38, this is done because it is looking forward to the completion of the official Palace Palace of Iskandar in the construction. 3.2.16The door On the walls there are Windows and doors. The door is a wall that can be closed and opened. The point gave way to the occupant comes out in. .. The doors had two leaves the door opened inwards, and rarely Malay houses leaves the door opened out. In the central part of the House there are also the pintu gelangsar , that leaves that door on the slide to the edge of the wall during the open. The doors of the first traditional house usually using ; and doorstop, but modern limas homes now use the key or mango.Doorstop also serves as key tools so that the door cannot be dikopak by nasty unwanted evils. In addition to that stake can also be used as a weapon if they were attacked by people during their opening doors. Home – Malay traditional house usually has three doors, the presence of which is located in the Foyer or on the porch, the door also located on the hose or hose in keleks children and the back door which is located behind the kitchen. Besides the doors leading out of the House, there is also a door in the home, that Universitas Sumatera Utara 46 is like the door of the cubicle door, porch and doors separating the spaces of the mother house, the hose and the kitchen.

3.2.17 Window