Background of the Study


1.1 Background of the Study

In recent years, the significance of indoor climate for health and comfort has been emphasized. According to Bronsema et al. 2004, studies have found that 90 of a normal humans time is being spent staying indoors. The ASHRAE 2011 has stated that the indoor air concentrations of pollutant that are listed to affect the comfort, environmental satisfaction, health, or work or school performance of a human is represented by the term indoor air quality IAQ. The ASHRAE 2009 in their handbook also stated that even though the importance of IAQ is recognized by the building owners and building professionals, they tend to ignore it in their routine mostly because of budget constrict. As a result, the building occupants will be exposed to numerous forms of indoor air pollution IAP and also their comfort will be affected. A growing body of scientific evidence has stated that there are more pollution in the air within buildings compared to the outdoor air in recent years. This showed that humans have higher risk to be exposed to pollution indoors than outdoors. There are varieties of pollution indoors compared to outdoors. There are varieties of pollutants that can be found inside our buildings which can be separated into two groups, biological and chemical. Biologic pollutants can include bacteria, molds, viruses, animal dander, cat saliva, dust mites, cockroaches, and much more. Some serious health effects is related to these biologic pollutants. Meanwhile, chemical pollutants can include carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, formaldehyde, ozone and others which some is specifically related with the IAQ parameters USDHHS, 2006. INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1 2 According to International Code of Practice, ICOP 2010, IAQ is closely related with the heating, ventilation and air-conditioning HVAC system that is used in the building. This means that some of the pollutants that can levels that can be found inside a building can be related to the HVAC system used in the building. A HVAC system is a mechanical system may turn faulty or inadequate. In a research paper by Karina and Maria 2010, it has been stated that to ensure the adequate dilution of contaminants generated in the building, ventilation is necessary. In another research by Syazwan et al., 2009, also indicates a relationship of IAQ and ventilation which is an increase in ventilation will reduce the prevalence of sick building syndrome which is caused by poor IAQ. In order to keep the environmental quality at the desirable level, maintenance of the HVAC system is need according to Sulaiman. et al., 2013. Thus, in this research, the indoor air contaminants status on air conditioning system of a building will be determined and assessed. The parameters of the IAQ which is indoor air temperature, the percentages of relative humidity RH, the air velocity, level of Carbon Dioxide CO 2 , and Particulate Matter PM 2.5 will be measured for a specific time. The level will be compared with the standard level set by ICOP IAQ 2010.

1.2 Problem Statement