G.1. ABSTRACT Guidelines for Abstract Submission:

1. Abstracts must be submitted in English or Bahasa Indonesia.

2. Abstract should contain no more than 400 words (excluding author information).

3. The identifying information includes:

a. Titles in BOLD and UPPER CASE

b. Author and Co-author(s)' details, including affiliation details (e.g., department, institution / hospital, city, country)

4. The abstracts text is limited to 400 words and is to be structured to the following headings: Background, Objectives, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. The section headings should be


5. Please do not include reference, tables, graphs, and images in the abstract.

6. Accepted abstract can be orally presented in Bahasa Indonesia or English. Power point slide should be in English only.

7. Abstract Submission Deadline: September 15, 2012

8. Accepted Abstract Announcement: September 18, 2012


Poster session will be held at the Inna Garuda Hotel Yogyakarta on 11 to 12 October 2012 or during the implementation of Symposium took place

Poster Dimensions

Poster board will be provided to display your materials. The poster size is 120 cm high and 90 wide (could be divided into 2 posters). Materials, including title, may not extend beyond the poster size.

Poster Design

Make your own poster presentation easy to read with some visual display. Produce material that is legible from a distance of at least 3 meters. Remember the audience may have a short time frame to pay attention to your presentation. Use color for highlighting and to make your poster more attractive.

Use pictures, diagrams, cartoons, figures, etc, rather than only text wherever possible. It does not generally refer to receiving support from a grant funder, unless the funder is actively engaged in the

desig o i ple e tatio of the p oje t as ell. Do ’t fo get to put ou offi ial a d i ou poste .


All poster presentation should be delivered in English or Bahasa Indonesia.


We highly recommend that you stand near your poster so that viewers may ask you questions at break or lunch time. We also recommend that you do so to maximize your opportunities to present your project or activity and to be available to meeting participants to discuss your poster. You may put your contact detail or bussiness card and abstract printout near your poster.

Towards Universal Health Coverage and Equity | 31

Poster Scheduling and Display

1. All posters should be based on the submitted abstract as accepted by the Scientific Committee.

2. Posters will be displayed in poster area in the 2nd floor (please check the site map).

3. Posters should be displayed as per the date and number in the program and be set up by 08:00 am.

4. The Poster Board Number will be posted by the Organizing Committee. It is the p ese te ’s responsibility to put up their poster.

5. All posters should be displayed on the panel between 09:00 and 18:00. We also recommend that you leave your poster up throughout the day, for those who wish to visit the poster area during other session an break times.

6. Posters will be taken down by the committee by 20:00 pm at the end of poster session on October 12, 2012.

32 | Regional Symposium on Health Research and Development

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