Method and Technique of Analyzing Data

1.5.3 Method and Technique of Analyzing Data

There are two kinds of data analysis. There are statistic and non statistic analysis. The non statistic analysis is suitable for the qualitative data and it is done without doing statistic calculation. Meanwhile, statistics is suitable for the quantitative data and it is done by doing statistic calculation. In this thesis, the qualitative method and the descriptive technique was used in analyzing the data because there are no statistics calculations in the data. In this study, the collected data was analyzed by qualitative method. The collected data were further analyzed based on the theory of language development proposed by Owens 1992 and innateness theory by Chomsky 1968. The analysis was correlated to the formulated problems. Since the data in this study was analyzed by descriptive technique, therefore there are several steps in analyzing the data source. Firstly, the data of Tonya as an intermarriage child was arranged one by one. Secondly, the data of Tonya as the main data of this study obtained from the interview results of her parents and the result of observing Tonya for three months was compared with the language development with the normal children based on the theory. Therefore, in this step, the differences between Tonya as an intermarriage child and the other normal children in acquiring the first language could be seen. Thirdly, the language development of Tonya using more than one language could be compared with the language development of the children that use only one language. Fourthly, the data obtained from the parents related to their effort in helping their child and the factors influencing in acquiring the language could be seen. This analysis would identify the effort that Tony a’s parent did for their child in using the first language and other factors influencing the language development of Tonya. Finally, the formulated problems could be answered clearly.

1.5.4 Method and Technique of Presenting the Data