percent of global forest area . community ownership since 2008 is less than 20 percent of the area secured in the previous six years. Results were also compared across countries that are implementing REDD+ initiatives and those that are not see Table 2. The slowdown in recognition of rights occurred despite implementation of REDD+ initiatives—which often talk of tenure security as a key requirement for success—in 28 of the 33 countries. Furthermore, the relatively limited share of forests owned by individuals and firms reflected in Figure 2 masks a major ongoing change in individual and corporate access to forest land and resources. The 21st century wave of large-scale land acquisitions by investors in LMICs has primarily taken the form of concessionary and long-term leasing arrangements between the state and private investors, which do not transfer ownership. While several estimates have been made, 213 the true extent of these leases is not yet fully understood on a global scale. LMIC trends disaggregated by region Within the sample of LMICs, it is possible to disaggregate forest tenure data by region. Regional distributions across the four statutory tenure categories are presented in Figure 3. As a complement to the regional aggregates in Figure 3, Tables 3-5 in the following regional sub-sections list countries complete cases only in descending order based on the proportion of their forest land under community ownership and community control. Since countries within a region differ significantly in size, this information allows changes taking place in smaller countries to be highlighted and, conversely, ensures that changes in one or a few large countries do not obscure a lack of change in other, smaller countries. Africa As Figure 3 demonstrates, there was only limited change in forest tenure in the 12 countries with complete data in Africa in the Designated for Indigenous Peoples and local communities Owned by Indigenous Peoples and local communities 2002-2008 2008-2013 2002-2008 2008-2013 LMICs +26.8 +19.7 +66.8 +11.2 of which REDD+ Countries +19.3 +16.7 +50.3 +9.3 Non-REDD+ Countries +7.5 +3.0 +16.5 +1.9 TABLE 2 Change in area of statutory community tenure in LMIC, REDD+, and non-REDD+ countries, in millions of hectares Government administered Designated for Indigenous Peoples and local communities Owned by Indigenous Peoples and local communities Owned by individuals and firms FIGURE 3 Statutory recognition of forest tenure, by region 2002 2013 Africa 95.5 4.2 5.9 93.7 2002 2013 Asia 67.4 26.9 3.5 2.2 30.6 2.5 6.0 60.9 2002 2013 Latin America 22.4 2.0 14.5 32.9 17.9 6.2 61.1 42.9 0.3 0.3 See endnote 211 for details on REDD+ versus non-REDD+ countries 18