INTRODUCTION Decision making by tourist is a very important aspect in tourist behavior, as it is


I. Wayan Suardana

Abstract: The main aim of this research is to examine satisfaction and trust as mediation that related to motivation and loyalty. Researcher used Stratified Random Sampling for this research, with totally 250 qualified respondents and they were taken from diving area in Bali. The respondents must be foreign tourists who have been diving more than once in marine tourist objects around Bali. Based on data analytics method which was used in this research, that is Structural Equation Modeling SEM, the result shows that there are direct and indirect influences between intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, satisfaction, and trust toward product loyalty. Satisfaction has been proven being full mediator variable that is related to extrinsic motivation and trust. Meanwhile, trust is being mediator for satisfaction and product loyalty. Tourist motivation becomes a strong predictor from loyalty. It’s not only able increasing loyalty, but could also build satisfaction level and tourists trust. Keywords: intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, satisfaction, trust and product loyalty

1. INTRODUCTION Decision making by tourist is a very important aspect in tourist behavior, as it is

used as basic reason whether tourist will buy the products or not. Their behavior in making decision based on many things, such as motivation, experience and expectation to visited destination Swarbrooke and Horner, 2007:74. Various options of tourism products are emerging as product diversification, resulting in difficulty of the marketer to maintain its position as a tourist destination choice. At the same time, destinations and products appear to offer lower prices with better qualities. Along with these, managers realize the importance of improving the intrinsic understanding, satisfaction and loyalty tourist as valuable information for the sustainability of tourism businesses. Tourist satisfaction comes from experience during his visit which is based on the motivation visit. It has a positive influence on destination loyalty. If tourists are satisfied with their vacation experience, they are more likely to return to the same destination and to recommend that destination to other people Yoon Uysal, I J A B E R, Vol. 13, No. 5, 2015: 2895-2918 2896 �

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2005. Motivational approaches are the basic concepts in psychology, because it is seen as a tendency of all the tourists who make purchases based on the initial motive and opinion on individuals who are permanently avoid something unwantedunpleasant and look for the desiredfun Hasan, 2015: 366. In tourism, tourist motives dynamics will provide a different experience and satisfaction in accordance with the motivation, the situation, as well as the tourists have perceived at the destinations. One of the theories that can explain the relation between motivation and satisfaction is Self Determination Theory Schuler, Sheldon, and Frohlich, 2010. Deci and Ryan 1985 have developed Self Determination Theory to probe how different motivation type resulting different self determination level. This theory is one of important multidimensional framework, that addresses issues of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. This theory explains that someone’s strong intention in an action can be seen with real action to predict and identify the behaviors Schuler, Sheldon and Frohlich, 2010. Intrinsic motivation refers to motivation that comes from inside an individual, which is shown when someone is interested to do any activities, feels comfortable while doing it and based on sincerity. Extrinsic motivation refers to motivation that comes from outside an individual. The motivating factors are external, or outside, rewards such as money or grades. These rewards provide satisfaction and pleasure that the task itself may not provide. Tourist will realize his motivation to get satisfaction Vallerand, 2004. Motivation that comes from inside an individual, especially intrinsic motivation can bring satisfaction for him when he shares his knowledge with the others Gagne and Deci, 2005. According Stiglbauer, Gnambs and Gamsjager 2011, motivation effects individual trust to an object. Cycle of motivation, satisfaction, and value for tourists, is one of the most relevant concepts discussed in the tourism marketing. Tourists perfect understanding is the most feasible way to establish and improve satisfaction, loyalty, as well as provide superior value for travelers Hasan, 2015:364. In the context of tourist behavior, tourist satisfaction can improve traveler loyalty Caceres dan Paparoidamis, 2007. Some researchers associate the role of satisfaction in the relationship between traveler’s motivation and loyalty. Yoon and Uysal 2005 describe the research model that links between motivation, satisfaction, and loyalty. Analysis which used was structural equation modeling SEM. Motivation in this research was distinguished by push and pull motivation. The model assumed is acceptable. To comprehend tourist loyalty, satisfaction has a very important role. Meanwhile, tourist satisfaction comes from inside individual and outside motivation. Yoon and Uysal, 2005; Chow, 1997; Dick and Basu, 1994; Valle, et al, 2006. In various tourist behavior studies, seems that relationship between satisfaction and loyalty becomes more complex than expected. This change in emphasis to the relational marketing has expanded the predictor than the loyalty Fullerton, 2005; Caceres and Paparoidamis, 2007. Relational theory has explained the principle of the exchange of short-term into long-term exchange as a paradigm An Examination of the Relationship among Motivation, Satisfaction... � 2897 change in the field of marketing O’Malley and Tynan, 2000. Relationship marketing theory gives an understanding, that provide different services for tourists and provide benefits of other relationships are believed to increase consumer’s trust Garbarino and Johnson, 1999; Franco, 2009. Trust is one of the variables for the development of relations in the relational marketing paradigm Morgan and Hunt 1994. In this perspective, satisfaction does not have a significant effect on loyalty Garbarino and Johnson, 1999. So, in building product loyalty, the satisfaction is the entry point and continued by travelers trust. Customers should be encouraged to delight zone, where customers feel happy or excited that will lead to a strong trust and loyalty Gnot, Bigne and Andrru 2006 : 258-259. However, in its development, satisfaction is not enough, when the tourists get another stimulus that can change the repurchase decision. A strong trust is needed, so that tourists still buy a desired product Careres and Paparoidamis 2007; Sirdeshmukh, et al. 2002; Kim, et al. 2011. The variation of empirical studies on the relationship between the variables of motivation, satisfaction and loyalty, encouraging the need for research on the tourist loyalty mediated by trust. Previous research in tourism has been approached with the concept of loyalty to the tourist destination from the perspective of the intention to repeat visits and recommend the destination to friends or relatives, but rule out the effect of relationship marketing trust and the value of the destinations that form of loyalty Niininem, et al. 2004; Li and Petrick, 2010; Forgas, et al. 2012. In addition, to fully understand the tourist loyalty, also required a deep understanding of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation Yoon and Uysal, 2005; Kim, Lee, and Klenosky, 2003; Ryan and Deci, 2000. While previous studies have shown the effect performed by nationality in the decision to come back, none identify motivation in influencing satisfaction and trust as antecedent’s loyalty. To fill the gaps that exist in the literature, it is proposed to develop a theoretical model which will allow explaining the relationship between extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation, to satisfaction, trust and loyalty of its influence on the product.Analysis of tourist behavior of the various variables above can assist managers in making policies destinations, tourism structures, and infrastructure to become stronger and more competitive. While the managers and marketers can build a more creative marketing and determine tourists segments, which require special attention before making strategic interventions. Tourist behavior, particularly in the purchasing decision back, providing a comprehensive understanding and deepening of the relationship marketing theory and construct theories of behavior in tourism. 2. LITERATURE REVIEW AND RESEARCH MODEL The development of tourism is now urgently need a strategy to be successful and survive in an increasingly competitive industry. To win the competition, the development of tourism products can be done by understanding the motivation 2898 �

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of the trip, providing quality service to improve tourist’s satisfaction Beggs and Elkins, 2012; Swarbrooke and Horner, 2007. The satisfaction of tourists will be able to influence the buying behavior of tourists in the future. Moreover, supported by the fact that there is competition in providing tourist destination, it is important to establish and maintain the actual travelers become loyal travelers. This is what underlies the importance of understanding the role of motivation and satisfaction in the relationship in growing loyalty. Here is described the variables and the relationships between variables, that make up the conceptual relationship in this study, namely: a Intrinsic Motivation Motivation is a method or process that aims to influence or encourage tourists to get them to do something they desire, to achieve the purpose of buying tourism products effectively and efficiently Park and Yoon, 2009; Gray, et al. 1984; Gnoth, 1997. Motivation is an impulse arising from within or from outside or the environment as a driving factor towards the goal to be achieved. Motivation has the intensity and different direction Ryan and Decy, 2000. Two tourists may be motivated to shop, but one of them might have a stronger motivation to do so than the other one. Motivation can be a characteristic that comes from within him. According to self-determination theory a Deci and Ryan, 1985 human have a need for a competency, but is heavily influenced by the needs of the individual. Things that generate self-determination is different. Intrinsic motivation is the motivation of a person who performs an activity because the activity is interesting for him and can give satisfaction or pleasure Ryan and Deci, 2000. In line with these opinions, Lindenberg 2001 mentions that intrinsic motivation is motivation that comes from within a person. Intrinsic motivation is internal factors that can generate tourist behavior in determining the tours England, 2003: 34; Ross, 1998: 33. Intrinsic motivation is a socio-psychological aspect that encourages tourists to diving. This stimulus arises from the needs of individuals in line with the theory of self-determination which implies that individuals are intrinsically motivated tend to show gains in self-esteem Ryan and Deci, 2000 in Cromptom, 2005. Holden and Sparrowhawk 2002 provide specificity on tourists with characteristic ecotourism have internal motivations, those are the study of nature, physical activity, and meet with other people who have the same activity. So intrinsic motivation in this research is the motivation that comes from within oneself without the need for external stimulation or orders from outside the individual tourists or divers Mohhammad and Som 2010. According Lee 2009; Yoon and Uysal, 2005; Kouthoris 2009, tourist motivation becomes the main reason that should be known in interpreting the level of product loyalty. This implies that the traveler who has a strong motivation for traveling, takes effect on the desire to return. In line with the Keating and Kriz 2008; Lee, 2009, emphasizes that the intrinsic motive can An Examination of the Relationship among Motivation, Satisfaction... � 2899 used to explain the desire of traveling that encourage travelers to leave home and look for a vacation destination. More specifically, it is shown, that there is a positive impact on tourist satisfaction in doing visits Vallerand, 2010, Schuler, et al., 2010; Lee and Liu, 2009; Ryan and Decy, 1985. Thus, intrinsic motivation is motivation that can make a person wants to travel in order to get satisfaction, and intending to repeat the activity in the future Yoon and Uysal, 2005; Kouthouris, 2009. Based on above hypothesis, it can be hypothesized as follows: H1: The higher the intrinsic motivation of tourists, the higher tourist satisfaction. H2: The higher the intrinsic motivation of tourist, the higher the loyalty of tourists b Extrinsic Motivation Extrinsic motivation is motivation that is influenced by the properties that exist in the sights. Together with a driving factor, extrinsic motivation requires special attention, because this factor aims to determine the choice of product to be purchased. Crompton 1979 identified two indicators that have become decisive in this motivation. Both indicators are novelty and education. Yoon and Uysal 2003 found that extrinsic motivation has positive effect on tourist satisfaction and provide a direct effect on the tourist loyalty. The driving factors at once will cause extrinsic motivation be awakened and affect tourist satisfaction. Extrinsic motivation is very important influence to the level of tourist satisfaction and confidence. Product loyalty arises when the response and attitude towards the satisfaction and trust becomes negative Joynathsing adan Ramkissoon, 2010. The main reasons of this opinion are the dominant influence of external motivation to satisfaction. Other studies supporting the relationship of extrinsic motivation with high satisfaction of finding information on destinations and other factors from outside attract tourists to come back to the same destination Kim, Lee and Kelnosky, 2003. In some behavioral approaches known that motivation also act as antecedent of trust, so that the strong motivation of individuals resulted in increasing tourist trust Stiglbauer, et al., 2001; Duck, 2009. In contrast to the above findings, Yoon and Uysal, 2005, found a negative effect of extrinsic motivation tourist loyalty. Tourists do not get a lot of travel information and certainty of the destinations. That doesn’t affect the tendency of traveler motivation. Based on above statement of some researchers, it can be hypothesized as follows:H3: The higher the extrinsic motivation of tourists, the higher tourist satisfactionH4: The higher the extrinsic motivation of tourists, the higher the tourist trustH5: The higher the extrinsic motivation of tourists, the higher loyalty to the product. c Satisfaction There are various definitions of tourist satisfaction. The main principles of satisfaction is a comparison between what was expected with the level of 2900 �

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performance that is perceived by tourists. According to Oliver 1997, satisfaction is an evaluation made by a person between previous expectations and the results obtained from the consumption of a product or service, in this case is the service for at tourist destinations. While Baker and Crompton 2000 concluded satisfaction as an attitude that is shown by the emotional reaction to a product or service. Yi 1991 identified two different concepts, namely the satisfaction of transactional- specific satisfaction and overall satisfaction. Transaction-specific satisfaction is a concept that refers to the satisfaction of consumer satisfaction ratings after purchasing the product. Overall satisfaction is a concept that measures the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of consumers to a particular product as a whole based on the entire experience in consuming the product. Thus, the overall satisfaction functions of all transaction-specific satisfaction that happened before. The concept used in this study is a thorough satisfaction overall customer satisfaction. Satisfaction is an attribute that is not the only one that is based on experience. To the possible existence of other antecedent as motivation Latu and Everett, 2000. By antecedent may indicate the existence of operational consistency motivation and satisfaction. Yoon and Uysal 2005, satisfaction should be perceived from a multidimensional perspective, i.e considering more than one variable observed. Similarly, satisfaction can be used as predictors of loyalty. Travelers are satisfied with the service providers and products purchased, will lead efforts to recommend to others and are willing to go back Valle et al., 2006. Customer satisfaction is the focus of attention of academics and marketing practitioners in recent decades. To achieve success in tourism development depends on the manager’s ability to deliver what the wishes of the tourists. Satisfaction is the key success of tourism services Hui, et al., 2007; Yuksel and Yuksel, 2007; Jang and Feng, 2007; Um, et al., 2006. Further Menon, et al., 1999; Cheng and Lee, 2011, found that satisfaction has a strong influence on the decision to re-purchase from a seller and develop the relationship between seller and buyer. The satisfaction of tourists can create customer retention which may further increase the company’s profits, consider that given the costs of maintaining existing customers is cheaper than the cost of seeking new customers. Besides, the satisfaction does not only encourages the tendency of consumer behavior to make positive word of mouth Reicheld daan Saser, 1990, but rather to re-purchase. Furthermore Yuksel, et al, 2010 showed that tourist satisfaction affects not only the retention, but can increase loyalty to the product. These findings then reinforced by other researchers that reveal the influence of customer satisfaction on loyalty is positive and significant Dick and Basu, 1994; Deng, et al. 2010; Yoon and Uysal, 2005; Forgas Coll, et al., 2012; Salegna and Godwin 2005; Taleghani, et al. 2011. However, there are some findings that identify a non-significant relationship between satisfaction and loyalty Bowen and Chen, 2001; Gomez, Mclauhlin and Wittink, 2004. These findings suggest, that increased traveler satisfaction doesn’t always mean producing a high An Examination of the Relationship among Motivation, Satisfaction... � 2901 level of loyalty, even some have an ambiguous attitude, means satisfied but not loyal, or not satisfied but loyal Olsen, Wilcox and Olsson, 2005. Based on previous experience, the tourists have been satisfied with a product, it’s necessary to build tourist trust of these products, so that tourists and destinations relationship became closer Kim, et al., 2011. Relationship marketing theory suggests that the satisfaction of tourists affect trust in the context of internet users Franco, et al., 2009. Confidence or trust increases if the level of satisfaction felt by tourists increased and continuously updated so that it becomes a commitment to come back M’Salem, et al., 2011; Jacob, et al., 2010; Moliner, 2007. This is also reinforced by Ha, et al. in 2010 who formulated a trust as a mediator only between gaps and intention to re-visit the same destinations. So a tourist who settles in the interaction with the destination or vice products will affect trust in the destination. This is believed to be one of the investment returns of the relationship. Based on these findings, this research put forward a hypothesis: H6:The higher tourist satisfaction, the higher the loyalty on productsH7 : The higher tourist satisfaction, the higher the travelers trust d Trust Trust to objects, attributes, and benefits shows the perception of the consumer, so the trust of a consumer is different than other consumers. Trust is a marketing concept that emerged from the relational orientation in marketing activities Payne 1993: 31. Sideshmukh, et al. 2002 stated that trust is one of elements in relational marketing, which is strongly owned by the company. The use of the term relational marketing written by Berry 1983 states that relational marketing is a philosophy or culture which is very important in an organization. Relationship marketing is an attempt to attract, develop and retain customers Berry and Parasuraman 1991: 33; Reid and Bojanic, 2010: 59; Peppers and Rogers, 2004. In the tourism perspective, relationship marketing describes various marketing tactics, as an effort to maintain the rating after the sale or visits take place, with the aim of creating a repurchase tourist retention Evans and Laskin, 1994; Cosic and Djuric, 2010. Moorman et al. 1993 defines trust as a willingness to rely on others who have been believed. Trust has two different aspects; those are credibility which refers to the belief that the other party has the expertise in running the duties and benevolence which refers to the seriousness of the other parties in implementing the agreement. Mayer and Gavin 2005 developed a trust property into three parts; those are professional ability, goodwill, and integrity. So, in this context, the integrity of an individual is important in the development of tourist trust. While Moliner, et al. 2007 asserts that besides virtue, trust is determined by honesty. In 2902 �

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the context of tourist behavior, trust measurements performance on two aspects: the quality of services that have been offered, and the reliability of services that have been offered Beugelsdij, 2006. In this context, the trust serves as a protector of the relationships that have been built by 1 continue to work with partners that already exist, 2 reject the short-term alternative that seems interesting, for the benefit of long-term relationships with existing partners, 3 observe potential action, who are at high risk as the precautionary principle on the belief, that its partners will not behave opportunistically Morgan and Hunt, 1994. Further Morgan and Hunt 1994 convey social exchange relationships, trust becomes antecedent of loyalty will ensure an ongoing relationship and last forever. Trust will encourage tourists to participate in social exchange. To increase loyalty to the product, a strong trust from tourist is needed Salegna and Fazel, 2011; Sirdeshmukh, et al., 2002; Lau and Lee, 1999. Other findings also found that the trust has a positive and significant influence to loyalty Chaudhuri and Holbrook, 2001; Lin and Lu, 2010; Sirdeshmukh, et al., 2002; Aydin et al., 2005. Consistent with the above findings, this study hypothesizes as follows: H8: The higher the rating the confidence trust the higher the loyalty. e Product Loyalty Some of the literatures explained that the brand of a product can be successful in some product categories. So labeling of a product into an identity is important as part of strengthening and introduction of products Zhang, 2010. In tourism, especially diving tourism, various services choice becomes a challenge in strengthening the tourist loyalty. Product loyalty usually refers to the brand loyalty with respect to a particular product or brand, regardless of where the product was purchased Salegna and Fazel, 2011. From a behavioral approach point of view, product loyalty is defined as strong loyalty level to the product, with indicators of the number of purchases for products or specific brands. Oliver 1997 states loyalty is willingness from the customer to continue with the purchase on a company in the long term and using the same product over and over, as well as recommend it to a friend or other person voluntarily. The level of product loyalty can be measured by monitoring the frequency of purchase or the numbers of consumers are turning to the product or other brand in the same product category Javalgi and Moberg, 1997. Loyalty to the product is one of the success factors for managers to continuously obtain the competitiveness Lee and Cunningham, 2001. A tourist can have loyalty in tourism products with no loyalty to the service provider. The product category has a greater risk to provide a good or bad perception in the minds of tourists. For that, when consumers buy a product in a particular category, their experience is also associated with the quality of service and loyalty Benito and Partal, 2012. An Examination of the Relationship among Motivation, Satisfaction... � 2903 In tourism business, loyalty to products measured by three different indicators, namely the intention to continue buying the same product, buy more of the same product, and willingness to recommend the product to others Valle, et al. 2006. In the higher competitive conditions of tourism industry, destination marketers are required to attract new tourists, create and maintain tourist loyalty to the brand of a tourist product. Therefore, measuring and analyzing the determining factor of customer loyalty becomes an important part in tourism marketing. Familiarity with the destination, overall satisfaction, socio demographic profiles, and motivation, becomes determinant factor of tourist willingness to make repeat purchases. General Managers use a variable satisfaction as the standard tourist loyalty. However, satisfaction will not create loyalty to the product, without trust Lee and Cunningham, 2001. Placing confidences in satisfaction as the only thing that is most important in building loyalty, many are indisputable. Consumer satisfaction only explains a quarter of loyalty behavioral deviation or repeat purchase Burhan, et al. 2003; and Szymanski and Herand, 2001. Likewise researchers like Mittal and Kamakura 2001; Burham, et al. 2003 suggested understanding the various factors that can build product loyalty, not merely of tourist satisfaction. Product loyalty can be measured by various indicators, among others Assael 1992: 65; Jamaludin, et al. 1992, namely: 1 the extent of the products movement or consumer likes to switch to other products, 2 how long those customers have used these products, 3 whether the product has become a lifestyle, 4 whether customers want to recommend the product to others. While Anastassova 2011; Gallarza and Saura, 2006 states that to be an indicator of loyalty products to destinations can be seen from the characteristic includes three aspects: the cognitive, affective, and behavioral aspects. Lee, et al. 2010 explains there are several indicators in the measurement of product loyalty, namely: 1 the number of visits over five years using the same product, 2 the number of positive recommendations given tourists on others to use or select an existing product, 3 an intention or desire still to make a purchase or visit on products previously purchased, 4 have an emotional attachment that is strong because it has a positive experience on products purchased, 5 have a tolerance for a price adjustment. Based on the above discussion, it can be prepared the conceptual framework of the study. The main variable in this study are intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, and satisfaction, trust, and loyalty products. The relationship of these variables can be seen in picture 2.1: 3. ANALYSIS RESULT 3.1. Methods of Data Collection and Analysis Method