Volume 61 – No.15, January 2013 20 START Consumen make an order Select all data in supplier’s product table in which data of that product. Sort them from the first rank until the latest Take its quantity of order In record supplier order, is there any data which in same with product’s data, supplier and date? N Select its idsupplier, date, and quota Get product’s quota of supplier Save to supplier product offer table Get the new quantity order from value of quantity order minus supplier’s quota New quatity order = 0 Start with product in the next row of the order Start from product at the first row of the order Y Start with product in the next rank Order record finished? END Y N A B A B quota = quantity order Y Y Save to record supplier order table Save to supplier product offer table Save to record supplier order table N Start with product in the next row of the order Y Order record finished? END A Get the rest of supplier’s ability with value of kuota minus quantity record Rest ability = Get the product which has the rank below the previous N B Y Rest ability = quantity order C D Y N C D Fig. 5 Flowchart of Supplier’s Selection

4.2 Design of System

The design of the application made by the concept of UML such as use case diagram, activity diagram, and class diagram. Use-case diagram is a diagram for modeling aspects of system behavior. Each use-case diagram shows a set of use-cases, actors and relationships. Here is a picture of the use case model of supply chain application: WHOLESALER ADD NEW PRODUCT ALTER RANK FOR PRODUCT- SUPPLIER SUPPLIER OFFER SUPPLIER’S PRODUCT ORDER PRODUCT CONSUMEN Fig. 6 Use Case Diagram An activity diagram is essentially a fancy flowchart. Activity diagrams and statechart diagrams are related. The activity diagram shows the how those activities depend on one another. Here is a picture of the activity diagram in this application: WHOLESALER APPLICATION SUPPLIER Add new product Save data product Add new offer Save offer to supplier-product Alter supplier’s rank of their product Fig. 7 Activity Diagram of Product Offering by Supplier Volume 61 – No.15, January 2013 21 CONSUMEN APPLICATION SUPPLIER Make product order Save data order Supplier selection Get request order Accept order Re-supplier selection accept reject Fig. 8 Activity Diagram of Supplier’s Selection When Consumer Order A Class diagram gives an overview of a system by showing its classes and the relationships among them. Here is a picture of the sequence diagram in this application: SUPPLIER id code name PRODUCT OFFERED id idsupplier status SaveProductOfferedDetail AcceptOffered CONSUMEN id code name PRODUCT id Code Name Price Information status PRODUCT OFFERED DETAILS id Idproduct_offered Idproduct Quota SaveProductSupplier PRODUCT ORDERED Id Code idconsumen Order_status SaveProductOrderedDetail RECORD SUPPLIER ORDER id Idsupplier Date_transaction Quantity_order SUPPLIER PRODUCT Id subcode Idproduct Idsupplier Price Rank Quota RankManagement PRODUCT ORDERED DETAILS id Idproduct_ordered Idproduct Quantity Status SaveSupplierProductOffer SaveRecordSupplierOrder SaveSupplierOrder SUPPLIER PRODUCT OFFER Id code Idproduct_ordered Idsupplier_product Quantity Status AcceptOrder Fig. 9 Class Diagram of this application

4.3 Design of Database