Subchronic oral toxicity study of Vegeta in Sprague-Dawley rats

Vol 15, No 4, October – December 2006

Subchronic toxicity study of Vegeta


Subchronic oral toxicity study of Vegeta in Sprague-Dawley rats
Hedi R. Dewoto, Frans D. Suyatna

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan keamanan dan efek toksik Vegeta yang diberikan secara oral selama 90 hari pada tikus.
Delapan puluh tikus strain Sprague-Dawley dibagi secara acak menjadi 4 kelompok. Tiap kelompok terdiri dari 20 tikus, 10 jantan
dan 10 betina. Tiap kelompok masing-masing mendapat Vegeta 0,25 g/kg BB; 0,50 g/kg BB; 1,00 g/kg BB (dilarutkan dalam akuades),
dan kelompok kontrol mendapat 5,00 ml/ kg BB akuades secara oral memalui sonde lambung selama 90 hari. Berat badan dan tingkah
laku tikus tiap hari dievaluasi. Pada hari ke 90 hewan coba didekapitasi, sampel darah diambil untuk dinilai kadar hemoglobin, lekosit,
SGPT, SGOT, kreatinin, dan ureum. Organ dalam juga diambil, ditimbang dan diperiksa secara mikroskopis. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa
Vegeta dosis 0,25 g/kg BB; 0,50 g/kg BB; dan 1,00 g/kg BB tidak mempengaruhi berat badan, fungsi hati dan fungsi ginjal dibandingkan
kelompok kontrol. Dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol, tidak didapatkan perbedaan bermakna dalam nilai hemoglobin, tetapi hitung
lekosit meningkat pada kelompok yang mendapat 1,00 g/kg BB Vegeta, yang kemungkinan disebabkan oleh infeksi. Berat otak dan
limpa tikus jantan, dan berat paru dan jantung tikus betina pada kelompok Vegeta berbeda dibandingkan kelompok kontrol. Tetapi
karena perbedaan berat tidak dose related dan tidak didapatkan kelainan mikroskopis yang spesifik dibandingkan kelompok kontrol,

ini menunjukkan bukan merupakan efek toksik Vegeta. Nilai No observed effect level (NOEL) Vegeta 90 hari pemberian secara oral
pada tikus jantan dan betina strain Sprague-Dawley adalah 1,00 g/kg BB. (Med J Indones 2006; 15:223-8)

The objective of this study was to determine the safety and toxic effect of Vegeta giving orally for a period of 90 days in rats. Eighty
rats of Sprague-Dawley strain were randomly devided into 4 groups. Each group consists of 20 rats, 10 male and 10 female rats. Each
group received 0.25 g/ kgBW; 0.50 g / kgBW; 1.00 g / kgBW Vegeta (in aquadest solution) respectively, and the control group received
5 mL /kgBW aquadest , given orally by gastric tube for 90 days. The rat’s body weight and behavior were daily evaluated. On the 90th
day, the rats were decapitated and the blood samples were withdrawn for evaluation of Hemoglobin, leucocyte, SGPT, SGOT,
creatinine, and ureum concentration. Visceral organs were also removed, being weighted and were examined microscopically. The
results showed that Vegeta with dose of 0.25 g / kgBW; 0.50 g / kgBW, and 1.00 g / kgBW did not affect body weight, liver and renal
function compared to control group. There was no significant difference for hemoglobin value compared to control group, but the
number of leucocyte increased in 1.00 g / kgBW Vegeta dose group, which was possibly caused by infection. In Vegeta group, there
was different spleen and brain weight in male rats, and different lung and heart weight in female rats compared to the control group.
However, since it was not dose-related and there was no specific abnormality in microscopic examination compared to the control
group, it was not indicated as Vegeta toxic effect. The No observed effect level (NOEL) value of Vegeta for 90 day oral administration
in male and female rats of Sprague-Dawley strain was 1.00 g / kgBW. (Med J Indones 2006; 15:223-8)
Keywords: Vegeta, subchronic toxicity, oral, rats

Vegeta is a food supplement containing soluble and

insoluble fiber. It appears to be rquired in providing
fiber when people consume less natural fiber in the
form of vegetables or fruits in our daily meal. Plantago
ovata (Psyllium) and Inulin chicory are major soluble
and insoluble fibers in Vegeta. Plantago ovata, a

Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Faculty of
Medicine, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

component of Vegeta may help diet program in
reducing weight since it may sigificantly increase
feeling of stomach fullness.1,2 Dietary fiber is used for
prevention and treatment of constipation.3 It may
enhance defecation process because of its hygroscopic
nature, and acts as a lubricant.4 Some studies
demonstrated that Vegeta may ameliorate the LDLcholesterol level. Meta analysis of 8 controlled trials
found cholesterol-lowering effects of Plantago ovata
intake adjunctive to diet therapy in men and women
with hypercholesterolemia.5


Dewoto and Suyatna

Med J Indones

and ureum concentration. Visceral organs such as
kidney, liver, heart, lung, spleen and brain were
removed, cleaned from surrounding tissue, weighted
and fixed in 10 % formalin solution. A piece of
tissue of each organ was dehydrated in graded
concentration of alcohol and embedded in paraffin
block according to the routine standard method.
Then, it was cut by microtome and stained with
hematoxylin eosin for hitological slides.

This study was aimed to investigate the subchronic
toxicity of Vegeta in rats considering it as a food
supplement which may be consumed in long-term

Vegeta, a yellow powder packed in sachet form. Vegeta
was dissolved in aquadest and the highest Vegeta
concentration that could be given to rats through a
gastric tube was 1g/10 mL /kgBW.
Experimental animals
Eighty Sprague-Dawley rats from the Directorate
General, Drug and Food Regulation (POM), aged
range 6-8 weeks, weighed between 110-150 gram
were used. These rats were randomly devided into 4
groups. Each group consisted of 20 rats, 10 male and
10 female rats. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd group received
three different concentrations of Vegeta and the 4th
group was the control group. During the evaluation,
the experimental animals consumed standard rat’s
food and drank ad libitum.
Administration of Vegeta
Vegeta solution was given orally by gastric tube in a

volume of less than 1% of body weight, once daily
for 90 days. Vegeta was given in 3 dose level. The
highest level of dosage was the dosage that was
expected to result in toxic effects and fatal death in
some experimental animals, while the lowest dosage
should not.6 Based on the preliminary experiment, it
was determined to administer the following dosage :
1st Group : 0.25 g / kgBW of Vegeta (D1)
2nd Group : 0.50 g / kgBW of Vegeta (D2)
3rd Group : 1.00 g / kgBW of Vegeta (D3)
4th Group : 5 mL/kgBW of aquadest as control, (C)

Statistical Analysis
Data comparison of all groups was conducted by oneway analysis of variance followed by Fisher test for
inter-group comparison, with the limit of significance
of 0.05.

Body weight
Male rats

At the beginning of study and in the 30th, 60th, and
90th day , there was no significance difference of body
weight in male rats between 4 groups, which received
0.25 g/kgBW, 0.50 g/kg BW, 1.00 g/kgBW of Vegeta
respectively and aquadest (the control group). In
general, the body weight of male rats increased
similarly in all groups (Table 1).
Table 1. Body weight of male rats (gram, X + SD)



0.25 g/kg BW

0.50 g/kg BW

1.00 g/kg BW


128 + 13

128 + 13

128 + 13

128 + 13


172 + 9

174 + 12

176 + 11

180 + 11


215 + 19

226 + 13

223 + 21

223 + 16


254 + 25

257 + 17

255 + 24

259 + 23

1. Body weight was determined daily and evaluated
on day 0,30,60,and 90.
2. Behavior and clinical symptoms were daily observed
and recorded
3. At the end of study, the rats were decapitated, the
blood sample was withdrawn. Of the blood it was
examined Hb, leukocyte, SGPT, SGOT, creatinine

Female rats
At the beginning of study (Day 0) and the 30th day,
there was no significant difference in female body
weight within 4 groups, which received 0.25 g/kgBW,
0.50 g/kgBW, 1.00 g/kgBW Vegeta dose, and aquadest
(control). On the 60th day, the group which received
0.25 g/kgBW and 1.00 g/kgBW of Vegeta showed a

Vol 15, No 4, October – December 2006

Subchronic toxicity study of Vegeta

lower body weight compared to the control group,
while the body weight in the 0.50 g/kgBW dose group
and the control group was not significant different. On
the 90th day, body weight in group which received
Vegeta of 0.25 g/kg BW was lower than the control
group, while the body weight in the higher Vegeta
dose groups and the control group was not significant
different (Table 2).

Table 2. Body weight of female rats (gram, X + SD)




Hemopoietic System
Hemoglobin (Hb)
Mean Hb values in male rats which received Vegeta in
various dosage were not significant different compared
with those of control group, although the group which
received 0,25 g/kg BW and 0,50 g/kg BW of Vegeta
showed a lower mean Hb values compared to the
highest Vegeta dose group. In female rats, the Hb
values between all groups were not different (Table 3).

0.25 g/kgBW

0.50 g/kgBW

1.00 g/kgBW


127 + 14

127 + 14

127 + 14

127 + 14


163 + 11

160 + 11

162 + 12

162 + 14


205 + 12

186 + 14


193 + 20

185 + 13a


225 + 15

207 + 14a

213 + 20

213 + 15

The number of leucocyte in group receiving Vegeta
of 1.00 g/kgBW both in male and female rats was
higher than the groups receiving smaller Vegeta dose
and the control group.

Blood chemistry
Male Rats

p < 0.05 lower than the control group

Mortality, behavior, and clinical symptom
During 90 day observation, there were no mortality,
behavior changes or clinical symptoms in the groups
receiving Vegeta or the control group, either in male
or female rats.

There were no difference of SGOT and SGPT mean
values between groups receiving Vegeta and the control
group. Mean ureum value in group receiving Vegeta of
0.25 g/kgBW was higher than the other Vegeta groups
with greater dose and the control group. Mean creatinine
value of group receiving Vegeta of 1 g/kgBW was higher
than the group with lower Vegeta dose, but it was not
significantly different from the control group (Table 4).

Table 3. Mean hemoglobin and leucocyte values (X + SD) of male and female rats after the administration of various doses of Vegeta


Hb (g%)




0.25 g/kgBW

0.50 g/kgBW

1.00 g/kgBW


15.08 + 0.97

14.58 + 1.23a

14.78 + 1.35a

15.82 + 0.86


15.32 + 0.86

15.22 + 0.70

15.28 + 1.04

15.66 + 0.88



14.200 + 1.337

12.780 + 1.113

13.820 + 2.508

34.060 + 43.228b

(  /mm3)


13.280 + 2.051

13.500 + 1.831

14.940 + 1.909

15.480 + 2.417c
