Suggestions Ice cream is really delicious. Strawberry is more delicious than chocolate

63 Usually, they can change the main topic of their speech easily and then they come back again to the main topic. Same as the other violation of maxim of manner, the writer attempts to get true inference through context of situation analysis and presupposition analysis. Therefore, it can be concluded that to get a possible inference in conversational implicature that is included violation to the maxim of manner, the audience has to look at context of situation or presupposition.

5.2 Suggestions

There are several suggestions regarding analysis on the violation of maxim of manner in conversational implicature. First, in conducting conversation, the speaker should concern about the topic of the conversation and audience. This is important because in this part, the message or meaning of the utterance in the conversation can be delivered well without mixing up the audience. Second, to know the message or meaning in the utterance, we have to learn about the context of situation first. It can help us to find out what the true meaning is, that is implied in that utterance. Third, besides learning the context of situation, we can analyze the meaning of the utterance by using presupposition. It is an analysis on the possible meaning in the utterance. Fourth, every person has their own language and style to conduct the conversation but we have to remember that everyone is different but it is not difficult to understand because we can analyze it. Thus, we can know why one uses this way. The last one, since this research only focuses on 64 the analysis of maxim of manner pragmatically, the writer expects for the next researchers to develop this research regarding the analysis of maxim of manner in discourse analysis or semantic analysis. Besides, the next researcher can analyze the reason of making violation to the maxim of manner. x CONTENTS ABSTRACT vii ABSTRAK viii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ix CONTENTS x LIST OF TABLES xiii LIST OF TERMS xiv LIST OF APPENDIXES xv CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Research Question 4

1.3 Objectives

4 1.4 Significant to Knowledge 4

1.5 The Framework of Theories

5 CHAPTER II THEORITICAL REVIEW 7 2.1 Pragmatics 7 2.2 Conversations 8 2.2.1 Conversational Implicature 9 Co-operative Principle 10 a Maxim of Manner 10 1 Obscurity 11 xi 2 Ambiguity 12 3 Brief 12 4 Orderly 12 2.2.2 Presupposition 14 2.2.3 Inference 14 CHAPTER III RESEARCH OBJECT AND METHOD 16 3.1 Research Object 16 3.2 Research Method 17 3.2.1 Data Collection 17 3.2.2 Data Analysis 18 CHAPTER IV FINDING AND DISCUSSION 21 4.1 Violation of Obscurity 22 4.1.1 Generalized Conversational Implicature 22 4.1.2 Particularized Conversational Implicature 29 4.2 Violation of Ambiguity 31 4.2.1 Generalized Conversational Implicature 32 4.2.2 Particularized Conversational Implicature 36 4.3 Violation of Brief 40 4.3.1 Generalized Conversational Implicature 40 4.3.2 Particularized Conversational Implicature 51 4.4 Violation of Orderly 56 4.4.1 Generalized Conversational Implicature 56 xii 4.4.2 Particularized Conversational Implicature 58 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 61 5.1 Conclusions 61 5.2 Suggestions 63 REFERENCES 65 APPENDIXES 66 CURRICULUM VITAE 91 ANALYSIS ON THE VIOLATION OF MAXIM OF MANNER IN CONVERSATIONAL IMPLICATURE APPEARING IN STEPHENIE MEYER’S TWILIGHT The Study of Pragmatics SKRIPSI Submitted to fulfill one of the requirements of Sarjana Sastra Degree NOVIE SUSANTIE NIM 63706004 ENGLISH DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF LETTERS INDONESIA UNIVERSITY OF COMPUTER BANDUNG 2010 Curriculum Vitae

A. Personal Identity

1. Name : Novie Susantie 2. Place and Date of Birth : Subang, 5 th November, 1988 3. Student Number : 63706004 4. Major : English Department 5. Sex : Female 6. Nationality : Indonesia 7. Religion : Islam 8. Phone Number : - 9. Mobile Number : 085721143995 10. Address : Salagedang No.35, Desa Gandasoli Kec. Tanjungsiang, Subang 41284 11. Email Address : 12. Weight : 44 kg 13. Height : 145 cm 14. Marital Status : Single 15. Parents 1. Father : Suherman, S.Pd. Occupation : Civil Servant Address : Salagedang No.35, Desa Gandasoli Kec. Tanjungsiang, Subang 41284 2. Mother : Yeye Kusmawati Occupation : Teacher Address : Salagedang No.35, Desa Gandasoli Kec. Tanjungsiang, Subang 41284